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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 3, 1921)
♦ Dailg Courier (frante tHHOl'lATEI* I'REHH HER VIGE ......... ........ G KA N TH PA h H, JOHEI'HINE COUNTY. ORIOGON- Find'. Not)' on Mandalo» Sail'd») lory Diwpil») Withholding of Permis sion for H<f líeme» WHOLE XI MBEK 3372. Vaat Army of Unemployed Faring Hardship»—Few Move* Seem to Be Afoot to End Condition Geneva, Sept. 3.——(A. P.) The TIMBER PRODUCTS REI» HT U K TI G SEA LION HAVH council of th« league of nation* today Illll.ltS l»M li«l ELEVEN MEN ARE ALL "H II E found th« American reply to the as Al TIO.N ANI* WELL” sociated power* on mandate* satlafac- tory a* a basis to continue negotia tion* notwithstanding It withhold* permission for the mandat« question to lie settled by the forthcoming meeting of the league assembly. HATI RDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 11*21 By Floyd MacGriff TROOPS DISARM BAND HOLDING MANIFAC-! PICKED UP IN UM ANGELES BY New York, Sept. 3.—(I. M. 8.) — UTO1I LOCOMOTTVB ON C. AND O. PATROLMAN FOR NOT HAV An army of unemployed, an army ING CARI» RAILROAD greater than the United States sent) to France to help win the World war,. j will be idle throughout the United States Monday—idle not because it I will be celebrating the national holl- {day for workmen, but Idle because it, ' can not find work. l < 'uatoms * »Nicer and < lerk Say They nfavorable Condition of Lumber Four Hundred “Insurgents" Surren Boat la-fl Cannillati lm|H>rlrr Seeking Few movements of any character) dered This Afternoon— ìh I< t »I Brought Money Into the U. H. Market »nd I.arge Surplus Stocks Aid When Vessel Sprung a lawk FIRE CHIEF WILL I HE were under way purely from the For Safe Keeping Giicn as Cause Troops Meet No Opposition and W’lreitw* Was Disabled WIRELESS IN AUTOMOBILE standpoint that the men should be' put to productive woik. so their Wakefield, Mass., Sept. 3.-—(A. hardships might be lessened, and the Ia»s Angeles. Sept. 3. — (A. P.) — national man-power waste termin Charleston, W. Va.. Kept. 3.—(A. Han Francisco. Sept. 3. (A. I’. > ( P. I— Installation of wireless tele-) Spokane, Sept. 3.— (A. P.)— A Patrolman Ballinger, investigating gen «rai sus<>ension ot the lumber ’ ¡P.)—The remaining troops ordered Th» miaalng llfe beat of tho crlppled I phone on the automobile of Fred D.' ated. into the disturbed counties arrived steamer l'atiudlan Importer, contaln- Graham, chief of the fire department! mills of Eastern Washington and' an automobile without a registration Never before has a Labor Day been today and took up the positions de- ing 11 inembers of tho lm|»orter'» to enable him to keep in constant i Northern Idaho has been decided up-| card, picked up Augustin Autunex, celebrated with as many Americans I signated by Brigadier General Band- crew. waa plcked up at I a. m. today touch with headquarters no matter on by the Timber Product* Manufac 25, who said he was a Mexican cus-) detached from a steady payroll. holtz. The first troops arrived last 105 mile* off San Francisco by tho - where he may ¡be. is planned by Jo turers Association, according to J. H. toms officer at Tia Juana, and Ro-1 In the Western mining regions the night at Madison. j Reynolds, secretary. mero Breton, clerk in the same of Red Htack tug Sou Lion. 1 cal officials, situation is far from normal, but not Federal and state officers believed Th« llfe lx»at occupanis were re Only seven companies plan to work fice. lu addition to being fire chief, portai In tho wlrslees message to be Graham serves as fire hazard officer j ¡luring the winter, and these with re The men had $30,900 in United, distressful, reports show. Perhaps that the belligerency would end to the Pacific coast states have less nn-l day and the armed men would dis ’»Il «af» a»)l woll.” and Inspector of wires and these du duced forces. The unfavorable con States gold coin in their suit cases. I employment, proportionately, than' perse and return home under the ties keep him away from the station) dition of the lumber market and the Autunez said the money was brought) any other section of the country, but I protection of the troops. Vancouver. II. C., Sept. 3.— (A. P.I much of th» time. In the -past when! large surplus stocks are the cause, into the United States for safe keep- these regions are beginning to accu —•■Thu names of the eleven in the) a still alarm or other emergency has1 he said. . in<- mulate a larger labor surplusage Logan. Sept. 3.—(A. P.)—Colonel Importer's life boat were reported by required his personal attention there ) from the thousands of men who have Eubanks, commanding the state and wireless as Second Officer A. Laird.) ha* «omntimee been serious delay In | Thief Gets Money— ) flocked West for work. county forces in Ixigan county, re- of Melbourne, Australia; Third Of reaching him. By Installing a re Lust night while he was sleeping,j The majority of workers without ¡»orted conditions along Spruce Fork ficer J. W. Walt. North Vancouver; I ceiving set on the automobile and' James Gunning was robbed of a I jobs are classed as unskilled help, al Ridge at noon comparatively quiet. Bacon d Engineer C. 11. tlreenhlll, San a sending set at fire headquarters it { watch and a 310 gold piece. The Francisco; Cadet it Newell, Victoria; I will be possible. It Is believed, to ring thief went to within four feet of hl*i Chicago Bank Vice-ITrwident and Six though in some cities large numbers Firing was resumed a short time be ot skilled workers are idle or forced fore noon from a machine gun along Purser W. 1* Sissons, Medicine Hat; him up at any time and send him { head, took a ¡»air of overalls from a| Others Indicted by Grand Jury Crooked Creek. to accept makeshift employment. Seamen L. G Barpole and I.. E. Pro siwedlly to the point where his pret- nail and extracted the money and , Wage cuts accepted by the work- fit, Vancouver. E. M. Irvine, Alont-i once I* required. watch. The overalls were left on Washington. Sept. 3.—(A. P.) — Chicago. Sept. 3.—(A. P.i—Carl ers run in to the hundreds of mll- real; Donkeyman E. J. Hebei in, Van the lawn. • M. Behrens, vice president of the Lin lions of dollars annually. The rail- Samuel Gompers told President Har couver; Fireman A. J Hawker, Lang- coln Trust and Savings Bank, Police waymen alone have been slashed ding that the people of West Virginis ley Prairie. 11. C . and C Banks. Van Mil IMANA FIMI! WARDENS SAVE SWIMMERS FROM DEATH Lieutenant Vannatta and five other some $400.000,000 a year in pay. cannot stand in hostile array against couver. men were Indicted today by the fed . Samuel Gompers, head ot the Amer the United States. He urged Harding Tlie men were adrift two weeks, New Orleans. Sept. 3.— (A. P.) — eral grand jury in connection with ican Federation of Labor, has esti to call a conference to settle the pres haring left the Importer seeking aid an alleged nation-wide liquor ring. mated that by reason of reduced ent controversy and to establish bet- when the vessel sprung a leak on Eight employee of the Louisiana state department of conservation re- • mptom» i Reported—Condition I« Behrens is charged with loaning wages and unemployment American, I ter relations. August 19. Not I'onwitleml Serlou.» cently assigned to the task of rescu-I 350,000 to bootleggers. workers are getting $1.000,000,000 X I • _____________ Ing stranded fish have already re«-' Charleston. W. Va., Sept 3.— (A. a month less in pay than a year ago. cued more than 1.000,000 fine garnet Roseburg. Sept. 3.— (A. P.)—'Doc P. 1 — Federal troops had their first In but few cities or states has fish in the 400 miles of streams cov-l tor Sether examined Brumfield, who encounter with armed men near , there been any well thought-out plan »red by them between St. Joseph complained of appendicitis symptoms Sharplee today when they disarmed or energetic effort put forth to les and reported that the man ’ s condi and Now Orleans, according to re a band holding a locomotive on the sen unemployment. In but few cities Uniieralty and I*. A. <’. Hope to Take ports made to M. L. Alexander, com- tion was not serious enough to pre Cold Blaat Runs Through Refrigera have municipal officials taken steps Little CoaJ River branch of the Chee- Gaine» From California missionor in charge of the depart-) vent the trial. 'apeake and Ohio railroad. tor anil Used for Drying to minimize the out-of-work menace. Brumfield's attorneys are prepared moot. Most cities are in no position, owing (A. P I Portland. Ore.. Sept. 3 Thousands of fish, many ot them to ask a change of venue Charleston, W. Va., Sept. 3.— (A. Newark, N. J., Sept. 3.— (A. P.)— to lack of treasury funds or inabil Football teams of the University of the finest game fish to be found P.) —Army reports indicate quiet ago An artesian well which years ity to market bond issues, to do any Oregon. University of Washington. anywhere, were left stranded by the) along the Boon-Logan county line, now ceased to produce water and thing constructive, their officials are Oregon Agricultural College and receding waters in shallow pool* and) sends forth a strong blast of cold. quoted as saying. Some sections, federal troope meeting no opposition. Washington State College are being pits, where the hot summer nun Four hundred ‘'insurgents’’ surren dry air Is the property of Mrs. Jacob however, plan road building and strengthened and trained this year would soon kill them unless they dered this afternoon. Lowenstein, who uses It to cool the other public improvements to help with the object of sending aggrega are removed to live streams. Grow in« Feeling in Scandanavia 1» I refrigerator, to dry the washing and take up the slack until business gets tion* on to tho field that will bring' Against C'onimercial CAieck to keep the house cool In hot weath- fully under way again, which is look UNITED STATES ARMY WILL back to the north some of the laurels I NOT ENLIST MARRIED MEN ed for soon. that were seized last season by the JAPANESE Y. M. <’. A. GIVEN Copenhagen, Sept. 3.— (A. P.) — * Mrs. Lowenstein then had th« well COURSE IN AMERICANISM Most workmen, reports show, were University of California and Stan San Francisco, Sept. 3.—(A. P.) — In Scandinavian circles there is a capped and arranged a system of ford University. growing feeling against the keeping faucets by which she floods her able to save money during the era The United States army wants fight San Francisco. Sept. 3.—(A. P.) up by France of her black lists, es ot high war-wage«, but those out of ers and it will enlist no more mar- Although the University of Oregon The Jai»aneee T. M. C. A. in San tablished by law of February 15. house with the cold air as she de work have been forced to draw heav tied men. Ordera from Washington has lost many regular*, Includine Bill Steers, redoubtable quarter Francisco is giving a two weeks’ 1917. These lists keep Scandina sires. It has replaced ice in her re ily on their savings. In cast numbers announced at Ninth Corps Area bars. u strong bwm Is In prospect, course of lecture« on Americanism vlan firms from doing legitimate frigerator and dries the washing in of cases these savings have ben ex headquarters say that no more mar Manerude may again return to school for the training of Jaixnese men and business with thedr old customers, less than an hour. During the hot hausted tn keeping the wolf from the ried soldiers are to be accepted, and to repeat his successes as star quar women who wish to ¡»ass the exam- not only German customers, but months her home is popular with the door. "shacks occupied by married enlisted ter and marvelous kicker, and Char (nation required under the new Cal- firms tn Scandinavia, firms of high neighbors whose electric fans are in men shall be removed or salvaged.’* effective In comparison to Mrs. Low lie Parsons is expected to bring Ifornia law of those seeking to teach . repute and standing. enstein’s cold air blast In rainy language ___ ________ school. . Amer-1 strength to the organization*. Sec- In a foreign ____ Financial and commercial circles weather a blast of the dry air drives NORMALCY CIAIMS AS VICTIM ond-year mon look very promising i*c,n history, American governmental THE SIOUX CITY HOTEL COT ¡institutions and American ideals will in Stockholm and Copenhagen are out the dampness in a short time. to the coach. now attempting to put pressure on The Oregon Aggies are not saying! bo covered in the lectures. The stu- the Swedish and Danish governments Sioux City, ¡la., Sept. 3.— (A. P.) much, but doing lota of work. Coach de»1* will be told of the llves of to move in this matter |—-Normalcy has claimed another vic Engineer and Mining Journal Printe and demand great Americans, and America's edu- Grants Paas Ore IHseovery Rutherford is keeping his -plans sec of France the repeal of this war act. VIV WWVIUVI IIIVII Vlllbll I wwwwv tim, in Sioux City the hotel cot. ret .and with Guy Rathburn, I j I r cational Institutions will be discus- Overworked during the war per In some circles there exist even Henry M. Lancaster, mining engi- assistant, is supposed to be making,e<' iod, this detpised stepchild of Mor a tendency toward retaliation against IxvunlcH. France, Wilt Erect Monti-1 neer and manager of the St. ba»- ------------------- preparations for a team that will pheus has been placed on the retired France because, it is alleged here. ment to Allied Armies rence Copper Mining Co., of Salteee. carry the fight to the enemy's «°*1 MEXICAN HAIRLF-SS ANI» ST. list at reduced pay. No more than French firms are actually dealing Mont., has secured an option on * and over. BERNARD MEET IN SACRAMENTO direct with German and ¡blacklisted $1.50 henceforth will be charged for large tract of land about 16 miles Paris. Sept. 3.— (A. P.)—The sleeping on a cot tn Sioux City ho firms at the same time the French American soldier will appear on a from Grants Pass, upon which ha* tels and cote will be offered guests Oakland. Cal., Sept. 3.—(A. P.) — government prevents neutral com- been discovered a ledge containing monument of thanksgiving in mem only when all other beds are occu 1 Three hundred dogs of high and low |wn h's from doing the same. platinum, iridium and a little gold. ory of the soldiers and Bailors who pied. {degree -began wagging their tails Numerous samples have been as- fell in the war which is to be erected Seasoned travelers, who profess to i today tn a two-day session for sayed, all but one of which contained at Lourdes. Marshal Foch, born have paid In the peet anywhere from Penitentiary l'on vieta Stay at Farm I judges’ approval at Idora Park. The nearby, has chosen the sculptor, M. $5 to $15 (depending upon their platinum varying from 1 to 3 ounces. Alameda County Kennel Club an-i While Quarter* Are l,repar<'<l I Michelet. Several contained iridium, one con imagination) for one night's occu nounced entries of dogs of all breeds taining 2.60 oz. His design shows a square base Sioux Fall*, S. D., Sept. 3.— (A. and pedigrees from all sections of Brooklyn Girls 1*<» The “Sage anil with half a dozen steps to the mon pancy of a hard cot, sat up. took no As described by Mr. Ian caster, the tice and allowed that perhaps at this California, and Including the Mexi P.)—The housing shortage has Sulphur" With Their Eyelashes vein lies almost flat, dipping into a ument itself, which will be 81 feet price a person might woo Morpheus reached the South Dakota peniten can hairless flyweight hound and the steep hill, just above and partly in high. An altar where mass for the with complacency and equanimity. tiary. But to accommodate 216 pris St. Bernard heavyweight. Now York. Sept. 3.—(A. P.)—Get dead will be offered forms one side. a creek. It is from 10 to 15 feet oners, tho Institution I* now caring ting sunburnt eyelashes dyed dark At the four corners will be statues thick, generally outcropping and in for 301, with tho prospect ot approx GOLF ENTHUSIASTS ENJOY while you wait is tho latest trick of of soldiers. 15 feet high, represent other places exposed by cuts for a PORTI AND MARKETS imately 100 more being added by the SI’ORT ON OCEAN LINERS Brooklyn girls. A beauty parlor near ing the principal nations that fought distance of a mile and a half, all of first of the year from the fall terms Borough Hail which does the job in against the Central Powers, the Am which is included in the land under 16 50 Choice steers ............. 36.00 @ of clrsult courts. Senttle, Wash., Sept. 3.—(A. P.) 15 minutes for 50 cents is doing a erican soldier being at the right cor option. It is believed to be the Hogs..........................311.00 @ $11.50 An old shirt factory, which has Shipboard golf has been arranged sure fine business "giving settings to ner of the main facade. “mother lode” from which came the Hogs, prime light.. ..$10.50 @ $11.00 been In disuse for years, Is being re for enthusiasts forced to absent the eyes." East Mountain Iambs $6.00 @ $6 50 platinum recovered in the since boxes modelled Into a cell dormitory, which themselves from tho links while The proprietress, whose method is TWO GUNBOATS ARE SOLD Eggs, current receipts ....28c @ 30c by placer miners who worked the according to Warden George Jnme- traveling old ocedn between Seattle to drop a white and then an amber AND WILL BE DISMANTLED White Henneries ............................ Sic ground in that section many years *on. will tako care of the expected and Far Eastern points, Several fluid on the sun-bleached lashes, de ago. Selling price, case epunt....30c @ 32c Increase In tho prison population un large passenger shijis have been clared Egyptians had used dhe sys So far as known, this is the first Oakland. Cal.. Sept. 3.— (A. P.) — ............................................... til January 1, 1 »22. A number of equipped with a golfing green on tem and that the French bad follow Tho American gunboats Marblehead discovery of platinum in a vein of Butter, extra cubes ........... ........... 40c trusties are being housed In out their top boat decks, and the balls ed It. sulphide form, the limited nrodni»- and Minnennolia. their flighting rtava But»«), priuv* .............................. 4 buildings both Inside and outside the may be driven all day without fear And it was hinted, certain men at an end, are being dismantled tion having been recovered from al prison balls, and on the prison farm i;f ¡bunkering, or having some caddy also ruled by vainly, uropped ■nto < ,>ey »ere reeeuUy sold to Barue auu Wheat ............................ $1.08 ft $1.13 luvial deposits. Fer this reason the a mile away until tho converted fac walk off with them. They all have the shop to have their lashes re- Son, and towed here from Mare Portland. Sept. 3.— (A. P.)—«Live discovery has created exceptional In tory building 1a ready for occupancy. a string on them. terest. varnished. Island. stock. eggs and butter steady. MACHINE CUN RESUMES FIRING FRENCH BLACK-LIST RESENTED JOURNAL TELLS PLATINUM FINO