Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 3, 1921)
GRANT* PAM4 DAILY ( <>l RI Eli — PAG« F1VK ■ — PERSONAL The Man and the Dollar Mb LOCA 1 L. Mias Vera Robinson left this morn IJbrary < 'lowed I.altor Da> — The Public library will not be open ing for Portland where aha will visit on Labor liny. for th» next week with her sister. There’s a plzuo for you at the 72 MlnMrel .In/./ (hare— Baptist Sunday school. After the show Huturduy night at Frank Maabburn returned thia morning from Portland where he Waldorf hail. Admission 10c, danc ing, 75c, Including war tax. 72 spent several days on business. Gia»» mixing bowls In five sizes 72 Holland MUI Hum»— at Cramer Bros The Ralph Kltterman mill at Hol Miss Gladys Conklin will arrive to- morrow from Eugene for a visit land was burned down yesterday af ternoon ut atmut 3 o'clock. The mill here with Mrs. Philip Twohy. OE SOUTHERN OREGON Large atone Jar» fo r meat and wus a small one being used for plan- 72 Ing lumber. kraut at Oramor 'Bros. The habit grows. Save with us. Ml»» Jeanette M om left last night for Livingston, Mont., where «he has Spot llances ■ Saturday night. Riverside Com- a position as physical instructor in 72 munlty Club. Refreshments. the city schools. Jelly glaaooo at Cramer Bros. 72 <’. A Bills left this afternoon for Cupid Got Busy— August was a busy month for cu Lewiston, Ida., after spending the past three month» here as manager pld, who proved too strong for li couples who took out licenses to wed of the Western hotel. Pickle jar» ut Cramer Bro». 72 A year ago there were but seven is Miss Edith Dahlberg left Thursday sued In the same month. So far this night for Montesano, Wash., where year there have been 54 couples pro »he has accepted a |>osition as instruc vided with the paper which starts them on the road leading to the min tor in the high school. Mason Jar» at Cramer Bros. 72 ister’s door. Ml» l/eah Epperly returned this morning to her home at Jefferson af < omit anti Extracted Honey- 76 New, at Pardee’s grocery. ter visiting here with her grandmoth er. Mrs. Ada Morrison For Bale- My Hobart In Cable I h - mvc - for \<-w Home— Rev. Henry G. Hanson, who recent-] piano. Cost $560, will sell for $350 if taken In three days. Terms Mrs. ly resigned as pastor of Bethany G Imel. 7 2 Presbyterian church, after serving ■ Philip Twohy Is expected to arrive for the past two years, left Friday tonight from Phoenix. Aris., to meet afternoon by automobile for bls new PLENTY OF RESERVE POWER Mr». Twohy. who has been visiting home at Moro, Sherman county. I here fur the past month at the home where he will engage in religious | of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. L. work. While serving Bethany church I ho made many friends. Wilson. New stock of stone Jar» from H gallon to 20 gallons at Cramer Bros ItusincM, Training Pay»— Mr. and .Mrs Lyman Patton stop One term with us and one year at ped off here last night wjiile on their a good salary in a business office way to (*rater l-ake for a «bort visit makes the best two-year course. Win with Miss Jeanette Moss. Mrs. Pai» ter term begins September 15. Med ton was formerly Mi»s Mary Irving, a ford Business College, Medford. Ore gon. 79 sorority sister of MI m .M om *. Kraut cutters at Cramer Bros. 72 It is small and compact, Miss Ada Morrison left this morn l*ump AV ill Be < lowed I town— around in a 22 foot circle. It Water will be run through the ing tor Twin Falls, Ida . after a visit here with her mother. Mrs. Ada M. aouth canal Sunday and Monday to Morrison Mias Morrison is a recent allow for the last irrigation of the graduate of the Good Samaritan hos season as the pipe is to be taken up pital In Portland and is now taking a and placed across the suspension bridge. This pipe will supply the position in her line of work. Hour paint at Cramer Bros < z water from the main canal to the INVESTIGATE 'this BETTER TR.MTOR AT Mr. and Mrs. R. Bogart and Miss northwest unit. The bridge was Mildred Bogart left yesterday for built to provide space for two pipes ONCE LET IT WORK EOR YOU. I/ebanon after »{lending a few days should the one tie found inadequate here. They are looking for a place to carry enough water to supply the to locate and may return here to northwest unit. make their home. Vacation time 4s over-come, join ' Another Good Time— ¡the Baptist Sunday school. 72 1 Saturday night at the Riverside Mr and Mrs. L. O. Hepp and fam 1 Community ’Club. Refreshments ily passed through here this morning I and a few spot dances. 72 ---------- ] on their way to Woodburn and will I return here next week. Mr. Hepp has Stock Arriving— Mr. Colby called today and says been elected principal of the high school, his duties starting a week the first shipment of Buster Brown The WINCHESTER Store from Monday. He has been attend- shoe store goods have arrived and will be on the shelves ready for sale Ing Stanford Vntvendty. Jaiuilac at Cramer Bros. 72 on Tuesday. Other shipments will ar Effective today—Chevrolet 4 90 rive shortly and a complete line will I Many At ill Go to the l-ake—- NOTICK touring cars are reduced to $675 f. be carried. Parents who have school Crater latke will ibe the most pop (in account of Monday, September o. b. Granta Pass. All other models children to outfit will be interested 6th. being a 'egal holiday the melt ular resort over the week end tor in proportion. .Maxwell A Oo. 72 ! in the Buster Brown shoe for chil- the Granta I ’ m« people, according to ing of the ,’jeiflc Mo-a Pump Sales Professor F. H. Applehoff, who , dren as the lasts have been very care in number who have signified their Company stockholders will be pos<- has been spending the summer at his fully made for child's feet and the poned to Mot,-!.!/. September 12*.t ,«tj tention of going there tonight and to- I home in Edenbower. left today for | continued use of the shoes for a morrow. From all Indications there 72: s p. m. will be close to 75 people there from l Grants Pass. During his vacation he I growing child insures freedom from 72 Grunts Pass Many others will make | has been leading the Presbyterian foot troubles later. COMING EVEN TN choir here. He will again lead the Heid. 5-9. Monday-Friday Southern the trip to the Caves and others will Baptist choir In Grants Pass during New Honey— Oregon Soldiers and Sailors rr spend the two days hunting In comb and extracted honey. J. the winter. His many friends regret union at Uthla Park. Ashland 76 thnt he cannot remain In Roseburg. Pardee. • I' imm I I s Stolen— Sept. 12, Monday Opening of the - Roseburg News-Review. The refrigerator at the homo of Granta Pass public schools. Ixtrge preserving kettles in gran I’rofits by Conscience Fund—\ Mrs. Frank Bramwell was cleaned fibpt. 1?. Monday Opening of Miss out last night or early this morning ite and aluminum at Cramer Bros. 72 I Ixtuis Carson on Friday received a Telford’s Kindergarten, 411 C St. by a thief. Mrs. Bramwell had a Oxford guests last night were Mr. I check from Boise. Ida., for $35 for Sept 15-17, Thursday, Friday. Sat large amount of food In the refrigera and Mrs. George AA’allace. Sophie nursery tr?es which bad been order-1 urday-Southern Oregon Indus tor, Including some beefsteaks, a Sellner, Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Tintinger nd from his father the late A. H. Car- trial Exposition at Granta Pass. l>ound of bacon, a dozen eggs, a ■ and J. Daniels of lx>s Angeles. Mr son. who prior to 1895 was in the Heid. 26-Oct. 1, Monday-Saturday pound of butter, a quart of milk, and Mrs. George Blackwell, Mr. and nursery stock business. The letter, Oregon State Fair. Salem. some lemons and other groceries. No Mrs. J. O. Hall and O. O. Gooch of which was not signed reads: “On sec Portland. Mr. and Mrs. M. B. May, ond thought I have come to the con Nov. 9. AVednesday M. E. Indies’ clues were left. Mr. and Mrs. L. T. AVagner and AV. 8. clusion that I did not pay you for the Aid Bazqar. 7i I Gray of San Francisco. AV. J. Wilkin trees I got from you. and take pleas- I tenth of Former Resident— Word was received here today of son, H. H. Rundle and family and B. ure in handing you herewlth my the death this week of Mrs. C. L. Bar- I J. Goff and family of Roseburg. G. check for the sum of $35 in payment low at her home in Monroe, Wash., L. Baker and family and J. K. Mor therefor.” where the family have lived since ris and family of Monrovia, Cal.. Mr New and Vaed Goods leaving Josephine county. The Bar- and Mrs. W. B. Lyon and E. J. Van- Six Piece Jazz Orchestra— I HEE ME Saturday night after minstrel lows were residents of Galice, where degan, of Takilma, C. O. Wells of 72 Mr. Barlow conducted a general mer Holland and B. M. Fowler of Selma. show. AValdorf Hall. New Economy toiut at Cramer Bros chandise business for many years, 401 G STREET Glass top Ever Seal Jars nt Cramer Had Slight Sprinkle and also served as county commis 72 Weather prophets of the city cock sioner for a number of years. Death Bros. Many Portlanders were registered ed one eye skyward yesterday morn- resulted from tuberculosis. at the Josephine last night, among ing and predicted rain within a day Hobo Plague )A'or»e— them being A. C. Swoboda. Carl Gra or two. It looked for a while as if The hobo plague is liecomlng worse ble. E. P. Vachon, J. F. Rnelson. Alva their predictions might bear fruit but as the winter draws closer. Today Swoboda, Unis Swoboda. J. A. Elliott. after a few drops, not even enough there whs the largest number of F. B. Gabriel, A. B. Ixtwrence. Mr. to settle the dust, the clouds broke transients in the city that had been and Mrs. «. B. Ginty, F. Erickson. aiway and the valley today appears seen here for years, says Ed. Garrett. John Olson and John Fairburg. Oth absolutely free front any threat of Mayor Baker of Portland has been ers were (Mr. and Mrs. George Es- rain. As a general role there ts a keeping them moving out of Portland terly of AA’aldo. E. D. Clapp. Mr. and rain during the first week of bop ANI» SCHOOL Nl PI'I.IEM OF and they drift Into the smaller cities Mrs. AV. IB. Wilcox, iMr. and Mrs. J. picking. The rain was general ALL DESI RII’TIONS cleaning them out as they go. They E. AA’hitham. Miss Mildred Whitham. along the coast, reaching as far in will not work and sympathy wasted Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Eckhart and Jas land as Agness and Onion mountain, on them is lost. The Shattuck com Carey, of Loa Angolés. C. J. Hurd, of gladdening the hearts of the forestry pany needs laborers on the new dam Corvallis. R AA’. Watson of Spokane. officials. and others have tried to get the ho A. C. Stewart of Seattle. Mr. and boes to work, but they refuse. They Mrs. 11. AV. Crane of 'Berkeley, Mr. Notice to Subscribers— ask every person on the street who and Mrs. T. L. Bergeman and Mies I Subscribers are requested to make SELLS DRUGS looks as If he might have some money Z. Bahs x>f Berkeley. Mr. and Mrs. J. payments to the office and not to the for enough to get something to eat. J. Duffy and John Vienna, of Cres carrier boys. Boys have no author The best way to get rid of them is to cent City. ity to collect. When a change of ad refuse to give them money unless AA’e Baptists need your help In the dress is to be made always notify the they work. A Ashland contest. 72 office. i in a it itt All'll the opening of the Fall Season we pr<*«ent the most remark* able collet tlon of TRIMMED ANI» TAILORED HATS THt FIRST NATIONAL BANK Mrs. Hellie Deas AVe do Hemstitching YOUR NEXT SUIT and will be bought at this place if you are ecOMmictL 838.00 and up to *50.00 TAIIXIRED TO ORDER These garments that anyone w ill realize are worth very much more. A big selection of NEW FALL GOODS — Satisfaction guaranteed GEO. S. CALHOUN Nearly seventeen »cars local dealer NEW FALL GOODS at New Low Prices now arriving at Peerless Clothing Co. r THE SURE WAY TO GET A RECEIPT Payment by check assures you of a valid receipt—besides it is safe—so convenient and economical that it is a very satisfactory medium of settle ment. Your Checking Account is invited by Grants Pass and Josephine Bank MEMBER OF FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM G rants P ass ,O regon Only $960.00 • (F. O. B., Grants Pass, Oregon) Rogue River Hardware Co. BUYS FOR CASH E. W. CHILES High School Books CLEMENS Shoes for the Family NEAA FALL OXFORDS IN BROWN CALF. BLACK AN'« BROWN VICI— NEAA STYLES IN LACE AND STRAPS 103 North 6th WOODWARD’S Harry S. Clapp R. C. Powers Grants Pass Electric Co. PHONE :»O-R Thinking of lights, the evenings are getting longer—look at your old lights, maybe you are not getting as much light as you should. New lam'->s will make the room bright and cheerful. That water heater will beat cold water. Flash lights make a key hole look as big as your hand. An electric range mak'-s cooking a pleasure. If any of your electric appliances need repairing bring them in. AVE KNOW HOW TO DO IT RIGHT Meet us at the Fair FALL GOODS WILL BEGIN TO ARRIVE ABOl'T SEPTEMBER 1. STOCK CLEANING SALE BEGINNING MONDAY, AVGl’ST 22, AND LASTING ALL WEEK TO MAKE ROOM. FOR NEW FALL GOODS. SOME REAL BARGAINS IN MANY LINES SEE VS AT THE JOSEPHINE COUNTY FAIR. WE WILL BE THERE Holman’s Furniture Store After the Minstrel Dance-—— more than all the rest of the valley. Eat chicken broth and noodles at They are being sent to Chicago. Late the Bonbonniere, 20c. 72 pears will start coming In about the middle of next week, with an estimat Packing Is Started— ed crop of about six cars. The late The AVinter aBnana apple crop ts pears are of better quality this year now being harvested, packing having I than the Bartletts not having been started yesterday by the Oregon | hit so hard by the frost. Late varie Growers. Most of the apples are ties of fall apples, the Newtons and coming from the Lathrop Brothers] Spitzenburgs, will begin ripening ranch and from Wolf Creek. It is about the middle of September. expected that there will be three] cars of this variety of fall apple«.! At Baptist Sunday School— these being the first to ripen. The A special Invitation is extended to Grants Pass district is the major pro all strangers, newcomers and those ducer of the Winter Banana, having not attending elsewhere. 72