Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 3, 1921)
HAT« IlDAY, NEI*TEMBF.R ». «WJ« FAOK FOUR OBITUARY GRANTS PASS DAILY COURIER l Mt-«. W. J. Merrier The funeral of Mrs. W. J. Mercier, A. E. Voorhles. Pub. and Propr. who died In Tucson. Aris,, Augu»t 27. Entered at postoffice. Grants Paas. will be hold at Hall's chapel. Grants Ore., as second-class mail matter. MONDAY. LABOR DVV Pass Monday afternoon, September DAILY COURIER IUI TONIGHT 5, at 2 o’clock. Rev. Joseph Knotts By mail or carrier, per year 26.00 ¡conducting the service. Interment In By mall or carrier, per month 50 I the l. O. O. F. cemetery, in. Illi» «ncninx uniti Tti«*<l«)' «. tu. We will not bc opra front » WEEKLY COURIER Mrs. Mercier was a resident By mall, per year.... . ...........22 00 If you did not get your sal ted |H'«nut.H at 2 poutub» for ìMc tmlay, Granta Pass and Josephine county ADVERTISING RATES phone us your order now or O'me down and get them. for 15 years or more, leaving here Display space, per inch ................ 25c i about two years ago for Arliona. She Local-personal column, per line....10c Is survived by her husband, three Headers, per line---------------------- 5c daughters. Mrs Thomas Amer. Ix» MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED PRESS Angelas; Mrs. K. 8. Rice, Sierra Mo- The Associated press Is exclusively |dra. Cal.: Mrs Robert l«esdbetter, entitled to the use tor republication Monterey. Cal., and Mni. Ed. Autvn- of all news dispatches credited in this or all otherwise credited in this relth. Yreka, and four sons, 11. W. paper and also the local news pub Mercier. Portland; F. 8. Mercier. Se 101 & 105 N. 6th lished herein. attle. C. E. Mercier. Fort Worth. All rights for republication of »pe I Texas, and Ralph Merrier, Tucson. dal dispatches herein are also re served Mrs. Autenrieth arrived here Fri NEW TUBAI tion Is stepping in promptly to re- day and others of the family will ac SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, IPS I lieve financial distress. GET YOUR LUMBER from the Jose company the remains Monday. phine Lumber Co., at wholesale ♦ ♦ You gain a kind of pleasure front the ♦ ♦ mill prices. All kinds of planed ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ NOTICE TU IX t Wit It TORS OREGON WEATHER lumber. Our truck delivers any Victrola that nothing else can give. I o enjoy ADDITIONAL lAM’AL » where Phone 188, 107 North ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ at any moment the actual music of the fore SEALED PROPOSALS will be re- ♦ Weather for the Week 92tt Sixth street. Taken New Position— | celved at the office of the Auditor most artists is possible through the Victrola Pacific coast states — Gener ♦ INSURANCE—AU George Peake has accepted a posi- DEPENDABLE and Police Judge of the City of ♦ ally fair throughout the week, lines. See T. M Stott. Buick sales | tion with the Pardee grocery, taking alone. ♦ with normal temperatures. rooms. Phone 520. 43tf i Grants I'uss. Oregon, up to and until I has the place of George Neill who j the hour of 5 o ’ clock p. m. Septem ♦ A You may carry this delightful privilege to the coast to take a position MEDFORD FLUFF RUG MANg will ber 15th, 1921, for the making of Tonight, fair, Sunday, fair ♦ gone 4 with you in the summer months. We have be in Grants Pass Tuesday of this the Hobbs-Wall company. with ♦ I improvements upon Orchard Avenue, ♦ and warmer. week. Prices greatly reduced. os per plans, specifications, drawings convenient models for traveling and outdoor ....................................... ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ Phone 271. 22 land profiles on file In my office In __ ___________________________________ ' Free Bus to Run— use that will make it easy. Carl Winetrout has announced that H \LF PRICE For q tick sale will ' the City Hall. THE DECLINE IN EXPORTS I he will run a free bus to the Jose- dispose of six-room cottage and All bids received will be transmit Call on us today. The United States is confronted i phine county fair during fair time, three large lots garden land In su ted to the Common Council at 8 with a problem in the continued de i from the city. The bus will be a burbs at one-half cost—2800. Un o’clock p. m. on Thursday, Septem cline in the export trade of the coun trailer pulled by a Fordson tractor. incumbered—pleasant location— ber 15th, 1921, and then and there try. Exports dropped from 28.000,- shade trees—fine well, Terms on opened and the contract awarded to half to reliable party. * See H H. the lowest responsible bidder. 000,900 to 26,500,000.000 last year. Laborcr’s Hand Cut— Ole Jensen, one of the laborers at MtfFS Allyn IN WITNESS WHEREOF. 1 have The decline was due. according to the Caves highway was painfully in STANTON ROWELL, Propr. 2 large hereunto net my hand and official HOME near high school. Comptroller of the Currency Crissin- jured yesterday. He was cut on the screened in porches, electric range, seal of said City on this 3rd day of Grants Pass, Ore. ger. to the fact that American money hand by an ax while clearing the lot 50x90. 2800. Harry 8. Clapp. September. 1921. right of way. The wound, while pain is the most expensive of any in the 74 ! H. H ALA.YN. Auditor and ¡Police Judge In world. Foreign nations cannot af ful, is not serious. FOR RAUS—A dairy ranch, one of and for the City of Granta ford to buy here at the low exchange . Bridge Breakfast Given— the beet In Rogue river valley. All Pass, l»regoli 74 hopes to have as a father-in-law Pat NOTICK OF MEETING OF stock and Implements go with value of their money, They can pur A bridge breakfast was given this HOARD OF EQI AI.IZ ITION place. Address owner. J. B. Noble. Is the manufacturer of Pnkro trucks country where chase in some otber morning for Mrs. Philip Twohy by ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ "'Dusty** tries to demonstrate bls Box 682. 73 the rate of exchange Rives them a Mrs. H. L. Wilson at the Wilson AMUSEMENTS worth as publicity man for the Ihikro Notice Is hereby given that the home. After an appetizing breakfast RANCH FOR SALC —125 acres, good much larger buying power. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ but only succeeds In getting more Board of Equalization for Josephine house and barn, one mile from has been served the guests played The falling off in exports continues Hugo railroad station on Pacific “What's Your Hurry'.*'’ Breezy New deeply ’'tn wrong“ However, when County, Oregon, will, on the second bridge, having an enjoyable morning a big irrigation dam threatens to Monday In September, attend at the Picture With Wnllle Belli to back up in American markets a Mrs. Twohy will leave in a week for highway. Price $1200. Terms That there.are thrills concealed lit yield under the strain of a raging courthouse in Grants Pass, and pub much larger supply of goods not her home in Phoenix. Owner. John Breeding. Grants 77 the prosaic motor truck, as well as storm and to ibrlng disaster upon the licly examine the assessment roll for Pass. Ore. needed at home. This accumulation valley below, "Dusty” not only show» New Crater Lake Lodge Manager — DE8IRAB LE ranch for rent—25 in the graceful lines of the racing au his own mettle but also brings Pakro the year 1921, and correct all errors of goods, normally raised for export, tomobile is proven by Wallace Reid ’ s In valuation, description or qualities The Crater Lake lodge is under a acres 2 H miles from S. P. station is having a disastrous effect upon the new manager, who is William A. trucks to the fore. of lands, lots or otber property as at Rdgue River, on Champion road latest picture. "What’s Your Hurry?” which will be on view at the Rivoli agricultural and other industries, be- Kamps, assistant manager of the "What’s Your Hurry?" Is the work sessed by the assessor; and It shall adjoining Cornell ranch $50 a cause it renders more serious the Multnomah hotel at Portland, follow year. Fenced with Page woven theater for three days commencing of Byron Morgan, who also wrote be the duty of persons Interested to "The Roaring Road" and "Excuse My appear at the time and place ap price uncertainties of the near fu- ing the resignation of Carl Y. Teng- wire; 4-room cottage; chicken tomorrow matinee. As "Dusty" Rhoades, auto racer, Dust." lx»l» Wilson wax never more pointed. wald. the Medford man who has held house and barn. Key in possession ture on many staple goods. D. O HAYES. that important position all season. of Wm. Carle on adjoining Reed the breezy star wins a speedy tussle charming as the leading woman, and To prevent any great disturbance ________ Ogle „_____ and Clarence llurlon are Asseasor for Josephina Mr. and Mrs. Tengwald arrived in ranch. Address George Geiger. on the track, but falls to Impress1 Charles coming to American producers and Medford Wednesday from the lake, »•20 38 County, Oregon. 2424 Russell St., Berkeley, Cal. 76 Patrick MacMurran, whom "Dusty”'also In the cast. shippers The War Finance Corpora and Mr. Tengwald announces no WANTED Middle aged woman, who tion has adopted a policy of giving plans for the future except that he wants permanent home as house larger credit relief to concerns hav will take a much needed rest for the keeper. No children. Address present.—Ashland Tidings. No. 243 care Courier. 73 ing goods for export. The corpora FOR RENT- Furnished room” with tion has already assured to producers League Give* Shower— Last evening on the lawn of the large sleeping pork 'adjoining. Cor and export associations nearly 2100,- residence of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Cal ner 7th and A, or phone 527-R. 000,000 in financial backing from 71tf houn on North Tenth street, the Ep government funds. worth League gave a farewell party DRESS M \K [NG Under this plan the government is and handkerchief shower in honor of and furrist, men’s tailored silk giving support to the producer and Miss Vivian Isham and Hubert Wil shirts to order, with or without material furnished, Repairing and exporter, expecting that by the be kin. who are to be married tomorrow afternoon at the Newman M. E. alterations quickly and neatly ginning of another year conditions church. The first part of the even done. Every line of pleatings. will have improved, both in domestic ing was spent in playing volley ball. Prices Rush orders a specialty, and international trade, as a result After a number of games the bride lower naturally. Call at parlors. of adjustment of some of the disor and groom to be were escorted into opposite postoffice on Sixth street over Basket grocery and get esti ders now noted in foreign currency the house where a surprise ceremony had been especially arranged for the mates. Mrs. W. R. Swoape. Phone systems. occasion. A melon feed was then en 506. 9« The program to finance the needs joyed. E I. <, \ I, HILA IT fl—Real estate. In of farmers on products raised this surance and plate glaas liability year will call for heavy advances in Wants Curio Exhibit— 609 H G street, phone 28. 40tf Mrs. W. G. White, general super these channels. Officials today could intendent of the ladies departments ■ MODERN 7-room house. close in, not estimate what sums may be need of the fair is desirous of a variety good location, lot 50x100, for sale I ed to facilitate the operations of the display in the main building—a mu Priced especially for quick sale. In quire on premises, 411 C St. 72tfi farmers. But there is a firm dispo seum of curios, such as Indian relics. sition by the administration, through American Legion relics, Spanish war JOS. MOSS AGENCY—Fire lnsur-l relics, exhibits of Civil war articles /«Hm y Satteln» ance, plate glass liabilty. Insur the medium of the finance corpora and displays of articles from foreign ance. 204 Sixth street. tf tion and the federal reserve system, countries that will be of interest and KMt SALK Alfalfa hay, first cut to make credit more easily available be educational in their nature, Al! ting, 210 per ton in field, or de and such articles will be receipted to agricultural groups and to help livered at reasonable figure; also them to keep on their feet until bus- given the care of the management. sugar pears, excellent for sweet The dates for the fair, September iness becomes normal. Several hun- 15-17, are rapidly approaching and pickles, 2c pound. Hayes & Har ter. dred million dollars in advances is preparations are making great pro- LOST—On the .Medford highway, tan probable. gress at the grounds. army overcoat with leather but Where normal credit channels tons. Please return to Sheriff's "BABE ” RUTH SLAMS OVER abroad are broken down, but there movement of office. 73 FIFTIETH HOMER OF SEASON exists an excellent prospect that be- the hand shifts Buick ^ears, New York, Sept. 3.—(A. P.)— JERSEY Ô0W FOR $ALE=JÏÏ?t fore long credit arrangements will be Ruth sent in his 50th home run to fresh. Dixie ranch. Phone 610-F- and without noise. 24. 73 revived, the War Finance Corpora- day. ...... ............ 1 1 NEW TODAV—Breakfast ¡BEK Published Daily Except Sunday Store Closed This Summer A VICTROLA The Music and Photo House BUICK s Easy to Shift Gears on a Buick /I SLIGHT Woolen Dress Goods The most beautiful line of woolen drex* good« we hare ever shown 1» now on display. Novelty plaids and -tripe* in pure wool, plain colors in Serge*. Broadcloth. Tricotine. Frana, Yalama. Velour, Twretla. French Hsn- ne], Epingle, Poiret Twill, etc. Prices are very low this season and you will he delighted with the extra good values. Golden Rule »Store Kitchen treasure, Cot Pads, Book Case, Reel Star oil stove, Double blankets S3 a pair. Auto purnp. Auto top covers. Box couiu... Phone 71, T. C. Booth. Eastern Editor Touring— Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Hale of East Hartford, Conn., spent an hour In ; the city today and made a pleasant j call at the Courier office. Mr. Hale is owner of the East Hartford Ga zette, and is a delegate to the World's Press Congress, which meets in Honolulu in October. Mr. and Mrs. l Hale are now on their way to the port of embarcation, traveling by au tomobile, and have already made 5400 miles by auto. They also at tended the meeting of the National Editorial association at St. Augus tine, Fla., in March. Buick Sixes 99-SvX-H Thru Pou Hoadrtrr 99-Six-15 Piu Parr Touring 99-Six-16 Thru Parr. Cnpr 99-Six-17 Pitt Part Sr dan - 99-Six-19 Pour Part Coupt - 99-Six-19Stun Part. Touting 99-Six-50 Stun Part Stdan 6H95 1696 9195 9195 9995 1796 9695 fìuick Emirs 99-F^ir-SlTwo Pat» Il/xidetar $ 9 35 tt-F our-36 Fite Pat» Touring 976 St-Four-36 Three Pat». Coupt 1^75 tt-I our-,17 Fier Pat», ledati 1660 AU Pnett T. 0. D. flint, Mtehtfon That’s why thousands of own ers prefer Buick for city driving. Come in, see the 1922 Buick models, and let us demonstrate to you the ease of Buick shift control. No others compare. 1C-4I W. S. Maxwell & Co WHEN BETTER AUTOMOBILES ARE BUILT. BUICK WILL BUILD THEM