Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 7, 1921)
WEDNI MiU . NI IH MlllilC 7. 11121 GRUNTS P A AM BAILI iXM'RlKIt BAGS TWO ▲. E. Voorhles. Pub. and Propr. Entered at postoffice. Grants Pass, Ore., as second-class mail matter. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ AMISEMENTA ONE LOT ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Quart Economy Jars At Only $1.25 Dozen DAILY COURIER By mail or carrier, per year...... $6 00 By mall or carrier, per month .50 ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ WEEKLY COURIER By mail, per year $- 00 ADVERTISING HATES Display space, per Inch..................25c Local-personal column, per line ...10c Readers, per line........................... — ac MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED PR The Associated press la exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited in this or all otherwise credited In this paper and also the local news pub 101 & 105 N. 6th lished herein. All rights for republication of spe cial dispatches herein are also re served. FOR RENT Idght house keeping WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 7, IMI HIGH SCHOOL girl desires work in rooms upstairs and down. Mrs. a private home for room and Downs. 79 board. Address Mrs. J. Z. Smith, ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ Dothan, Ore. "9 LADY COOK wants position as cook OREGON WEATHBR ♦ in mining camp or mill. inquire FOR RENT Furnished rooms, com Weather for the Week ♦ 245 care Courier. fortable home, board if desired. Pacific coast states—Gener ♦ 766 South Sixth street, phone FOR SALE CHEAP Homestead re- ♦ ally fair throughout ths week, 246-R. 75 linqulshment. five miles from ♦ with normal temperatures. town. Inquire at 812 East J St. 75 WANTED—A huntirtg dog. bird dog ♦ Tonight and Thursday, fair. preferred. Willing to pay a reas ♦ TODAY—Monarch Visible ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ onable price. 631 South Fourth. NEW Henry Trumbly. 75 Typewriter, just overhauled!, 923. lxTilher traveling bag«., 90,75.. Six- WANTED—Teachers to board and hole range. Never Sag Beil Springs, | GET YOUR LUMBER from the Jose room, home privileges 669 North! Pure Silk F'loas Mattrcaaea, Sanitary phine Lumber Co., at wholesale Sixth street. 79 [ Cot and Pad. 12-gauge l*ump Gun. mill price«. All kinds of planed Phone 71. T. C. Booth. Tlio first GuH>can»«-n Player built 1 I years ago, is still In active service in a t hit ago home, anil no vital part of It has w<>rn out or proven def<-c- Uve. White House Model, 1700 Country Seat Model, 6(H) Suburbon Model, ^05 Giilbranstwi Players hohl se curely tu reputation of bei ng musically artistic, durable, easy to play anil always ready to play. LET VS SHOW YOU The Music & Photo House Stanton Itowell, Prop. <■ < Took I'lu.i Olio of Ilio flne«I of the mo - r«i timi crook plays over shown in fills city, will bo displayed at ilio Rivoli then ter today and tomorrow. It I» "I'rox les," a su|H<rb Cosmopolitan produc lion und the leading roles are played by such iirtintH as Norman Kerry. Zona Keefe, Haye Dean. Paul Ever ton and William II. Tooker The story tells of the efforts of a former crook to live straight, nod of the dif ficulties ho meets with In the opera lion. Hut he manages to win out In the end, after many thrilling happen Ings however. The love element Is highly captivating BORN CHRIMP9 To Mr. and Mrs Edgar Uhrlmpa, of this city, September 3, a daughter. WATTS To Mr. mid Mrs. Hen Watts of Murphy, Saturday, September 3, a ill-pound daughter. ELLIOTT To Mr mid Mrs Hen T Elliot at the Good Samaritan hos pital Monday, September 5, 9-pound daughter. I tola-rl Hwoape Hurt— BUYS FOR CASH New and Used Gooda SEE ME SEW TODAY E. W. CHILES lumber. Our truck delivers any FOR SALE—Good reliable work | horse, two sets of single harness where. Phone 188, 107 North and saddle, at a bargain. Sixth street. 92tf North Sixth street. DEPENDABLE INSURANCE—All LUCKY While riding a bicycle on Sixth street near I street yesterday after noon, Robert Swoape was struck by mi automobile, lie waa caught be tween two cars and was unable to get out of the way of one of them The wheel wus badly beut where the car run over it. O seal in the delicious Burley flavor Once you’ve enjoyed the toasted flavor you will al ways want it lines. See T. M. Stott. Buick sales YOUNG MAN. can give best of refer ences, desires room and board. In rooms. Phone 520. 43tf quire 246 care Courier. MODERN 7-room house, close In. good location, lot 50x100, for sale. Priced especially for quick sale. In quire on premises, 411 C St. 72tf HISTORY Of THE RED MAN SERIES WE TACKLE A JOB OF 1 ” THAT’S DESIRABLE ranch for rent—25 THE REASON acres 2V& miles from S. P. station I WE at Rogue River, on Champion road ADVERTISE adjoining Cornell ranch, $50 a year. Fenced with Page woven wire; 4-room cottage; chicken house and barn. Key in possession of Wm. Carle on adjoining Reed ranch. Address George Geiger, 2424 Russell St.. Berkeley, Cal. 76 FOR RENT—Furnished room with large sleeping pork adjoining. Cor ner 7th and A, or phone 527-R. 71tf E. L. GALBRAITH—Real estate, in surance and plate glass liability., 609Vj G street, phone 28. 40tf MORE HOP PICKERS wanted— Good Free transportation daily, picking, light foliage. F. N. Ro- 77 bertson. Phone 610-F-12. LOST Sunday evening—Circle pin set with saphires and diamonds. Reward for return to Courier of fice. 78 We’re equipped to handle any kind of a plumbing job—big or small—the public has to of fer. We do our work well and we do it in jig time too. No waiting around for inspiration. We deliver the goods in a hur ry, and you will be perfectly willing to meet the sort of bill we'll hand you. B. S. Dedrick SI 4 F Street PHONE «ntt-J FOR RENT—Light housekeeping apartment for two. 656 North Sixth St. 7 4 FIRE SIGNALS BY "INDIAN" MILLER > In the old days white men would see fire» of the Indian» on the hill» and mountain» but could not read them. These messages were not intended for the white men. It often happened in tho»e day» that white men campaigning against the Indian» would be demoralised by the sight of those signal fire» winking in the night, winking and blinking, appearing and disappearing, waving back and forth, up and down. The white man had no mode of signalling; and he did not understand the Indian code. He must have felt helpless indeed when he saw those message» that he could not read. Woolen Dress Goods The most læautifnl Une of woolen drees goods «c have ever shown 1» now on display. Novelty plaids and stripe* in pure wool, plain colors in Serges, Broadcloth. Tritoline, Frani, Ya'arna. Velour, Tweed-, French F’lan- nel. Epingle, I’oiret Twill, eie. * Prices are very low this season and you will be delighted with the extra good values. Golden Rule Store Grants Pass and Roseburg Stage DAILY AND SUNDAY Ix-aie Grants Pass 1:00 p. tn- Grants Pass- Stage DAILY AND SUNDAY PHONE S3 OR 10(1 It <• connect «Illi lx-ave Roseburg 1 p. tu. LEAVE GRANTS I PASS 10:00 a. m- I :00 P. in. 1:00 I». rn 0:15 P- ni. for \ -libiiut nroi LEAVE' MEDFORD S:<HI 11 :<><> 1:00 I 30 The ordinary way of signalling with fires was by passing a blan ket back and forth before the fire on the ground. Sometimes the red man would merely jump back and forth before the fire. Sometimes the signal was a steady fire. Sometimes it was a fire that would flash up and then die out instantly. Sometimes the signalling was done with a torch. It could be signalled with in the same way as the fire on the ground ; or it could be waved back and forth and up and down. In the Southwest the Indians often signalled by netting fire to the dead cen tury plants. These would bum for some time, making sharp, rapid reports, as if a fight were in progrès». The green horn was often alarmed by their noise at night. This was the favorite way of signal ling late at night for it attracted atten tion to the signal, often waking sleeping Indians miles away. A fire underneath a cactus was another means of attract ing attention. The leaves of the cactus first puff up with the heat, then it sings and cries, and finally it bursts with a report. It is wrong to do this when not ne cessary, however. The Indian does not like to hear the death song of the cactus. All signals convey messages to those who can read them. Savage Cord tires on an automobile are a signal that all is well. The motorist is surprised when he finds how many miles those tires give and how little their actual cost per mile of service is. To the men at the factory though, this is not surprising at all, for they know their tires are Built to ExceL Quality is put into them. savaee am University of Oregon CONTAINS: The College of Literature, The Graduate School. Science and the Arts. The School of Journalism. The School of Architecture The School of Law. and Allied Arts. The School of Medicine. The School of Business The School of Music. Administration. The School of Physical The School of Education. Education. The Extension Division. The School of Sociology. Fall Term Opens September 26 A high standard of cultural and profeasional scholarship has become on« ol the outstsnding marks of tbs State University For a ca’al^ue. folders on the various schools, or for any information, write THE REGISTRAR. UN1VIRSITY OF OREGON. Eugene. Ore. THE SPRECKELS "SAVAGE"TIRE CD. SAN DIEGO. CALIFORNIA DUR BEST ASSET IS THE SATISFIED CUSTOMER LeMOSS SERVICE STATION LOCAL AGENTS