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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 27, 1921)
GR.CTO p AHM HA 11 Y OOVIUKR 1 Churches Newman M. F- Church Ep- Sunday school at 10 a m worth Leagues at 7 p m The pastor will preach in the morning at 11 o'clock on the theme. The Vineyard." and in the evening at 8 o'clock on the theme. 'The Joy of an Early Experience of God's liv ing Kindness ' Good music. A cordial invitation is extended to all. especially strangers Church of Christ (Christian Church) "The Signs of the Times” is the 11 o’clock subject. Bible school at 10; and a class for you. "Is Heaven a Place, or a condition?” is the sub ject for 8 p. m C. E at 7 p. m You will be welcome to all our services. O. J. Iaiw. minister I ■ ■ —— Frtwbyterian Church Sunday school at 10 o'clock. You are invited. No preaching service* Sunday. Some Harvest Prices Clematis Flour. *2 per 4fMb. sack. Graham flour, SI per '24-lb. sack. Wheat Hearts, OOc per lO-lb sack. Oatflakes. ttOc per 9-lb sack. Corn Meal. 4Oc |x-r lO-lb ssck. Rye Meal. 45c per lO-lb sack. Health Bran, 25c per fl-lb. sack. Good Wheat, b— per 1OO Ibe. Shelled Corn, *2.25 ,ier 10O lb». Cracker Corn, *2.30 per 10O lbs. Roll-si Barley. *1.10 per O7-lb sack. Ground Barley. *1.73 per 10«) lbs. I ■ toll-si Oats, *1.10 per tk«-lb sack. Middlings, *2.25 per OO-lb. sack. Millrun. *1.30 per NO-lb. sack. Bran, *1.00 per 3O-lb. sack. Cowieed. *1.80 per 8O-lb. sack. Scratch Food. *2.50 per 1OO lbs. EJgg Mash, *2.40 per SO-lb. sack. Beef Scraps. ST ix-r 1(8» lbs. Eastern Oyster Shell. *2.50 per 1OO- (ocoanut Meal. *2.25 |>er lOO-lbs. In ton 1-8» we can make further re ductions. We Deliver Josephine Co. Flour Mill St. Anns'. Catholic Church Baptist Church Sunday ma*a at S o'clook The pastor is back home and will Rar. 8. A. Coupai, pastor. occupy his own pulpit morning and evening. Church of the Nasarene Bi ide school at 10. clause-» .«nd 3 P m Bunday (except 2nd Sab- teachers for all age* Morning service at 11. 8olo. "Cal- bath in month). 7:30 Tuesday evening of each lest Thou Thu*?' Miss Anna Calvert week. Sermon on "Paul's Positives." Services in S. B A. hall over Rack Evening service at 8 Solo. "Fear All cordially welcome Not Ye.-O Israel." Mrs \ E Nelson, et Store L. E. Fenton, pastor formerly Miss Ravina Black Sermon on "70x7 480." Midweek service Thursdai even ing at 8. at which time the pastor WILBUR F. CRAFTS will gi0> vacation experiences and a report of the state convention. Thursday evening. September 8. Rev. H. E Marshall, the southern evangelist, will bo with us to begin preparation services for revival cam paign to begin Sunday. September 11 Keep the dates open. C. M. Cline, pastor Free Methodists The location of the Free Methodist camp meeting has been changed from Savage Rapids dam to the park at Rogue River and will continue from August 24 to September 4 Rev J W. Glaxier of Colorado Springs is the evangelist. Come and enjoy the Interna! ^'11 meetings. Rev C. E. Glaxier. I> E.; Rev. D. D. Dodge, Wm. Schmidt, committee First Church of Christ Scientist Or. Wilbur F. Craft*. *up«rlnt*nd Christian Science services are held ent of th* International reform bureau, every Sunday in the W. O. W. hall, who agreed to hatt hi* campaign for Wednesday evening a federal motion picture cenaorehip at 11 a m. meeting at 8 o'clock. The Subject law on the promiae of the motion pic ture producer* to «hminat* all Im for Sunday is. "Christ Jesus." Reading room at 505 E street is proper, aalacioua and degrading mat ter* In their production*. open from 3 to 5 p. m. daily and 7 to 9 p. m . except Wednesday. The public is cordially invited to attend Th* Balalaika. the services and to visit the reading The I balalaika is not an entirely un room. known instrument In England. The la- tereat taken in ull that pertains to Russia, , especially In all that relates Salvadon Army Week day meetings are held on to art, has enabled this variation of Tuesdays. Thursdays and Saturdays. the ancient Persian tambour to find a 8 o'clock p. m. Sunday meetings are welcome In London. It had a senson success In the Inter nineties as follows: Sunday school, 2 p. m. of great revival In Russin. For ceti after its Holiness meeting, 3 p m. Young t »tries it had been neglected, hut the people’s legion. 6:15 p. tn Old fash great Russian musician. Andreev, tuiw ioned salvation, free and easy. 8 p. iu it the possibilities of expressing III. Everybody welcome. (be national music of his country and Capt. and Mrs. Sinclair. formed the flrst Balalaika orchestra, which played before Nicholas the Sec ond in 1898. and became the forerun . Church of God Sunday school 9:45. Preaching at uer of the popularity of the Instru .1 a. m. and 8 p. m. Young people's ment not only In Russia, but In ottier meeting 7 p. m. Prayer meeting countries where It was played. Wednesday 8 p. m. You are invited Placer location to attend our services R. M. Conrad, pastor. Courier office. TIRES Starts Selling Tomorrow Matinee Here with a brand new A line that will hold all his old fun customers and stock up new ones with laughs for a month. The great stave comedy of a drummer who struck a hick town and found love and adventure waiting at the station. Come and hold your sides while Fatty unpacks his samples. From James Forbes’ Famous Play Roscoe Arbuckle The T raveling Salesman RIVOLI STOPS TONIGHT WILL ROGERS in lit) IN H. «VBII'H “Boys Will Be Boys FIRESTONE 6000 MILE GUARANTEE Porcelain Money in Circulation in Saxony $10.95 30x3 S. or NS $13.95 30x3«» N. S. Other Sizes in Proportion A Herewith lx » photi-graphl- reproduction of Hie first pariu-laili money umul In tlx- world with a purclmslng txiwer of 5, 10 and 20 niarkx have just t»en Issueil by rhe (Ovt-miiK-nl of Mnx-»iy C L. HOBART CO