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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 9, 1921)
ASiSOt (ATEO l'KKMK HEKA H E WHOLE NUMBER :«7«. FRIDAY, HEITBAIBER », ItrJl. — I » f Four A iotml I not lint ion-» f«»rl Training Ex-»«*rvlc«* Men Plnnn«*<l b> War Risk Biirnut 10 BE DECIDED IS CALLED FDR 'Ian Thought Hoy Gardner Twice ilt-ard by Hwi-llec* on Penitentiary l«lan<t at Night McNeil’s Island, Sept. ».— (A. P.J | ROOT, LODGE AND SM'KETAKY Spokane. Hept 9 < A I' I I'lun«1 SHIPPING BOARD 1 Mil.IC I Alxl.N'G Fl.NA.Nt.lAL PLANS FOB IMG I N- K 11.19» HELI ON PIER BENIDE -Two »hou were fired at a prowler for four vocational universities for| ABOLITION OF AA ASTEFI L Hl GHEH AI’IN »LN TED FOB DIS- DERTAKING MADE AT THE ni \ I Of <.i:I i K sim- KING believed to be Roy Gardner at the the training of 20,«00 ex-servica men A RM A ME N'T ( WIFE RENi'E AGRI ¡LAI ENTs» \i r.\ andfr DORTLXND MEET home of Charles Savage at 11 o’clock) at one time are at present tu the « last night. 8avage, a prison guard, hand» of th« government. The first Is expected to be In opera-' did the »hooting when he heard a! man prowling around the house The) tlou within 90 day» after the return to Waehlnirtou of Charlo» F. Fort«?», man disappeared. — director of the war rlak bureau, Col A fog still hangs over the island, onel Forbes announced on hla arrival aiding Gardner. The officers are; IxdtxcaGon» of AU N'atioaa Will 14<iu<>r \»lu<sl at «50,0011 .tod Drug« Full Growth American Merchant la-gi-lalor* to Be .Asked to Hcmair today on hla tour of the west. confident he 1» still on the island. ;»My Be IJniited to Four Members. at *7(1,000 t'onfliMtflMl During Hervice» for S| m - c - ìm I Session to Fleet Manned l»y Azn«ri< an» in Announcem«-ut Is Official 1‘roiiare .Measure*» Every S« m » I* Worked For FetfmU ftaid McNeil's Island. Sept. 9.— (A. P.) W. M. < lo-slilre I'll neral Hundny — A prowler suspected of being The funeral of the late W M Gardner also visited Rudolph Sea-; Cheshire will be held at Hall's chapel New York. Sept ».• -I A. I’ * Af Sunday afternoon ut 2 30. By T. N Standifer Washington, Sept. 9.— (A. P.i — Portland, Sept. 9.— (A. J’.)—Fin burg's ranch last night. Penitentiary Inter ter a raid by federal prohibition and ment In the Masonic cemetery. Washington. Sept. 9 --(1. N. S. I ancial plans for the 1925 exposition^ guards in the vicinity were doubled President Harding indicated that the narcotic agents the Greek atcainshlpi Whether the i'nited States flag files were formally launched as a result i today. main American delegation to the dis king Alexander, toda*'. In which eat over the largest merchant marine tn of the conference yesterday. The ex-; armament conference probably will en member» of the crew were wound- ('. E. Fall Convention— the world, as It once flew over the position's capital stock Js to be- not have over four members, and that The Southern Oregon Christian! clipper whip fleets of American com $6.000,000. •d by pistol »hot*. Frank J Flu- one would probably be a democrat. Portland will raise, Aixvwsn-ics AA «Tv St«»len— Sometime last night a thief enter-) Patrick, chief narcotic officer here, Endeavor I'nloii’s fall convention, merce or nut depends on the develop $1.000,000 !bv private subscription ed the garage in the rear of the resi who had taken part In the raiding, will he held In Ashland Septemberi ment of the present shipping board’» and $2.000,000 by taxation Washington. Sept. 9.— (A. P.) — committed suicide at w nearby pier. Io and II, commencing at 9:30 Sat program within the next few months. The state at large including Port dence owned by Sam Stinebaugh and Senator Oscar I'nderwood, Elihu Federal officers said they knew of >rday morn IIIz. with a full program ('hairman Allvert I), latsker. of the land will raise $3,000,000 on a three) stole the accessories from the Ford Root, Senator Ix»dge and Secretary no reason for tlf suicide. except the continuing thro i.-h till Sunday night • n*-v board, has »fated that It will year one mill levy basis. Julius L car belonging to Mr. Stinebaugh. Ai Hughe» will be the four representa excitement and strain of the raid may There will lie special address«*», con take i full year to determine defi- Meier is to be permanent chairman., spotlight, a dashlight, a motometer tives for the United States at the and a few other things were missed. Washington conference on the limita have temi>orarlly deranged Fitz ferences. devotional meetings, spe plteiy the result of the present pro and Robert E. Smith, secretary. cial music, and social hour A good gram. The loss was fully covered with In tion of armaments, it was officially patrick Portland. Sept. 9.— (A. P.1—A surance. .lose-, Liquor valued nt $.",(*.00<i and1 delegation 1» expected from The preliminary step» In the pro announced. drugs valued nl $75,00'1 were con-! phfno county gram have already been undertaken. special city election in Portland in The delegates of all nations par November to care for the Portland, flnrnted Over a score of shots wore They Include: ticipating will probably be limited to IxM-al Man ’ o Box — exchanged by the crew and the fif Hank Officials Her««— First. A general clean-up of In tax levy for the fair, and a special | Jess Ingram, of Aledford. will four members, likewise. session of the legislature in January teen federal agents None of the| Mr. and Airs J. \A' Harrison and complete contracts. make a third attempt to win from a federal agents were hurt Second A thorough survey of the to deal with the necessary constitu-! .Mr Cook, of the Auglo-lxmdon-l’uris Grants Pass boxer Friday, Septem tional measures and prepare meas National bank of Sun Francisco, are entire »hipping board, to determine ber 16, at the Nat In Medford, when, tin Ini S 'loDl.l. st | S I OU ures for the people to vote on in May.' spending u few davs here visiting the jugt where the organization stands in he takes on Jack Burns of this city. I’ltlt I (»1 DES1 Hot I li WIG are plans being Investigated. local irrigation project, their bank a business way. Ingrain was defeated twice by local It has been suggested that if the Third. A Btep to put the board on Now York. Sept. 9.—(A. P.I — lielng one of the t hief purchaser» of mitt artists. The main event is al City o< the Alajrflower AA ill Finance legislative session was called it will th>- same ivasis as a successful bus Mias Alice Bloom. a model, wore a the bonds Mr. Harrison was here a Aletnorials ami Gnr<i«*n« scheduled 1U round go between Kid be with the strict understanding that |I85 wig when he> obbed hair be day after the flood had taken out , iness. Sargeant of Ashland and Battling, The general goal toward which 'the exposition affairs only are to be) gan to fall out. She was a guest on the diversion dam last fall. He was Provincetown, Mass., Sept. 9.—(A. Frick. Twenty-six rounds of milling: a yachting trip up the Hudson nnd| greatly delighted to find the con- these steps are directed i« a full- considered, and the legislators will I is assured fans, the fights beginning) P. i—The Mayflower compact, the be asked to give their services just fledged American merchant marine, her host’s pet terrier chewed up the «ruc'lon In Milch an advanced stage famous agreement signed by the Pil at 8:30. The fundamental as the delegates who came to the' wig when she took It off In her cabin. Tomorrow they will leave for da»-' second to none. grims in the cabin of their vessel In conference yesterday gave theirs. Result. a null In the municipal court. >| -el to spend two weeks on an out*. thing being undertaken now is to this harbor, will be commemorated Early for Fishing— stop the Io»» to the government All»« filoom compromised for $5« |ing trip. Fishermen who have been trying in a bronze bas-relief designed by | Portland, Sept 9. -(A. P 1- through the board'» operations. This to get steelheads and who have been Cyrus E. Dailin which will probably 1» stated to be the keynote to the i Chairman Meir today announced T<’llli«t« lime Spill--- having very little success, will be re-) be set up here about November 1. receipt of messages from coast cities Mrs Ralph Pomeroy, of Langlois ••ntire undertaking. Improvement sin Provincetown in lieved to know that last year the; Tills loss has been laid by board offering support for the exposition. was taken to the hospital yesterday fishing did not commence until later connection with the Pilgrim Tercen following un accident <au»ed w heu officials to the present system of op In the month. A letter from D. A. G.; tenary observance included the re vessels, Bonus mid lauiu Blunk« liisicibiin-d the Ford aetlaii In which she and Mr. erating shipping board Collie Alac.Neill. who generally moval of certain buildings, new grad nt Last Alglit's Meeting Pomeroy were riding, turned turtle. known as managing operators' agree spends several months here fishing. ing and the construction of a digni Mrs Pomeroy was bmlly bruised and ment No. 1. 1'nder this agreement states that he did not commence’ fied approach to the Pilgrim monu Application blanks for the bonus will be In bed for about a w**ek, .Mr operators are practically guaranteed making his good catches last year un ment on Town Hall. The result is Alidu», mid Alexander tin* (¡real Once & per cent of the ships' earnings, al and loan were distributed last night Pomeroy escaping with a few til after the middle of September. to be a civic square and parkway east Fouglit Over PrcM’nt Battlefield to ex-» reive men at the meeting of scratches. They were at the forks of t though the losses in operating might .Mr. MacNeill may not be able to and north of Town Hall, at the east in some cases exceed by thousands the American Legion and the propo the Holland and Crescent City road* make his annual pilgrimage here this end of the hill. On Bradford street Angora, Sept. 9. — c.V P. • — The sition Was made dear. The men ind got started on the Holland road of dollars the total income. This is season on account of the unsettled north of the Town Hall, there will be were nd vised not to take the cash They backed Into a holo by the road held to be the primary cause of all Asia Aiinor campaign of the Greeks a horseshoe approach, and at its to break the power of the Turks, a conditions In Mexico. bonus unless the' were actually In 'hi* sedan landing on Its tup. Airs. the present trouble. northerly end the bas-relief will be decisive Ivattle of which took place Negotiations are under way where need of money lint to take the loan Pomeroy was brought to this city Im placed. Mrs. 1» L. Perkins left this morn- ’ by all surplus material will be dis at this city. Is staged on fields among sometime when 1t might give them n mediate!' for medicaf attention Ing for her home at Oakland. Cal . the richest in the world with battle! posed of. and some of this work is Sturt III business The i-ash bonus Midas. Alexander the after »[»ending a week here with now under wav. Including the sale of memories. allow s $1 a month for each month Bl SS1A.N' STI DENTS M AKE Mrs. Bristow IH«*»— Great. Zenobia of Palmyra, the Ro-) friends and attending to business the wooden ships. In the service while the loan propo ORGANIZATION FN»R RELIEF' Mrs .Matilda Bristow died la t When all this 1s done the present mans of Augustus and Caracalla. matters. sition allow» a loan of not more than ¡light at 10 o'clock at her home at board hopes they will have the fol Afithriadates. Cryus The Great. Har- *30tto. Plans for a membership; , Paris. Sept. 9.— (A. P.)—Russian If and 1< nth streets, nt the axe of 7” un-al-Raschid and a host of other lowing: camiHtlgn were discussed and a com Mr. and Mrs. L-. S. Stone, of Spo- ¡n Paris have organized to years. Funeral services will be hel I I passed here with their armies, rob kane, were in the city yesterday tWr at homB the fa. A business organization with all mittee was appointed to look after tuiuo.-ov morning at 11 o'clock at accounts settled or accounted for. lia bing and plundering, sometimes stop while on an automobile trip. this. mine-stricken provinces. They have the I'm '1st church, with internment bilities paid, and in modern form ping to build fortresses and castles, After the meeting the Ladies Aux-; sent a message to American students I p the Jacksonville cemetery at 2.'10 generally; uU old stock off its shelves making the place a stronghold and ***'***'***'*''*’***’*' * * * urging them to use their influence lliary of the legion entertained with Heath was brought on by a general transportation center midway be- ♦ BAND 4NINCERT PlUMiRAM ♦ toward actlve 8Upport of the plan| to and everything in it producing. a number of musical selection Mrs.: breakdown. Mrs Bristow having been, ! And, most important, a full-grown tween Persia and the seas Arils Walker sang a solo which took: ♦ * feed the hungry and care for the sli l, for the i>aat month. She is sur-i The advance of the Greeks is ♦ American merchant fleet, manned by An interesting program for ♦ weak and gicli well with the men Miss Hora Her- vlved by five sons and four dang), Americans, sailing every trade route through a thinly settled country of ♦ tonight's band concert at rail- ♦, ______________ muji gave a couple of humorous ter.«. Bart Cook and J. B. Cook jf and bringing In its share of the reve treeless, rolling ranges of limestone ♦ road park has been arranged. ♦ piunologues. bringing forth a large • 'anyonvJle. J. T. Cook of Murphy Mrs. H. F. l^ke was in the city nue derived from carrying the goods mountains, two to four thousand) > containing some new selections ♦ amount of mirth. Mm Cheater Hea A I Cook of Casa Grande. Arir . of all countries tn successful compe ’ feet in height, rising dry and hot out ♦ as well as some that have ♦! yesterday from Rogue River shopping ton sang a number of impular songs, Clintcn Cook of Murphy, Mrs. D»ri of well nigh waterless, malarial val ♦ proven to be popular at pre- ♦ and visiting. tition with its rivals at sea making a hit with the fortnsr sol Howers of Albany. .Mrs. Emma Ku bl I leys. ♦ vious concerts. The program ♦ — ....■ diers. latter the ladies pulled off a of .Murphy. Mrs Jeff AVhetstone of. ♦ will be as follows: ♦ Returns From Pin«Miur»t— little apron stunt, which proved dis Centra! Point ami Mrs E. F. Han-i Work on the clearing of the 14.3 astrous to the more rotund |legion- num of Grunts Pass. Half Holliday Planned— miles of highway between Ashland nalrres (’nke and 00111*0 were served. Arrangements are being made writh ♦ '.Muttering Fritz," trombone ♦ and Klumatb Falls which was award local merchants to have a halt holi- ♦ novelty. School ll«*|H>rt 'lade— ♦ Fifteen Prize» Taken by Blooded ed him by the state highway com The annual report of the county mission. will be started Atonday by ) day on Friday, on account of the fair.! "Encouragement,” overture. ♦ Animal* at California Fair ¡An attempt is being made to have ♦ school sii|>erlntendent has b«*en made John Hampshire "The Namqueters,” march. ♦ ........ * Mr. Hampshire I school dismissed Friday afternoon to! out The financial statement of the has Just returned from ♦ "After-Glow,” reverie-sere- ♦ In what is termed the stiffest cotn- Pinehurst President of Great Britain's < raft Josephine county schools at the end where he looked over the work. He | allow the children an opi»ortunity to ♦ nade. ♦ petition the California state fair ever H|Mmk« of Great Change of the school year, June 20, 1921, is preparing to start grading this fall visit the fair at that time It Is like-, ♦ "The ¡Huntress." march. had in the Ayrshire line, laitbrop shows that the districts have a total if the weather continues good. The Iv that Friday will be .Medford day. ♦ "Sky Pilot,” overture. ♦ Brothers, of Sunn.vbrook farm, cap- New York. Sept. 9- (A. I’. I A of $9.556.04 to start the year on. Re contract calls for the completion of inasmuch as a day was wanted by the ♦ "Stais and Stripes Forever.” ♦ ¡tured two firsts, two seconds, seven revolution in chemical science which ceipts for the year amounted to the construction by July. Mr. Hamp Medford iveople and this was grant ♦ inarch. thirds, one fourth and three fifths. ed hv the fair officials. will have a "wide hearing on human $120,871.37, while the disburse shire s bid was for $103.009. ♦ Concert In Railroad park. ♦ I«athrop Brothers entered 12 head of affairs." was prophesied by Sir Wil ments for the same time were $111,- ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ | their Ayrshire cattle in the eompeti- liam .1. Pope, president of the So 315.33. The district tax supplied --------------------- don. out of their herd of 21. Dr. S. Interest Is Aliinifc.»t<*d— ciety of Chemical Industry of Great $04,676.93. the county school fund) l’ORTIi.AN'1» MARKETS I Loughridge entered his two year old Much interest is manifested local Britain, In an address lu-re today,1 923,428.XX, and the state school ------------ ! bull. ly in the invitation extended by Mr. before the international meeting of fund $4.777.30. Tuition fees amount Choice steers ........... $6.00 it $6.50 The capture of such a large num the British organization and the ed to $722. The sale of bonds and limit I ire AA'imleii Petition* I’resi- 1 Carrillo for a visitors' day at the Hogs, prime light $11.25 tn $11.75 ber of ribbons by the Josephine coun i Havage Rapids dam. Tomorrow American Chemical Society. warrants netted $3 2X0.64 Wages Hogs, prime light $11.75 u $12.25 ty stock Is especially noteworthy, dent for National Instruction I morning anyone who desires will be "When we possess full workltl'.; de for tea< hers look $(>»’>.909 60. Reni East Mountain T«ambs $6.00 ft $6.50 taking Into consideration the large shown through the dam and given a tails concerning the plant-leaf pro of rooms and site cost $IH>. Fuel Chattanooga. Tenn.. Sept. 9. (A I chance to visit the underwater part White Henneries ................................34c number of purebred cattle entered cess for converting carbon-dloxlde and school supplies cost $X,65X.5k, I*. I October 10 is to be fire preven Eggs, country bids ........... 28c ® 30c from California. The Wyndham of the structure. This will lie the and water Into formaldehyde mid while repairs, improving grounds and tion day throughout the I'nited Selling, case count ............ 3 2c frt 33c herd has 13 out of a herd of 31 head last opportunity for a visit of this oxygen by utilizing the s-iu's energy, Janitor work -cost $6.117.54. Prin States, and J. A. Tracy of Des Moines, Selects ............................................ 38c entered. The Millionaire Myers herd kind as the water is to he turned In when we can make Indigo and qil-1 cipal and interest on bonds and war slate fire marshal for Town and pres Butter, extra cubes .......................... 40c of 60 was represented by 13 of tbe to the dam tomorrow nine by the Identical method adopted rants amounted to $19.026.44, insur ident of the Fire Marshals' Associa Butter, prints ..................................... 42c best. These two herds are acknow by 1he plant,, cheinlcal technology! ance Io $4 214*7 and district clerks tion of North America, ,1s working Wheal $1.15 ledged to be among the best tn Cali will bo an entirely different, proposi sillary $1332.71. The total indebted to obtain from President Harding a I Miss Ruth Nichols, of Fort Klam fornia. The showing made by the Jo tion from the one which 'I now rep ness. Including bonds and outstand proclamation officially setting Portland. Sept. 9.— (A. P.)—Live sephine county stock is certain to the ath. Is the guest here of Airs. Earle ing warrants amounts to $99,475.21. day aside for the purpose. resents." stock, steady: eggs and butter firm. Young for a few days. make favorable comment. SHOIS f XCHANGEO WIÌH CREW VESSELS MUSI SHOW PROFITS $3,000,000 OF SIAÎEAILARGE UNOERWOOD,OEMOCRAI,PICKED PROVINCETOWN PLANS PARKWAT APPLICATIONS il LOCAL POST GREEKFROHT HISTORIC GROUND : CHEMICAL REVOLUTION AWAITED FIRE PREVENTION DAY WANTED : LATHROP STOCK WINS RIBBONS