Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 7, 1921)
GRANTS PASS DAILk COE RIER I UMJMXhlY, MEPTMIIIHH 7. IIFJI DOYLE’S New Fall Coats For women and children Now on display Pictorial Review Patterns for October Now on Sale Classified Advertising fou HALE DRY SEASONED OAK, fir and pine wood for sale. Call 313-J. C. W. 00. plue WOOD FOR SALE Fir Lambrecht. 61tf 11 76. on ground, 4 miles weal on upl>er river road. Posts and build- FOR half : m-ln centrifugal Ing polea. Hlvely A llrlckell, Gen pump with 2%-h. p. gaa engine, omi eral Delivery. »75. Hee it at store 8 miles north of Grants Pass on highway. J. I. 90 ACRES- 40 acres bottom under McDonald. 7 4 paid up waler right for sale. »6000. Address No. 202, care of FOR HALF: Five thoroughbred: Courier 9»tf sows, 6 months old and five! shouts, weighing about 100 lbs. j TWO GOOD BARGAINS One used Write Frank >1. Myers, Kerby. ; Oakland Hix. one now Oakland BIx Oregon. 74 < sedan Valley Hardware Co. 45tf OWN YOUR OWN STORE building FUR HALF: 1921 Maxwell, never been run. »975. Inquire at Mocha and save rent. Will sell at a bar- cafe after 11a.m. 76 by Bert gain, store occupied Barnes adjoining First National HOME near high school, 2 large Bank Valley Hardware i .. 4'.tf screened in porches, electric range, lot 50x*!»0, fSOO. lfarry S. Clapp. A FARM bought for »8000 caab tor 74 sale for »6000. Terms. If Inter ested call at 71» D St. 77 RANCH FUR SAME 125 acres, good PLEASANT HOME In good location, house and barn, one mile from modern, fine Rarden, berries and Hugo railroad station on Pacific fruit tree«, one acre, with plenty highway, Price 11200. Terms of water. Bargain If told at once Owner, John Breeding, Grants Phone 3 41-41. Ill» East A St 6<Hf 77 Pass. Ore. FIR AND PINE WOOD »1.75 per FUn HALF? Alfalfa hay. first cut- tier, oak and laurel »2 Wm. lirlet- Ung, »10 per ton In field, or de- mayer. Fruitdale. 66tf llvered at reasonable figure; ; also sugar pears, excellent for i sw eet MININO MACHINERY at a bargain. pickles, 2c pound, Hayes & Har- Two seta 14-incb rolls, one set 10- 83 ter. Incb rolls, one 14-lnch Jaw Dodge crusher, one 10-lnch Jsw crusher, FUR BAIE -Jlammond portable four Denver pulsating ore classi Multiplex typewriter. »65. See it fiers All good condition For at E. L. Galbraith’s office. Terms prices address ,P. O. Box 13, Ta if desired. 76 kilma. Ort ’■'■'f FOR HALF: 50 black mlnorca chjck-l FUR KALE- 42 H acres, 2 resi ens, horse, cow and 2 Vi tons of, dences. Would make good open hay. cheap. Going away. J. W. air sanitarium, farm school or pri Moore. Three Pines. Ore. 78 vate home. Alto oil paintings, etc., at Oxford hotel and at place. IVORY REED baby buggy, like new. ■ only »20 If sold at once. Phone] Cora B. Findlay. Route 4. Box 81. 282-J. Grants Pass. PAGK THUMB DRESSMAKING FOR HALE Range and heater, good as new. Home pipe Included. Call DRESSMAKING—Ladles ullorlnx at *14 C street. 74 and furrist. men’s tailored silk shirts to order, with or without FOR SALE Ford touring car at a material furnished, Repairing and bargain. F. B. Oidlng. 75 alterations quickly and neatly done. Every line of pleatings, l'oit SALE I »21 Maxwell touring Prices Rush orders a special' ty. Inquire Mocha car at a bargain lower naturally. Call at parlors, Cafe. 75 opposite poslofflce on Sixth street over Basket grocery and get esti FOR HEXT mates. Mrs. W. R. Saoape. Phone 508 FUR RENT—Alfalfa. Grain and Fg3 i i dr ÌM m E ■ t'i'AX* .* > fi Bit. 1 & j B <4;. B. A i JB M i ZD j Stock rauches with and without PIAVO INsTIll <TION Irrigation, or will sell at bargain MRS JAMES M. POWERS. Instruc prices on long time easy payments tor on piano; studio 4 23 B street. Ranches in Jackson and Josephine county. One ranch under ditch t Phone 1-J. An accredited teacher. 3 miles from Grants Paas, on river. MRS. CLARA TUTTLE FENTON Gold Ray Realty Co., Owners, teacher of piano and harmony. Medford. Ore. 06tf Tuesday and Saturday. Studio over Smith’s Racket Store. 86tf APARTMENTS TO RENT at 611*4 G street. W. M Wyrick. 50tf Al.MA WOIJiE—Instructor In piano and harmony. Fall term opens Sept. 12. An accredited teacher PIANOS TO RENT A limited num ber of fine pianos for rent. Apply I DRAYAGE AND TRANSFER early at Music & Photo House. 88, THE WORLD MOVES; ao do we. FOR RENT—1» acres river bottom Bunch Transfer Co. Office phone loam, under water, five acres In 396; res. phones 171-R, 316-L. MIM ELI. WF.Ol S F RUTHERFORD—Manual the- pears, bouse, barn, chicken house, F. G. ISHAM, drayage, transfer; pi raputlcs. Office over Barnes' jew just outside city limits. Phone anos. safes, furniture, moved, ship REPAIR SHOP—Steam fitting, pipe elry. Rea 259-R; office 217-R. 602-F-4. 67tf ped, packed, stored Phone 124.Y work plumbing, boiler and pump work, installing. 505 South 6th St. W. T. TOMPKINS, D. S. T. Nervous FUR RENT Modern furnished ACCOUNTANT Phone 366. G. A. Bryan. and chronic diseases. Office, Claus house. F'or full particulars ad AUDITING — Systematising. Dally or Schmidt Bldg. Phone 304-R. dress No. 241 care Courier. 75 monthly audit service. Ivan Liv BANKERS LIFE COMPANY—Des RALPH W. STEARNS, M. D. Phy- Moines, Iowa. Myron C. Gaaton. ingston, Incorporated Accountant. WANTEO aician and surgeon, X-Ray equIp- District Agent. Phone 38». Address: Grants Pass. ment. Off ice In Masonic Temple Oregon. 7<*tf CARNER-GAYETTY IRON WORKS WANTED TO RENT—A large Irri Bldg.. phone 31-L. gated ranch suitable for a dairy —General foundary and machine VIOLI V I Ss Ili I < TIOS DENTISTS ranch Herbert Whitsett and ■ work. mine, mill machinery, chilled Daniel Harding. Granta Pass, Rd. MRS. GEORGE TEALL PEAKE—In saw carriage wheels, live rolls, E. .C MACY. D M. D. Flrat-claaa structor on violin. Special atten 4. Box 71. 33tf pipe fittings. Grants Pass. Oregon dentistry. 109 >4 S. 6th St. tion given to beginners. 414 West WANTED School girl to work for C street. Phone 215-L. 66tf PAPERHANGING—Call up Harry VET Filli VARY SURGEON board and room. Phone 173-Y. "8 Jones at Colonial betel for paint Bill.DING 4ONTR l<T«»|tS ing. paperhanging, calctmlning. 90 DR. R. J. BESTUL, Veterinarian. WANTED—Chickens at Burkhalter Residence 838 Washington boule Feed Store Also eggs. We pay HARPER A SON—Building contrac BOARD and room for one school vard. phone 398-R tors Shop work, fnrniture crating 32c cash. Bring them in we can ma’am. Address No. 24 4 care of ■ Shop 510 H St. Rea phone 14 2. use them all. Phone 286-R or Courier. 77 j 363. 78 A. J. GREEN—General contractor. —-i U>ST Estimates and plans made Noth- FOR EXCHANGE Ing too small or too Urge Sbop LOST—Small hand bag containing 211 Sixth St. Phone 33-J. 92tf WILL TRADE 40 acres wltn water ladles Elgin watch witn initial ’’A. | M.” on front with small photo ini right for late model Ford and »400 J. N’ALASKOWSKl — Contractor. Oregea’s Higher Inxtitutioa «I Terms on the »400. Call or write back. Saturday evening about 8( Builder and Jobber Phone 246-R o'clock on lower river road near j 624 West G St. 24if McCall place. Suitable reward.' REAL EST ATE 1920 FORD car with starter, in fine Mrs. A. J. McCall. Grants Pass.! shape, to trade on small bouse and E. T. McKINSTKY, 603 G St., phone Eight Schools; Seventy Deportments Oregon. Rd. No. 2. 75 i 355-R, real estate Beet of soils for lot; 18 White Leghorn hens. FALL TERM OPENS SEPT. 1«. 1921 fruit, bay or general farming. For miorwiXMM writ* I* the Rec»ir*r »12.50 takes them. W. J. Evans, PIANO TUNING Murphy. 74 Oregon Agricultural College TAJA. PIANO TUNING—I-eave orders for! CORVALLIS immediate fall tuning. Tuner here FOR TRADE- Gentle family cow. I 4OONER TAXI —Paone 282-R for short time only. Rowell’s Music Durham and Jersey, 2*4 years old. Jitney Luke or Cutler Calls an- 9 7 gives about 2*4 gallons good milk | •swered any« here anytime 86tf THE CALIFORNIA AND OREGON per day. Would trade for heavy. PHYSICIAN INI» SURGEON COAST R AI I. ROAD COMP ANT PHONE 160 — The Bonbonniere for milker not over 6 years old (dark| Time Card Taxi. 79tf L. O. CLEMENT. M D. Practice Jersey! and pay difference. Toma-1 limited to diseases of eye. ear.nos toes for canning, 2c lb. Bring yourj TAXI—White Line Taxi, city or Effective Nov. 34, 191». boxes A. Alberts, just outside the j and throat. Phone 62; Re«. 239-J Trains will run Mondays, country trips, Special trips by ap- Wednes- Prfces reasonable. S city limits. North Sixth. polntment. days and Fridays Lui uilKilXlb. M l> Puysldan Call Clemens Drug Closed car. 1 P.M. and surgeon Ctty or country rails Leave Grants Pass. Arrive Waters Creek.......... 2 P.M. Store, 4 6-R: residence phone 381. i attended day nr o.abt Phones Leave Waters Creek......... 3:30 P.M. Res 369. Offi e. 182. «th and H Arrive Grants Pass............ 4 P.M. METALLURGICAL ENGINEER For information regarding freight R. DEAN—Assayer, Chemist. E. J. BILLICK, M. D. Physician, sur and passenger rates call at the office geon. Sehallhorn Blk. Phone 54-J; of the company, Lundburg building, 822 East D street, Grants Pass, res 1004 Lawnrldge phone 54-L. or telephone 111 Oregon. The combustion ot gasoline generate« a heat of about 3000 degrees Fahrenheit Cylinder walls operate at about 300 degrees. Lubricat ing oils break down under thia Intense beat, impairing the piston oil seal. OAC TECHNOLOGY MIXCON Youll enjoy the sport of rolling ’em with P. A.! Withstands Decomposition Under Terrific Engine Heat » Only an oil of the highest lubricating value can stand up under engine heat ranging from 100 to 3000 degrees Fahrenheit. Oils containing “sulpho" compounds decompose quickly when exposed to this heat. Decomposition is marked by impaired lubricating film between moving parts, by loss of compression and power, by reduced lubricating efficiency and by damage to the engine. Cycol is the new and different motor oil with greater durability. Cycol is free from destructive “sulpho" compounds. These are removed by the new Hexeon Process, used only by us. Cycol-ize your motor. Clean your crank case—not with kerosene—and refill with Cycol. Consult the Cycol Recommendation Chart. It shows with scientific accuracy, the correct grade of Cycol for your motor. The price of Cycol is 25c to 35c a quart according to grade. F Prine* Albert 1» told in toppy red bag*, tidy red tine, hand- *om« pound and hall pound tin humidor* and in the pound rryetoi glare humi dor with tpongo maietener top. ASSOCIATED OIL COMPANY, San Francisco MOTOR OIL FREE FROM DESTRUCTIVE “SULPHO COMPOUNDS irst thing you do next — go get some makin’ s papers and some Prince Albert tobacco and puff away on a home made cigarette that will hit on all your smoke cylinders! No use sitting-by and say ing maybe you’ll cash this hunch tomorrow. Do it while the going’s good, for man-o- man, you can’t figure out what you’re passing by! Such flavor, such coolness, such more-ish-ness—well, the only way to get the words em phatic enough is to go to it and know yourself! Copyright 1921 by R J. Reynold* Tobacco Co. Win* ton - Saloon N.C. And, besides Prince Albert’s delightful flavor, there’s its freedom from bite and parch which is cut out by our exclusive patented proc ess! Certainly — you smoke P. A. from sun up till you slip between the sheets with out a comeback. Prince Albert is the tobac co that revolutionized pipe smoking. If you never could smoke a pipe — forget it! You can—AND YOU WILL —if you use Prince Albert for packing! It’s a smoke revelation in a jimmy pipe or a cigarette! B rince A lbert the national joy tmoke