MONDAY. Al Gl HI -J», IMI, DOYLE’S GET MY PRICE« FOR EVERY THING IN THE IMI'EIAIENT LINE I1BHT VALUE. QU ALITY CONHIDEIIED, IN T1IE CíH NTV. PI MI94, (JAM ENGINES, CREAVI SEPARATORS ]_ <>1124, GKEIMCK AND BO1/TM M otor Installations Promptly Made t’l.irrRAC TANK TYPE TRAITOR Women’» Gingham Dresse» In rinfaii» «nul < Valila- up Io »2.Ml) HPMIAI. «2,2.1 D. c. M c I ntyre Put tba responsibility of the installation of your motors, motor starterr and controllers onto our shoulders. THE IMPLEMENT MAN Our organisation is at all times equipped to take care of all .lectncal installation work, wiring of new and old budding*. additional lighting v-orli , etc. Grants Pass, Ore. 402 4 South Sixth Our telephone number is given below. Women’s Aprons l'rtvn I aw mol Glngliaiaii» Hl'M'IAL OHa- Classified Advertising or— Oregon-Montana Oil & Gas Company PAUL’S ELECTRIC STORE Landholders llave IO «ara-» In clone protliiilty to Oregon .Montana intr-rrota on m hielt oll lewae can In- puriliaai-d al ver* low figure. Oregon Mon­ tana well liarka very promlaing. You ean reaKae whul thia would nieaii for holder» of lo-aare o'l leaae. Call us up. f I Grants Pass Phone 47 If int «•mir« I MX' j. h . M c K inley Hotel Oxford FOR SAIJC Dodge touring car. cheap, al Smith's Garage. 67 Wak and laurel 82 Wm. llrlet- Scott of Oakland. C E. Ogle of Chi­ 10:00 a. m- 8:4M a- m. mayer, Fruitdale. 88 cago, Mr. and Mrs. John Robson and «GONER TAXI — Phone 262-R for FT) It RENT Alfalfa, Grain and- 1:UO p. m. 11:00 a. m. family of Albany. .Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Jitney Luke or Cutler. Calls an ­ DAILY AND SUNDAY MINING MACHINERY at a bargain Stock ranches with and without 4:00 p. m. 1:00 p. tn. swered anywhere, anytime 86tf Seal of Brookings. Mrs. M. Hary, Two seta 14-lnch rolls, one set 10- Irrigation, or will sell at bargain PHONE 85 OH 1«O 6:15 p. m. 4:30 p. m. Inch rolls, one 14-lnch Jaw Dodge prices on long time easy payments. PHONE 160 The Bonbonniere for Mrs. F. Alwell and Mr. and Mrs. C. We o in not with atngrw for A «bland and Jacksonville crusher, one 10-inch Jaw crusher, Ranches In Jackson snd Josephine Taxi 79tfi H. Hamilton of lx»s Angeles. .Mr. and Mrs. L A. Upham of Rfo Vista. Mr four Denver pulsating ore classi­ county. One ranch under ditch TAXI-White Line Taxi, city or and Mrs. L. C. Shepard and -Mr. and fiers All good condition. For 3 miles from Grants Pass, on river. country trip«. Special trips by ap­ .Mrs L. R. Cutahaw of P «e’jo, H. M. prices address P. O. Box 13. Ta-, Gold Ray Realty Co.. Owners.! Prices reasonable. Daniel of North Bend. Mrs. S. Dei- pointment. We repair and make every kilma, ON M.dford, Ore. 06tf Closed car. Call Clemens Drug hetm of lx>s Angeles and .Mr. and type and style top and slip cov­ Fltl'lT FOR SALK nt Whltlia-; \.l APARTMENTS TO RENT at 61IH Store. 46-R: residence phone 381 Mrs. R. E. Glover of Wilmtneton. er—and do the work RIGHT- ama orchard on Pacific btghwa). Del. G Street W M Wyrick 50tf j I^t us repair your prewent DRAYAGE AND TRANSFER 1c per lt>. Bring you boxes. 71 top and, also, lend real distinct­ PIANO« TO RENT- A limited num-j ion to your car with a smart FOR SAUD 4J'„ MN«, 2 resi­ ber of fine pianos for rent. Apply [ THE WORLD .MOVES; so do we. Bunch Transfer Co. Office phone cat of durable sUp covers. Sam­ dences Would make good open early at Music & Photo House. 88 i THE CALIFORNIA AND OREGON 396; res. phones 171-R. 316-L. ple«, prices, etc., gladly sub­ air sanitarium, farm school or pri-l WANTED CO AST RAILRO AD to.vH'A.NA mitted. vate home. Also oil paintings/ Time < ard F. G. 18HA.M, drayage. transfer; pi­ etc., nt Oxford hotel and at place. WANTED TO RENT A large Irri­ anos. safes, furniture, moved, ship­ Corn 11. 1'1 n-1 :.»>. Rout.. I. BM 8 I. ' gated ranch suitable for a dairy Effective Nov. 24. 191». ped. packed, stored. Phone 124 Y ranch Herbert Whitsett and Grants Pass. 87 Trains will run Mondays, Wednes- Daniel Harding, Grants Pass, Rd. DENTIS fS days and Fridays FOR SAUD- I have a 1-ton truck 4. Box 71. 33tf Leave Grants Pass_______1 P M. with good tires and rack bed all E. C MACY. D. M. D. First-class Arrive Waters Creek......... 2 P.M. fixed to go right to work with, WANTED Students Io room and dentistry. 109 A4 8. 6th St. I-eave Waters Creek......... 2:30 PM No Thought of the Morrow. What Lies at Hand. board. 511 A St 87 for 8400. It will pay you to come Arrive Grants Pass........... 4 P M. Many people take no care of thc-lr Our grand business undoubtedly la VETERINARY Ml ItGEON For information regarding freight mouey and see It If you need one. G. O WANTED Fresno teamsters, 83 till they come nearly to the end not to see what lies dimly at a dl»- Olum. Glendale, Ore. 67 per day. I-«borers 83.50 per day. DR. R. J. BESTUL, Veterinarian and passenger rates call at the office of It, and others do Just the same tauce, but to do what clearly Ilea at of the company, Lundburg building. Grade foreman, 8‘>.00 per day. with their time.—Goethe. Residence 838 Washington boule­ of tolenhnnw 191 I Imnd.-—Carlyle. FOR SALK CHEAP 12 arr.s of vard. phone 398-R. corn on Jensen place, west of G.' Board charged at 81.25 per day. Palmer and MoBride, Crescent A. Hamilton. M. Jay, 716 Outlook Ate , U (>. Box 704. «71 City, Cal. State highway under construction. 41tf EVERGREEN BLACKBERRIES At WANTED Experienced waitress at U O. CLEMENT, M. D. Practice limited to diseases ot eye, ear.nose 15c a gallon. Pick them yourself. | the Mocha. 53tt and throat. Phone 62; Res. 239-J. Wm. Light's place, north side of Smith hill. ST wwted t’ook for small mining 8. LOUGH RIDGE. M. D. Physician camp. Austin Wilson, Murphy. and surgeon. City or country calls DRY SEASONED OAK. fir and pine Oregon. 69 attended day or night Phones. wood for sale. Call 313-J. C. W. | Res 369. Offl.e. 182; «th and H. COOK w VNTED (or private fam Lambrecht. 61tt, AFTER Wage. 850. Mrs. K. M. C. Nelli. E. J. Bl LUCK, M. D. Physician, sur­ Ardencralg. Grants Pass, Ore. 65tt Fl>R SALE—Old Ivory bedroom set, geon, Sehallhorn Blk. Phone 54-J; EVERY Hotpolnt electric range, sideboard. res. 1004 Lawnridge, phone 54-L. M1S< KLLANKOIS MEAL” Señora phonograph, kitchen table, I W F. RUTHERFORD—Manual the dining room table and benches. REPAIR SHOP Steam fitting, pipe I raputlca. Office over Barnes* Je», Downstalns at 829 Orchard Ave. work plumbing, boiler and pump for elry. Res 259-R; Office 217-R. «7 work, installing. 505 South 6th St. Phone 306. G. A. Bryan. W. T. TOMPKINS, D S. T. Nervous STUTZ four passenger, dirt cheap. If j and chronic diseases. Office. Claus sold at once. Terms to responsible BANKERS LIKE COMPANY D m Schmidt Bldg. Phone 304-R. .Moines, Iowa. Myron C. Gaston, party. Pohne 282-J, Grants Pass District Agent. 71 RALPH W. STEARNS. M. D. Phy- BARGAIN One Chevrolet. New CARNE1R-GAYETTY IRON WORKS alelan and surgeon, X-Ray equip- top, seat covers and paint, »275 ment. Office In Masonic Temple —General foundary and machine eash. Williams Garage and Cy­ work, mine, mill machinery, chilled | Bldg., phone 21-L. cler/. 71 saw carriage wheels, live rolls,' which everybody pipe fittings. Grants Pass. Oregon . | FOR SALE- Two chairs, rocker, likes—you will, sideboard, bookshelves, commode, I'VUKRIIAXGING C.,11 u,, Harry! couch, three-quarter bed. mattress Jones at Colonial hotel for paint-' too. and springs, sewing machine, Ing. paperhanging, calclmining. 90 delicious peppermint kitchen utensils, dishes, refrigera­ BUILDING CONTRACTORS flavored sugar jacket around tor. etc. Call at 422