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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 7, 1921)
ISHtXIATED Pit EHM HERVICK GRANTH PA*H, JOSEPHINK COUNTY, OREGON. VOL. XI.. No, 211. U EDNEHDAY, HEI’TEMBER 7, 1021 WHOLE NUMBER »874. BRITISH CABINET APPROVES ANSWER MURDER TRIAL J. I.. Smith, Cliauffmir, I nife-r ArreM. Tlilnl Man Sought After Wliiwkcy I k I'ounil WOULD BE SAFE CONTROVERSY Reply to De Valera Sent to Kin« and Cabinet by Lloyd George From Inverness, Scotland NEXT MONDAY DEFENSE MOTION loll t IIANGE Portland, Sept. 7. (A. I*. I Dr WOUNDED MAN IN EXPECTED To DIS4 I NNION OF IzONG DISPUTED' Inverness, Scotland, Sept. 7.— (A. EVERYTHING IS IN READINESS P.)—The British cabinet at session OF VEVl E IS DENIED BY P. Gardner, of Portland, la aer- FOR BEGINNING OF THE ID < >\ i i; I BOM <■! N nov QUESTION is AG MN POST- today unanimously approved the gov B1NGHAM loualy Injured and J. L. Smith, Port- FALL SESSION INJURIES ernment’s reply to the last note from , land chauffeur, la under arrest, at a — De Valera, the Irish republican lead , result of an automobile accident near er. The reply was handed to a Sinn ___ hero early today. Sheriff Wilson la Fein courier who started for Dublin with it. Lloyd George sent the courier to , ' The Sheriff said that six aacka of Moy Hall near here where King 1 bottled whiskey was found In the Spot \t here Gardner 1* Thought to Bolivia Asks for Hearing—Chile George is staying, to acquaint the Pupil* Living Outside District Are “1 lu ll. >■ 'l.iin M m *n Kouul.i' Required to Pay Tuition of *20 Would Reject INscuMion Without lt<" Hidden OfTi-rw Abundant O|‘- County Believe 1» Fairness «nd ,,(,rtlng Hquor king with the cabinet’s decision, Each Semester Debate on Floor |M>rtunity for Hiding Will Give It 1« Other«" ____________ which will be made public thursday No O|icn Season— night. That there is no o|>en season on Geneva, Sept. 7.—(A. P.)~-The, Everything is in readiness for the McNeil’s Island, Sept. 7 —(A. P.l Roseburg, Hept. 7. I V P I The beaver In Oregon and that It Is un ' opening of the Grants Pass schools trial of hr Brumfield on the charge lawful to have the animals in private —Roy Gardner, the escaped bandit is assembly of the league of nations to-| Ixgion Meeting Called— The first meeting of the local post on Monday, September 12. Accord of killing h< nnla lluaaell will atari In possession was the statement made I still at large this morning. Warden day again postponed discussion of of the American Legion since last ing to present Indications there will Douglas county Wednesday, October In an opinion from the attorney gen Maloney believed him to be still on Bolivia's request that the long dis 6, Judge Bingham announced this eral’s office received by Captain A. i the island. Guards are watching to puted question of the provinces of spring will be held tomorrow night . be a decided Increase In enrollment Tacna and Arica, now under Chile’s at the courthouse. A number of im over the past year. The buildings morning after denying the defense E Burghduff, state game warden. ! prevent his leaving. The dense growth makes beating administration, be placed on the as portant matters are to be b-ough». have been thoroughly cleaned and re motion for a change of venue to Burghduff says that the impression up, among them being the bonus pairs have been made. It has been sembly’s program. lain« county. The judge fixed the has gained hold In some parts of the I the brush impossible. question and a membership cam the aim of the school board to make I>*warduK Bogart, the convict who date after A. N. Orcutt. Brumfield’s stale that there 1« an open season on Austin Edwards, the head of the! counsel, asked for u delay. beaver through legislation enacted at was wounded when Gardner escaped. Chilean delegation, on the floor de-| paign. The ladies of the auxiliary the buildings and rooms especially , Is recovering. He told the officers clared that Bolivia's request should' are to provide an entertainment and inviting to the teachers and pupils. District Attorney Neuner announc the last session of the legislature I that Gardner said he had arranged be rejected without debate, declaring| refreshments for the Legion members ed that the prosecution la ready to The attention of all parents and I with the guards to permit the escape.1 that Chile's position was uncompro-j after the meeting. proceed at once, lie suggested that Limit I m Extended— guardians is directed to the compul two weeks would be long enough de Forest service officials annotiuce that the guards would shoot, but not mixing on this question He argued j sory school law of Oregon, which re lay but did not Insist on an earlier that the time limit In which stock ltd kill that ths league had no power to re-1 County Court in Session— quires that all children between and date. lie said that the state also men must pay their fees for grazing vise the treaty of 1904. The county court, was in session to including the ages of 9 and 15 must Tacoma. Sept. 7.—(A. P.»—The' Senor Aramayo, for Bolivia, said day and besides allowing the regular be in school for the term or period expected to bring witnesses front In the national forest reserves has Canada been extended to December 1. ac spot where Gardner is believed hid- that there can be no hope of perma bills had some other business before of not less or more than the number Judge Hingham in denying the mo cording to a bill recently signed by : den offers abundant opportunity for nent peace in South America until it. A number of Merlin residents of months of school held in the dis were before the commissioners with trict in which they reside. All chil tlon said, "I believe there are many the president. The usual period of conceal me"».. The ground is split! the treaty is revised. men In Douglas county who have not grace ended with April 1. but due to with ravines and covered with timber. a petition asking that a new road dis dren between the ages of 16 and 18 talked with witnesses, who did not business conditions the limit was The underbrush is almost Impene-. trict be created. This would Include who have not finished the Eighth Fallen trees over attend the Inquest and who have not extended first to September 1 and trable In places the county around Merlin and would grade must be in school or legally read the full detaila of the case I with the alxning of the recent bill, gullies provide additional spots of i take In portions of the Hugo, Galice employed. If employed they must Medford Mail seclusion while the bank at the wa have often visited the county. Peo to December 1 j and Robinson (Jistricts. No action first obtain a child labor certificate ter's edge contains numerous pits 48 P it Cent Drop in Cost of Staple 1 had been taken this afternoon on the and attend school part of the time. ple here are much the same aa .Mar Tribune and caves capable of shielding a man. Groceri«*. Brings Down Board petition. lon county They are good upright Children under 6 years of age will ______ citizen« who believe lu fairnwss and Loral Vian Arrested for Speedinn— Water is available from seneral not be allowed to register. Also chll- Aa a result of activity pn the part springs and even if wounded Gard Oregon Agricultural College. Cor will give It to others." I dren in the primary department just of J. J. McMahon, state motor ve ner is assured of shelter and susten vallis. Sept. 7.—(A. P.)—Due to a j Contracts to Be I«et— I enter by the end of the second week Contracts for the widening and or wait until the opening of the next hicle Inspector, complaints have been ance for an Indefinite period. The 43 per cent drop in the price of staple i sworn out the past few days against I officials admit thia. groceries in Corvallis in the last year :>avlng of the highway between semester. An armed cordon was placed and to the fact that rentals have re ! Grants Pass and Roseburg will be the following four men on the charge Pupils living outside the district of speeding: J. A. Hunsaker, speed around this tract, the men being so mained practically stationary stu 1 let this fall, states Resident Engineer and wishing to enter the elementary Bromley who is busy preparing estl- close together as to be within sight, ing between Ashland and Phoenix; dents should be able to obtain board II hzc I wihm I Building Secured for I w grades of the Grants Pass schools <’. L. Endicott, speeding between and earshot of each other, additional and room for an average of >29 a I mates for the work. There is at pres will be required to pay tuition in ad of Granta rnaa Creamery ent 31 miles of paving between the members of the prison force were < : Ashland and the Slsklyous; D I«e- month this school year or >24 for two cities that has not yet been con vance at the rate of >20 per seme»- The Grants Pass Creamery will Moss of Grants Pass, speeding be slowly beating their way foot by foot board alone in comparison with >3 8 tracted. The pouring of hot stuff , ter. Such pupils should pay their through the brush supposed to be a month for board and room and >32 start making butter tomorrow, cream tween Gold IHII1 and Central Point, tuition as soon as possible to the for board alone, the average charge on the road north of the city will clerk, Mr. Van Dyke, the receipt for having been delivered at the plant and David H. Rosenberg, speeding on sheltering the wounded man start Monday, the sub grading hav last year. These figures have been today. The creamery la located In j East Main street. Their hearings which should be brought to school obtained as a result of an investiga ing been begun this morning. the old Hazelwood building on H were to have taken place this after and shown to the teacher upon en- tion of prices by Professor H. T. xtre»t, thia property having been noon or Wednesday in Justice Tay | terlng. Vance, chairman of the housing com leased from the River Banks Farms lor’s court.—Medford Mail-Tribune. Portland people registered at the The boundaries of the various mittee. for a long period by W. F. Werth. Josephine last night were Clem wards will be published in tomor Birthday Party (riven — Mr. Werth, who la an experienced Cooper, H. H. Veatch, E. S. Sinell, row's edition. Indications Bring Joy to Arizona A very pleasant little birthday par butter maker, was connected with E. V. Vachon, H. J. Adams. J. W. Stockmen—1022 Hopeful the Valley Pride creamery hero un ty was given little Miss Carreline Mays, G. B. White and Mr. and Mrs. til about a month ago. when he de Stephenson on her sixth birthday, . H. E. Wood. Other people stopping Globe, Aril., Sept. 7.— (A. P.)— cided to go Into business for himself. September 4th. Games were played A rapid change from parched desert | there were B. F. Willard, Jane Brown He haw been assured of enough cream and all had a very happy time. Every to the best pasture known in recent Centre to Meet Harvard—Florida . and Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Murphy, of — May Play Pacific Winners to Justify the opening of the cream one wished her very many more years Is the result effected by the Seattle, J. W. Montgomery, George ! birthdays. Ice cream and a cake Hayee and Harter Hogs Win 20 Rib ery. Story, W. J. Finnean and Mr. and recent heavy rains In the cattle dis bons in California State Fair The butter will be marketed under with candles were served to the ten tricts of Arizona, says the report of Washington, Sept. 7.—(A. P.)— Mrs. F. L. Smith, of Oregon City, Mr. ______ the name of Alpine butter, thia brand little folks present. Edith. Evange the United States weather observer. Football teams of tho more import and Mrs. F. A. Pratt of Olympia. May Josephine county swine made Cali having been used previously by the line and Hattie Benjamin. Peggy The increased water supply is also ant Southern universities and col Brown of Medford, J. G. Vanderbery Rogue River creamery. Mr. Werth Schmidt. Glenn Harrington, Char valuable to livestock men and farm leges have upwards of 500 games of Los Angeles, A. Giley of Stratford, fornians sit up and wonder at the expects to handle cheese, and later lotte Day. Vivian Randle, Carrelfne, ers. Indications are that Arizona scheduled this year, the season open Cal., Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mead of Puy Sacramento fair this week. Twenty will branch out to handle poultry and Donald and Orville Stephenson were cattle men will enjoy a prosperous ing September 24 and closing Decem allup. Wash., E. P. Nelson and wife ribbons were captured by Heart O’ eggs. The building has been put in present. ber 3. Intersectional contests are of Los Angeles, J. P. Carley and fam the Valley ranch by their entries of year in 1922, it is said. first class shape and completely reno more numerous this year than ever ily of Duncan Mills. Cal., J. W. Hampshire hogs, according to a tele Marriixl laiat Night— vated. before. Scott of Medford, Mr. and Mrs. F. gram received from Mr. Harter, who William E. Garlck, of Rockford, Southern teams this year will play H. Dexter, of Honolulu, Mrs. J. L. went with the car to look after his Ill., and (Miss Marie Campbell were Harvard. Princeton, Yale, Navy, Robinson, G. L. Hickels and F. E. stock. The other exhibitors have not married yesterday afternoon at the Pennsylvania, Dartmouth, Rutgers, Croncher of San Francisco, Mrs. D. yet been heard from, but it is thought home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Penn State, West Virginia and De M. Lennard, Mrs. Z. T. Molaby, Mrs. that their chances are good to make Mrs. W. N. Campbell on West J *5,000,000 in American (iold Added troit on Northern fields and Dart R. E. Bartow and Chas. Godfrey of a showing as good as Hayes and Har to Total of War Reparations Now Working Rules Set Up by I«andb< street. Refreshments were served to mouth will make a trip to Atlanta Pasadena, Mrs. Lillie Gore of San ter. 17 guests. Rev. C. M. Cline offici Mr. Harter’s telegram follows: Affecting 50,000 Workers for a game with Georgia. Francisco and Mr. and Mrs. Eaton of New York. Sept. 7.—(A. P.)—-The ated. The bride and groom left this "Hear O’ the Valley made a clean Indiana probably will be invited to Ix>s Angeles. >otal of reparations money thus far sweep through to the grand cham Chicago, Sept. 7.—(A. P.)—A morning by auto for Chicago, Ill., play Florida at the Miami Palm Fete paid by Germany through this center whore they will make their home. pionship, in all sow and boar classes «light wage decrease for the building in December as a post season fea PRIVATE POOL OF EMPEROR was brought up to 155,000,000 by Those present were Mr. and Mrs. J. except in the senior yearling sow trado workers and a new working ture and the Florida team may ar THROWN OPEN TO THE PUBLIC the recent deposit of >5,000,000 with class, getting second and third grand agreement were set up In an arbitra C. Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. W. L range a game with the season's Pa J. P. Morgan & Co. for the account champion in the aged herd class and tion decision today by Judge Iatndia. Tucker and daughter, Francos, Mr. cific coast champion team at the Vienna, Sept. 7.—(A. P.)—The of the Bunk of England and the Bel and Mrs. H. W. Atkins. Georgo N. affecting 50,000 workers. Tournament of ¡Roses in Pasadena splendid private swimming pool for champion in the young herd class, Campbell, Miss Myrtle Campbell, gian government. and second In get of sire and produce during the winter. merly used by the emperor in the of dam class. We got 20 ribbons on Payments are being made here in Misses Nora and Mao Chamberlain, park of Schonbrun, the summer pal our entries.” Mrs. Annie D. Wimer, Mrs. Tom accordance with terms prescribed by ace, has been opened to the public. IJnkhart and daughter, Eble, and the reparations commission, primar The bath is 82 yards long and is set ily because the United States is virt Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Campbell. in white marble and mirrors. ually the only country operating on 500 Men Encnni|>ed On Headwaters late Pears Coming in— a gold currency basis and for the of Big Creek, Klhmbcthtown Tho first carload of late pears from equally important reason that "dol American Engineer* Plan l*roject In PORTIiAND MARKETS this part of tho valley is being ship lar" or American exchange now Is Bay of Mont Saint .Michel Elizabethtown, III., Sept. 7. (A. ped today from Merlin, tho car being Choice steers ............. >6.00 © >6.50 Fire» Near Onimla, Hillman and the most valuable and available me P.)—Five hundred armed miners are of the Anjou variety from the Twohy JohnMliile Held Under Control Paris. Sept. 7.—(A. P.)— A >100,- Hogs, prime light . >11.25 © >11.75 dium of International remittance. encamped on the headwaters of Big ranch. The local packing house will 000,000 project for harnessing the Hogs, prime light....>10.50 © >11.00 Creek, 12 mlloa north of here, ac start packing Anjous tomorrow morn “A N< >NY M< »US I NSI RGENT" McGrath, Minn., Sept. 7.— (A. P.) tide in the Bay of Mont Saint Michel East Mountain Iambs >6.00 © >6.50 cording to word brought here. All ing, with an estimated crop of six TO BE BURIED BY MEXICO has been proposed by a group of Eggs, current receipts ....28c © 30c —The fires near Onamia, Hillman telephono wires to the region wore cars. The first car will be ready for American engineers to the Chamber White Henneries ............................ 34c and Johnsdale are reported to be cut last night. shipping Friday. There will be only Mexico City, Sept. 7.—(A. P.) — of Commerce of the town of Gran Selling price, case count ...30c @ 32c under control. The fire fighters are one car of the Bose, this being ready Exercises similar to those held by ville, department of Manche. Selects ............ 36c holding their own near Solana. The GOI.D DISCOVERY STARTS by Saturday. The Winter Banana the United States, Great Britain and The plan involves tho construction Butter, extra cube« . ....... 40c state military authorities are inves Iti SII IN A ENTRALI A apple crop was being cleaned up to France for an "Unknown Soldier" of 13 miles of barriers in the bay Butter, prints .......... 42c tigating the report that the fir« day, three cars having been shipped will take place in Mexico City next consisting of coffers In which tur Wheat ........................... >1.08 © >1.13 which destroyed White Pine yester day was of Incendiary origin, not Sydney, Australia, Sept. 7.—(A. out. There will be no more apples, month when a monument to an bines ami alternators would be in- J*. I—-A rich gold discovery Is report excepting for small lots, until late "Anonymous Insurgent” will be un stallt'd. Through the rise and fall of Portland, Sept 7.— (A. P.)—Live withstanding the forest firs which was burning on the outskirts of th* ed from Glen Innes and a rush has this month whon the Newtons and veiled as one of the features of the the tide it is hoped to develop 6,000,- stock, butter and eggs, steady. Spltzenburgs will begin rlpen'ng. set In Centennial celebration. 000,000 kilowatt-hours a year. Wheat ____________ >1.10 © >1.15 town. [RIAL IS SEI EOROCIODffi 5IH ;xblr" — ' SAID GUARDS WOULD NOT KILL IACNA AND ARICA CONCERNED 9-15 YEAR OLDS MUST ATTEND COLLEGE COSTS ARE ON DECLINE f NEW CREAMERY TO BEGIN WORK RAINS MAKE PASTURE Of DESERT TEAMS WILL PLAY SOUTHERNERS JOSEPHINE STOCK WINS PRIZES T BUILDING TRADES WAGES CUT ARMED MINERS CAMP III ILLINOIS GERMAN PAYMENT THRU K, I FRENCH HARNESS TIDAL POWER WHITE PINE FIRE THOUGHT SET