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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 29, 1921)
♦ 0rinite jJnss Otìiln Courier INWM lATKD l'REHH IÏKVIC1 VOL. XI.. No. XI7. GRANTH PAHH. JOHKPH1NE COUNTY, OR3K3OW MONDAY, Al GI ST a», 1921 WHOU: NI MBER %M7. Roof Is Being Shingled—Grounds to B<- Enclosed in Wire Fence and Water Front Cleared Hu <-<»«« 1» J. H. Miniti)--- 1'ugsle), of Nnbriuakn, Mui.ervla Ball as the Assistant Secretary Work on the county fair bulding OFFICE FOR ORGANIZATION OF Washington, Aug. 29 (A. P.)— MIDDLE OF MONTH MI GGEMTED SEVENTY MEN OF THE LEINSTER MOIE TOWARD LAST KNOWN I ha* been progressing rapidly during I»r Joseph A IJndevlle, of Carlton. AMERICAN RELIEF WILL BE HV IfiNHIli I '»It MTIOMI. REGIMENT AND SEVENTEEN POSITION OF THE CANADIAN the past few days. The roof is being Oregon, has been appointed federal ESTABLISHED GATHERING POLICE MIMMI NG IMPORTER shingled, the rest of the structure I having been completed. The part of the building which Is to be finished Ils 60 by 90 feet. The flooring is to Washington, Aug. 29 (A. P 1 i be completed the full length of the Charles W Pugsley, of Nebraska, has building. 220 feet Part of this will been selected for assistant secretary be rooted over to house the suto dis ¡of agriculture to succeed Dr Elmer I Hl Willig Society" Meet und Contro- | n surgeaU Bum Bridges and Fell plays and other attractions Not the Hllghtest Clew t 'oncerniilg ! I). Ball, whose resignation is to be ant! versisi Questions Are to Be Trees to Obstruct Troofm—'la- tile Cause of the Troisble Alaiard come effective October 1. It was an- booths. Avoided rince Arrive the Ship Ha« Been Found I nounced at the White House today. As soon a* the materials can be *e- _____ • cured a woven wire fence will be Washington, Aug 29.—(A. P.) — built around the entire grounds. The Washington. Aug. 29.—(A. P.)— Moscow, Aug. 29.—(A. P.) — Portland. Aug 29 (A. P.) Calicut, India, Aug. 29.—(A. P.) brush is no»- being cleared away Mrs Mabel Walker Wlliebrandt of Four vessels, the Cutter Bhopomlsh, i lx>* Angeles, ba* been appointed as Plans for President Harding's na Nearly 700 members of insurgent from the river to allow a good view American relief workers, headed by Canadian Winner. Canadian Obrarv- sistant attorney general to succeed tional conference on unemployment ban<jg who have been creating disor- of the water sports to be held l:.-,nr btiilip Carr"’1. of i-urth* 1 Oregon, open an er and Algerine, started abreust to Mrs Annette Adams, of San Francis will probaby be competed in time to jers near here have been killed in the fair. The wiring will soon bez>. nave arrived n--’ . ; - permit the gathering here by the f|ght* with British force*. Several | and the building will be a solid blaze office to erga vc-rk -t feeding day combing th« sea for the Canadian co. middle of September, said Secretary Europeans have been killed, while of light. Th? Dower company will the Russia: famine sufferer*. Importer survivors. Hoover — 70 men of the I»eln*ter regiment, and put on an electrical display in con Secretary Hoover said he hoped to'^ nat|Ve policemen are missing, Washington, Aug. 29.—(I. N. 3.) The last word regarding the dis junction with the Grant* Pass Elec limit the conference to from 15 to: Many Hindu* have been massacred tric and the Paul's Electric stor- s. —There seems to be not the slight- abled steamer was a radio from the Indian' to put across the electrical idea. -t doubt that millions of Russians N'ew York. Aug. 29.— (A. P I — 25 delegate* representing the eoun- by th'„ rebellious Moplahs. steamer Canadian Winner, to the ef fect that she had reached the posi American feeding has saved Central try geographically. He said that the troop« are being brought southward' The Women's Auxiliary of ,tei will die this winter of hunger and The insurgents American Legion will have a booth. disease, despite the best efforts that tion where the Importer had been, and '■ Eastern Europe from bolshe- ’ small number would permit construe-¡from Nannanore. the American relief association and and had found lumber floating on vism, according to J. JI. 'Wallis, of| tlve work and avoid a “debating *o-:bave destroyed bridges and felled at the fair grounds. kindred organizations may put for 'tree* to obstruct the troop move-. the water The lumber was believed Dubuque. la., representative of the| clety.” _________ —. to have l>een part of the Importer's American relief administration, who| The conference would avoid all !neat*. ward. CZECHOSLOVAKIA BEGINS —__ i___ ___ — have ar-! ha* just returned from a five month's controversial questions such as the: Li More than 12,000,000 inhabitant* cargo Bluejackets and marines RECOVERY OF ART OBJECTS are already directly affected by the laical marine men pointed out that survey of American relief work in closed shop, wages or the conditions rived here. British troops from of labor. The alm is to formulate a Bangalore arrived on Sunday, If the Importer really had sunk with Europe. Vienna, Aug. 29.—(A. P.)—The famine, official reports to the state _ ___________ The Hoover organization, Mr Wal definite program for action by Indus- Captain Blewett and 30 members of Czechoslovakia is the latest of the I department show, and these condi the crew, the wreck «as likely to lis said, had been upholding democ try and the community to relieve OKAjn) 4I KV WORKIMi jx . k states to begin the recovery of art tions are expected to become worse prove ono of the moat mysterious racy In Europe and through Its re the (unemployment situation. INDICTMENT OF BRI MFIELD and historical objects awarded un- and worse as the small stocks of ever heard of In Pacific porta. Al- lief operations had stabilized and I der the treaty of St. Germain and foodstuffs on hand dwindle, and the though th« veasel was known to have strengthened the new democracies AUTOMATIC OPERATION Roseburg, Aug. 29.—(A. P.)—The! now in the palaces and museums of cold weather adds its terrors to those M<O IE < I DEMt.NED been lying helpless about 6 25 rilles resultii g (from ’he war. when they county grand jury began its investi-' Vienna. A commission has just been of hunger. Berlin, Aug. 29.—(A. P.l—<An In-! gat ion today of the Brumtled case, appointed for that purpose, Moscow officials now admit 75,000 from the mouth of the Columbia wer« threatened with forces of disin- vention by which detailed, enlarged with a view to returning an indict- river, not the slghteal clew regard tegratlon, because of hunger. These comprise, among other case« of cholera, with tacit acknow “Chief official* in some countries ! moving pictures of intricate surgical ment. ing the cause of the trouble has bean things, the almost priceless docu ledgement that the disease is on th* given out. Nine men under the com told me with perfect frankness," he operation* are taken without inter-; — ments. historical memoirs, maps and increase. In the period from Jan mand of the two mates had left the added, “that the American feeding fering with the operating physicians I other material which Thaulow von uary 1 to July 15 official soviet or gans in Moscow reported 47,000 importer for shore In a lifeboat be had been their political salvation and and without the presence of a camera cases, of which more than 15,000 fore the steamer cordova sighted In all countries even the most cau-'operator has (been perfected by Dr the disabled steamer. Nothing has tlous and guarded officials admitted A. von Rothe, of Berlin, and now is ----------- Then there are the valuable docu- 1 had occurred in the single month of been hoard of them either, although It was u very material aid. Private being used in a number of German l*ros|M«-tor« Stake Claims Along Cut ments originally contained in the June. As communication with even the Cordova and other vessels en I citizen* were more downright and medical universities, for the benefit of U. S. Govern ment Railroad Royal Auiic Chancelory of Bohemia the more accessible districts is notor deavored to find the boat and pick 1 positive, 'American feeding saved of students. It is claimed that the: and the Auic Chamber of Accounts of i iously poor, it is regarded as eertain up the men. The whole affair has us from bolshevism,' was their gen- students secure better instrnctlon Anchorage, Alaska. Aug. 29.— (A. Bohemia as well as the works of art that the actual number of cases ia : from a study of the moving picture P. I A number of gold strikes have ■ formerly in the Royal Chateau of vastly »greater than the official re- been veiled in mystery thick as an eral view." of the operation than from wltness- been made in the rock cuts blasted : Prague and other castles of the ports would indicate. ocean fog. Ing the operation itself. That the present situation is The Cordova arrived In port Sat- out of the precipitous walls of the1 Hapsburgs located in what is now The “operation camera" is deslgn- Turnagain Arm division of the Unit- Czechoslovakia and which were re fraught with danger for the bolshe urday. Captain C. V Westerlund i «d to hung directly above the oper- ed States railway between Seward moved to Vienna during the reigns vist regime is regarded by officials said he had no knowledge of what! ¡uting physician's hands. The cine- and Anchorage. More than a dozen of the Emperor Mathias, Ferdinand here as axiomatic. The rule of l^nln Importer’s: caused the Canadian trouble. Captain Blssett had com« Federal Judge Denies Motion to matograirhlcal lamps are in a room ^ood figures have been cut and pros- II, Charles VI (about 1718-37) and and Trotzky. it Is pointed out. has Quash lndi< tmenls above, separated from the operating. .)e4.tors antj miners are preparing to I Francis Joseph I. been the rule of a small but domin- on board the iCordova, but had de room by a glass rood. antly militaristlc minority over a clined help, and had volunteered no begin development work. ■ - Portland. Aug. 29. — (A. I’.)—Fed information regarding his trouble. The only similar condition known MANY VEGETABLES AND FRUITS huge but exceedingly docile major- Illa host ha<l foreborne to quiz* him eral Judge Bean denied the motion of to exist where a railroad became a WILL RIPEN IN ALASKA ity. John W. Todd, former superinten The inevitabe tendency of the Rus- I prospector and opened mineral dent of schools of Sslem. and Carlos _____ | wealth was the great Cobalt strike | Anchorage. Alaska, Aug. 29.__ (A. ! sian peasant, it is pointed out, is to Idle Hose. Spent in Scrutiny of New where ,he roadbed cut native silver. P. I—The summer season in these bold the bolshevist*. whom he has northern latitudes is short, but in always regarded with suspicion at York's Buildings for J «vit* Vmericnns Mcale Heights of Halinn swindling in a timber and land entry the long days of sunlight, vegetables best, responsible for the evils which scheme. The two aro ordered to be IuuiilniHrks of Culture ’ and fruits ripen rapidly, and many now beset him Coupled with thia New York. Aug. 29—(A. P.)—De-' tried jointly on October 31. persons have established canning feeling is his prejudice against the voting spare hours to careful inspec Jews, which is both religious and ra Rome, Aug. 29.—(A. P.) Stu- tion of public buildings in the hope Only 2 of 5OO Penitratiary Inmate« outfits at their homes. Among vege cial. Because of the fact that many dents al the American academy In ('attic Ara Available— tables canned, are beets, cauliflower, of finding satire in stone has become Said to Have Ever Played Game official positions of importance in Rome are required to make close green peas, spinach, mushrooms. A letter from the county agent of a fad. studies of the masterpieces of archi Virginia kale, Swiss chard and c»r- the bolshevist regime are held by It began with the discovery by a Coos county to the local county agent Sioux City. Ia., Aug. 29.—(A. P. 1 rots. Jews, he is apt to merge his anti tecture, painting and sculpture In brings word that a number of Jersey reporter that architects had carved Rome. The other day some of them dairy cattle are available there now. a dollar sign as a twin motif to the —Playing tennis keeps men out of Red and black currants and blue pathies. and predictions of general were seen crawling over the Pan The prices range from 435 to $100 lovers' knot over the “bride's en- the penitentiaries. This is the view berries grow wild, and children have attacks upon both the soviet go vera theon scaling the dizzy heights of and can be secured near shipping trance” to St. Thomas' church on of Rev. J. R. Perkins, of Council gathered as much as 100 pounds of ment and upon the Jews as a raoe Bluffs. Ia., formerly warden of the them in a day along the United are contained in reports of many ob the rotunda In an effort to study the points. It has been impossible for Fifth Avenue. A few days later servers now coming out of Russia. forms and structure of the old Ro dairymen to get cows near here and some one leaving the Sunday ser- Iowa penitentiary. In making a States railway sporting survey of the prison while As has been shown by the official man landmark which has stood for first tlme rices observed for the the condition of the hay market reports from Moscow, a few districts 2,000 years. They take their tapes makes It necessary to Teed thia year's that miniature faces of modern men warden Rev. iMr. Perkins said he I in Russia will produce more thaa and other measuring instruments crop to dairy cattle. There is very and maids of the Avenue bad been found only 2 men out of 500 who! enough to feed their own popula and get the dimensions of these little market for the hay and the beef chiseled above the main door of the had ever played tennis. 1 f h «ri» i tions. Unless some means is avail building« and their decorations right cattle market Is poor. Farmers who edifice, A congregation that went this statement at a banquet here. able for transporting this surplus New Botindario Make Citizens off the work itself. desire to secure some of the cattle to pray remained to laugh, grain to the les; fortunate districts, Two American neo-archltects, stu should get in touch with the Aliens and Homeland Is Now Goal Some of these caricatures wore county however, it will have no effect ia dents of the academy attracted an agent. monocles, others wore smiles, some enormus crowd of Romans recently Budapest, Aug. 29.— (IA. P.) — alleviating the general shortage. were surely tired business men and! The railroads are only about 39 by their scaling of the Trajan col good housewives while others mani- Worthington, Allen«! "Master Mind” : Hungarians, expelled from parts of Cal.l per cent efficient, because of the lack umn. They measured every detail Orderad to Re|a»rt— Said Realty for (Confession old Hungary, by the new states carv festly were flappers and boulevar-| of the historic piece from top to bot ed out of them, have been fleeing of locomotives and rolling stock, and Lieut. Wallace Niles, U. S. A., has dlers. Everybody conceded that: tom copying the decoration with zeal been ordered to report to Camp they represented modern Ftfth Ave Chicago. Aug. 29.—(A. P.)—That into the new. smaller Hungary in even this Inferior degree of efficiency ous application. John W. Worthington, the alleged such numbers that the government is menaced by the shortage of fuel. Lewi*, Wash., where he will take up nue “types." They scale the roofs of churches, his duties wlth the regular army, Architects have said that many “master mind" of the mail and bank has issued a decree forbidding fur This problem has an important bear “ramble all over (the Imposing fa Lieut. Niles graduated from O. A. C. churches of America unknown to robberies whose loot totaled 36.000.- ther entries for three months. The ing upon the relief work proposed by cades and nose Into every nook this spring and took the examlna- their congregations, contain humor 000 and an associate of Charles W. refugees had crowded border vil Mr. Hoover and other organizations, which they think might add a little tions with about . 900 others, which ous decorations. Prevailing Interest French in many of his $50,000.000 lages and cities beyond their capa as transportation facilities must be morn to their knowledge of the urt would qualify him for a commission in fir.dlng then, ’s expected to in schemes, may turn states evidence city and housing facilities have been available in goodly measure when American relief supplies began to of the nges was Indicated today when Worthing exhausted. as second lieutenant. about 200 crease church attendance. pour in from Danzig, Riga and Re passed, he being among these, He ton asked permission to appear in PORTION» MARKETS val. will leave Wednesday for camp where court when French is arraigned. Mr. Hoover has stated that he is he will be with the 58th Infantry Choice steers ............. $6.00 Q 16 50 ready to care for 1,000,000 starving Lieut. Nies is the son of Mr. and Hogs......................... 311.00 @ 311-50 Mrs. Cyde IE. Niles of River Banks (Continued on Page 3) Hogs, prime light 310.50 @ 311.00 American Federation Will Not lie Farms. Plena Are Entered by Obenchain and Fast mountain lambs ............... 37.00 clare War on Railroads ♦ Burch in Kennedy Murder Trial Processions, IN-monstrntions and Eggs, buying price .......................... 6c ♦ Signs Will Be Post«!— > ♦ HUNGARY WILL SIGN Publications Are Prohibited Eggs, selling price .............34c @ 36c Atlantic City, Aug. 29.- (A. P.) From 200 to 300 signs are to be I j OS Angeles, Aug. 29.—(A. P.) — ♦ PEACE TREATY TODAY ♦ Eggs, fancy selects __________ 34c The executive committee of the Am made and posted In the Siskiyou for Pleas of not guilty were entered in ♦ F Berlin, Aug. 29.—(A. P.)—After erican Federation of laibor decided est to make it easier for the traveler the superior court of Mrs. Mada- a meeting of the German cabinet to Butter, extra cubes ................ ......40c ♦ ♦ Budapeet, Aug. 29. — (A. P. ) 42c to take no action regarding the rail to find his way. The signs are paint lynnc Obonchain and Arthur T. day, President Ebert issued a decree Butter, prints _____ ♦ —The treaty of peace between ♦ Wheat ...................... „ 31.08 @ 31.13 road wage reductions, members said ed on wood and present a pleasing Burch, Jointly indicted on the charge prohibiting ♦ Hungary and the United States ♦ meeting, processions, today, but It stood ready to give aid appearance. About the same num of murdering J. Belton Kennedy near demonstrations and the publication Portland, Aug. 29.—-(A. P.)—Cat ♦ will be signed this afternoon at ♦ In any way required by the railroad ber were put up last year within the here August 5. The trial has been of periodicals and phamplets likely tle, steady; hogs, 50c higher; sheep, ♦ 5 o’clock. 9 reserve. unions. set Tor November 1. weak; eggs, steady, and butter firm. to encourage seditious movements. prohibition director for Oregon, suc ceeding Johnson H Smith. GOLD STRIKE MADE ON STUDENTS EXPLORE ROMAN ITlLSS “•X” STtSS HUNGARMHSSEEKKEWHUNGARY