krauts JJ ûûs Dai In Courier ♦ AKNOCIATED PREHH HEKVK’K vol«, xi., No. a*i. ___ r GRANTS PAHH, JOHEPHINK COUNTY, OREGON- ERIKA Y, HEPTEMBER 2. 1921 WHOLE NUMBER 8871. V Line Parted loua Sight siiti Sahsg,- A'cssel Algerine anti Canadian W inner Move to Aid ■ 830,000,000 Combine Is Announced by Company to Reduce Cost of Produce to Exhibitor — Sept. 2.—(A. P.)— a | Vancouver, B. C., Sept. 2. — (A- P ) FIVE IMtLiaiM FOR EVERY MAN HEAVY FIGHTING" REPORTED CHOSEN BY’ SV PRE ME JI STICK $50,000,000 merger of two motion The Canadian Winner and the salv- W HO STAYS ON THE HORNE AT BLAJR MOUNTAIN AND BURNETT FOR CASE OF DR. picture producing firms to eliminate; age vessel Algerine are now assisting DRAWN FOR HIM MILL CREEK BRIMFIELD the middleman or distributor, has the Canadian Observer in towing the; been announced by officials of the: Canadian Importer, according to re­ Associated First National Pictures,] port!. Incorporated, and the Associated ' The Observer r«i«orted last night: Producers company that the line aboard the derelict part­ Thomas H. Inco said that the pur-) ed. and In r«*ix>n»« to the request, pose was to lower the cost of dlstri-] the Winner and Algerine went to the Events to Any Cowpum her Any­ State Police Rajtorted Holding Cattle Wliirlt Stray lulo < Hy l,»rk Observer’s aid. button by a “Producer to Exhibitor” Defense Expected to Ask Continu­ Federal Troo|x Expected te where, and Hr»( <1n»s Showing« ami of Thirty Days—Prosecution Will Bo Placed In Pound and Fee plan. No word of the missing life boat rive at 5 p. m. Wants Instant Action Are Expected Clinrg<«l for Relea»«« has been received, but officials are confident that tho eleven men will NEW EGG LAYING BOX WILL report from some southern part AID CULTURE OF SILK WORM Washington, Sept. 2.— (A. p.) Salem, Sept. 2.—-(A. P.)—Judge A three day round-up will be on« Bids for the paving of Orchardj of the big features of the Josephine Orders tor an Immediate entrainment George G. Bingham, of the Marion av««nue will be asked soon, the coun-| Nanking, Sept. 2.— (A. P.)—Prof. AMERICAN EXHIBITION SHIP county fair, September 15-17, ar­ of troops tor the West Virginia coal county circuit court, xvill [»reside over ell having passed an ordinance last C. L. Chien of the college of agri­ Will M AKE rot R OF WORLD strike scene were issued early today, rangements having been completed to the Brumfield trial. Supreme Justice night asking for the blds. This culture and forestry. University of bring in the largest number of buck- ""he action was postponed on a decla- Burnett announced tills afternoon. stretch will Include the strip be­ Nanking has invented a new New York. Sept 2.—(A P.)— The. tiroos and wild horses ever seen in ration of martial law. egg tween the end of the paving on Sixth layirg Pox for the silk mj;l which it American steamship St. lxiuls, fitted | the city. Manager Borland has been Roseburg, Sept. 2.— (A. P.)—Pro­ ■treat and th«« city limits, which will] Washington. Sept. 2.—(A. P-) — I is believed may supplant existing ceedings in the Brumfield case are connect with the Pacific highway J out as a floating exhibition hall with in communication with the old time The residents of Orchard avenue [ sample« of the products of three hun­ cattle men of the county and these Federal troops began moving today I methods of testing for Pebrine. marking time today awaiting the ap­ disease in the silk worm. some time ago petitioned that this be] dred leading American manufactur­ base promised to look up the best from Camp Dix, N. J., Camp Sher- There have been two methods pointment by Chief Justice Burnett will leave New York next Janu- ers, man, Ohio. Camp Knox, Kentucky, and the worst horses that can be lo­ graded and made ready for paving, heretofore of making this test, one of the supreme court, of a trial Judge on an American sales promotion cated Prize« are being offered and Fort Thomas, Kentucky, follow­ to succeed Circuit Judge Hamilton, In order to discourage carnival ary Japanese and the other known as the to 50 foreign ports. The slo- which will assure a lively amount of ing orders for an immediate en­ who was charged by the defense yee- companies from exhibiting In th«! trip of the enterprise "I’ll Tell th«: competition. The bucking contee ts trainment of forces for the West Vir­ European method and it is said that terday of prejudice. city, a license tee of $100 per day] Kan serious drawbacks or both of these World" will fly from the forepeak, j and riding will be held on the sport ginia strike zone. >, The prosecution is preparing for was provided by an ordinance. There The trip will take a year. The exhl-] field at the fair grounds. The orders were issued as a result] ,been overcome by Professor an immediate trial. The defense is have been a large number of carni­ bit Ion apace is equal to that of Madi­ Riding will be going on each day of a telegram from Brigadier Gen- ChUsn’ “*™*‘“»*- expected to ask a continuance of 30 vals coming to the city during the son Square Garden. of the fair and every man who man­ oral Bandholtz. urging that troops days. past year or two and it Is tho inten­ Although there are a few misgiv­ ages to stick on the back of the be sent at once. Bandholtx had been MOVEMENT WOULD ESTABLISH tion of the city fathers to make the ings about the present being auspi­ horse he draws, for six Jumps, will sent to see whether the armed bands j fee so high that it will be Impossible WORLD LABOR INTERNATIONAL cious for such a trip, J. Herbert And- to pay It. Another ordinance wm son, the promoter, says 11 should be be handed a 35 bill. On Saturday a would observe the president’s "com-j first prize of $35 and a second of $20 mand that they disperse." Bandholtzi Ixyndon, Sept. 2.—(A. P.)—There) fire passed prohibiting the use of i remembered that business conditions will be awarded to those men doing Is to command the troops. is a movement on foot to establish a works within the city. Thia assures In some parts of South America are the cleanest riding. Some of the Fifty-six Refugees Will Enroll in The proclamation declaring mar-) World Labor International. Granta l*ass of an extra quiet I Fourth good and will h» improved In 1 922. wildest horse« In the county will be tlal law has been signed and requires Pacific Coast Colleges The British labor party has sum­ of July next year Japan. China, India. Australia. Nor­ roped and brought in to give the now only the issuance to become ef­ moned a conference to be held in ; An ordinance «rovldlug for the Im- way and Sweden have been to a de­ cowpunchers a run for their money. fective. Ixmdon early In October at whichI Harbine, Manchuria. Sept. 2.—(A. pounding of catlh* which stray Into] gree free from much of the financial Invitations have been extended to After a morning of uncertainty, of it is proposed to prepare machinery P.)—A group of Russian student Riverside park and one providing; worry that followed the world war. every person In this county or any which reports from Spruce Fork for the creation of a labor interna- r®fuK®®r left yesterday for America for policing powers by the city pellet he says, and the Balkan states should other county who has any riding Ridge told of sporatic fighting since tional on line» sufficiently broad , to t0 comPlete their education. There department within the park were car-1 bo a fertile field for the exchange of ability to try for the prizes. daybreak, it was officially announced admit not only the Moscow red in- are s*x y°un8 women and fifty young rlod through tho second reading and commodities. All those countries Noblo Parker, of Selma, has agreed j at noon, that "heavy fighting” was ternational but brotherhoods affili- men *n tls® Party. Half of them will will probably be ¡«assed at the next will be included in the itinerary of to be on hand to act as one of the taking place In the Blair Mountain, ated to the American Federation of go to the University of California and meeting of the council. The cattle l the Kt. I xmls. the other halt will attend Washing­ officials who will Judge the riding.'Mill Creek and Crooked Creek sec- Labor. have I wen troubling Park Superinten­ which insures the riders and specta- ’ lions. dent Martiletti all summer and have] A socialist committee appointed at ton State University at Seattle. tors of fair treatment, Mr. Parker' Colonel Eubanks said that one Lo- Vienna has already agreed to send trampled down the gross and ruined HISTORIC RI VNYMED»: ON Practically all of the students are KALE BI BRITISH CROWS may strap on his riding harness andjsan man was wounded on Blair' a representative to the conference. refugees from Russia, driven farther the flowers, causing a large amount show the horses a few himself if they Mountain, and five of the opposing and farther eastward by the political of damage. When the ordinance 4»( London, Sept. 2. (A. P.)—-Run- prove too much for the other riders.1 forces were seen to fall. passed. it will be possible to impound MEXICT» CITY POLICE .ARE upheavals of the last few years. They TO BE GIVEN 2,000 PISTOLS were gathered into Harbin through the cattle and compel the owners to nymede. a meadow- on the bank of There are. however, a large numberf- Airplanes reconnoitering east of | the efforts of Dr. Bucher of the Am­ pay an impounding fee before they] the Thames river, in Surrey, alte of of cowpunchers in the county who the ridge reported an increasing ac- the historic battle where the barons will be able to make an excellent tivity among the armed bands, Mexico City. Sept. 2.—(A. P.) — erican Red Cross, and P. S. Troitsky can get their stock. wrested from King John and Magna showing. For a number of years Hol- Couriers said that there was a "con- The purchase of 2,000 revolvers by and F. Korapachinsky of the educa­ land had an annual round-up which tinual roar along the entire line." Charts in 1215. is for sale. Governor Gasca of the federal dis­ tional department of the Chinese Attacking the government in the proved successful front both a rid-) These reports indicate that the trict is taken as an indication here Eastern Railway. debate on the Corn Production» Act» er’s and spectator’s viewpoint. These heaviest fighting since the line was that Mexico City gendarmes hereaf­ Repeal ‘bill, ixird Lincolnshire in the same buckaroos will be in to com­ established is taking place along the ter are to be armed. The local police department for Drink« ’Er Down With Guato to Con house of lord« declared the present pete against each other and with the Spruce Fork ridge, New men are ministry was preparing to sell the , horsemen of other countie«, insuring being sent into the line, which is some time has been severely criti­ »ternati««» of Fair Defendant crown lands and said nothing re­ 1 plenty of action and lots of exclte- now 20 miles long, Reinforcements cized for inefficiency. This was at-1 continue to reach Logan from the tributed to the fact that they were Tacoma. Wash.. Sept. 2.— (A. P.) mained but "to pawn the crown ment Carries Serum to Four Sufferers southern part of the state. Jewels." dependent solely upon a stick to en-1 —The courage« of Justice of the With Infantile Paralysis force their commands. Peace John W, Llnck has stood the acid test, and he Is willing to prove PEARLING IN HOI TH HHAH Seattle. Wash., Sept. 2.—(A. P.) Logan, Sept. 2.— (A. P.)—Fight­ it again and again. FAI.I.S UPON DEI I MARKET —To save the lives of four children, ing on Spruce Fork Ridge is con­ Car of Apples shippxl— The first carload of apples to go an airplane recently raced 100 miles Mrs. Mary Holmes, brought before tinuing this afternoon. Colonel Ar­ bls honor recently, assorted that Sydney, New South Wale«. Sept. Mexican Workers Building 250 Miles nold of the state police reported that out from the vicinity of Grants Pass through fog and storm from Kent, of Roadway From I a, Pae liquor found at her home had been 2.—(A. P.)—Pearling, formerly one the line is "holding well.” Federal was loaded today by Douglas Wood. Wash., to Yakima, Wash. It carried mixed with ammonia and add to of the principal Industrie« of the troops are expected to arrive at 5 The apples were of the Winter Ba­ as Its cargo. 20 drams of serum, Ix>s Angeles. Cal., Sept. 2.—(A. nana variety and were grown on the which If administered in time, it was make it undrinkable, She said she South Seas, has fallen upon dead p. m. Wood ranch west of the city. The hoped would save the children from was going to j«alnt a house with It days because of the unsettled condi­ P.)—A new nigaway 250 miles long car is billed out for New York. The death of Infantile paralysis. The air­ "Hump,’’ remarked the Judge, a tions throughout the world, Janies between Igt Pax and Magdelena Bay, Oregon Growers will start the pack­ plane made Its delivery in time. veteran of Antietam, He upended a Clark, of Brisbane, who is known as Is being constructed by Mexican sol­ ing of apple« and late pears about the bottle of the evidence and took a the "Australian Pearl King,*' told s diers and laborers under the dlrec-l A police motorcycle, with a burly fifth of the month. man’s else drink. royal commission investigating the tlon of President Obregon, according father advancing its spark sped away to Capt. F. D. Sarazea of the French Agent Says Transcontinental Unos "Ordinary moonshine,’’ said the pearling Industry here recently. to Kent with the serum, and at 3:35 That Tired Feeling— AA ill CM 20 to 1OO Per Cent court. "No acid In it. If I were a All pearling boats at Thursday steamship Provldencia. Herbert Hunter's plane left the The road will open for develop­ < Last Saturday evening, an employe ground. He climbed 11,000 feet, drinking man. I could drink all of It Island are laid up and at Broome. ment a large mining territory which San Francisco, Sept. 2.—(A. P.) of the paving company, Mr. Craw­ above the clouds, and with the peak and not be hurt.” Western Australia, only about 100 He fined Mrs. Holmes $100, and Ixiats instead of 400 are working. has heretofore been closed on ac­ -• Reductions of 20 to 100 per cent ford of this city, suffered a queer of Mt. Rainier guiding him, flew she announced she would appeal to a Clark said. A contributing cause of count of lack of transportation facili­ in transcontinental freight rates soon experience. He felt rather sleepy and away to the southeast. The ground higher court. the diminution of activities is the ties, Captain Sarazea stated, and Is will be effective on all railroads, it tired and an inclination to stretch | was not sighted again until the Cas­ failure of Germany and Russia, to only one of several projects contem­ was announced by W. O. Barnwell, and yawn came to him. which he cade mountains had been passed. but purchase a great amount of the plated by the Mexican government In assistant freight traffic manager of proceeded to do in such a prodigious the life-giving fl .11 xai delivered t> the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe, manner that he was quite startled to D.« Imith at 4.50 p m pearl ahull, as they did prior to the its development plan. Railroad ’ Must of them apply to find he could not close his mouth. war, he said. westbound traffic and are applicable He was brought to the looal doctor, and uponaexamination he was found from al: eastern points. Pro|H>eals for State of East Washing­ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ to have dislocated both Jaws. An . ton anil North Idaho Unitoli ♦ PROGRAM HW WOODMEN anaesthetic was administered and ♦ BAND CONCERT TONIGHT Tonga Is Without All the Things the dislocation was reduced—Glen­ Marriages Double tuul Fewer I «callus I’remier List Printed— Spokane, Wash.. Sept. 2.—(A. P. ) ♦ Which Take the Joy From Living dale News. The premium list for the sixth an ­ Are Recorded Than in 1913 — The latest proposal for the forma­ ♦ An excellent program has tion of a new state from parts of Ida­ ♦ been arranged for the band con­ Sydney. New South Wales. Sept. 2. nual Josephine county fair has been PORTI AND MARKETS Paris. Sept 2.—(A. P.)—The ho and Washington seems In danger ♦ cert tonight at Riverside park. -(A. P.)—A country without an printed and is now ready for distri­ of going the way of similar schemes The entertainment will start army, without a navy, without a na­ bution. The book was patronized) Choice steers ______ $6.00 © $6.50 number of marriages in France has that have preceded It ever since be­ ♦ |.ro-.ptl.v at s o’clock. Th-» pro­ tional debt and without an Income readily by Grants Pass and county Hogs .......................... $11.00 @ $11.50 doubled, the number of births in­ fore either of the two atati'» waa ad- ♦ gram follows: tax, where the romance of the South merchants who gave liberally In the Hogs, prime light... $10.50 @ $11.00 creased while fewer deaths are reg­ > "Our mltted to the union. National Honor.” Seas still lives, and where every male way of advertising, without which) East Mountain Lambs $6.00 @ $6.50 istered in 1920 than in 1913, the last ' full year of peace. This is shown by With the death of State Senator ♦ march. reaching the age of 16 years must the list would not have been pos- • h | Eggs, current receipts ....38« © 30c the ministry of labor. The excess R. A. Hutchinson, chief sponsor of ♦ ■’Mignonette," overture. own eight and one-quarter acres of sible. They can be secured at fair I " **ite Henneries ............................ 34c of births over deaths in 1920 was the new state plan In Washington, n ♦ "Old Timers Waltz." land to sustain his own family—a office of the secretary of the Selling price, case count....30c @ 32c 159.790, as compared to 58,914 in proposed meeting of northern Idaho ♦ "Oh, Slip It Man," trombone statute obligation which is fulfilled board, A. S, Coutant. Selects ........... —..... 36c 1913. The marriage totalled 623,- and eastern Washington interests ♦ sneeze. by a magnanimous government Butter, extra cubes .......... ...... ......40c 869 in 1920 against 312,036 in 1913. set for early September apparently ♦ "Spick and Span,” overture. granting him the land gratis. Butter, prints ............................... 42c The significance of the«« figures Is has been abandoned, and supporters ♦ “The Conneticut.” march. Such is Tonga, the last remaining No Dally Courier Monday— Wheat ...................... „81.07 © $1.12 increased when it is remembered that ♦ "Altta (Wild Flower)” mor- of the movement In northern Idaho The Courier office will remain native kingdom in the Pacific ocean, Portland, Sept. 2.— (A. P.)—Live- the total papulation of France has have been quoted ns expressing a ♦ ceatt. according to the description furnish­ closed on Labor day to allow the em­ "Stars and Stripes Forever.” doubt that the present Is a propitlons ♦ ed by Tul Vakanao, premier of the ployes to take advantage of the legal stock, steady; eggs, firm; butter, un­ decreased sensibly as a result of ths war. ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦■■♦■♦ ♦ Island, who was here recently. settled. time for broaching the pro[>osal. holiday. Chicago, IMMEDIATE ERIAL IS WANIED CARNIVAL HE PR0HIRAI0RÏ RUSSIAN STUDENTS WILL VISIT I COURAGE OF JUDGE STANDS TEST EAST WASHINGTON STATE LOST FRENCH BIRTH RATE INCREASES