»SsO« I ATEO I’HltHH NERV ICE IIIUsT NM I l«»N I N«>uth lw»k«»«a Towns and Farm» Are Razed by Storm—Ollis, Hartford and Fast Sioux Fall« Hit Fifteen Feet of Water Standing in Lobby of Gunter Hotel Block From River—Greatest Loss of Life Thought to be Sustained in Mexican Quarter Nuu Antonio, v.««, Ncpt. lo.—( A. P.)—Twcnly-tno are knonn l<> ls< «Usui and pn»|H-rty in tlu- contrai p«*ilioti <>f tho city su dmiingixl to un <*xt«*iit of scierai mlllion do* la ri» due lo a flood wliich «sepl llirougli San Antonio Iute 1»isl night, tolto« Ing over IN liourw of iinpr»« ed»*nted riiln- rall. Tuo tlio<l«mi<l |HT«oll« are hunteb*««, Sono* poli«-»* ••«< illint«« of the <h*»id rangetl iu lugli a» 5<n». Troo|m are istlrolling III«* < ily, ni ling ili thè n-«« uè Work. TI»»* water »upply and »dr«1ric liglit» iusve Iss'ii Cut off. PARTY HELO BÏ S'oux Falls, S. Dak., Sept. 10.-- DU, FiUlM INDER«. ADAGE AT HOME <»F HAUAEA W. (A. P.)—Two men were killed ati «HlfM’H Wist Sioux Falls, and many farm! buildings destroyed in a tornado Just FAMOI S MOVIE At TOR ENTERED outside Sioux Falls last night. ROOM WITH MISS RAPPE, The towns of Ollis, Hartford andj WOMEN Gt ESTS OF PAR East Sioux Falls are reported to be TY l»E< BARE — hard hit. Both IN-mh« May Be Due to Churchf AAho Pur» ha «»si tar From the Sioux Fails, Sept. 10.— (A. p.)— Sa*e«m«*n—Arts*«t<«i A »"«teniay Later reports gave three men killed in the tornado and one missing. FRIEND’S 80DY1AKEN IN RIVER Liverpool, rfept. 10.— (A. P.)—A tremendous explosion on the former German submarine 1/eutsciiland I kl’.i* eu three men, und injured three ot i ’i- era. It is possible that others per- 1 is lied. The Deuthschlaud is one of the Chicago, Seirt. 10.— (A. P. I—A ... » . -- «... submarines surrendered, and was b > body doubled up and bound with OHAXGE CMJJ j OK l\>K HX/T- BALL GAMES NAA S EXPERT! Ing dismantled. heavy cords, believed to be that of Water from the Nan Antonio Taken to Sanitarium But I lies of Con' GERMAN AVIltELEss HH NI» Carl Asmus, an automobile salesman anil Olmos creek flooded the gented Lungs—lt<woe Arbuckle IN < ONSt I, ATE AT I HILE Urbana, Ill., Sept. 10. — -IA.P.) — | who disappeared Thursday with Ber Iness section for many block« lienies Statement.« That Con nard J. Daughertv, whose txydy was Orange is the best color for a foot depth of 10 to IS fret duct Was Objectionable Limit, Peru. Sept, lo (A. Pj ball jersey, the pyschologist assisting foun 1 ir the Des Plaines rive.’ yes Sun Pedro creek on the west aide I’hilean secret service agents discov the University of Illinois eleven has of the city, which runs through the ured recently In the German cunsu Angora, Sept. lu (A. P.)—The terday. was unearthed today under a decided, and the traditional blue garage at the rear of the home of Mexican district joined the waters late ut Antofaga*!». Chile. a power- safety of Mustapha Kemal i’aaha. the San Francisco, Sept. 10.—(A. P.l from the river au<i awept through fully equipped wlreles* station, ac-i Turkish .Nationalist leader is assur Harvey W. Church, who bought ar sweater of the dllini will be discard —«Police Investigating the death of the southern purl of the city The cording to an article published in ed by an organization kn^wn as the automobile from Daugherty, and who ed this fall. “In a football game the men on Miss A’irgtnia Rappe. motion picture greatest loss of life was tn the Mexi the now«paiier El Taru|»aca. of Iqui- Black Company. They are stalwart was urrested yesterday at. Adams. the team are playing against a dirty actress, in a sanitarum yesterday, can district. El soldiers selected from the fierce race Wisconsin. after attendng a party in the rooms que. Chile, and reprinted in In the baeemenl the pr-ilce fonoJ grey greenish background furnished of Roscoe “Fatty” Arbuckle In the Water stood at 15 feet lu the lobby Conierclo here. of (lazes whoae homes border the by the gridiron and the grand of the Gunter hotel a block from the The article *a>s a Germau named Black Sea between Batum and Trebi- tw< u-ls with the initials >t thc-’tr.o stands,” Dr. G. R. Griffith of the de St. Francis hotel. Monday, said that salesmen, a baseball bat. and . a river. Both banks of the Sun Antonio Enrique K<»st< lian. reported to be an sond. partment of pyschologv advised* women in the party declared that hatched stained red. river were strewn with the wreckage attache of the consulate, was taken They are drwss«*d entirely in black Coach Zuppke. “It is desirable that' Arbuckle and Miss Rappe went into of house*. into custody but later was released. Each is a dead shot and carries a a color be chosen to stand out against j the room of the suite and the door lams of life Is reported tn the rh er He is said to have told the authori was thereupon locked. rifle with several ammunition belts this background. ” valley south of tho city. ties the station was Installed purely I buckled around him and a Later they heard cries, and sounds huge Dr. Griffith teaches a course in the for scientific purposes. crescent-shaped knife stuck tn his university’s coaching school dealing of a scuffle in the room. They pound The paper asserts the station was belt These men do sentinel duty E.er* Stale in l ilion Will Be Itepre. with psychology as applied to the ed on the door, and Arbuckle final ly admitted them, they said, and they dismantled by the duel radio officer nis rtrfa. near the city aud at needs of athletic coaches. «»•n»«*»! at kun*«* City Convention saw M.ss Rapt»« on a bed, practically of the Chilean government and that his office In the railway station and the aptsiratus wen* .... found to be suf- travel with him on his long journeys. nude, and partially conscious. They Kansas City. Mo., Sept 10.—(A., Mil ito ORGANISMS GIVE Joint Nliotting NN ill l»<am<*iiMrate the flcieutli owerful to communicate ' said that her clothing was torn, even WATER ITS GOOI» r 1 st « i P. I One hundred bands represent-1 I M* <»f Power in tho Home with Mexican and North to her stockings. American U ill Pun Mock— ing every state in the union are ex I stations as well as with ships off the She was placed in a cold bath, but Los Angeles. Cal.. Sept. 10.— (A. A party consisting of 1«. M. Nichols, pected to compete for prizes in the A joint I'xiulilt by tin* <'nltforiiui- south Pacific coast this did not revive her. She was AA F. AA'flson and C. N. t'uly left to purade opening the American I«egion P. 1—The reason why water from a taken to another room and put in a Oregttn Power comp.inv. the Grata , Three new reservoir is always distasteful bed. and a physician called later had day for Coon count* where they will convention here October 3. . Pans Electric com:>an.v. Paul’s Elec at first is because micro-organisms awards totalling $1.750 will be given. purchase a carload of dairy cattle to N E A S her taken to the sanitarium where tric company, and the Hedrick in the water are “showing off” their I Entries already in hand include bring to Josephine county. They are she died. plumbing an<l heating shop will be temperaments. City Biologist Carl I New 10. The buying most of the cattle on orders, hands from Massachusetts. Arbuckle, in a telyphone conversa put up t<> demonstrate tin* use of' Papeete, Tahiti, Sept. Wilson declared here recently in a tion with the police last night denied electricity in the modern home, buth movie industry has descended upon but will also buy a few to resell to A’ork. Ohio. Oregon and Missouri. public address. • - these statements, saying he was not for Illumination .uul for domestic Tahiti, and this Isle In the South Boas farmers desiring them when they a- Micro-organisms, he explained, are Anyone wishing to have a alone with Miss Rappe at any time, purpose.- it i* cX|»ected that the is al! cluttered up with actresses of rive. the diminutive animal and plant and that bis conduct was not objec booth will lie designed i . k a room in the screen, directors and camera men. chance at the purchase of some cf forms that exist in water and give it tionable. The native meanwhile. with grow these should get in communication a modern honi'-. snowing etery co’.- life. When they find themselves in Arbuckle started by auto early to ceivalile u»« of electricity for the ing wonder, is lieing further initiat with th** county agent's office. l*rv*«e«l Filwr« Fonned Into Boar»! a new reservoir they fret and get day from Ixis Angeles to explain. ed into the splendors of civilization. home. 12 by Nini Feet for Bungalow« ( moody and temiieramental In their An autopsy reveiled that He has seen fat women in pants Miss Th»* urn* of electricity Is becoming new surroundings. The water tastee Rappe died from congested lungs. moving majestically along the water popular and a complete line of mo New Orleans, Sept. 10.— (A. well when the organisms feel at superinduced by peritonitis, The dern aud up to the niiniit»* electrical front und has beheld the ultra fash P.)- Bagasse, the sugar cane stalk home, according to Wilson, stomach is to be analysed. ranges will lx' on dlaplay AA'ashiiut ionable bathing clothes jtopular in from which the juice has been ex machin«*s. vacuum cleaners and many American movies. Fourth Convention in City t<> Ite tracted. is being made into building RNESHGFR-POET ATTENDS San Francisco. Sept. 10.—(A. P.) These last, however, have been a other useful and labor saving appli Hehl SejHember 25th to 2H material by a manufacturing com SHOE PITCHERS’ ASSOCIATION I —Fatty Arbuckle is to be “held in bit too much for the Papeete police, ances will also be seen. The latest pany at Marrero, La., across the Mis j custody” but not arrested, pending type of electrl»' lamps ami fixtures and the* have decreed that in this sissippi River from New Orl«»ans. It Indianapolis, Sept. 10.— -(A. pa I the outcome of the investigation of Hiunline. Minn.. Sept. 10. — (A. corner of th»- South S« ‘ H Islands such are to be lined for lllumlnution The For the fourth time since th« Grand is said to be virtually a substitute for |P.)—Chicago’s horseshoer-poet, M. the death of Miss Rappe. the police building will be especially wired to tilings must not be. Army of the Republic was organized lumber and its promoters claim it is E. Buckley, is one of the most inter- ' announced. Hecure the boat lighting effects and IS in 1X66 it will convene in Indiana superior in some respects. este«i attendants at the tournament arcs and other nteitna will lie used to, The product is being manufactured I AP ’.NESI polis September 25 to 29 for its an- of the National Horse Shoers Pitch make th»* building u blitz»* of light | nutil meeting. No other city has had in boards 12 feet wide and 800 feet ers Association, held here during the As near as la possible In the limit 1 i—The the encampment more than three long, one board containing enough! Tok io. Sept. 10.— (A eiivugn Minnesota State Fair, ed apace, mid electrically equipped test uf the copyright of moving pic- times. Previous encampments were material to build three I bungalows many years before the auto kitchen and laundry will be worked tur«*- In Ju i tn Is helm followed with held her»* in 1*881, 1X93 and 1920. Strips are later cut into required di mobile truck came in. Buckley shod Proposal of Syndicate for Boating on out, show lug atatloiuiry laundry, hot keen interest here In proceeding* On the opening day. Sunday, past mensions. horses of the Chicago newspapers, River Accepted in Principle water boiler connected with electric' brought by th»* Metro Film Co. of commanders and national officers of Discovery of a use for bagasse is which had to be well cared for to water heater and other equipment America against the Nippon Katsudo tho G. A. It. will occupy pulpits In the said to have developed during the rush the papers to train and take Sofia. Sept. 10—(A. P.)—The Bul The main purpose of tliu demotiatra-l ' local churches and deliver patriotic war in an investigation of insulating steamer. Shashin Kainha. garian government has accepted, in tlon will be to put over the electrical' Monday the credentials board. There are no arrangements be-^ addresses. The big horseshoer bats a strong principle, the proposal of the British idea tween Japan and other countries by and executive committees will meet sense of rhythm which in those days, river syndicate on the Danube to which copyright of the movies may | and that evening a reception for the before he laid aside the hammer fori form an Anglo-'Bulgarian company to ' the pen. manifested itself at the run boats ou that river. This pro lie protected, and complaints from veterans and members of affiliated foreign film manufacturers have | organizations will be held in the^ ati'll. While making the shoes, he posal conforms to the general policy been many. state house by Governor AA'arren T. used to play popular tunes with followed by England in respect to I It Is alleged that the Nippon Kat- McCray. Busin«*.«* Neoion R bmm I by Fire of hi mmer and gIedg(1 Qfteu whUe the Danube, tending to give to Eng w I’nknown «»rigin ■ ,ng B1|ckley.s shop chlCBJ|o.ng land a preponderant position in the ando Shnshln lias been giving an ex- lllMtion of a reproduction of a Metro ' ¡heard the Star Spangled Banner re river traffic of this international wa nte I alles. Sept. 10. (A. sounding from his anvil. terway. ......... I film under a Japanese name without The Business section of Maupin. Was-j Toklo, Hept. 10. (A. I’. I • Tiiei obtaining the permission of the film co County, was swept by a fire of un-i Atiglo-.liipane: e alliance Is consider-, concern. if the plaintiff wins. Jap- i ’ obtla . ni » markets cd a dead letter by the conservative ■iiiea«« cinema people will no longer Tarpon Key, Florida, Set Aside for known origin. Only two building| were left at noon Fast l>i»ap|H*aring Spoonbill Julian»1«»* wceklj the Herald of Asin 1 lie able to show foreign films within : Choice steers .............. $6.00 fy 16.50 It Illis been opposing renewal of the1 first obtaining permission of the Ilogs, prime light 111.25 <jt $11.75 alliance for the past year on the manufacturer. St. Petersburg, Fla.. Sept. 10. To AN IM ALS OF J Al’AN A l« I IMS Hogs, prime light $11.75 $12.25 No Quotation« for 1I12O Shell Harvest OF ORIENTAL < III EL' A East Mountain Lambs $6.00 lit $6.50 ground tlmt it would excite suspi provide a safe habitat for the rare at Papeete, Tahiti Toklo', Sept. 10. (A. P.l—The White Henneries ............................... 34c G cions of tile I'lilteil States and beautiful roseate spoonbill. Tar “The death knell of the alliance pon Key and other small keys near Japanese are the most cruel peoplej Eggs, country bids ........... 28c ©> 30c Papeete. Tahiti. Sept. 10. (A. P.) the Junction of Tampa and Boca in the world in their treatment of Selling. case count ............ 32c ft 33c —Owing to the accumulation of pearl was sounded.” says tiie Herald of Asin, “when its continuation subject' 1ft. Ceign buys, a few miles south of animals, according to a metropolitan Selects .AicNeil's Island. Sept. ...........................38c shell in Tahiti for which there Is no to the undefined restrict Ions of the Gardner was seen by guards here, have been added to the Indian police official, quoted in the Jill, Butter, extra cubes ...........................40c quotable market, the Colonial gov The Toklo police last year admon- Butter. prints ....... ........................... 42c ernment has decided to open none of They i'vportod that Key federal bird reservation by covenant of the league of nations whs midnight, executive order of President Harding. ished several thousand d rivers for XV heat notified to the council of the lea-ue. '■■id been foraging for chickens. $1.10 <i |l.IS the pearl lagoons for diving opera- National Audubon society officials cruelly treating their animals and Its abrogation lu the event of an In-, tions this year. Mrs. II. L. Bartlett arrived this recently reported there were no col 1,944 men were punished. Ear tor n a I Iona I agree inent on th«* It la estimated that between four Official and private societies are Portlund. Sept. I ft.— (A. P.)— and five million francs of pearl shell Eastern situation ut the coming i morning from 'Portland for a visit onies of spoon bills left outside of Washington conference will be only hero with th«1 A Bartlett and James Florida and that tho bird was becom endeavoring to inculcate the idea of| Livestock, steady; eggs and butter, taken from the Paumotus in 1920 firm. kind treatment of animals. Martin families. ing extinct rapidly. a matter of form.” still remain In first hands at Tahiti. I CANE STALKS MAKE NEW LUMBER PEARL SHELL MARKET IN SLUMP «