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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 29, 1921)
6RANTS WS Oil COURIER Published Dally Except Sunday School Hose Pub. and Propr ■ttered at postoffice. Granta Paaa. Ore . aa eecond-claaa mall matter A. E. Voorhles. DAILY COURIER By mall or carrier, per year...... »4.00 By mail or carrier, per month . .30 Our lin«' i» i-onu>l<'<r. *<* *l«o han- «onte vi'O «l>oi*l bargain«. ADVERTISING RATES Display apace, per Inch................. 35c Local-personal column, per lina.—10c ■•adera, per line.......... ..................... 3« MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated press is exclusively •■titled to the use tor republication of all news dispatches credited tn this or all otherwise credited in this paper and also the local news pub lished herein. All rights for republication of spe cial dispatches herein are also re served. ____ MONDAY, AUGI ST 2». I9M ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ OREGON WKATHIR » ♦ ♦ ♦ MONDAY, »IGIHT -Jit. lit'JI. GRANTS l*.UH D.ÌIL1 COCKIER •AGE TWO Weather for the Week Pacific coast state«—Gener ally fair throughout the week, with normal temperatures. ♦ Tonight and Tuesday, fair. ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ Berlin. Aug. 29.—(A. P.)— The German government is selling off its war dogs. It has a large number of wounded and disabled canines tor sale ani has offered them to the pub lic at a price to be fixed by a valua tion commission composed of veter inarians. Many of the dogs are said to be too old for war work and others have been aick so long that the army of ficials have despaired of their ever being able to engage in active ser vice again, should euch service be required. The public, which appears greatly attached to the lively and ferocious "police dog” has. nevertheless, dis played litte interest in these canine veterans 101 & 10Ö N. 6th NEW TODAY FOR RENT 19 acres river bottom loam, under water, five acres In GET TOUR LUMBER from the Jose pears, house, barn, chicken house, phine Iaimber Co., at wholesale just outside city limits. Phone mill prices. AU kinds of planed 602-F-4. 37tf lumber Our truck delivers any where Phone 188. 107 North TWO REl.i MILE discharged »ant positions a* truck or tractor Sixth Street *2U drivers. Will do labor work until DEPENDABLE INSURANCE—All opening. Address in care of R K linee. See T. M Stott. Buick sales Banka. Rd. 2. Box 01. Grants Paaa. rooms Phone 530. 43tf Ore. 72 BARTIJSTT PEARS—Good quality FOR SALE Monarch ateel range, for canning. »1 a box. Cfcll. or ftrat claee condition. Phone leave orders at once. D. P. Nor 602-F-4. 67tf ton. 235 Weet I Street. Granta LAST CHANCE Something for Paas. Ore. «7 nothing, almoat. from rummage WANTED TO RENT—Modern house Mrs. Imel, 639 North Fourth St 67 south of railroad, west part of city. P. J. Houser, phone 326-Y. WANTED TO CONTRACT PIldNQ haul. The California * Oregon 69 P. O. Box 93. Lumber Company, of Brookings. GIRL desires room and board dur Ore., will contract hauling green ing school term. Address Box 41, fir piling 7-in. tops. 20-In. butts. R. F. D. No. 1. 71 60 to »0 feet long about 1 H mile with truck and trailer. About TOR SALE—'i*>m of mares, 3 and 6 1000 piece« Road dirt but prac years old. weight 2400. wagon and tically straight, easy grade all harness. Might consider automo down hill with load. Immediate bile in trade. Fran« Morris >’i. delvery required. Write or wire Rd *. Box 41». *3 price. 70 E. L GALBRAITH—Real estate. In surance and plate glass liability. TWO BURNER Kero gas oil stove used two months and oven, »18. 609 H G street, phone 28. 40tf 12x14 ingrain carpet, »5. Bed. AFTER being employed by the Liber mattress and springs, »5. Phone ty tailors during the summer. Mrs. 2« 68 W. R. Swope will reopen her dressmaking parlors September 1 . Fl>R SALE—Miscellaneous prospec in the Albert building over the tor* stamp mill, concentrator, as Basket Grocery. 7 2 , say furnace, cyanide plant, etc. Mostly unused 346 North Front Street, Medford. Ore. 72 HAT—Manhatlen COAT—Docota VEST—Vest Virginia PANTS—Pancilvania SHOES—Sherrusalem COLLARS—Colorado TIE—Ticonia SHIRT-Shermany I Get Vashing done in Vashington Get your suits cleaned at The Wardrobe Cleaners Phone 147 507 E Street WE CALL FOR AND DELIVER Master Cleaners & Dyers UHIIN HAY IN STACK, »10 a ton buckle In the starring rule, opened K. M. lakdnwtg. Box 74. Rd 3 «7 a three days engagement at the It I* con X \l.F PRICE For quick sale will Rivoli theater yesterday dispose of alx-room cottage and aldered a moot excellent vehicle fur three largo Iota garden land In eu- Fatty Arbuckle, and one which af hurba at one-halt cost -|S00 l’n- fords him unlimited opportunttl«« to put over hl* delightful edmedy. No incumbered pleasant location shade trees -tine well, Term» on body loves a fat man is an old Hay halt to reliable party So« H II. ing. but It 1» disproved here when In sittrs the rotund etar find* romance Allyn the cast are Hetty IRoaa Clark and W XNTED Two women for foItiTng others. fair premium lists. Courier of flee Commence Tuesday morn I'anuHi- Georgia Miiuin-I» ing 6 9 Minstrels may conic and go but the INYR SALE A dairy ranch, one of Famous Georgia Minstrels Deem to the beet In Rogue river valley. All go on forever For the past 33 years stock and implements go with this organisation has been reoognlsed place. Address owner. J. II. Noble. as one of the loading road attrac Box 6SS 73 tions. It has a following equalled by While FOR SALE -Hand washing machine none but envied by many. with wringer. Pboue 213-J. 65tt other minstrel shows are clamoring for talent, this company has no HOISEKEEPING APARTMENT for trouble in ««curing the pick of the two. 417 E Street. SS profeaalon. its financial »landing 1s FOR 8AIJC CHEAP 120-acre borne as strong as the rocks of Gibraltar, stead relinquishment. Road at Its methods a« near ‘perfection as top of aouth grade from school ex|M»rience can make it. so the ambi house 8 miles north Grants Pass tious performer makes every effort on highway. I McDonald 72 to be counted among its roster. They will lie lu Granta Paas next FOR SALE 1 4-In Pacific air pump Saturday. September 3rd with .b p , as engine. (71. So« It at store s miles north Grants Pass cn highway. J. 1. McDonald 72 A PIPE TO REPAIR 401 G STREET CHICHESTER S PILLS V_—. TB« «(*■•«■ SBa.xn. A LUC STRIKE At our «tore you can prove to y<Hir*rlf In ten minute» Uvat the <aulbran«en 1« ran, for )<*i to piny ««II—a marvelous In- *lrunicnt—positively famiwal- Ing. The coupon below brings you full Information. ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Jamen Torbe«’ fanion« play. "The Traveling Saleeman,” transferred to the screen with Roscoe (Eatty) Ar- E. W. CHILES It*« toasted TRY THE Gl UIRANH» ’ ONLY TEN MINI TEN ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ AMU8KMKNTR New and lard Good« HEE ME To •eu I in the delicious Burley flavor WILL PROVE THAT I'M THERE NEW TODAY—Breakfast table'«. Kitchen (manure. <<>X I‘«cl's Itook ('sue, I ted Star <>U stove. Double blanket» »3 a |>alr, Auto |Hini|>, tulo top cover«. Box couch. Phone T. C, Booth. BUYS FOR CASH Do you know why it *3 toasted? Repairing pipe« is second na ture to us We understand the business of Installing plumb ing In factories. office*. public buildings and home* a* well as stores We can give you the same blah class »erv|cee that you would receive from the highest priced sanitary en gineer. B. S. Dedrick HU F Street PHONE 3OM-J q A k «> Check hero If you do noi[~ ' own any plano or player- piano Check bore If you want Infor mation about having a na* Gulbranaen player action In stalled In your preeent piano (or player-piano) □ Write your name and address on the margin of thio page and mall It to ua. The Musk & Photo House Stanton Ito« «II. Proprietor SOLD BY DRIGGISTS EH RYW«E Build Your Profits On Our Reputation A BUSINESS can sometimes get to going on promises, but it can keep going only on re suits. We owe our reputation in these parts to the fact that we have never overcharged anyone for our products, but on the other hand have always paid the highest price for raw material that our market affords. Our representations and our actions travel on the same track—the twin rails to Better Profits-for You. Both our products and the marketing facilities enable us to be of real usefulness in these parts. Our service and what we say about are ever lastingly the same. Silk Blouse Special * 1 lot new »ilk blouso »3. 45 I lot new «ilk blouses »4.75 Th»* were bought at a price Golden Rule Store The Wardrobe Tailors 1OH^ «TH STREET—UPSTAIR« OVER CORNELL'S GROCERY RELINING, EUHIZ MILK ARID CREAM HERE’S THE PROOF POSITIVE SERVICE built our business in Medford, and are sold the «une way CLEANING, PRESSING, ALTERING, We don’t talk one thing and do another. When we tell you that our list of dairymen is large and ever-widening, and that the growth of our business is due solely to SERVICE, we are telling the truth that you can prove. MERCHANT TAIIX4RING BRAMII THE W »RDIIOBE CLEANERS. AMOS F. WILLIAMS, Prop where we have approximately THIRTY men on our PAY-ROLL; from this you will infer what real service means to a community. We have established ourselves in GRANTS PASS to give the public REAL SERVICE; if you are selling cream elsewhere we invite comparison; let us demonstrate our ability to serve. Such claims are made elsewhere—but the tremenduous importance to you of our claim is the TRUTH of it. We are the kind that are building a reputation on doing a limited business and doing it well. .... We believe that a SQUARE DEAL is a proposition in which the other fellow meaning YOU, gets something, too. We urge you, for your own best interests, to tie up to a creamery of our integrity, progressiveness and calibre. VALLEY PRIDE CREAMERY PHONE 84 MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALERS BUTTER, ICE, ICE CREAM, POULTRY, EGGS AND BEVERAGES