UOMin, Al <3 HT JH, IIM11. GRANTN P.UM DAILY < s on tin*, and you throw away money in purchasing cord 'ires. More mileage on fa­ bric taaings with filler than cords. '»ME Til YOUR SENSES, GET BOTH EEET ON THE GIMM NI» ■SAX E YOUR MONEY We gi.e you a free trial—not a cent down. Where we are located—He knows. Ask your neighbor Universal Tire Filler INSTALLED IN YOUR CAR AT 107 8. 4TH ST. GRANTS I’ASS SEVERAL HUNDRED PEOPLE SAW THIS SHOW YESTERDAY MATINEE AND NIGHT if LAUGHING! UK L IT’S THE LAUGHINGEST THING EVER CREATED AND YOU ONLY HAVE TWO MORE DAYS TO LAUGH WITH ROSCOE (Fatty) ARBUCKLE —in— “The Traveling Salesman” RIVOLI (NAMING WEDNESDAY TOM MIX IN -THE I NTAMED" LOCAL ! Allen J.uc<> has returned from a ; Engagement I» Announced— week spent hunting in th<> Jump-off Mrs O. W. Murray has announced . the engagement of her daughter. I Joe country. Tyrrel earner returtuHl to th«« Miss Vere Murray, to Mr. Herbert W I Wolf <*reek sawmill this morning af­ Coddlngton. of Waverly. Iowa Miss ter spending the week end in the Murray 1» a well known young worn-J city an of the city and Is a graduate of Wilda t'ounts is on h««r way to th«« the local high school In th«* class of' Hawaiian Islands, to resume her 1912. going from hero to the Univer­ teaching. She will visit In Cottag«* sity of of Uaifornla. Grove and Salem ——•— » W. P. Quinlan and Misses Bere­ llorlaud in M • It ■ I - nice. Wrnetta and l-yiu-tt i Quinlan C. W. Borland, manager of the left this morning for th«« Caves where Josephine county fair »»< In Medford' they will spend a few days. today advertising the fair. The as-1 Mr and Mrs Ben Trowbridge. Mr sociatlon has secured 12 acres of1 and Mrs. Ed. Trowbridge and C. land on the Rogue and are erecting I Jacqua. of Medford, were guests hen* permanent buildings. The fair Is a yesterday of Mr. and Mrs. Ueorg«* county proposition and the grounds Peake. and buildings are being erected by Miss Mari«« Burns is spending her funds secured by taxation. Th«« two «reeks* vacation from her duties will be held September 15 to 17 at Horning's Shack at Crater take. year. Medford Sun Silver take am! Eastern Oregou points. Examinations to Be Held— Mr and Mrs. T M. Peelor and Mr ' The fall eighth grade examina­ and Mrs. H. D. Blanchard of Eugene. tions will be held at the office of the have becomt* residents of Grants county school superintendent on Pass. Mr. Peelor Is a brother of Mrs. Thursday ami Friday. September 1 C. A. Swope and 2. These examinations are for Mr. and Mrs Georite Calhoun are the students who tall<«d to paaa all spending a few days at Crater take, the examinations In the spring and having left Saturday with Judge and who desire to work off their failures Mrs. Pollock. They expect to return so that they can enter high school about Wednesday. this fall. There are very few In the Claud Johnson, accompanied by county who will have to take the ex­ his family, has arrived from Chelan. aminations Wash., to make his home in the city. He was attract«*d here by the climate.' Expect targ«* Attend»»»« <*— making the trip down by auto. An attendance of about 2000 stu Mrs. H. T Jameson of Roseburg. I dents is expected at th«* University is spending the week here with her of Oregon this fall Carlton Spen­ husband, who is substituting for cer. registrar at the university, was (•'rank Nombalais. while the latter Is In the city this morning while on his on his vacation. Mr. Nombalais nnd way horn« from a trip to tas Angelos young son spent a week in Oakland, by auto. He was accompanied by C'a!.. returning home Sunday. Mrs. Spencer and her mother. Mrs. Wheeler. of Eugene On account of P. F. Chandler, publisher o» money being rather tight now. i Blue Mountain Eagle. Canyon City. Oregon, with Mrs. Chander and their more new students rather than old College will ¡son. were in Grunts Pass today on students are expected open on September 26. ■ their way home from a trip to Klam­ ath Falls. Crater take. .Ashland and i other points. Mr Chandler ha» been l‘uin|>s Givrn Tryout««— Pumps number 1 and 2 at th«* Sav­ publisher of the Eagle for nearly 24 age Rapids dam were given their in­ , years itial tryout today and worked per­ Week end guests at the Josephine fectly. These pumps are the from Portland were Mr and Mrs C. that will supply the Tokay canal A. Morden. Mr and Mrs. Fred Fritz. their installation was completed A. W. Cochron. M. Reinhart. Mrs. E. week by Mr Sidler. sent here by Bel Chandler. H. E. Hedjoy. W. H Aills-Chalmers company. They were Cass, G. M Ross. Mrs. R. Johnson, connected up with the motors, but Mr an«! Mrs D. Bluestelne. Evelyn will later be connected with th«* tur­ Gresham. Mr. and Mrs. H. Chapman, bines at the dam. which will supply A E. Eberhart. George Brown. W. C. the power next year Burt. F. J. Jones and E. C. McDow­ ell. Others were Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Married ut Wilderville— Mack, J. F Gumhard. L. R. Rex­ Chari«* Stockton Oglerfby and Mil­ worthy. Mrs. A. iB Garner. Mrs. T. dred Edwina tavelace were married A. Swan bury. .M. McCarty. T. O. yesterday morning at the C F. tave- Nell. B. H. Williams. E. D. Clapp. ace home at Wilderville. They left Ray Oppie and E. E. Johnstone, of immediately after th«» ceremony for San Francisco, Sidney Friedberger California, going by way of Crescent and F. A. Crowley of New York. R. City and exp«*ct to h<* gon«» about two Fullunwlder and R. I. Fair of Van- weeks. Both of th«* newlyweds are couver. B. C., Mr. and Mrs. May well known here. Mr. Oglesby being Neis of Chicago. Mrs. Frank S. Sued- candyniaker at Horning's and Ml»» icor of Salem. Myrtle and Milton and tavelace having been employed at j The cere- | Mr». M. Murry, of Boise, Mr. and the Golden Rule store Mrs. L. Schwager. Miss Helen and mony was (performed by Rev. Jo* Louis Schwager of Seattle. Mr. and Knotts. Mrs. L. Schwager. Miss Heb*n and I«oui» Schwager of Seattle. Mr. and AA. It. <’. Met Saturday— Mrs. C. C. Redman of Yuba City, The regular meeting of Gen«‘ral Miss Susie Pearson and Glen Pur­ tagan W. R. C. was held on Saturday vine of Birmingham, Ala . Miss Lulu afternoon, being another of the many Pearson of Salem. H. E. Crane of business and social afTalrs of the or­ Klamath Falls. T. 8. Weston and der with a gathering of nearly 100 daughter, of Santa Rosa, R B. and including a number of comrades and | J. T. Dixon of Fort Klamath. Mr». visitors. There was ballottlng, also, H. W. Chaabury of tas Angele», Mr». Initiation Quite a number of mem- Elsie Bagley, Mr. and Mrs E. Wal­ bers planned to attend the G. A. R. lace and Plarsted of Brookings. . encampment, which will be held this year in JJthla park at Ashland, from lecture May Be I'setl— September 5 to 9. At the close of The picture of Crater take will the 'business, Ice cream and cake probably appear on the new postage were served and a general goon savings »'counts. Grants Pass and Josephine Bank Ml MUER OF FEDI itti. Iti» IO I 'IMI'I Ci rants P ass .O regon Hopyard Dance WEDNESDAY NIGHT XT THE l»NO\ X till» XI U Ol'l X till PLATFORM AND GOOD Mt M< W<-