Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 27, 1921)
r GRANTS PASS Dill,y COI RI Eli MTt'HIHï, Il «.I HT 21, HUI. PAGE FIVE = “TO HAVE IN TIME OF NEED VOL’ MUHT SAVE IN TIME OF PLENTY” PER52ML LOQÆL f Miss Olive Willard return««! to W>HHlm<*n of the World— Ail neighbors urged to attend Portland this morning after a visit In th« city with her sister, Mrs. Vai- Monday evening. Business of lin es portance. Isrd Truax. D. M. C. crochet and embroidery One Dollar o ] h , iik an uccount here—keep thread at th» Hat Shop. M New Do<lg»w PlirchaM-d— adding t<> it von get compound interest in time. The C. L Hobart company has Spiral la -the world's best corset. Mary L. Coe, Coraetlere, for appoint »<dd Dodge Brothers cars to the fol Don’t you thing you better do it? erai lowing: k. M. Leonard, C. E. Wise, of rnvnt« phone 164-J, evenings. Heavy Mason Jsr rubbers at C’ra- Grants Pass. and Nate Johnson of 69 River Banks A new Overland was m«-r Bros John Hampshire will leave thia sold to O. D. latepold of this city. OF SOUTHERN OREGON evening for Portland where he ex- 9 pecta to spend u few days attending Ttu- lta|HjM Huntlay , m -I km >I— Ashland la gaining on the to business The habit grows. Save with ujb . Fruit funnels and streamers at Grants Pass Baptist Sunday school Everyone come out Sunday and Cramer Bros. H. G. Clarke, of the California Ore help us maintain our lead. Special gon power company, has returned musical numbers Sunday. Come and «6 from Medford where he spent several enjoy the surprise. 1 I --------- days attending to business. Self sealing glass top Jars at Cra- Bartlett* About Gon»— The Bartlett pear crop is about 44 tner Bros. Mr. and Mrs. A. I* Willard, who gone. Five cars of cannery stock have been visiting here with Mr. Wil were shipped out this week and but lard's sister, Mrs. V. T. Truax, left on«> car remains to be sent, this go this morning for their home at Klam ing forward on Monday. There will be no more packing until about Sep ath Falls Paring knives at Cramer Bros 66 tember 5, when later pears and early John Me Vicar, of Victoria, B. 0 , apples will begin to move, It is es la visiting his son, J. D. McVIcar, of tlmated that there will be at least thia city, for a few days, after which 40 to 50 carloads of apples sent out he will go to Ashland to visit another from the vicinity of Grants Pass. one of his sons. Ever Seal glass top fruit jars at The Same Place Saturday- Gold Hill pavilion dance. 66 Cramer Bros. .Martin latngworthy, of Detroit, Mich , arrived last night to visit hU Time .Schedule < lianged— A new train schedule has been an brother, D. M. Langwortby, and fam ily. He spent some time in tian nounced by the Southern Pacific to take effect tomorrow. A few min Francisco on business Old style Mason fruit Jars at Cra utes change In the leaving time of tner Bros ns most of the train has been made. T. M. Talbott, who has beeu here Number 13 has been changed from for the past week on business con- 7:38 a. tn to 7 31; No. 14 from 8:20 nected with the forestry office, re a. m to 8:13; No. 15 from 9:15 p. turned last night to the main office m. to 9:25; No. 54 from 6:35 p. m to 6.40; No 16 from 8:20 to 8:06; Many FUb«-rm«wv an lU'er— at Portland. ilihkou lUUerw lnt*TO»t*-vf— laist evening looked like a night J. E Platt arrived last night from i No. 12, Shasta, from 10:35 a. m. to Much Interest was shown by poul sev 10:07. No. 53 remains unchanged try ralaers In the culling demonstra for fishing to nearly every angler Ixing B«>ach, Cal., for a visit of sev- tions this week held by Professor Ir the ally, the river being lined ylth eral weeks al the home of George at 2:10 p. m Cosby Friday's meeting at lllahee fishermen Joe Wharton wen\ hbftve Sabin. While here he win accotn- was attended by about a dozen poul the Rock Point bridge and says that pany Mr. Sabin into the hills around Dance Smunlay .Mght— Gold Hill pavilion. 66 trymen. a few women also bollix he has never «esn so many fishermen the caves in searoh of a buck, on the river as were out last night. Preserving kettles in enamel and present. OtiuTw Add Nam<w— Few good catches were reported. aluminum ware at Cramer Bros. Several other taxi drivers have Bruce Oldlwg bringing back the big Mrs. Claude X. Davis and small U< wilier for M *'*■4* <«*ol— The weather In the vglley during gest tale, with a few D»h to go with daughter went to Medford this morn add<>d their names to the list of stage the past week has been as near Ideal it He caught four good steelheads, ing on a short trip. They will visit drivers who have volunteered to as It is possible to have The mer one weighing better than six pounds with T. *H. Burch there and later with bring In mineral exhibits for the fair a cousin. D»vid H. Jackson, near free of charge. C. O. Johnson and cury never went above 89. hAverlng Others report little luck. Ashland, returning the first part of R. C. Jones, who run as far as Takil for the most part near 80 to *8 de ma. have announced their deture to Black Ibv» Planted — the week. grees. The nights were pleasant, one Bert Anderson receive«! a wire Economy covers—new stock at cooperate in making the fair success night, however, being rather cold, from Capt. A. E. Burgduff, «tate Cramer Bros. 66 ful and will bring tn the minerals if the mercury dropping to 43 they are left for them. game warden, Thursday stating that Fred Fritz returned this morning 20 cans of big mouth blsck bass from Portlsnd wher* he spent several Not S*I mh »I Holid*»» — Tile Picture Mill— The popular impression that Labor would arrive at Ashlan<! Friday days on business connected with the Will reopen for business Monday. morning to be place«! in the I eke of September, Boswell Mining company. He was ac day. the first Monday In August 29th. Hours for sittings. 10 Mr. Anderson arranged the Woods companied by Mrs. Frits, who will Is a school holiday. Is corrected In a, m. to 4 p. m Other hours and the lajit edition of the state school with Supt J. W. Berrlan and local go to the mine tomorrow with Mr Sundays by appointment. Studio Ashland to take the fry sportsmen at Frit*. laws. Th« law says that the day phone 283-R; residence, 140-J. 66 shall bo a legal holiday. provided to the lake, These are the first base I Mr. and Mrs L. F. Cole ieft Erl - . this county, and will In to lie placed I that "the first Monday In September | day night for Portland and will later New Ibra lt«-talle»«— shall not be a school holiday, but a please a lot < of those who like baw go to Cambridge. Minn., to live with The Grants Pass Bakery has in- J portion of «aid day shall be set apart fishing, There will l>e eight or ten their son. Rev. Henry G. Hanson stalled a new Petersan Patent baking fry In this shipment. thousand small and observed In the public schools of accompanied them as far as Portland over in their shop, making the plgnt Medford Mall-Tribune. • the etate by appropriate exercises " and will return here Monday. one of the most up-to-date In the There are but a few schools of th«* Tall and squfft jelly glasses at Cra- state. There are two other ovens of Codling Moth« Out— county that will be affected by this 66 this type in the state, one being at | More codling moths are flying at tner Bros. law as but one school Is now In ses Mr. and Mrs. P. utnlaQn. Mias Bandon and the other at Eugene. The this time, says County Agent Miller, sion. with several others due to «tart and apple growers are advised that Berenice Quinlan and Father Coupal Interior of the bakery is to be palnt- next Monday they i-hould keep their apples well returned Thursday evening from ed white as soon as the old oven can ' All were delighted be disposed of. A new front has re co»» ted with spray. During the cold Crater laike. wenther eur'ter In the spring the with the lake, the drive around the cently built greatly improving the The' broods did not all hatch out and are rfm proving to be the most interest appearance of the building. bakery Is owned by Herman Keibel. fust now beginning to coni«' out. Pro- Ing part of the trip. lessor Childs, of Hood River, advo Oxford hotel guests last night were and you will always cate« a late August or early SepleK- Mrs. J. Marh'offer and J. R. Marhof- < >l«*ning P<wt|M>nc«l— have it if you use The Epworth Hall addition to the^ ber spray, but It is up to the individ fer of Crescent City. Mr. and Mrs. ual grower whether or not hie apple« V. C. Chaney of Medford. Mr. and Methodist church, which was to be need spray at thia time. Mrs. David H. Jackson of Chicago. opened on Saturday and Sunday. Sep Frank Stoddard of Seattle, B. W. tember 3 and 4. has been unavotd-j F«»r<l < «rs Sold— Paul of edford. C. if. Paul of Port ably delayed, and the program com-1 Forde were recently sold by the land. W. G. Robinson of Kerby, and mittee for the opening has found it i Ford Garage to the following peo Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Youngren of San necessary to postpone that event. When completed, the hall will be ple: Touring cars—<H. P. Johnson. Franciaco Uniform in Strength one of the largest recreation centers II. H. Robbins. P. T. Everton, l*eon- Unsurpassed in FIs vor In Southern Oregon, and will aid in ard Miller, Hen H Pruitt. J M Concert Waa Enjoyed— housing the Methodist Sunday school. Briggs, Jacob Redding. Arthur Gen- ONLY The weekly band concert by the The addition is, in length and width, tenian. J. G. Works, A. E. Williams. W .O. W. band last night was great larger than the main auditorium of Charles J. Reldell. S Agee. J. H. ly enjoyed by a large crowd. Excel the church Bedingten and C. E. Gray. Roadsters lent music was given under the di —»Rodney Calvert and Jack Tobin. rection of J. iR. Hlggenbotham More Good Music— Sedan P. P. Proctor. Pound Gold Hill pavilion dance. Luxite Hosiery Luxury without extravagance Pure Silk, Silk Faced and Cotton Ifirs. Dellie fieas We do Henistit* hing THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK <7x75 The Most Reasonably Priced High Quality Line in the fount). This Fall the big drenand hi for quality tailoring, law us »how -you the new ball line of highest priced reasonably. quality tailoring at lowest possible prices. GEO. S. CALHOUN Ixxal dealer nearly seventeen years. GRANTS PASS. OREGON 003 G STREET Low Pattern Jelly Glasse» NEW FALL GOODS 70 cents at New Low Prices per dozen now arriving at Rogue River Hardware Co. You Want Good Coffee M.J.B Persistence At the Wheel p<-»*pl<- know Umt when persistence » at the »lir l good work will be ac* ompli.'-hed. open an ¡uiuunt with the Granta l'meA Josephine Hank and persiat in saving. Four per rest inter te rest (mid on saving» account!*. Grants Pass and Josephine Bank G rants P ass ,O regon Three C s Lumber Company CARRY a complete line of lumber, all grades, Lath, Shingles, Doors, Windows, Wallboard, etc. WE MAKE all kinds of Cabinet Work, Screen Doors, Window Screens, Cupboard Doors, etc. ESTIMATES ON REQUEST FOUNDRY AND WEST G GRANTS PASS. OREGON FALX GOODS WILL BEGIN TO ARRIVE ABOUT SEPTEMBER 1 STOCK CLEANING SALE BEGINNING MONDAY, AVGV8T 22. AND LASTING ALL WEEK TO MAKE ROOM FOR NEW FALX GOODS. SOME REAL BARGAINS IN MANY LINES SEE IS IT THE JOSEPHINE COUNTY FAIR. WE WILL BE THERE Holman’s Furniture Store Coffee Want Trial Brought Here We want your COFFEE BUSINESS We carry only four grades and our stock is always fresh. KINNEY and TRUAX Interest in the 'Brumfield case has here by the been greatly augmented i poaslbllty of a change of venue, which might i throw the case to Jose- phlne county, There are many peo- pie here who w-ould lie glad to see It brought here, although the difficul ty of securing Jurors would be great. There are so few people that have not heard of the case and already have an opinion, that the choosing of a jury would take a large amount of time. Should the trial be brought here, the city would be filled with people coming here to witness the proceedings and all the large papers of the coast would have their corre spondents on the Job. Neatly Expressed. Dnn was the sort thut whined when ever he couldn't have his way. Illa brother, Avery, got out of patience with him one day and exclaimed to hla mother: "That kid Is the most di»- agreeable one of the family, and every body knows It but him.’* BORN KELLY To Mr and Mrs. Roy Kelly, B. Y. P. U. Entertain;*— of this city, Saturday, August 27, Friday evening some 20 young peo ple of the Ashland Baptist church a daughter. came down to Grants Pass by auto., They were met at the Baptist church here by a like number of the home-' folks Baptist young people. A good social time' was enjoyed, delicious I refreshments were served. The gath ering broke up about 11 with the in vitation “Come again.” and the re THAT WE 8E1J, sponsive answer, "You folks come up and see us.” GIIXKTTK, GEM. DI RHA.M Do You Know RAZORS AND ALL THE LEADING BRANDS <W RAZOR BLADES, LATHER BRUSHES AND POPULAR SHAVING PREPARATIONS CLEMENS SELLS DRUGS Apple* Brought to Town— Several apples of the Cornell Fancy variety were being exhibited tn the city today by W. W. Canby, who has a tree of them. The apples are ripe now and are saJd to be of fine flavor for »«ting and cooking Mr. Canby grafted a scion on another tree and is attempting to get this variety started as It is thought that summer apples would find a ready market. The apple is a Maryland variety and Is little known In the west, ft colors up In fine shape. Shoes for the Family KAHN TAII j ORING 4X1 SAMPLES FOR FALLARE IN. WITH ALL THE NEW FABRICS AND STYLES. GET A SI IT MADE AS YOU WANT IT—FIT GUARANTEED. 103 North 6th Guests at the Josephine hotel last night were Mr. Becker and family, A. M. Brewster, W. L. Harman, Ed gar A. Steman and wife, and Mr. and Mrs. McEvans of Portland, Mr. and Mrs. Jameson of Roseburg. Miss Kale Ross of Mcinnville. P Fedher of Los .Angeles, B. T. Alexander of San Francisco, H. T. Outhrup and R. G. | Tailor of Seattle, Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Marsh of Spokane. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Austin and Mrs. Groom of Liv-: ingston. Cal., Mr and Mrs. David H.' Jackson of Chicago, James Ander son of Lake Forest, 111..Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Bergeman. Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Crane and Miss M. Bakee. of Berke ley, Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Heisser of Farde, N. D., E. H. Wheeler and fam ily of Santa Rosa. Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Buschlin of Ixmg Beach. Robert WOODWARD’S Camp of Milwaukee. Roy Plaisted and F. McDougal of Brookings. Mrs. E. A. Burchell, of Rogue River, was tn the city yeeterday shop ping and visiting with friends. PALACE CAFE AND LUNCH ROOM Geo. Bissinger, Prop. MRAI.S AT ALL HOI RS :M> VENTS IND IP Steaks and < Tiops a Specialty