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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 27, 1921)
GRANTS PARK DAI Lt <XM HIKIi NATI IlDAY, »I Gl NT 87, 1021. PAGE SEVEN T 1 AIXXM NTANT WANTED Experienced waitress at the Moeha. 63tf AUDITING—Systematizing. Dally or monthly audit service. Ivan Liv WANTED Cook tor «meli mining ingston, Incorporated Accountant.1 camp. Austin Wilson, Murphy, Phone 389. Addresa: Granta Pass, Orason- «9 Oregon. 70tf COOK WANTED for private family PHYSICIAN AND HI IM.EON Wage. »60 Mrs. X M. C. Neill. Ardencralg. Grant« Pass, Ore 45tf L. O. CLEMENT. M D . Practice limited to diseases of eye. ear.noce MIN« ELLA N MM H and throat. Phone 42; Hee. 239-J. REPAIR SHOP Steam fitting, pipe H MJUGHRIDGE, M. D. Physician work plumbing, boiler and pump and surgeon. City or country calls work, Installing. 505 South 6th St. attended day or night Phones, Phone 304. G. A. Bryan. Res 36»; Office. 182; 4th and H. DOYLE’S ■» IH» IN » i.«A «MRIIO • I.UN THIS LITTLE STOVE IS A KITCHEN IN ITSELF ; it DOEN MANY THINGS AND DOEN THEM ALI. WELL. IT M ONLY ONE OF THE MANY HOTPOINT APPLI ANCE« AND YOU ARE IN VITED TO CAIA AND IN- 81’ECT THE ENTIRE LINE. BANKERS LIFE COMPANY Des E. J BILUCE, M D. Physician, sur Molne«, Iowa. Myron C. Gaston. geon, Sehailborn Blk. Phone S4-J; District Agent. res 1004 .Jvwnridge. phone 54-L. Classified Advertising FOB HALE FOR 8AI-E Dodge touring chnap, at Bmltb's Garage. car, 87 ! CARNER-GAYETTY IRON WORKS W F RUTHERFORD—Manual the- —General foundury and machine1 raputlcs. Office over Barnes' Jew work, mine, mill machinery, chilled elry Res 259-R; office 217-R. saw carriage wheels, live rolls, RALPH W. STEARNS, M. D. Phy- pipe fittings. Grants Pass, Oregon alelan and surgeon, X-Ray equlp- ment. Office in Masonic Temple HEMSTITCHING AND PICOTI NG Bldg . phone 21-L. attachment, work« on all sewlnri personal W. T. TOMPKINS. D. 8. T. Nervous machines, price »2; checks 10c extra. Light's Mailor and chronic diseases. Office, Claus der House. Box 127, Birmingham, Schmidt Bldg. Phone 304-R. Ala. «« ____________________ ATTORNEY« PAPERHANGING-Call up Harry NORTON, Attorney-at-law. Jones at Colonial hotel for paint H. U Practices In all State and Federal ing. paperhanging, caiclminlng. »0 Courts. First National Bank Bldg D .M. C. CROCHET and embroidery tt’.orney-at-law. thread at the Hat Shop. 66 O. W. eOLVIO. Grants Pass Banking Co. Bldg DRAYAGE AND TIIANHFER ; E. 8. VAN DYKE. Attorney Practices THE WORLD MOVES; so do we In all courts. First National Bank Bunch Transfer Co. Office phone. Building 396; res. phones 171-R. 3 16 1. O 8. BLANCHARD, Attorney-at-law. F. O. ISHAM. drayage. transfer; pi Golden Rule Bldg. Phone Z70. anos. aates. furniture, moved, «hip C. A. S'DUJR, Attorney-at-law. Ma- ped. packed, stored Phone 114.T. •oale ' “m?le, Grants Paas, Ore. PIANO INSTIGATION GKO. H. DURHAM. Attorney-at-law I referee In bankruptcy, Masonic MRS JAMES M. POWERS. Instruc Temple. Phone 135-J. tor on piano; studio 423 B Street. Fir |2 00. pine 4 miles west ou Fl»H HALE (-burner gas range for »10. Apply Southern Hotel. 68 Posts and build- A Brickoil, Gen FOR SALE Ten acres Immediately omi adjoining the west boundary of Granta Paas, at Bridge street, for >0 ACRES—40 acres bottom under merly known as "Ill-a-hee Poultry paid up water right for sale. ll.<u< h ” Will sell st a sacrifice if 14000. Address No. 202. care of can majte quick sale. Will be In Courier »»tf Granta Pass between August 24tl> 140 ACRES, 60 A. In cultivation, and September 1. Telephone F. 8. ditches and valuable water rights; Ireland'« Mrs. U. L Upson 48 36 A. alfalfa. 10 A. wheat. 5 A. barley; fine garden, plenty of RIH HALE Three very desirable» properties at bargain prices. 5-1 fruit. 3 to 6 hundred thbusand ft. room cottage, furnished, 609 A saw pine, frame bouse, 2 barns. street; A 7-room. two-story house, mile to school. 4 mile« to P. O. furnished. 621 A atreet; and a fi 2 4 miles from Grants Paas; good room, two-story house, Isrge wood outrange For «ale at »80 per JAMES T. CHINNOCK. Lawyer Phone 1-J. house, with sleeping rooms over, acre, crop Included. Address No. First Natlonsl Bank Building and lot 75x150. All are modern MRS CLARA TITTLE FENTON 305 care Courier. ostf In very desirable location« Hee teacher of piano and harmony, A. C. HOCOH—Lawyer, Tuffs Bldg. TWO GOOD BARGAINS— One used 4M N. K. Townsend. 631 A St Practice in all oourta. all day Monday. Studio over Oakland Six, one new Oakland Six Smith's Racket Store 86tf V. A. C. AHLF. lawyer, practice In FURNITURE FOR SALE — House sedan Valley Hardware Co. 45tf for rent or for sale. Call after 10 PIANO PUPILS. N. B.—I expect to state and federal courts. Office OWN YOUR OWN' STORE building a m. at 111 West C St. 69 over National Drus Store remain In Granta Pass and will and eave rent. Will aell at a bar- ' take a few music pupils for the by Bert DRY WOOD FOR BALK -Mr »3.25. gain, «tore occupied school term. N. E. Townseno, pine 13.75, delivered. Inquire Barnes adjoining First Nation^ I 71 621 'A St. Phone 528-R. 68 Harry Edgerton, phon» 198-Y. 70 Bank Valley Hardware Co. 45tf A FARM bought for (8000 cash tor FOR HALE—-Party leaving here will ALMA WOLKE—Instructor in piano and harmony. Fall term opens sale for »6000. Terms. It Inter sell 20 acres. 3 miles south of Sept. 12. An accredited teacher. ested call at 719D St 77 I Medford on Pacific highway, house and barn. »3500; a|>artinent house FOR EXCHANGE FOR SALE A quantity of dry oak Oregea's Higbcv Insiitution of In Medford three blocks from bus word Edgar A. Fall. Merlin, Ore WILL TRADE 40 acres wlth water iness center, pay« 20 per oent net 44 i right for late model Ford and »400 ’ on Investment, price »3000. in Terms on the »400. Call or wrlte PLEASANT HOME In good location, cluding furniture; 320 acre« tim 624 West G 8t . 24tf! modern, fine garden, berries and light Schools; Sevesty Department« ber land 4 mile« from Gold Hill ___ JL fruit trees, cue acre, with plenty» station In mining and agricultural REAL EXTATE FALL TERM OPENS SEPT. 19. 1921 of water Bargain if sold at once J For miormaooa wfrfe to ihv BectMrer section, price »1200; 4-room bouse E T. MCKINSTRY. 603 G St . phone1 Phone 34 I-R. 1119 Ea«t A St. 40tf 1 and two lots in Medford »600. F. Oregon Agricultural College I 355-R. real estate. Best of soils for, CORVALLIS LOT FOR SALE—D 8L. near Fourth H. Clausing. Route 4. Medford.' fruit, ha. or general farming. atreet. Improved, with fruit and Oregon. 861 shade trees. Address Mrs. John ROY HI0GIN8—General real eetate. FOR KENT Howard, 259 Fourth Ave.. Sen Office 111 South Sixth, Phone 69. Francisco. 46 FOR RENT—Alfalfa. Grain and DRESSMAKING * Stock ranches with and without FIR AND PINE WOOD $1.75 per Irrigation, or will sell at bargain LADIES TAILORING and dressmak- tier, oak and laurel »2. Wm. Brlet- pricee on long time easy payments mayer, Fruitdale. 64 i Ranches In Jackson and Josephine FOR SALE 3 good cows at a price county. One ranch under ditch you can afford to pay. Inquire at 3 miles from Grsnts Pass, on rlvpr Murphy Store. 64 I Gold Ray Realty Co., Owners. FOR SALE 42 Vi acres, 2 resi Medford. Ore. 06tf BOONE* TAXI - Phone 262-R for Take a glass of Salta before breakfast | Jitney Luke or Cutler. Calls an if your Back hurta or Bladder dences. Would make good open swered anywhere, anytime. 86tf air sanitarium, farm school or prl-l APARTMENTS TO RENT at 611H bothers you. G street W. M Wyrick 50tf .PHONE 160—The Bonbonniere for vato home. Also oil paintings, , etc., at Oxford hotel and at place. FOR RENT Two rooms with hot Taxi. 79tf The American men and women most Cora B. Findlay. Route 4. Box 81, and cold water Also a garage. TAXI—White Line Taxi, city or Card constantly against Kidney trouble, jause we eat too much and all our food Grants Pass. 87 Phone 350-R 66 country trips. Special trips by ap ' is rich. Our blood is filled with urie FOR SALE I have a 1-ton truck PIANOS TO RENT—A limited num pointment. Prices reasonable. acid which the kidneys strive to filter with good tires and rack bed all Closed car. Call Clemens Drug out, they weaken from overwork, become ber of fine piano« for rent. Apply fixed to go right to woVk with,| Store. 46-R; residence phone 381. sluggish ; the eliminative tissues clog and early at Music * Photo House. 88 the result is kidney trouble, bladder for (400. It will pqy you to come weakness and a general decline in health. I BUILDING CONTRA! TOILS and see it it you need ono. G. O. ALL FURNISHED APARTMENTS at When your kidneys feel like lumps of S23 J St. 68 Oium. Glendale. Ore. 67 HARPER * SON—Building contrac lead: your back hurts or the urine is cloudy, full of sediment or you are WANTED tors. Shop work, furniture crating. obliged to «cck relief two or three times FOR SALE CHEAP—12 acres ot corn on J«»nsen place, west of G.1 WANTED TO RENT—A large Irri Shop 510 H St. Rea. phone 142. during the night; if you suffer with sick A. Hamilton. M. Jay. 716 Outlook' headache or dizzy, nervous «pells, acid gated ranch suitable for a dairy A. J. GREEN—General contractor. stomach, or you have rheumatism when \... . I’ O BM 7"4 67 | ranch Herbert Whitsett and Estimates and plana made Noth- the weather is bad, get from your phar EV EIU i II EEN BL AC K11 ER KIES-- A t Daniel Harding, Grants Pass. Rd. ing too small or too large Shop macist about four ounces of Jad Salts; 16c a gallon. Pick them yourself. 4, Box 71. 33tf 211 Sixth St. Phone 33-J. 92tf take a tablespoonful in a glass of »rater before breakfast for a few days Wrn. Light's place, north side of WANTED 200 hop pickers. Pick J. NALA8KOW8KI — Contractor, and your kidneys will then act fine. Smith hill. 67 This famous salts is made from the acid ing begins August 27th. Apply Builder and Jobber Phone 248-R. of gn»[we am! lemon juice, combined with Christie A 8on, It F. D. 2. phone DRY SEASONED OAK. fir and p»in litliia. and has been used for generations DENTIS rs «.... I tot «ale. Call .: 1.1 J. c. W 606-F-13. 49tf to flush ami stimulate clogged kidneys; 1-ambrecht. 61tf WANTED -Fresno teamsters, »3.75 E. ,C MACY. D. M. D. First-class to neutralité the acids in the urine so it no longer is a source of irritation, thus deullstry. 109 H S. 6th St. FAIR SAIdJ- Old ivory bedroom set, per day. I -a borers »3.50 per day. ending bladder disorders. Hotpolnt electric range, sideboard. Grade foreman, »5 00 per day. J^l Salta is inexpensive; cannot in- VETERINARY Rl'RGKON Îure, makes a delightful effervescent Señora phonograph, kitchen table, Board charged at »1.25 per day. Veterinarian. ithia water beverage, and belongs in dining room table and benches. Palmer and McBride, Creacent DR. R. J. BESTUL, every home, because nobody can make Residence 838 Washington boule a mistake by having a good kidney flush Itownatalna at 829 Orchard Ave. City, Cal. State highway under vard. phone 398-R 6 7 construction. ing any time. WOOD FOR SALE »1 76, on ground, upper river road. Ing poles Hively eral Delivery. OAC TECHNOLOGY MICKJE, THE PRINTER'S DEVIL By Charles Sughrnr Paul’s Electric Store Phone 47 Grants Pass CRATER LAKE One of the Gems of the World It stands out and advertises our coun try just as an electric sign will stand out and advertise our business. THEY ARE ALIKE They have no place for hard times talk. They dodge no issues but talk business from morning to morning. They stand in the open and have noth ing to conceal. They are valuable from every stand point. They appeal to every one who sees them. They are harvesters in every sense of the word. Let’s all wake up and use Crater Lake now. Let’s all wake up and use Electric Signs now. Crater Lake speaks for all. But it takes an INDIVIDUAL electric sign to speak for you. Let’s have our visitors rember our Gem as well as the Gem of the World. The California Oregon Power Company Phone 108-J 623 G Street, Grants Pass Old Newspapers, 5c and 10c Bundles HAT—Manhatten COAT—Docota VEST—Vest Virginia PANTS—Pancilvania SHOES—Sherrusalem COLLARS—Colorado TIE—Ticonia SHIRT-Shermany Get Vashing done in Vashington Get vour suits cleaned at The Wardrobe Cleaners 507 E Street Phone 147 WE CALL FOR AND DELIVER Master Cleaners & Dyers Lor Gosh Sake, Man, Use Discretion! afilli