Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 2, 1921)
l ililí tì’, MEITF.MBEIl U, 1021. PAGE TH K 1*1 1X0 IXHTIll I1IO\ MRS JAMES M. POWERS. Instruc tor on pluno; studio 423 B Street. Phone 1-J. Ml’lH. CLARA TUTTLE FENTON teacher of piano and barmony. all day Monday. Studio over Smith's Racket Store. 8«tf DOYLE’S New Wlill«' Sfiliti lied Spremi", II«'I iiiii « m | or ss«dlu|»Ml. l ut Corners, •> I Ma «hit....... nt ■>< loweln in lluck or Turkish, all else«, np*rn<lhl Classified Advertising ALMA WOLKE Instructor in piano uud harmony. Full term opens' Hept. 12. An accredited teacher. poil EXCHANGE I WILL TRADE 40 acres wltn water right for late model Ford and 3400 Terms on the 3400. Call or write «24 West G St. 24tfi 19 20 Hi RD car with starter, In fine shape, to trade on small house and lot; 18 White Imghorn bens, 312.50 takes them. W. J. Evans. Murphy. 74 DICENHMAKING R.HAVPY PARTY An Edison Mazda for every socket IN ATTICS- for 5a/«fr Rummaging around with matci*as, hand lamp* or among countless dry- fa» tinder things stored th -•re it dangerous. A STEAK THAT’S’* SUCCÜLENTAND SWEET IS OUST MY IDEA OF A TREAT IN BEDROOMS — for Comfort The simple twitch of a •witch while still recli ning brings restful darkness or floods the room with inttsnt light when needed. 1’1 Iti'» »HE. IN LIVING ROOMS —for Contentment Homewhow or other that word "succulent" makes a fellow sort of roll bis tongue and look at the clock and wonder if eating time Is approach ing. It makes him thing of this butcher shop and roasting pans and married life and things like that. MAY WE ASSIST YOU WITH You can’t be choorful in a poorly lighted room Real enjoyment for your family and your guests Iles in brighter, better light. YOUR LIGHTING PROBLEMN IN CELLARS- for Convenience To push a b utton at tho head of the stairs and have a bright light guiding your descent andillutninatlng every corner makes tasks less Irksome. Make yours ths home enjoyable with Our Stock Is Complete ,r PAUL’S ELECTRIC STORE DREHHMAK1NG PARUIILS to re open September 1st, over Basket FOR HALF: CHEAP 120-acre home Untili for Mr. Happy Party Grocery. Special attention will be ‘EDISON stead relinquishment. Road at WOOD FOR HALE Hr 32 00. pine given opening orders, with prices top of south grade from school MAZDA LAMPS Phone 47 Grants Pass 31.75, on ground, 4 miles west on to suit everyone. Mrs. W. R. house. 8 miles north Grant* Pass Mad. in U. 3. anj ba.baZ upper river road. Posts and build Swoape, Prop. Phone 506. br MAZDA 3»nUa 72| 011 highwi.y. .' I. Mclmald 72 ing poles lllvely * lirlckell. Gen Dll WAGE INI* TRANSFER eral Delivery ««If FOR RALE Sewing machine In good condition. 38. Phone 104-R. THE WORLD MOVES; so do we »0 ACRES 40 acres bottom under 71 Bunch Transfer Co. Office phono paid up waler right for sale, HOKE 5> 394; res. phones 171-R, 316-L. 3(000 Address No. 303, cars of FOR SALE My new Ford Coupe, UNIVERSAL TIRE FILLER Courier '«if run le»» than a thousand miles, F. G. ISHAM, drayage, transfer, pi anos, safes, furniture, moved, ship cost 31600 plus, has 3100 extras TWO GOOD BARGAINS One used HIDES LIKE AIR, MORE CASING MILEAGE—TRANSFERABLE ped, packed, stored Phone 124.Y For quick cash sale, 3700. See Oakland Six. one new Oakland Sts FROM ONE CASING TO ANOTHER—NO FUSiTTRES, BLOW. Mrs. J G. linei. 639 North 4th. 72 HEAL ESTATE sedan Valley Hardware Co. 45tf »•I TS. INNER TURF» OR AHL CORN AND TOMATOES for canning. e . T. mckinstry , sus g st, phone; OWN YOUR OWN STORE building Come and get them at farm prices. INSTALLED IN ÏOTR CAR AT 107 M»l TH FOURTH STREUT. 355-R. real estate. Best of soils for and save rent Will sell at a bar- W .1 Sturges. North loth St. 71 RIVOLI THEATRE fruit, hay or general farming by Bert gain, store occupied JUST ONE DAY Foil KENT Barnes adjoining First National TAA . SATURDAY, SEPT. 3 Hank Valley Hardware Co. 45lf FOR RENT—Alfalfa. Oraln and SOONER TAXI —Phone 3«3-R for Stock ranches with and without A FARM bought for 38000 cash for Jitney Luks or Cutler. Calls an Irrigation, or will sell at bargain •ale for 36000 Terms If Inter swered anywhere, anytime 8<tf ! fASON prices on long lime easy paymeuts ested call at 71» D St 77 ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ flow of any water. This pump was Ranches In Jackson and Josephine PHONE ISO The Bonbonniere for . ♦ cloned recently when a turtle waa ► ADDITIONAL LOCAL Taxi. PUKA8A.NT HOME In good location, county. One ranch under ditch »♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ sucked up through the pipe. modern, fine garden, berries and 3 miles from Grants Paas, on river. TAXI—White Line Taxi, Married Tbi» Morning— fruit tree*, one acre, with plenty Gold Ray Realty Co., Owners. country trips. Spedai trips by ap-i James Newton Bumgardner and of water Bargain If aold al once Medford, Ore O«tf potntment Prices ressonable. I Birthtlay Party Given— Myrtle Miller, both of Wonder, were Phone 341-41. 111» East A St OOtf Closed car Call Clemens Drug I A party was given last night at the APARTMENTS TO RENT at 611 H married this morning at the court Store. 46-R; residence phone 381J G street W. M Wyrick. 50tf George Riddle home on Orchard Ave FIR AND PINK WOOD 3* 75 per house by Judge James Holman. The nue in honor of the birthday of tier oak and laurel 32 Wm. Brlet- PIANOS TO RENT—A limited num PiOPLf couple waited two days until the Matthew Riddle. A number of the mayer. Fruitdale. ««If ber of flue ptanoa for rent. Apply judge returned from his vacation so T. R DEAN — Aasayer, Chemist. young people of the city gathered at early at Music A Photo liouae. 88 that he could perform the ceremony. MINING MACHINERY at a bargain 822 East I» street. Grants Pass, the house, cards and dancing making Two sets 14-lnch rolls, one set 1 Cl FX*R RENT 19 acres river bottom Oregon. the evening pass enjoyably. Refresh Stock Certificate»— inch rolls, one 14-lnch Jaw Dodge loam, under water, five acres In ments were served at a late hour. The Courier merchant printing de PHYSICIAN ANI* SURGEON crusher, one 10-lnch jaw crusher, pears, house, barn, chicken bouse. • partment la In poaltlon to print stock four 1 Huiier pulsating ore classi Just outside city limits. Phone L. O. CI,EMENT. M D, Practice: certificate! for any kind of business. Dike Is Completed— fiers All good condition For «O2-F-4. «7tf limited to diseases of eye, »ar.nose The dike along the Pacific high- Several designs of certificates are price» address P O. Box 13, Ta FOR and throat. Phone 62; Res. 239-J RENT Modern furnished way above the Savage Rapids dam carried In stock and others may be kilma. Ore. 66lf house. For full particulars ad 8 LOUGH RIDGE. M. D. Physician | has been finished, completing anoth secured on short notice. dress No. 241 care Courier. 75 er unit of the irrigation projejet. The FRUIT FOR SALE at Whitney Ad and surgeon. City or country calls l "HelldiviT" Klop* Pump— dike runs tor part of a mile along ams orchard on Pacific highway, attended day or night Phones. WANTED The northwest unit pump of the the highway to keep back the water lc per lb. Bring you boxes 71 Rea 369, Office, 183; 6th and H. WANTED TO RENT—A large Irri Grants Pass Irrigation district was when the gates are raised on the FOR SAL*: 42 H acres, 2 resi gated ranch suitable tor a dairy E. ì BILLICK. M. D. Physician. tur-, again closed down yesterday, a "hell dam. The contract was held by geon, Sehallhorn Blk. Phone 54-J; ‘ dences Would mako good open ranch Herbert Whitsett and diver" hating been taken in through Grieve and Seymour, who move 1 rea. 1004 Lawnridge, phone 54-L. air sanitarium, farm school or pri Daniel Harding, Grants Pass, Rd. the intake. The bird was wrapped 4800 yards of earth in the construc vate home Also oil paintings, 4. Box 71. 33tt W F RUTHERFORD—Manual the- around the inside, preventing the tion of the embankment. etc., at Oxford hotel and at place WANTED -Fresno teamsters, 33.75 ADMIXSIO.X a raputlcs. Office over Barnes' jew *1.10 Cora 11. Findlay. Route 4. Box 81, First 2<i Ko«" elry. Res 259-R; office 217-R. per day. laborers 33.50 per day. ...Me Grants Pass. 87 Grade foreman. 35.00 per day. W. T. TOMPKINS, D S. T Nervous I»v.t H rows ...... 55c Bah-ony .................. Board charged at >1.25 per day. and chronic diseases. Office. Claus Seats on sale nt Rivoli Theater Fri DRY RBASONBD OAK. fir and pine Palmer and McBride, Crescent Schmidt Bldg Phone 304-R wood for sale Call 313-J C. W day at 12 o'clock noon City, Cal. State highway under Lumbrechi tltt RALPH W. STEARNS. M D Phy-; construction. 41tf $450 Ford____________ $450 I )odge alelan and surgeon. X-Ray equip-; BTI'TZ four passenger, dirt cheap, If $225 Maxwell ________ $375 ERFEt T Chevy TWO RELIABLE discharged soldiers ment Office In Masonic Temple' sold at once. Terms to responsible ROTECTION want positions as truck or tractor Bldg . phone 21-L. $625 Overland................ $600 Reo party. Pohno 282-J. Grants Pass. Y drivers. Will do labor work until Ford $225 Chevy Delivery 71 $250 !>EXTlSrs opening. Address in care of R. E ('over* New Banks. Rd. 2. Box 01. Grants Paas. E. .C MACY, D. M. D. BARGAIN One Chevrolet, First-class Health Life I 72 top, eent covers and paint, 3275 Ore. dentistry. 1094 8. 6tb St. Accident IMK-lbillty cash. Williams Garage and Cy- WANTED Place for high school VETEHIXAKY M H(.KI\ RELIANCE LIFE 71 clery. girl to work for room and board. IMS1 R W< I. ' <». Address No. 24 2 care Courier. 71 DR. R. J. BESTl'L, Veterinarian »1ARTL1.TT PEARS Come and get OF PITTSBURG Residence 838 Washington boule them. 50c per box. Phone 282-J. WANTED A woman to wash for vard. phono 39S-R THEO. P. (RAMER, !r 71 family of four. Mrs. Arthur Ddn- General Agent We repair and uiake every ITTOKXEYS nlson. 719 D St. 70tf FOR SALE Small grain cleaner. 201’1 X. lltli St. 1«7-R type and style top and slip cov Cun be run by hnnd or power. Has H. D. NORTON, Attorney-at-law er—and do the work RIGHT- three complete sets of slei«'*. The Practices in all State and Federal I«et us repair your present machine which the federal wheat REPAIR SHOP Steam fitting, pipe Courts. First National Bank Bldg COMING EVENTS top and. also, lend real distinct work plumbing, boiler and pump graders use for determining dock-; ion to your car with a smart Attorney-at-law • I Sept. 12. Monday -Opening of the work, Installing. 505 South 6th St. G. W. COLVIO, age. Good as now. but too small est nt durable slip covers. Sam Grants Paas Banking Co. Bldg ' Grants Pass public schools. Phono 306. G. A. Bryan. for us. Josephine Co. Flour mill ples, prices, etc, gladly sub Sept. 12. Monday—Opening of Miss 66tf HANKERS LIFE COMPANY Des E. S VAN DYKE. Attorney, i’ra tices ’ Telford's Kindergarten, 411 C St. mitted. in all courts First National Bank ! j ____ "? Moines, Iowa. Myron C. Gaston. roil SALE—’*»• m of mares. 5 and 6 Building ISept 15-17, Thursday, Friday. Sat District Agent. urday—Southern Oregon Indus years old. \<e:rht 2 400. wagon and trial Exposition at Grants Pass. harness Might consider automo CARNER-GAYETTY IRON WORKS O. S. BLANCHARD, Attorney-at-law Golden Rule Bldg Phone 270 Nov. 9. Wednesday.—M. E. Indies’ bile In trade. Frank Morris>'l. —General foundary and machine 72 Aid Bazaar. It.I *. Box 4<« 7 J work. mine, mill machinery, chilled C. A. S'DLER, Attorney-at-law. Ma — FOR SALE Miscellaneous prospec-' saw carriage wheels, live rolls, ncale I empie. Grants Pass, Ore. Mr. and Mrs. M. Bailey have re-| pipe fittings. Grants Pass, Oregon tors stamp mill, concentrator, as- GEO. H. DURHAM, Attorney-at-law turned to the Mt. Reuben country af GET MY PRICES FOR EVERY THING IN THE IMPLEMENT LINE. aay furnace, cyanide plant, etc. PAPERHANGING—Call up Harry refere«« in bankruptcy. Masonic ter spending a few days in the city. I BERT VALUE, QUALITY CONSIDERED, IN THE COUNTY. Mostly unused. 346 North Front, Jones at Colonial hotel for paint Temple. Phone 135-J. PUMPS, GAS ENGINES, CREAM SEPARATORS Street, Medford, Ore. 72 I ing. paperhanglng, calclmlnlng. 90 JAMES T CHINNOCK Lawyer OITA, GREASES ANI» BOLTS l’i >i; s \ i .1; Rellnqulshmi nt, 1 BUILDING CONTRACTUHW First National Bank Building acres. ¡40 acres fenced and underj---- CLETRAC TANK TYPE TRACTOR New and l’sed Goods Irrigation, nearly level, 3 miles HARPER A SON Building contrac A. C. HOUGH — Lawyer. Tuffs Bldg SEE ME tor» Shop work, furniture crating. Practice In all courta. from Grants Puss, some cleared, Shop 510 II St. Roa. phone 14 2. stock, tools. Box 106 A. Rd. 4. V A. C. AHLF, lawyer, practice In Grants Paas. 73 A. J. GREEN—General contractor. state aad federal courts Office Hit G STREET THE IMPLEMENT MAN Estimates and plana made Noth- over National Dru» Store ■■ FOR SALE— 1’4-in. centrifugal Shop Ing too small or too large. 402 4 South Sixth Grants Pass, Ore. pump with 2K-h. p. gas engine. 92tf ( Mr. and Mrs. Chari«'« Cooley are 211 Sixth St. Phone 33-J. 375. Seo it at store 8 miles north of Grants Pass on highway. .1. I. J. NALASKOWSKI — Contractor, spending the day visiting In Medford. 74 McDonald. Builder anti Jobber. Phone 246-R I I THE CALIFORNIA ANI» OREGON ONE HEAVY 3 >4-inch wngon, 1 top All OUNTANT COAST RAILROAD COMPANY Grants Pass and Roseburg Stage buggy, several tons grain hay, also i Time Card « DAILY ANI» SUNDAY manganila wood for sale. Write to AUDITING Systematising. Dally or monthly audit service. Ivan Liv Orvton's Highrr Institution •< E. W. Nelson. Rd. 2. Box 119. 73 Leave Grants Pass 1:«*O p. m- leave Roseburg 1 p. m. Effective Nor. 24, 1919. ingston, Incorporated Accountant. FOR SALE 1917 Hupmohlle In Phon«> 389. Address: Grants Pass, Trains will run Mondays. Wednes LEAVE LEAVE days and Fridays good condition. Inquire At Ford Oregon. 70tfi Leave Grants Paas............... 1 GRANT8 l ’ ASS MEDFORD P M gnrage. ’’ Arrive Waters Creek......... 2 Fight Schocls; Sevwty Drpsrtments P.M 1 IOI.IN INSTR! I TION 10:00 a. ni. 0:00 a. ni. Leave Waters Creek......... 2:30 P M FOR SALE Five thoroughbred FAIL TYRM OFLNS SEPT. W, 1921 1:00 p. m. 11:00 a. in. ____ P.M. *<»r informstton »rite lo lhe gecwtrir sows, 6 months old and five MRS. GEORGE TEAI.L PEAKE In Arrive Grants Pass........... 4 DAILY AND SUNDAY 4:00 p. m. 1:00 p. m. For Information regarding freight structor on violin. Special atten shouts, weighing about 100 lbs. Oregon Agricultural College and passenger rates call at the office PHONE M OR IflO 0:15 p. m. 4:30 p. m. tion given to beginners. 414 West of the comnany, Lundhurg building. l.OHVAI.LIS Write Frank H. Myers. Kerby. C street. Phono 215-L. 66tf t»r teleuhnne t 31 We conuect with «taire* for Ashland and Jacksonville L Oregon. FIMI NAI.K CITY Y i' Universal Service Station T USED C L HOBART COMPANY 1 G. B. BERRY BUYS FOR CASH E. W. CHILES TECHNOLOGY D. c. M c I ntyre Grants Pass- Stage