Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 2, 1921)
UKOTH I'.WN DAILY CO11UKH PAGE TWO I NIC* TOOM GRANTS PASS DAILY COURIER Published Daily Except Sunday A. E Voorhtea, Pub. and Propr.l Entered at postoffice. Granta Pass. | Ore., as second-class mall matter DAILY COURIER ■v mall or carrier, per year...... (6.00 By mall or carrier, per month .50 WEEKLY COURIER By mall, per year GET YOUR LUMBER from the Jose- phlno lumber Co, at wholesale mill prices. All kinds of plaued lumber Our truck delivers any where Phone 188, 107 North Sixth street The Annette Line EVERYTHING FOR YOUR BABY (.’ 0 v ADVERTISING RATES Display apace, per inch................. 35c Local-personal column, per lln«....10c Readers, per line----------------------- 5e MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated press is exclusively •atlUed to the use tor republication of all news dispatches credited In this or all otherwise credited In this paper and also the local news pub lished herein. All rights for republication of spe cial dispatches herein are also re served _____________ FRIDAY, KKITMIHER 2, INI. 101 & 105 N. 6th were started. When Mr. Hoxie ar Buy Saturday — FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, IMI Store will be closed all day Mon rived he soon had the fire under con day. September Sth. laibor day. Kin trol. ♦ 4444444444444444 4 ney A Truax. 71 4 OREGON WK.4TH1R Storm Will Clowe— ♦ 4 Grocery stores in the city will re- To Hold Clothing School»— ▲ Weather for the Week 4 I main closed over Monday, lutbor Day Two clothing schools, of three days Pacific coast states—Gener 4 each, will be held tn November, to 4 ally fair throughout the week, ♦ Mine Vpj-oar» Promising— give training in dressmaking for any ♦ with normal temperatures. Over 100 tons of ore which will women in the county who are inter ♦ yield about (50 to the ton in gold is 4 ested. The schools will be in charge Tonight and Saturday prob lying on the dump of the Myrtle mine of Miss father Belle Cooley, formerly 4 4 ably showers. owned by Frank Hobart and B. W. olothing specialist In Minnesota. Miss ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦I 4 4 4 Fowler, says Mr. Fowler who is In Cooley is now clothing specialist for town for a few days. The mine is Oregon. 444444444444444 4 ♦ ♦ ' loca’sd about nine ml lee below Selma 4 PERSONAL AND LOCAL 4 I and will become a good producer 300 Pound»— 444444444444444 4 ♦ 4 with the adding of more machinery. Fancy salted peanuts at 2 pounds Spot Dances— There is already 400 feet of tunnel Saturday night. Riverside Com- work done, the veins being cut in for 25c Saturday. Kinney A Truax. 72 munity Club. Refreshments. several places, showing them to be Notice to Subscrib e r» from eight to 36 inches In width. Subscribers sre requested to make lYuitdale Resident Dies— payments to the office and not to the J. H. Harns, well known resident Another Good Time— carrier boys, Boys have no autbor- of Fruitdale, died this morning at 5 Saturday night at the Riverside ity to collect, When a change of ad- o’clock at the Harris home in Fruit Community iClub. Refreshments dress is to be made always notify the dale, following a stroke of paralysis. and a few spot dances. 72 office. The deceased was 71 years of age and had for many years made his home New Honey— Six Piece J aza Orchestra— here. Funeral services will be held In comb and extracted honey. J. Saturday night after minstrel Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock at Pardee. 76 show. Waldorf Hall. 72 Hall's chapel, with Interment in the Masonic cemetery. Rev. Joseph Rad Check Cashed— Knotts will officiate. No trace has been found of the Logical Indignation. bad check artist who managed to get The Nebraska man who was fined away with >16.50 from the Rogue for snoring In church Is Indignant 76 River Hardware. A man went into that the parson who lulled him to the store and stated that he was sleep got off scot free.—Vancouver Fire Burns Iau-ge .Area— working for George A. Bradford and Province. The fire which started Wedneeday that he wanted a hammer. He band when the Bert Bigelow threshing ed over a check on the Grants Pass outfit burned up on the Frank Top & Josephine tank supposedly written ping place at Pipvolt, burned over out by Mr. Bradford and it was cash an area of about 320 acres ^before it ed without question. It was discov could be stopped. Fire Warden Hoxie ered that Mr. Bradford had his ac has six wardens out and 50 settlers count with the other bank and that were cut to fight the fire the first the hardware store had been victim day. A large number of backfires ized. DEPENDABLE INSURANCE All lines B m T M Stott, liulek sales rooms Phone 520. 43tf America’s PLAYER-PIANO GULBRANSEN Player Piano Nationally priced and advertised GIRI, desires room and board dur ing school term. Address Box 41, R. F. D No. 1. 71 One |Mc© to III HALF PRICE For quick sale will dispose of six-room cottage and three large lots gardeu land In su burbs at one-halt coat—9(00. Un incumbered pleasant location — shade trees tine well, Terms on halt to reliable party. See il II 24tfFS Allyn Three C’s Lumber Company FOR SAMC A dairy ranch, one of the best in Rogue river valley. All Stock and Implements go with place Address owner. J. B. Noble. Box 688. 73 DEfMRABlJB ranch for rent 25 acres 2 H miles from 8. P. station at Rogue River, on Champion road adjoining Cornell ranch, (50 a year. Fenced with Page woven wire; 4-rootn cottage. chicken house and barn Key In possession of Wtn. Carle on adjoining Reed ranch Address George Geiger.' 2424 Russell St.. Berkeley. Cal 76 FOR SAM-: —1»31 Maxwell. never been run. (875. Inquire at Mocha cafe after 11 a. m. 76 FOR RUNT Furnished room with large sleeping pork adjoining. Cor ner 7th and A, or phone 527-R. 71tf GOOD 30 ACRE RANCH for sale on the Applegate river; 15 acres un-! der low expense Irrigation system. I house, barn, cows and horse; also; a bunch of ordinary farm Imple ments thrown in If interested talk direct with owner. Box 56. Rd. I.j Granta Pass. Ore. 73 NEW TODAY—Breakfast table». Kiuhen tren»ure, Co< I’ad-s Book Ca»e, Bed Star oil stove. Double blanket» (3 n pair. Auto |»uinp, Auto top covers. Box couch. Phone 71, T. C. Booth. Salvationists and Dumb. Lttschrd to the Salvation army It- The Music and Photo House CARRY a complete line of lumber, all grades, Lath, Shingles, boors, Windows, \\ allboard, etc. WE MAKE all kinds of Cabinet Work, Sereen Doors, Window Screens, Cupboard Doors, etc. ESTIMATES ON REQUEST RH'SDRY AND WEST G GRANTS PASH. OREGON FALL («*>1* WILL BEGIN TO ARRIVE AIMH'T HHPTK.MRKR I. STOCK CLEANING KALE BEGINNING MONDAY. 11 <¡1 ST 22. AND LASTING ALL WEEK TO-MAKE ROOM FOR NI W FILL GOODS. SOME REAL BARGAINS IN MANY LINES BEE < H AT THE JOSEPHINE <X>1 NTY FAIR. WE WILL HE THERE Holman’s Furniture Store Shoes for the Family K AHN TAILORING <N> HAMPLI-M FDR FALL YRE IN. WITH ALL THE NKW FABIlltH AND HTY IJ-X GET A Ml IT MADE AH Y (M WANT IT—FIT GUARANTEED. 103 North 6th WOODWARD’S Woolen Dress Goods The moot beautiful line of woolen dren» good» we have ever shown t» now on display. •: * f Novelty plaid» and »tripe* in pure wool, plain colors in Serges. Broadcloth. Truotine. Frani, Ya>ania. Velour. Tweed», French Flan- nel, Epingle, Poiret Twill, etc. Price» are very low this season and you will be delighted with the extra good value». Marguerite Clark. •Scrambled. TVivee* * Golden Rule vStore Playing at the Rivoli Theater Today Only I NEW Ford 1Prices i i Telegram this date effective at once. (F. O. B. Detroit) Chassis, regular Runabout “ Touring “ Truck Coupe Sedan Tractor - - - $295.00 $325.00 $355.00 $445.00 $595.00 $660.00 $625.00 This is a $35 to $100 reduction C. A. WINETROUT AUTHORIZED FORD SALES AND SERVICE SUNDAY- WALLIE REID IN “WHAT’S YOUR HURRY” ¥