GRANTS PAHS DAILY tXHRlKB PAGE SIX I PER55NAL “? LOCAL In Trouble? <’ Always remember that It is easier to KEEP trouble than It is to GET out. once you are In. out of «Have you made a bad investment* Ire you in financial trouble? Come right in and tell us about it. We will do our best to help you. But the really wise Investors come to us before they get into trouble. All our bank­ ing facilities are at your disposal. l-et us help you to keep out of trouble. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF SOUTHERN OREGON Save with us The habit grows. THOR ELECTRIC WASHER Price Reduced to $155 Ask for our easy payment terms. You can now buy your washer at pre war price Rogue River Hardware Co The WING HESTER Store Mr. and Mrs. A. Vilaune, Missj Miss Agness Farrell, of Pittsburg. Bonning and Dick Huntsman of St. Pa., is visiting her sister, Mrs. A. W Paul, Minn , who are touring the west ‘ Blanchard. On her return after by automobile, called on the K. Ham- spending a few weeks at home Miss merbacher family today. They were Farrell will sail for Italy where she old friends in Minnesota. will study music. M. L. Opdycke Is spending a few Grand Jury in S«v.sli«l Soldiers Xleet- Civil war veterans of So u tiler it of Mr. and Mrs. G. M Esterly. Mrs L. J. Heer. Mrs. C. Payne Oregon are holding their annual re­ and Mrs. George Robinson, of Ash­ union this week at Ashland and a land. were In the city Saturday doing number are planning on attending | from here. A few are leaving to- some shopping. them will go Mrs. E. J. Brown and Miss Mar- morron . but the n garet Brown were shopping in the down Thursday which is to be Grunts city Saturday from their Applegate I Pass day. home. — Mrs. A. J. McKinney and small Big ll<»|> Xaril Dance— son. Mac, have returned to their Wednesday und Saturday night. home in Portland after visiting here Good floor and good music. Satisfac­ since July 1. with Mrs. McKinney’s tion guaranteed Music to commence mother. Mrs Wood, of the Palace at S p. m sharp, Everybody come hotel. and have an old fashioned time ut H. D. Mulford and young son have Knox hop yard. <’> miles from Grants arrived from Portland and will spend Pass 7 4 the winter on their place on Deer creek near Selma. Mrs. Mulford Tourist Juiii|»s Bond— will come from Portland later In the Rather than appear In police court season. to pay a nominal sum for speeding. Mr. and Mrs. Horace R. Moses and Andrew Googles, a tourist from Brit­ family and Mrs. J. H. Morris and ish Columbia, put up a *25 bond to daughter left this morning by auto, guarantee his appearance and then returning to their homes in Callfoe- did not show up. He was arrested ’ nia. They spent the past two weeks Sunday by Chief of Police Melaine ! here visiting with the A K. Cass for speeding and was told to be at iaud Sam Stinebaugli families. police court this morning. The *25 Arrivals over the week end at the now reposes in the city treasury. Josephine hotel were T. M. Richard­ son. of Tacoma, James Baker. C. G. ItusinesM Training Pay»— Young. Mrs. Emily Young. Gertrude , One term with us and one year at Young and E. S. Young, of Oakland. a good salary In a business office Ore.. W. H. Millard of Klamath Falls. | makes the best two-year course Win- IG. E. Hughes of Oregon City. T j ter term begins September 15. Med­ 1 Dean. A. W. Peck, Mr. and Mrs. W. ford Business College. Medford, Ore- j H. Twlck and Mr and Mrs S.-ott ! gon. t Weaver, of Roseburg. Mr and Mrs. ' R. Tranton. Frank M. Iceland. Will Former Resident Married—— 'j. .McKennan. Ed. Berg and family Grants Pass friends have received and R. R. Sibley and family, of San announcements of the marriage of I Francisco, E. B. Gabriel. F. L. Mayer. Mrs. Murcia M. Gum pert of Portland, IH. M. Rooney. Phil H Dater, Mr. to Wm Patrick Blake, which occur­ land Mrs. J. Humfeld. Misses Jeanette red Saturday. August 27. at Portland. and Marie Humfield. Ix»uls Maugulis, They will be ut home after September A. B. Kenned'. J C. Neill, of Port­ 15 at 45 Trinity Place. Portland. land. H. W. Ritchie of Hugo. Flora Mrs. Gumpert was a resident of this Hartrook of Carmel. Cal.. Alta New­ city for some years and with Mr. combe, Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Bright, Gumpert conducted a dry goods bus­ Jose Lane. Mr. and Mrs. M. Soren- iness They moved to Portland abo'M son. of Seattle. Mr. and Mrs. Hubert 12 years ago. and family of Ixm Angeles. Mrs. M. Morgan of Cottage Grove. Mr. and Mrs. M. Z. Donnell of The Dalles. Mrs Cora E. Allen of Williams. Willi the <>|H>niiiK of the I' h II Seamm »«< present the mimt remark iihlo < i>lli'< lion of We do 11 em st 11 <• III u g rnrs. nellle nea$ YOUR NEXT SUIT XX ill I m - from and ivill I h . Imiiglit ut flit» piai « if you ari- <« mioinical. »»fl.OO and up to TAIUIRKI» TOOIIDER The*« giirmi-nt» tliut anyone w III reali/« are «orili i«ry inurli more. X big »elei Iloti of NEW FALL <àIN4 — Hatiafaclion guaranteed GEO. S. CALHOUN Nearly »rventcrn yisir» local dealer NEW FALL GOODS at New Low Prices now arriving at We Hereby Wish to Announce the Opening — of the — Shoes for the Family Grants Pass Creamery D On the 7th day of September, at the location formerly occupied by the Riverbanks Creamery j Z ♦ We regard fairness in dealing with our patrons as the Key to Success. J — d * 7 O’* 7 r, .J % ■ r f A Story That Goes l.ike Blue Hinze« Three C’s Lumber Company CARRY a complete line of lumber, nil grades. Lath, Shingles, boors, Windows, Wallhoard, etc. WE MAKE all kinds of Cabinet Work, Screen Doors, Window Screens, Clipboard Doors, etc. ESTIMATES ON REQUEST. GRANTS PAHS. OREGON See My Window A New Shipment of We do Picture Flaming R ues Just Arrived Meet us at the Fair Holman’s Furniture Store |nierly occupied by the Grants P iihb The Buster Brown shoe store open­ hardware. ed for business this morning and the day started with good patronage. O. Crater laike Popular— A. Colby and sons have arranged the Grater Taiko drew a big crowd over store for prizes offered ____ to — compete ----- ,,--------------------- ----- - Sunday and Monday from Grants by the Buster Brown stores for the1 Pass, people coming hack from there best arranged and most attractive stating that it seemed almost like rooms. The whole stock has not yet, GrantH Puss Itself as half the visl- arrived but two shipments are ex-1 tors they met were from hero, It Is pected soon to fill the shelves, which estimated that there were ut least will hold a «omplete assortment. The ( 15(1 who made the trip to the lake store is located In the building for- from here. Shoo Store OjM-nH— “THE RENT COLLECTOR" Grants Pass, Oregon WOODWARD’S FOIMlltV A.NI> WI.ST (i We believe the business of tomorrow must stand on the foundation made today, and that this foundation rests on satisfied patrons. We believe in losing a customer rather than resorting to questionable tactics to secure him. We regard no transaction closed until the patron is fully satisfied. We consider our work as Creamery men of the high­ est calling and our purpose at all times will be to live up to this high standard in all dealings with our fellowmen. Grants Pass Creamery M’s 103 North 6th At 8th and H Street, This City Our Creed str RIVOLI WEDNESDAY — “PROXIES" y