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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 3, 1921)
GRANTM PAM4 DAI Lt OOIRJKH HATIIIDAY, *EI*T3CMIIKII il, lirjl MUM’ELL A NEO US PAGE SEVEN DENTIMTS First-class REPAIR SHOP Steam fitting, pipe E. ,C MACY, D. M. D dentistry. 109 % 8. 6th St. work plumbing, holler and pump work, Installing. 505 South 6th St. VETEHINAHY HIJKGE49N I'hone 306. G. A. Bryan. 1,1 ■ ............... i' yv w ......... .m i DR. R. J. BESTUL, Veterinarian HANKWHS LIFE COMPANY— Des Residence 838 Washington boule Mollies, Iowa. Myron O. Gaston. vard, phone 398-R. District Agent. DOYLE’S An Edison Mazda for every socket IN ATTICS- far Safrir Rummaging around with matchaa.hand lamps or lanterna among countlaae dry aa tinder thing* atorad there la dangerou*. ArroiiÀEt» Now White MMIu lied spioni«, II ciiuihm I or Scalloped, l'ut Corner», A tilg »lilpiiient of towel» In Huck or Turkiali, all »lev, »plwidld «aluce— KH-, l’JI»<-, IDc, 2Oi anil up Io *1.«»«» <-a<li. Classified Advertising FOR HALE CAJLNER-GA YETTY IRON WORKS >1 U. .SORT ON, Atlurnsy-ai-ia « —General foundary and machine Practicas In all Stat« and Fedoral work,.mine, mill machinery, chilled Courts. Flrat National Bank Bldg saw carriage wheels. live rolls, w. uul V ig , sitornsy-st-iaw. pipe fittings. Grants Pass. Oregon. u Grants Paso Banking Co. Bldg. PA PERU ANGING—Call up Harry Jones at Colonial hotel for paint r.. B VAN UIKK, Attorney Practices In al! courts First Natlonsl Hank ing, paperhanglng, calclmlnlng. 90 Building Ill'll.DIXG tONTRllTORN 0 8. BLANCHARD. Attorney-at-law Golden Rule Bldg. Phone 270 HARPER * SON Building contrac tors. Shop work, furniture crating (J. A. •‘•>LEfi. Allorney-at-law. Ma Shoo 610 H St. Rea. phone 143. soste t «inule. Grants Pass. Ore. A. J. GREEN—General contractor. GMJ. tl. DURHAM, Attorney-at-law referee In bankruptcy, Masonic Estimates and plans made. Noth« Temple Phone 135-J. Ing too small or too large Shop 211 Sixth St. Phone 33-J. 9 2 if JAMES T. OIIT nnoc KT Lawyer First National Hank H Hiding J. NALASKOWSKI - Contractor. Builder and Jobber Phone 246-R. A. 0. HOUGH—Lawyer, Tuffs Bldg Practice In all courts ACCOUNTANT V. A. C. AHLF, lawyer, practice In AUDITING Systematizing. Dally or state and federal courts Office nvnr N- ton»! Drue Store monthly audit service. Ivan Liv ingston, Incorporated Aocountant. Phone 389. Address: Grants Pass, Oregon. 70tf FOR BALE Five thorougbliged sows, 6 months old and five WOOD H>l< 8AI.K Kir |2 00. pine shoals, weighing about 100 lbs. 31.76, on ground, 4 miles west on Write Frank H. Myers. Kerby, upper river road. Posts and bulld- Oregon, 74 Ing poles. Hlvely & Brlckell, Gon fi stf FOR B vLE CHEAP 120-acro home- oral Delivery. stead relinquishment. Road at 90 ACHES-- 40 acres bottom under top of south grade from school paid up wator right tor sale. house. 8 miles north Grants Paas 36000. Address No. 302, care of on highway. I McDonald 72 _ Courier '7 _ ?■>!! * ,MRS. GEORGE TEALL PEAKE In FOR SALE My now Ford Coupe, TWO GOOD BARGAINS—One used structor on violin. Special atten run less than a thousand miles, Oakland Six, one new Oakland Bls tion given to beginners. 414 West cost 31000 plus, has 3100 extras sedan Valley Hardware Co. 45tf C street. Phone 215-L. 66tf For quick cash sale, 3700. Bee Mrs. J Q linei. 6 it North 4th. 72 OWN YOUR OWN STORE building PIAMO INSTRUCTION and save rent. Will sell al a bar MRS. JAMES M. POWERS, instruc gain, store occupied by Bert FOR SAIAS—1921 Maxwell, never tor on plano; studio <23 B Street. been run. 3375. Inquire at Mocha ilarues atfToitiLig Tlrat TTatlonal Phone 1-J. cafo after 11 a. m 73 Bank. Valley Hardware Co. 45tf MRS. CLARA TUTTI JC FENTON A FARM bought for 38000 cash to/GOOD 30 ACRE RANCH for sale on teacher at piano and harmony, the Applegate river; 15 acres un aale for 66000. Terms. It Inter all day Monday. Studio over der low expense Irrigation system, ested call at 719 D St 7 7 Smith's Racket Store. 86tf house, barn, cows and horse; also ALMA WOLKE — Instructor tn piano T lift ARANT HOME In good location. a bunch of ordinary farm Imple Modern, fine garden, berries and and harmony. Fall term opena ments thrown In If interested talk • trull tree«, one acre, with plenty Sept. 12. An accredited teacher. direct with owner. Box 56. Rd. 4, of water Bargain If sold at once Ci rants Pass. Ore. 72 DRI94HMAKING Phone 341-41 1119 East A 8t. 6Utf FOR KENT DRF34BM AKING PARIXkRS to re riR AND PINE WOOD 3175 per open September 1st. over Basket Grala and tier, oak and laurel 32. Wm. Brlet- FOR ¿ENT—Alfalfa. Grocery. Special attention will be rnuyvr. Fruitdale. 1 6H Block ranches with and without given opening orders, with pricea Irrigation, or will sett at bargain to suit everyone. Mrs. W. R. MINIMI MACIUNEKY at a bargain prices on long time easy paymenu. 72 Swoape, Prop. Phone 506. Two seta 14-lnch rolls, one set 10- Ranches In Jackson and Josephine Inch rolls, one 14-lnch Jaw Dodge DILAYAGE AM» TRANSFER crusher, one 10-lnch Jaw crusher.1 county. One ranch under ditch 3 miles from GranU Pass, oh river. THE WORLD MOVES; so do we four Denver pulsating ore elassl-i Gold Ray Realty Co., Owners. Bunch Transfer Co. Office phone tiers Ail good condition. For Medford ore Mil 396; res phones 171-R, 316-L. prices address J*. O. Box 13. Ta kilma. < >r<- - ’ F. G ISHAM, drayage, transfer; pi APARTMENTS TO RENT at 611H anos. safes, furniture, moved, ship O street W. M Wyrick 50tf FOR KALE 42 H acros, 3 resi ped. packed, stored Phone 124 Y dences Would make good open PIANOS TO RENT—A limited num air aanltarlum, farm school or pri REAL ESTATE ber of fine pianos for rent. Apply vate homo. Alao oil paintings, early at Music A Photo House. 88 e . T. mckinstry . 603 a st., phone etc., at Oxford hotel and at place. 3S5-R. real estate Best of soils for Cora B. Findlay. Route 4. Box 81. IX HI RENT 19 acres river bottom fruit, hay or general farming. Grants Pass. 87 loam, under waler, five acres In pears, house, barn, chicken home. n\, DRY SEASONED OAK, Dr and pin« Just outside city limits. Phone woo<! for sale. Call 313-J. C. W. dOONER TAXI —Phone 262-R for 602-F-4. 67tf lumbrecht. 61 If Jitney Luke or Cutler. Calls an-! RENT Modern furnished awered anywhere anytime. bStf! FOR SALE Small grain cleaner tX)R house. For full particulars ad PHONE 160 The Bonbonniere for j Can be run by hund or power. Has dress No. 241 care Courier. 75 79tf three complete seta of sieves. The machine which the federal wheat WANTED TAXI White Line Taxi, city or grudera use for determining dock country trips, Special trips by ap- age. Good us new, but too small WANTED TO RENT—A large Irri Prlcce reasonable. polntment. gated ranch suitable for a dairy for ur . Joaephlne Co. Flour mill Closed car. Call Clemens Drug -ranch Herbert Whitsett and 66tf Store, 4G-R; residence phone 381. Daniel llardlng. Grants Pass, Rd. I’GIl SALE—*»4> m of mores, 5 and 6 4, Box 71. 33tf METALLURGICAL ENt.lNEEIt years old. weiirht 2400, wagon and T. R. DEAN Assayer, Chemist. harness. Might consider automo WANTED Fresno teamsters. 33.75 822 East D street. Grants Pass. per day. Laborers 33 50 per day. bile In trade. Fra ng Morris ri. Oregon. 94 Grade foreman. 35.00 per day. Rd. 4, Box 40. '» Board charged at 31.25 per day. l*HYM: UN IND SURGEON FOR SALE Miscellaneous prospec Palmer and McBride, Crescent l. <>. CI.EMEXT. M. I>. Practice tors stamp mill, concentrator, as City, Cal State highway under limited to diseases of eye, ear.noe* say furnace, cyanide plant, etc. construction. tltf and throat. Phone 62; Ree. 239-J. Mostly unused. 346 North Front Street, Medford. Ore. 72 1 TWO RELIABLE discharged soldiers 8. LAM t.. i i.iDGt-.. M. D. Physician want positions as truck or tractor and surgeon. City or country calls FOR SALE—Relinquishment, 160 drivers. Will do labor work until atteuded day or night. Phonee. acres. 40 acres fenced and under opening. Address in care of R. E. Res 369; Office. 182; 6th and H. Irrigation, nearly level, 3 miles Banks, Rd. 2, Box 01, Grants Pass. E J. BILI.ICK, M. D. Physician, aur- 72 from Granta Puss, somo cleared. Ore. geon. Sshallhorn Blk. Phone 54-J; Block, tools. Box 106 A, Rd. 4. res. 1004 Lawnridge, phone 54-L. FOR EXCHANGE Granta Pass. 73 VT F. R(rfinSkW>nt>—Manual the- raputlcs. Office over Barnes’ jew FOR SALE—1'4-In. centrifugal WILL TRADE 40 acres witn water right for lato model Ford and 3400 j elry. Res. 259-R; office 217-R. pump with SM-h. p. gas engine, Terms on the 3400. Call or write! W. T. TOMPKINS, D. S. T. Nervous 375. See it at store 8 miles north 624 West G St. 24lf of Grants 'Pass on highway. J. 1. and chronic diseases. Office. Claus McDonald. 71 Schmidt Bldg. Phone 304-R. 1920 FORD car with starter. In fine RALPH W. 8TDA&N8, M. D. Phy- Rhape, to trade on small house and ONE HEAVY 3 H-Inch wagon, 1 top Rlcian and surgeon. X-Ray equip lot: 18 White Leghorn hens. buggy, several tons grain hay, also ment. Office in Masonic Temple 312.50 lakes them. W. J. Evans, manzanlla wood for sale. Write to Bld«.. phone 21-L. Murphy. 74 E. W. Nelson, Rd. 2, IBox 119. 73 MICKIE, THE PRINTER’S DEVIL MfcNM'S Tl WVYTLI k . AWO KAfcHN'S “TU' KA/XM WHO'S 'YAM.BkA 'YORE0OX Tb ALLOW A TEH CEMT CAGAR OUTA HVS MOUTH 'Xb SAM HB' q AMT AFFORO VY AS HO\M HE LcUf 'YAV.E TU' UOKA& PAPER BEÄDZ \\?."AIMT GOT TUAt -fò RC •” V VY Complete IN BEDROOMS- for Comfort Tl»e simple twitch of a •witch while alill recit al ng bring* rest In I dark nee* or Rood* the room with instant light when needed. WITH A LAMP FOR EVERY IN UV1NG ROOMS —for Conltnlmrnt You can't be ct»eerful Ina poor I y lighted room .Real enjoyment for your family and your guest* lie* In brighter, better light. •MAY WE ASSIST YOU WITH YOI It LIGHTING PROBLEMS IN CELLARS- PAUL’S ELECTRIC STORE for Ciovrntonco To puahabuttonattha heed of the *tair* end have a bright light guiding your decent andlllumlnatlog every corner make* taaka le»* Irkaom*. Make your* the home •n/oya&Ze with ’EDISON MAZDA LAMPS MaJa in U .V. ang So. b, MAZOA bnnU» Phone 47 Grants Pass INVOKED AID OF ST. VITUS In the Past Many Have Had Implicit Fuses and Safety Faith in the Powers of An. cient Holy Man. For some reason a chapel was ded icated to that holy man of the Fourth century who was martyred under the Emperor Dlocletlun—St. Vitus—whose festival 1» celebrated on June 15, We are told that to this c'h<i|>el came an nually many women who labored un der a nervous or hysteric Infliction im pelling them to violent motion. This allmiut came to l>e known as St. Vitus’ dance, and perhaps the term was grad ually extended to other afflictions In volving involuntary muscular motion. Scientifically this disease h known as chorea. Another explanation Is that In certain places In Germany during the Seventeenth century Is was be- tleved goes) health could be obtained for s year by dancing before the saint’s Image on hla festival day, and that It was In this way the original St. Vitus’ dance was confounded with the dis ease. Tlie alt! of this saint Is alao In voked against sudden death, hydropho bia. and so on.—Chicago Journal. A fuse in an electric circuit is a safety device de signed to open the circuit at a certain load. It’s use is to prevent the wires in the circuit pro tected from carrying more than their rated capacity and to prevent fires and damage to electrical appar atus I i Nova Scotia’s Sheep Industry. The sheep Industry In Nova Scotia Is more than 200 years old, records of 1<H»3 telling of 173,271 sheep In Ar- cadln. The province now ranks fourth among the provinces In the number of sheep, with 200,97». standing second to Quebec In price received for wool. Nova Scotia owes Its superior quality to its low shrinkage, as compared with wool from other parts of Canada. The cl 1 finite on the mainland demands shel ter for sheep during the winter months, though on certain Islands along the south »bore they are out the year uround and feed on the sea kelp washed up on the shore. These are the wild sheep descended from those brought In by early settlers, Enter prising farmers on the south shore, seeing that they fed off the kelp winter, corralled them on nearby lands. Famous Old London Bridge. Loudon bridge reached the height of Its glory In the reign of Queen Eliz abeth, when the city built a gate and toner three stories high at Southwark end. an<l the wonder of London. Non such house. ”a huge wooden pile, four stories high, with cupolas and turrets at each corner, brought from Holland and erected with wooden peg- Insteuil of nulls,” reared Itself over the seveml. and eighth arches, on the north side of the drawbridge. The whole bridge In those days, was one wonderful street of shops and dwelling houses, with a chapel built or restored ‘with great splendor.” Yet, but a hundred years or so later, the scene is changed In deed. The houses and shops and the chapel are still there, but a hundred years old.—Christian Science Monitor. CHICHESTER SPILLS Lad Im! Ank ys»*r fry < hl chm-ter* IMamnnd Brar-l/AX Pill* In Ked and Mold hexes, scaled with Blu* Ribboa. \ / Take no other. Buy of yonr Bracci««. A«k fwClII-t IIF m -TFRS BRANI» Pll.lAfrv yehri known a« Best, Safest. Always Reliable Fuses are placed at various points in the electric al.circuits where the wires branch or change size; also at the entrance to the biulding to protect the wiring in the building, and on the pole outside of the building to protect the transformer and outside circuit. When a fuse blows, there is usually a cause for it, such as an overload or damaged circuit and the cause should be found and repaired before replav ing the fuse, v Better investigate and eliminate any risk that may exist. Your Contractor Dealer can protect vou at a nominal cost. The California Oregon Power Company 623 G Street, Grants Pass Phone 108-J Universityof Oregon CONTAINS: The College of Literature. The Graduate School. Science and the Arta. The School of Journalism. The School of Architecture The School of Law. and Allied Arts. The School of Medicine. The School of Business The School of Music. Administration. The School of Physical The School of Education. Education. The Extension Division. The School of Sociology. Fall Term Opens September 26 A Kifh standard ot cultural and profeaaional acholarahip haa become one of the outatanding marha of the Slate Univeraity. For a catalogue, foldera on the varioua achoola. or for any information, write THE REGISTRAR. UNIVERSITY OF OREGON. Eugen«. Ore. Greats Pass and Roseburg Stage DAILY AND SUNDAY Leave Grants Pass 1:00 p. m- Leave Roseburg t p. in. Grants Pass Stage DAILY AND SUNDAY PHONE 83 OR ICO LEAVE GRANTS PASS 1 10:00 a. tu 1 :OO I». lli. 4:04» P. m. fl: 13 I’. n>. We eouuect with stage* for Ashland and LEAVE MEDFORD 8:00 a. m. 11:00 a. nt. f :OO P- in. 4:30 l>. m. Jai kaoni tUe SOLD BY WÌIGG6TS EVERYWHERE I They Wouldn’t Be Missed By Charles Sughroe •«'num N~wr,l'«. -Ä bMUO HAS STOPPED Our Stock VUHWE EM'RN EDVTOR V.NOWS TU’ CLOSE tvv hoxae paper , TH' OHLN ONE HE TARES, BECUX HE'S GlTTlM' KÄORE PAPERS THAN HE HIM READ ” G un who stops AMD TU' B\RD WHO COMSl DE RS HILASELE A HOkAE TDWM BOOSTER AMD NET QUITS H\S HOHE PAPER FBR. ONE >M A NEARBN <SVYV