Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 6, 1921)
—— Bl'ILDING CONTRACTOR« WANTMD WANTED TO RENT—A large irri HARPER A SON Bulldlng contrac to rs Shop work, furnltura cratlng. gated ranch suitable for a dairy Shop 510 H rtt Ras pbona 142. ranch. Herbert Whitsett and Daniel Harding. Granta Pass. Rd 4. Box 71, 33tt A. J. OREEN -General contractor. Estimates and plans made. Noth- WANTEO Middle aged woman, who Ing too small or too large Shop wants permanent home as house 111 Sixth St Phone 33-J • Stf keeper. No children. Address No. 24 3 care tXaurier. 73 J* NA LASKOWSKI — Contractor. Builder and Jobber. Phone 346-lt DOYLE’S New Tall (oats FOR KXUSiANGK For women and children Now on display REAL KNTATK MULL TRADE 40 acres with water E. T. McKINRTRY, 603 G St.. phone rtght for late model Ford and 5400 355-R, real estate. Beat of soils for Terms on the $400. Cail or write fruit, bay or general farming 624 West G St. 34tf TAX* An Edison Mazda for every socket IN ATTICS — /•r Jaafety It a m in m u log around With Itand lamps or I a it torn« •niotig •ouiitl»«« dry- •• tlnarf things stwred there I m deimeruua. IN BEDROOMS— /er Cem/erf The simple twitch of • •witch while »till re* h ill tig brings restful darkness or ffuuda the room with Instant light when needed. —/er ConieHtmeaf You can't be cheerful In a poorly lighted room Maal enlormrnt I »r your family end your tueata lies In brighter. •tier light. Classified Advertising » EDISON _____ L« WRIGLEYS s j "AFTER EVERY MEAL" IO for 5^ i The new sugar coated chewing gum which everybody likes—you will too. delicious peppermint flavored sugar Jacket around peppermint flavored chewing gum that will aid your appetite and diees* tion. polish your teeth and moisten your throat B122 SPEARMINT THE FLAVOR LASTS I 1*1 RI*OHK. IN LIVING ROOMS 1920 FORD car with starter. In tine shape, to trade on small house and SOONER TAXI-iPhone 262-R Tor Jitney Luke or Cutler. Calls an lot; 18 White l-eghorn hens. swered anywhere, anytime. 86tf IN CELLARS $12.50 takes them. W. J. Evans. for Coriremartce Murphy. 74 PHONE 160 The Bonbonniere for To push a button at the Taxi 79tf head of the stulra and Itava u bright light guiding your descent .............................................. ....... .. ......... TAXI White Line Taxi, c|ty or • ndllluntiitallng every corner ma bee tasks country trips, Special tripe by ap- REPAIR SHOP Steam fitting, pipe I««« Irksonta. [»ointment. I‘riel's reasonable work plumbing, boiler and pump Make yuura the home with ___________ _ FOR SALE—Five thoroughbred Call Clemens ____ Drug FOR SALK work. Installing 505 South 6th St.) Closed car Store, 46-R; reeidence phono 381. | sows. 6 months old and tou Phone 306. G A Bryan WOOD FOR SALE Fir 12.00, pine shoats. weighing about 100 lbs. MSTTALLI IlGICAI. FAI.IXEER 11.75, on ground. 4 milee weet on M'rite Frank H. Myers, Kerby, HtNKHRS LIFE OOMPANT upper river road. Posts and build Moines. Iowa. Myron C. Gaston.: r R DEAN Assayer, Chemist. Oregon. 7 4 ing poles. Hively & Brickell, Gen 822 East D street. Grants Paas. Di^lct Agent. eral Delivery. 6 Stf FOR SAI*E—My new Ford Coupe, Oregon. miles, CARNER-GAYETTY IRON WORKS run less than a thousand •0 ACRES—40 acres bottom under DKNTIHTN —General foundary and machine cost $1600 plus, has $100 extras. paid up .water right for sale. Seej work, mine, mill machinery, chilled E. .C MACY, D. M. D. For quick cash sale. $700. Ftrst-claaa $6000. Address No. 202, care of saw carriage wheels, live rolls, Mrs. J. G. Intel. 639 North 4th. 72 dentistry. 109 H S. 6th St. Courier. 99tf pipe fittings. Grauts Pass, Oregon. VETERINARY NURGMIN TWO GOOD BARGAINS—One used FOR SALE—1921 Maxwell, never PAPERHANGING--Call up Harry Oakland Six, one new' Oakland Six been run. $975. inquire at Mocha Jones at Colonial hotel for paint-) l)R. It. J. BESTUL. Veterinarian sedan. Valley Hardware Co. 45tf cafe after 11 a. m. 76 Ing. paperhanging, calcimluing. »0 Residence 838 M'aahington boule vard. phone 398-R. OWN YOUR OWN STORE building HOME near high school, 2 large DRESSMAKING and save rent. Will sell at a bar- screened in porches, electric range, DRESSMAKING PHYSICIAN ANI» SURGEON l.adie« tailoring’ by Bert gain, store occupied lot 50x90, $800. Harrv S. Clapp. and furrlst, men's tailored silk L. O. CLEMENT, M D. Practico) Barnes adjoining First National limited to diseases of eye, ear,noe« shirts to order, with or without Bank. Valley Hardware Co. 45tf material furnished. Repairing nnd and throat. Phone 63; Ree. 239-J. 125 acres, good RANCH FOR SALE A FARM bought for $8000 cash for alterations quickly and neatly S. LOUOHRIDGE, M D. Physician house and barn, one mile from sale for $6000. Terms. If inter done. Every line of pleatings. Pacific Hugo railroad station on and surgeon. City or country calU ested call at 719 D St. 77 Prices Rush orders a specialty, highway. Price $1200. Terms attended day or night. Phon«« lower naturally, Call at parlors. PLEASANT HOME in good location, Owner, John Breeding. Grants Rea 369; Office, 182; 6tb and H j modern, fine garden, berries and Pass. Ore. 771 opposite ¡H»stoffice on Sixth street E. J. BIIZJCK, M. 1). Physician, sur CHICHESTER S PILLS over Basket grocery and get esti fruit trees, one acre, with plenty \J TIIK DIAMOND HBA^D. A geon. Sehallhorn BIk. Phone 54-J; mates. Mrs. W. R. Swoape. Phone A«k j««r l»*«gg<«t t * ZA of water. Bargain if sold at once. MODERN 7-room house, close in. res. 1004 Lawnridge, phone 54-L. 506. 98 1*111« I« M«4 5*rWJ »MalaJ. vz good location, lot 50x100, for sale. Phone 341-R. 1119 East A St. 60tf U>l«. wiifc >1«« UlUa«. W F. RUTHERFORD—Manual the- •<b«r »er ▼ Priced especially for quick sale, in Atbfrw M-TVB9 LOST HR AND PINE WOOD $1.75 per I» NBA A <■* •< raputlcs Office over Barnes' jew quire on premises. 411 C St. 72tf yaan Beel. 5 a A n 4. Al>«ys k »Hal M tier, oak and laurel $2. Wm. Briet- LOST—On the Medford highway, tan elry Res 259-R; office 7 17-lt SOLDBYDRtGGISTSEVtRYWMtRf mayer, Fruitdale. 66tf FOn. SALE—Alfalfa hay. first cut army overcoat with leather but W. T. TOMPKINS. D. S T. Nervous tons. Please return to Sheriff's ting, $10 per ton In field, or de MINING MACHINERY at a bargain. and chronic diseases. Office, Claus livered at reasonable figure; also office. 73 THE t'ALIFOH.NIA AND OREGON Two sets 14-inch rolls, one set 10- Schmidt Bldg Phone 304-R. sugar pears, excellent for sweet inch rolls, one 14-inch Jaw Dodge < OAMT ititi.noto COMP ANI PIANO INSTRUCTION RALPH W. STEARNS. M. D. Phy- pickles. 2c pound. Hayes & Har crusher, one 10-inch jaw crusher, Time Card alelan and surgeon. X-Ray equlp- ter. 83 i MRS. JAMES M. POWERS. Instruc four Denver pulsating ore classi ment. Offlce In Masonic Temple tor on piano; studio 423 B Street. Effective Nov. 24, 1919 fiers. All good condition. For JERSEY COW FOR SAL*E—Just Bldg , phone 21-L. Phone 1-J. Trains will run Mondays, Wednea- prices address P. O. Box 13, Ta fresh. Dixie ranch. Phone 610-F- days and Fridays 66tf kilma. Ore. 34. 7 I MRS. CLARA TUTTLE FENTON 1-eava Grants Pass I Explaining Dream of Wolf. teacher of piano and harmony, Arrive Waters Creek....... 2 FOR SALE—42»4 acres, 2 resi To dream of n wolf signifies hual- Tuesday and Saturday. Studio over PM FOR RENT ness relations with one who la un Leave Waters Creek........ 2:30 PM. dences. Would make good open Smith's Racket Store. 86tf principled and cunning. To he pur Arrive Granta Pas»........ 4 air sanitarium, farm school or pri Information regarding freight Grain and ALMA WOLKE—Instructor in piano sued by one denotes much sickness to and For vate home. Also oil paintings, FOR RENT—Alfalfa. passenger rates call at the office Stock ranches with and without and harmony. Fall term opens the house, but If by many long life of the compari', Lundburg building, etc., at Oxford hotel and at place. irrigation, or will sell at bargain or telephone 1 2 1 Sept. 12. An accredited teacher and health. Cora B. Findlay, Route 4. Box 81, prices on long time easy paymenu. Grants Pass. 87 DRAYAGE AND TRANSFER Ranches In Jackson and Josephine DRY SEASONED OAK, fir and pine county. One ranch under ditch THE WORIJJ MOVES; so do we wood for sale. Call 313-J. C. W. 3 miles from Grants Pass, on river. Bunch Transfer Co. Office phone Lambrecht. 61tf Gold Ray Realty Co., Owners, 396; res. phones 171-R, 316-L. Medford. Ore. 06tf FOR SALE—Relinquishment, 160 F. 0. ISHAM, drayage, transfer; pi acres, ;40 acres fenced and under APARTMENTS TO RENT at 611 >3 anos, safes, furniture, moved, ship irrigation, nearly level, 3 miles ped, packed, stored. Phone 124.Y. G street. W. M Wyrick. 50tf from Grants Pass, some cleared, ACCOUNTANT stock, tools. Box 106 A, Rd. 4, PIANOS TO RENT—A limited num ber of fine pianos for rent. Apply Grants Pass. 73 AUDITING—Systematizing. Dally or early at Music & Photo House. 88 monthly audit service. Ivan Liv FOR SALE—1’4-in. centrifugal ingston, Incorporated Accountant. pump with 2\4-h. p. gas engine, FOR RENT—19 acres river bottom Phone 389. Address: Grants Pass, loam, under water, five acres in $75. See it at store 8 miles north Oregon. 70tf pears, house, barn, chicken house, of Grants Pass on highway. J. I. just outside city Emits. Phone McDonald. 74 VIOLIN INSTRUI TION 602-F-4. 67tf MILS. GEORGE TEALL PEAKE In ONE HEAVY 3 *4-inch wagon, 1 top structor on violin. Special atten RENT—Modern furnished buggy, several tons grain hay, also FOR tion given to beginners. 414 Weet house. For full particulars ad manzanlta wood for sale. Write to C street. Phone 215-L. 66tf dress No. 241 care Courier. 75 E. W. Nelson, Rd. 2, Box 119. 73 Pictorial Review Patterns for October Now on Sale LOur Stock Is Complete MAY ME ISHIHT YOU WITH \<>l R LIGHTING l’ROBI.KMN PAUL’S ELECTRIC STORE Phone 47 Grants Pass <-R<M>HE THE < lion E m T sanitary plumbing equipment from our stock, to Install In your bathroom, lavatory, wash room, bod room. laundry, kitchen, etc It does not pay to buy sinks, tubs, wash basins or other such equipment un less the enameling or porcelain is of supremely goiwl quality and manu facture M’e warrant all of ours. W. It. RAN NIK 417 <1 STUFE1 VICTIMS RESCUED Kidney, liver, bladder and unc acid troubles are most dangerous be cause of their insidious attacks. Heed the first warning they give that they need attention by taking COLD MEDAL < XPStH Th. world's aland«rd remedy for theew 4i«ord«ri, will often ward off thaea dia* •aaaa and etrangthan the body against further attacks. Three airea, all druggiate. Leell f<X th« man*. Gold Maetal on every U« and Mcspl IMS WUltAtWM Vouve Struck’it Right 7 when you Light a CAMEL Your taste will tell you that! For Camels have the flavor and fragrance of choicest tobaccos perfectly blended. They’re smooth and mellow- mild. And there’s NO CIGARETTY AFTER TASTE. We put the utmost quality into this one brand. Camels are as good as it’s possible for skill, money and lifelong knowledge of fine tobaccos to make a cigarette. That’s why Camels are THE OUALTTV CIGARETTE. Camel