Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 7, 1921)
GRANIR P.ANH DAILY (X)IRIF.R FcRSïN/lL In Trouble? flAlways remember that it is easier to KEEP trouble than it is to GET out, once you are tn. out of flHare you made a bad investment? A te you in financial Come trouble? C ___ -- right in and tell us about It. We will do our best to help you. Rut the really wise investors come to us before they get into trouble Ail our bank- ing facilities are at vonr disposal. I«et us help you to keep out of trouble THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF SOUTHERN OREGON The habit grows. Save with us. Oregon StaieFair SALEM Sept 26 to Oct I A wealth of agricultural displays Magnificent livestock exhibition Splendid machinery and tractor exhibit Greatest horse show in the Northwest Excellent races and amusements Special Attractions, Day and Night Good Camping'and Parking Grounds Excursion Rates on All Railroads LOQdL Mr. and Mrs Frank Coleman sp«*nt I Illg llop A aril Dan« Monday night in Medford attending Wednesday and Saturday night th«’ American Legion ball. Good floor and good music. Satisfac Mias Alberta Martin, of th«> Shack, tion guaranteed Music to commence was a visitor the first of the wiw'k in at S p. m. sharp, Everybody come Medford. and have an old fa eh lolled tini«* at Miss Iris Burns spent the first part Knox hop yard. 6 miles from Grants of the week visiting nt the Pittock I’ass. 74 ranch on the upper Applegate. Thor electric washer now ♦ 155; I s'gionnairvM, Attention! — easy payment terms. Rogue River First fall meeting Thursday even 77 ing at county courthouse at S o'clock Hardware Co. S. C. Clark returned this morning sharp. Bonus applications will be from a trip to Portland where he distributed, l-eglou will l>e enter- si>ent several days on business. taint'd by woman's auxiliary follow- Mrs. R. H. Moore, of Roseburg, lug the meeting. 75 was a visitor in the city yesterday do ing some shopping. Mrs. M, F. White and Mrs. Ralph White were local visitors yesterday from Rogue River. The famous Northwest Mounted Mrs. William Jordan, of Rogue Police, known the universe over as River, spent Tuesday visiting and - the world's greatest man-trackers. shopping in the city. I will be the big special attraction at Mrs. Vallard Truax spent the first ■ th«’ Rivoli theater Friday night. of the week visiting tn Roseburg and September 8. This 1s not a moving Eugene. picture, but the real Mount.v's In live Mr. and Mrs Ed. Lister and Mrs flesh and blood. It has the name of Marie Uster have returned from 'being the ouly performance of San Francisco where they spent the kind ever offered the public, and summer. , been doing a capacity business You can now buy a Thor electric over the country. The Mounted washer at pre-war price, Ask us for lice will be seen on the streets price and terms. Rogue River Hard- their nifty uniforms, which have ware Co. 77 the reputation of being the prettiest Mrs. Wallace Singleton arrived this ever worn by any organization, so be afternoon from Roseburg for a visit on the lookout for them It was the here with Mr. and Mrs Clyde Martin Mounted Police who caught Dr and at the J. P. Martin home. Brumfield, and a vivid description of Mrs. W. J. Mishler has arrived, that famous capture will be given, from l-ebanon. Superintendent of, together with a 14,000 mile trip Schools Mishler has been here for through the Artic Circle, Illustrated the past week getting ready for the with over a 100 slides taken on the opening of the city schools. They scene The Northwest Mounted Po will make their home at 609 South lice have literally taken the country Fifth street. by storm, and are receiving the high Arrivals last night at the Oxford est praise from, proas, pulpit and th«» were Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Ryan of Al public for their highly interesting bany, W. S. MacFarland und H. W performance. Its entirely different i Fowells of Takilma. Mrs. Z B. Pool from anything ever seen anywhere ' of McCloud, L. F. fxixier of Medford. and for that reason Is creating Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Jones of Sacra end of favorable comment On mento. Mr. and Mrs J. H. MacKinley count of the large crowds this : of Portland. Howard Raymond of nious organization Is playing to ¡Crescent City. A. M. Knapp and fam-! every city, the management of the illy of Medford. Mr and Mrs. G. A.' theater urgently request that pa Watson of Seattle. E. L. Clayton of trons get In as early as possible, in San Francisco. W. C. Austin of Seat order to ensure getting a good seat, tle. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Tolman of for if business here is anything like Brookings, and A. H. Ferguson of, it has been In other places where Portland. they have shown, standing room will be at a premium early in the even ing. Remember the «lute, Friday night., and get there early. The Northwest Mounted Police positively guarantee your money’s worth Grunt', Paes Citizens Gladly Te«lify your money back. and Confidently Re« onunend Doan's Kidney Pills It is testimony like the following that has placed Doan's Kidney Pills so far above competitors. When peo ple right here at home raise their Oregon Wool and Mohair (¡rowers 1 voice in praise there is no room left Association will ship a car of wool for doubt. Read the public state- i and mohair to Portland. Oregon. i ment of a Grants Pass citizen September 15. All of the members J. B. Scarbro, retired minister, i X20 "A" St., says “1 have used of the association can notify me as Doan's Kidney Pills with good results to how much they have and all that and I am glad to recommend them. My kidneys were out of order and I are not members can sign up at the felt dull and lame, especially morn time of shipment. All that have mut ings. My kidneys acted Irregularly, ton lambs and feeder lambs and but Doan's Kidney Pills bought at yearlings please notify me as they Demaray's Drug Store soon corrected the trouble and put my kidneys in can be handled through the associa tion. good order.” Price 60c, at all dealers. Don’t CLINTON OOOK, simply ask for a kidney remedy—get 76 Murphy. Oregon. Doan's Kidney Pills the same that Mr. Scarbro had. Foster-Milburn NOTICE TO <X>NTRA<TOIW Co.. Mfrs. Buffalo, X. Y. I SEA USD PROPOSAL will be re ceived at the office of the Auditor and Police Judge of the City of Grants Pass, Oregon, up to and until i the hour of 5 o'clock p. m. Septem- i ber 15<li, 1921, for the making of Improvements upon Orchard Avenue, < lean l*icturrs for the Entire as per plans, specifications, drawings Family I and profiles on file in my office In | the City Hall. THE COMEDY' DRAMA OF A All blds received will be tranamit- MAN TRYING TO BREAK IN 1 ted to the Common Council at 8 TO SOCIETY AND MAKE A ¡o’clock p. m. on Thursday, Septem- FORTUNE AT THE SAME i ber 15th, 1921, and then and there TIME! opened and the contract awarded to I the lowest responsible bidder. NEW IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have SHOW hereunto eet my hand and official TODAY! seal of said City on this 3rd day of September, 1921. H. H. AIJAN, Auditor and ¡Police Judge In and for the City of Grants i 74 Pass, Oregon. i B uster B rown S hoes with Buster Service Tips for STRONG.STURDY. FUN LOVING BOYS and GIRIS Caiit Kickern A Shoe with SERVICE TIPS Like This Would never Wear Out ; Like This Buster Brown Shoe Store 211 South 6th Street Grants Pass We refiuir and make every type and style top and slip cov er—and do the work RIGHT- Let ns r^Mlr your present top and, also, lend reel distinct ion to your car with a smart eet of durable slip covers. Sam ple«, price*, etc, gladly su’e mltted. rs SH e P ö w «' |>D’»«'nt the niest remark* able collection of TRIMMED AND TAILORED II Vis fflrs. Dellie Deas Wo do HcnislJtcliliig YOUR NEXT SUIT U III I h ' from (4/ und will be I mhiu I h nt thia pin«'« If you arc economical. gitA.OO and up to SAO. ihi TAIIXHIEI» TO OBDEIt Th«*e garment«« that anyone w III realize are worth very much more. \ blu »election of M U FALL GOODS — Satisfa« lion guaranteed GEO.S. CALHOUN Nearly wirnKvn ji'iin local «iraier NEW FALL GOODS at New Low Prices now arriving at Peerless Clothing Co. SHOf.S í si ar Shoes for the Family Buy School Shoes —at — Woodward’s Here at Home A. H. LEA, Manager, Salem, Oregon ( With th«» opening of th«' I'all Season G. B. BERRY RIVOLI a dollar or in « to your credit at tin- Grunts Paa» and .losepliln, Bank you a«ld strength to .lour fin uncial standing—and know tila! you ar«' building on llw< firm foitntlatiou of safety. Four |wr t rnl int<T«-«t Grants Pass and Josephine Bank MEMBER OF FEDERAL REMERAI: SYSTEM G rants P ass .O regon Three C’s Lumber Company CARRY a complete line of lumber, all grades, Lath, Shingles, l)oors, Windows, Wallboard, etc. WE MAKE all kinds of Cabinet Work, S< jreen Doors, Window Screens, Cupboard Doors, etc. ESTIMATES ON REQUEST FOUNDRY AND WEST G GRANTS PASH. OREGON L1=4 UNIVERSAL TIRE FILLER RIDES LIKE AIR, MORE CASING MILEAGE—TRANSFERABLE FROM ONE CASING TO ANOTHER—NO PUNCTURES, BLOW- O< TS. INNER TUBES OR AIK. Every Time You Deposit WE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR THE GRADED AND Si See My Window A New Shipment of Rues Just Arrived We do Picture Framing Meet us at the Fair Holman’s Furniture Store a INSTALLED IN YOUR CAR AT 107 SOUTH FOURTH STREET. 99 Universal Service Station Hupmobile Is Burned— The Hupmobile owned by Orin Ruth was destroyed last night when it caught fire. Mr. Ruth had loaned the car to tie night man at the ga rage who had driven It to Tokay Heights, where a backfire from the carburetor Is thought to have ignited *ou.c gasoline, .he cat soon being en veloped in flames. The loss wae cov- I ered by insurance. Hoiwirt (intu Saleeman— R. R. Hadfield, of Ashland, has ar rived to take a position with the C. L. Hobart company as floor sales man. Mr. Hadfield held the position , of assistant manager of the Ashland Iron Works previous to coming here.' AND HCHOOL SUPPLIES OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS A romantic bundle of mdo- dramatic Ihrilbt, all tied up in in a ctuvnning love knot! OTHER ATTRACTIONS OF QUALITY COMING FRIDAY ETHEL CLAYTON in “»HAM’’ CLEMENS SELLS DRUGS SHOES — at the — SAMPLE STORE