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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 3, 1921)
MITI RDAY. MRPTKMHKR A. IK'JI GRANTS l*AM DAILY OOl’RIER PAGE BIX Give up “guess-work” Lubrication It is expensive. It causes seventy- five per cent of engine troubles. If you don't know the right type of oil for your car, let us tell you. We are experts on lubrication. W e handle SUNOCO MOTOR OIL—the new scien tific lubricant It is made in six types to suit every make of car. C. A. WINETROUT VALLEY HARDWARE CO. DRIVER DEFT AT SHIFTING GEARS All Motions With Levers Must Be Made Deliberately and With out Undue Haste. PROBLEMS ON TRANSMISSION Open Day and Night Phone 163 REBORING, LATHE AND MACHINE WORK OF ALL KINDS CAST STEEL AND ALLMINT.M WELDING AND BRAZING If you have a motor that has lost its pep, bring it in and let us install a set of Johns light gray iron pistons. We are equipped to rebore your motor block and fit any oversize pistons, pins and rings yon need. Our mechanics issue you service with satisfaction and a smile. PRICES ON APPLICATION Knox & Burke For Serivce Grants Pass We repair and make every type and style top and slip cov er—and do the work RIGHT- Let us repair your present top and, also, lend real distinct ion to your car with a smart rat of durable slip covers. Sam ple«, prices, etc-, gladly sub mitted. G.B. BERRY Wheel? of Vehicle Pass Over Tripping Device. Door la CountorwolghUd So That Whan Trip la Rsloaaod, Weight Pulls Door Shut or Open as May Be Dastrad by Driver. An easy running garage or baru door may be arranged, ns shown In the | drawing, to close Itself us ns the rear wheels of a vehicle pnsa over the tripping device. Tin- door is counter- weighted so that, when the trip is re leased. the weight pulls the door abut. One of the marks of a good driver The trip, or release, consists of u Is the maimer iu which he handles hinged plunk arranged, as Indicate«!, the gear shifting lever. Of course, to engage with the notch«*«! plate on the design of the clutch has a great the door; thia plate bus two not,lies, deal to do with ensy gear shifting, on«* of which engages with the plunk but even with this advantage a cer tain amount of practice Is necessary In order to shift the gears deftly with out noise or clashing. The transmission is made up of a aeries of gears, mounted on the main shaft and the countershaft, with the Idler gear mounted on the transinls slou ease. The first speed, socond speed and reverse combinations arc simply three sets of reduction gears with various ratios, to give the ino tor a greater leverage against the driving mechanism when required High speed Is direct drive, •which means that the propeller shaft re solves at the same rate of speed as tlie motor crankshaft. The various gears are brought Into play by moving A Simple Oevice That Autcmatically Closes Sliding Garage Dcor, After the gear shifting lever to the proper the Passage of a Vehicle. positions. It Is a Serious Mistake to Permit Car to Gain Too Much Speed Before Changing Combinations— Good Method Outlined. Power Is Disconnected. Fashion Garage and Machine Shop GARAGE DOOR CLOSED BY PASSAGE OF AUTO When the dutch pedul Is pressed all the way down the power of the motor is disconnected front the trans mission system, which releases the pressure of the gear teeth against each other and makes it jstsslble to shift the gears easily. Also, when the gear shifting lever Is In neutral position the power Is disconnected from the rear driving mechanism, be cause none of the transmission gears are In mesh. The whole theory of gear shifting may be summed tip in the statement that the two gears about to be nteslieil should be revolved slowly and as nearly as possible at the same rate of speed. If one is revolving much faster than the other It Is difficult to shift without clashing. definite phrasing, is your greatrat protection. It »ay», without II*, And« and But», that you, the car owner, Afmf Be P/csHr*// Thu I* the Company's pledge, and that of every« Service Scatton thruuglunit the en* tiiw motorurd world. South Sixth Street Owners of rars containing small bore six-cylinder engines sometimes complain of the difficulty of obtaining proper Idling. Tin* owner usually as sumes that the carburetor Is at fault. As it matter of fact, the trouble Is usually caused by the «park plug be ing set too close. This causes the motor tn roll when Idling; With all the symptoms of loaillng By Increasing the spark gaps and cleaning the plugs the troubl«* will be cured. AUTOMOBILE STORM AWNING Ample Protection Afforded Driver From Ram, Sleet or Snow— Vision Unobscured. The Scientific American In Illustrat ing and describing an nutonioblle stiirm awning, the Invention of G. II. Hunt. Monroe Center. 111., says: The Invention relstes to awnings to he used In «•••nnection with the top of tin automobile to prot«*ct the upper part <>f the wind shield from mln. snow or sleet s<> that the vision of the driver will not lie ohwured. and also for shutting out the rays of the sun The Most Popular Six Cylinder Automobile The Studebaker In California the Studebaker Leads in Registration, with but one exception. Ford. In Chicago Registrations increased 124 per cent over last year. In New York Registrations increased 153 per cent over last year. J. F. Burke, It Is Well to Replace Rear Tires With Front Ones and Also to Reverse Sides. Dodge TECHNOLOGY $4.50 Ford Chevy ....... ..$225 Maxwell Reo -.......... . .......... $(»25 Overland Ford Showing the Invention Applied to an Automobile. or elevated street lights. A more specific object Is to provide a water proof flexible awning which can be operated from within the automobile, THE CALIFORNIA AND OREGON there being spring-actuated arms on the aides of the wind shield to for COAST RAILROAD COMPANY wardly project the awning, and lock Time Card ing means for holding the supporting arms. Effective N ot . 24, 191». Trains will run Mondays, Wednes days and Fridays AUTO CARE DURING SUMMER • — 1I-eave Grants Pass....... ....... 1 p.«. Arrive Waters Creek.......... 2 p.M. Radiator Should Always Be Kept Leave Waters Creek__ __ 2:30 P. m ' Filled and at Intervale Flushed Arrive Grants Pass...... ...... 4 P.M. Out and Refilled. For information regarding freight and passenger rates call at the office During the summer season motorists of the company, Lundbnrg building, should give frequent attention to the or telephone 131. radiator, advises a motor car manu facturer. It should always be kept tilled, and at Intervals It should lie Hushed out and tilled with clean witter. In connection with efficient operation of the cooling system, fan belt adjust ment should be made, for the fun Is neetled In summer. The position of the Mpnrk lever should be watched to see that It is kept In an advance«! posi tion, thus assuring better cooling of the motor. Minor ports, such as spring shackles, wheel bearings, steering connections Eight School«; Seventy Departments and universal joints, require oiling ., i..e «-ututmly UuWh . win, ..j Uie cou.iti’.. 1.« „ ihii „ ;•» th«- "bow Wo'VS' more often In summer. Il 1« wise to please study *hts picture. The building In the picture Is one of the high schools FALL TERM OPENS SEPT. 19, 1921 use a heavier grode of lubricating oil in Cincinnati. The automobiles belong to the students in the school. More For mlofmatKM wrrte I, llw R.tiUr.r thnn In colder weather, and oil should than two hundred cars from the lowly little car to the big fellows are parked Oregon Agricultural College he drained from the motor at Intervals in front of this school. Each one of these cars belongs to s partlculsr student CORVALLIS not to exceed every 1,000 miles. in the school. ANYTHING BUT HARD TIMES SEEN Local Dealer USED CARS TIRE CHALGZS ¿RE FAVORED After the rear tires have worn con siderably, Interchange with the front tires. It Is also good to reverse sides. The tractive strain on the rear wheels makes it advisable to place new tires on the rear wheels, moving the old ones forward. Some of the greatest j mileage records known have been ( gained In this way. Grants Pass, Ore. STORAGE BATTERY HARD TO GET PROPER IDLING Trouble Usually Caused By Spark Plug Gap Being Too Close—No Fault of Carburetor. Further, human fWfMWuibibty cannot go. The Preet CM.ite Battery mr« lew chan one fbur-humlrvdth of He |K»wrr*reecrve for a single »tart —and ilie generator quwlly re* place« that. You naturally think of thia high* grade, high-powered battrry as high-prtcrd. Our prices will cor rect any «uch unpreesam. Adams’ Electric & Battery Shop In the extreme open position A spring on the underbid«* of the plunk holds it in engagement with the notches. In operation, the front wheel of the vehicle pushes the trl|> down and the disir Is released until the catch engages In the second notch, which Is about *.* Inches hack of th«* first. The rear wheel disengages the eateh from the s«*eon<l notch am! the door rolls shut. The door travel should be adjusted so that It will clear th«* enr as It shuts.—Popular Mechanics Mngaxlne. How to Get Good Results. It Is a mistake, for the above rea sons, to let the car gain too great a speed before shifting Into a higher combination. The following method will ite found t<> give good results: With the throttle closed and the spark lever about half-way down the quadrant, so that the engine Idles slowly, throw out the clutch and put the gear shifting In first-speed posi tion. Engage the clutch slowly, at the same time pressing down on the accelerator pedal gradually. Let the car attain a s|>eed of about four or five miles an hour and then throw out the clutch, removing the right foot entirely from the accelerator pedal Push the lever slightly forward Into neutrnl position, then clear to the left and forward Into second speed Let the clutch In gently, as before, and accelerate the speed of the car to about eight or ten miles an hour, when the dutch should be again dis engaged, the foot r-moved from the accelerator and the gear shifting lev er [Hilled straight bark Into high speed position. All of these motions should be made deliberately without haste. ’T’HB tfirii of th«» Pre*<*O* * guarantor, rwn nuuw thnn (he $225 ( 'lifvv I h livcrv $450 $375 $600 $250 C. L HOBART COMPANY ▼ UNIVERSAL TIRE FILLER RI DEN LIKE AIR, MORE CASING MILEAGE’—TRANSFERABLE FROM ONE CASING TO ANOTHER—NO 1*1 ’NCTI REH, BIX»W- OtTS. INNER TI BES OR AIIL INSTALLED IN YOCR CAR AT 107 SOI TH FOl’RTH STREI7T. Universal Service Station Authorized Dodge Service Station COMPETENT MECHANIC« FOR ALL MAKES OF TRUCK« WELDING, BRAZING AND MACHINE WORK ELECTRIC TROI RLE SHOOTING CARS AND Ament’s Auto Machine Shop l»AY PHONE 11:l-l SERVICE CAR DAY Oil MGIIT NIGHT SA2-R Newspapers 5& lOcBu nd les-Courier A