Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 2, 1921)
The Man and the Dollar Soon part company unless the dollar is put in a safe place. THIS BANK is a safe place it is THE place for that dollar. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF SOUTHERN OREGON Save with us. The habit grows. Special Prices on HOSE Wing Foot Woven Hose 15c per foot Elm Wrapped Hose______ —...... 13c per foot 34-inch Collar Hose IS) 2 Per foot o mum, G RA N TN PABH DAILY <M>< RIKR PAoa rovR Couplings free with length of 25 feet or more. next season. Rogue River Hardware Co. Patrol to Continue— There is no truth in the report that the airplane patrol of the Oregon for ests may be discontinue again due to the lack of gasoline, according to a bulletin issued by headuarqters of the 91st aero squadron today, says the Eugene Guard. The government shipment of 3500 gallons of gasoline arrived in Eugene today and will take care of the patrols for some time to come, officers of the squad- ron declare. The gasoline was ship ped several days ago from San Fran cisco and has been expected dally. They was a supply on hand, however, for some time if the shipment had not arrived, officers state. The car load shipment came here in drums. MinMrel Jazz dann*— After the show Saturday night at Waldorf hall. Admission 10c. danc ing. 75c, including war tax. 72 nki - ikhbeh u, limi. FER52NdL ÍS? LOQflL | S U. Clark went to Portland to Mrs. W. K. Beckwith went to Port land thia morning to spend the next day to spend a short time on bua tta is making the trip by Iness. month on a visit. Roy Jordan and family have auto Mrs. Jamo» Tyler ha» returned to moved to this city from Wolf Creek and now exi>ect to make their home her home at Yreka after spending a week here visiting with Mr. and Mrs here. Charles R. Cooley. Howard Bradford left today for Dean and Leslie Warren and Mr 1 Crescent City where he will be •m- and Mrs F. L. Warren loft today for! ployed on the Eureka highway •ur- Klamath Falls and will go from there! vey. to Crater latke They will return' Mrs. H. C. Perkins arrived here about Monday night from Oakland. Cal., and Judge Junies Holman has returned visit for a few day* with Mrs c,ar* [ fj^TtwowêêlÜ vaôâÜôn ïrlp which Coffman and other friends. I took him to Tillamook. Seaside i and ■ Jack Closton arrived last r J ‘ sht | other northern Oregon points. He' n from Sacramento to spend a few days' I reports a delightful trip. here visiting with his parents. Mr. J Supervisor E. II. MaoDanlels. . Of1 Closton is employed with the Pacific' I the Siskiyou forest, is making an i In Telephone and Telegraph company. going S| spectlon trip of the forest. hw>.. K. E. Hodgman was tn the city I over by way of Crescent City and go-! this morning ou his way from Mod-1 lug up the coast to Brookings and; ford to Douglas county where he Is Powers. Mr. I going to inspect some paving. Merchant Printing—Courier office Hodgman is resident engineer of the Arrivals last night at the Oxford highway department. were B. L. Hunt and Mr. and Mrs For Sale- My Hobart in Cable! I’. E. Snodgrass of Eugene, F. W piano. Cost »560. will sell for »3501 Parsons, J. K. Leander, C. <1. Luf if taken in throe days. Terms. Mrs. | kin. A. E Klnnlo. W. <’ Kaufman. J. G. Imel. 731 M. L. Huber. E A. McGrath and H J. K. lx>ander. of Portland, dls- J. Sharkey, of Portland. J *. Clark tributar for the Studebaker corpora of San Francisco. Mr and Mrs. C J tion for the Northwest, spent several lamb and family and A. J. Doyle of hours In the city Thursday with J Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Ross of] F. Burke, the local representative 1 Central Point. Nettle Smith of lx»s Mr. I.eander is on a business trip Angeles. R W. Westln of t'nlon. through Southern Oregon. Wash.. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Sackett of] Winters. Cal . Mrs. M. F. Burkhart of Albany. C. W. Bogart and family IS M«\<. IS THEY 1.1ST of Imbanon, M F. Rice of Roseburg. i Mr. and Mrs. C. Johnson of North 1 tasti» TOOTH Bitt s|| Bend. Portland people registered at the VXD Josephine last night were Mr and KI. ENZO TOOTH BASTE Mrs. Roe. Cal Hulgreen. A. Dabrat,! E. E. Falfburg, F. Erickson. F | THE TWO FOK Davidson. John Olsen. George Han sen. Archie Mid well. Mr. and Mrs W. J. Cormrad. II. H. Barr. I* B i Rones H. D. Fearey, Mr. and Mrs. L I Chandler and Miss Evelyn Kimball. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Oppie. Mrs E. A. Strahan» of Williams. Mr. and Mrs | P F English, of Corvallis, J. R Clog-! ton of Sacramento. Jack Carruther! and P. E. Snodgrass of Chicago. II. C. Johnson and H. L. Johnson of Pla centia. Cal.. Mr. and Mrs W O. Thompson of !x>s Angeles and F W. lamb, of Seattle. CLEMENS SELLS DRUGS With the o|H>ulng of lite Fall Season no present the moat remark* able lollectloii of IltlMMi I» INI» T lll.oREI» II t I S a We do llematltching mrs. Hellie neas YOUR NEXT SUIT Will I m « ( hhii trill br I mhiit I ii nt (I i I m plaro if you *rr « m «month al. •ilA.oo nn<l up to lUUl.tM) T UMHIFh TO OIIIWIC Tli«*<« gnriiicntM Unit anyone u ill rvuliz«« nrv mirth vrr) much morr. \ big m 'I im -tion oi XI U FILL GOOIK — SiitiMfm (ion Kunmiiloexl mix I GEO. 9. CALHOUN Yearly seventeen y.sirs loml dealer The Young Man With Foresight knows that lie will sooner or later re quire a finiti for emergency or oppor tunity. And lie constant h strives to in ereasc his hank deposits. Youraeeount is invited. 4‘‘ interest paid on savings accounts. Grants Pass and Josephine Bank MEMBER OF FEDI liti. ItEMEItVF HYM'KM G rants P ass .O regon New Home < ’.•mpleO'd— VlTICK The new home of II. G. Moore In On account of Monday. September Jerome Prairie haa been completed 5th, being a '»gal bollila' . the meet and Mr Moore and hla family have ing of the ,’jciflc Mo’n Pump Sale« moved In Mr Moore was employed Company «teckholder» will be po»<- until recently on the Homewood farm poned to Monday, September It’S at Il * m 73 In Jerome Prairie I OUR FALL RECEPTION V .* Saturday, September the Third, we have chosen for our Fall Reception Day. The outfitting consisting of Suits, Overcoats, Hats Shoes and Furnishings, that we have select ed with such great care from the output of the best manu facturers is now ready and we want you to come to see our unusually choice display. Men’s Suits of the All-Wool quality $20, $25, $30, $35 and up to $50 Men’s fine dress and general wear shoes in black and tan $4.85 to $10 y Men’s hats in a wide assortment of colorings reasonably priced $2.50 to $7.50 Men’s All-Wool Overcoats in the latest smart and comfort able styles. A very complete assortment of patterns, priced at $20- $25» $30* $35 and «P to $50. The elegance that comes through perfect and skilled work manship in these Suits, Overcoats, ( Hats, Caps and Furnish- ings will appeal to you at ; once. W ill you not step in just for a look at the new styles at the New Low Prices for Fall CLOTHING CO 4