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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 27, 1921)
PAGE FOUR HALF PRICE For quick sals will dispose of six-room cot tag«« and three large lota garden land in au- burbs at one-half cost $800 Un Incumbered pleasant location shade trees fine well, Terms on half to reliable party Seo il H 84tfF8 Allyn GRANTS PASS OAIIT COURIER Published Daily Except Sunday Kid Gloves A. E. Voorhle« Pub. and Propr. Entered at postoffice. Granta Paas. Ore., as second-class mail matter DAILY COURIER By mall or carrier. p«r year--- $6.00 By mall or carrier, per month . 50 New Shipment WEEKLY COURIER By mall, per year........ ......... ........ $2 00 inaur- Insur- tf E. L. GALBRAITH—Real estate. In surance and plate glass liability. 60» H G street. phon» 28. ADVERTISING RATES Display apace, per Inch------------- 25c Local-personal column, per lln«....10c Readers, per line.............. 5c MEMB0R Or ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated press Is exclusively «■titled to the use for republicaUon of all news dispatches credited tn this or all otherwise credited in this paper and also the local news pub lished herein All rights for republication of • pe dal dispatches herein are also re served ________________ JOS MOSS AGENCY Fire Slice, plate glass liabllty, ance. 204 H Sixth street I MRS GEORGE TBALL PEAKE structor ou violin. Special atten tion given to beginners 414 \V«wt C street. Phon« 215-L 66tf BARTLETT PEARS Come and get them. 50c per box. Phone 282-J. 71 101 & 105 N. 6th ■- --- - PORTI AND MARKETS FOR SALE amali grain cleaner. Can be run by hand or power Has three complete sets of sle»««s. The machine which the ifederal wheat graders use tor determining dock- age. Good as new. but too small for us. Josephine Co. Flour mill 66tf NEW TODAY GET YOUR LUMBER from th» Jose phine Lumber Co., at wholesale mill pries». All kinds of planed lumber Our truck delivera any where Phone 188, 107 North 81xth street »3U SATURDAY. AUGVWT 27, 1B81 Choice steers ........... $6.00 «? $6.50 Hogs......................„...$11.00 tf $11.50 ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ Prime light hogs........................ $10.00 ♦ e OREGON WEATHER East Mountain lambs $6.00 <j $6.75 a « Eggs, buying price ........................ 6c Wcwther for the Week ♦ Eggs, selling price ............. 34c A 36c Pacific coast states—Gener 4 Eggs, fancy selects ....—----------34c ♦ DEPENDABLE INSURANCE— All ♦ ally fair throughout the week, ♦ Butter, extra cubes .................. „....40c lines See T. M Stott, Buick salea- 4 with normal temperatures. rooms Phon» 630. 43tf Butter, prints _________________ 42c ♦ ♦ Wheat _____________ $1.08 O 31.13 ♦ Tonight and Sunday, fair. BART1«ETT PEARS—Good quality ♦ ♦' ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ for canning. $1 a box. Call, or _ I Portland. Aug. 27.— (A. P.l—All leave orders at once D. P. Nor- eggs, THE BU.E-LAW SCARE llvstock and butter, steady; ton, 335 West I Street. Grants Blue l*wi, or those laws which we,k' Paw, Ore 67 would provide for a rigid enforce llartlitt Penn FX>R SALE CHEAP—Two 10-acre ment of Sabbath restrictions, are be Chicago, steady, best stock, $3 20. tracts. $20 per acre; one 20-acre coming more than a mere laughing ripe, $2.75. New York weak today and on» 40-acre tract, $18 per acre. All red soil, 4 miles out tea tier, according to Rev. Albert Boston steady, better prospects. On account of rain, heavy offerings from Terms on part. Jud Taylor, phone Zimmerman, director of the speak California. 375-Y. 65 ers' bureau of the anti>blue law J - • —---------- FOR SALE- -Hand washing machine league’of America. Rev. Dr. Zim- with wringer. Phone 213-J. 65tf PRINCE AND HIS BRIDE jkerman is authority for the state FOR SALE—A dairy ranch, one of ment that bills are now pending in the beet in Rogue river valley. All J eongrees which would set the United stock and implements go with , States back to a period euch as the place. Address owner. J. B. Noble.1 old Puritan days. Bex 688. _______________ L3 ! **I want to warn Americans against GOOD HOUSE. good neighborhood. reversion to a type of Colonial days Sell cheap. Will consider part* trade. 10 26 Lawnridge Ave , phone which to now threatening,'' said Rev. 268-J. 62tf Dr. Zimmerman. “As Americans we should stand by an American Sab bath, not a continental nor a Puri- ~tanic Sabbath; not an open Sunday, but a day of rest, religion and rec reation. reserving the American ideal GOOD 2nd hand ilulck Four, electric lights and starter, trade for land or town property. Ford colls and coil box. also one spe.'donicter and carburator Stationary engine coil for sale. Several gallons of good ready-mixed paint at reduced price Jud Taylor, phone 375-Y. 65 FOR SALE Third cutting of alfalfa now ready in the field or will de liver. C. Schaefers. Rd. 2. Box 21. 67 WANTED- -Students to hoard. 511 A St and 67 NEW TODAY—Edison |4>ono«[ra|>h with :t5 t«lin« Amberol recocis, (bar. gain), . Monarch visible tylKwriter just overhauled. l*urr silk floaa mat (rffla* at a |«ri<v« you can afford. Ev tension table. Kitchen Cabinet. Phone 7$. T. C. lUxxh ■» I WANTED TO RHNT—Modern fcoiise south of railroad, west part of, city. P. J. Houser, phone 326-Y.i P. O. Box 93. 'A \NTED—A place t-> »ork for' board while attending high school Address Willie Nickerson. Grants Paas. Rd 4, Box 87. 66 i 'of freedom for 8ach individual, to observe the day as he deems best, according to the dictates oi his own conscience.'' The stand of Rev. Dr. Zimmerman is well taken, although he appears to be making rather more of a case out of it than the situation would seem to warrant. There is little danger that the American people will legis- ate against themselves to an extent that woud react destructively. Sun- day has become a day for rest and recreation; a day that would be hard to take from the average citizen who looks forward for six days in the week to this day when he can get j into the mountains, or go to his fa-1 vorite fishing spot along the river 1 There may be bills in congress. but! it is easy for a fanatic to get a bill I j introduced. Many bills are introduced as a matter of policy, but never get further than the first reading. The American Sabbath is safe from any fanatical reformer. room MINING MACHINERY at a bargain.; Two sets 14-lnch rolls, one set 10-1 inch rolls, one 14-lnch Jaw Dodge crusher, one 10-inch jaw crusher. I four Denver pulsating ore classi-> fiers. All good condition. For! prices address P. O. Box 13. Ta kilma. Ore. 66tf FRUIT FOR SALE at Whitney Ad ams orchard on Pacific highway, lc per lb. Bring you boxes. 71 BUYS FOR CASH New and Used Good» SEE ME E. W. CHILES 401 <i HTR£LT The tradition ascribing to the Arab bore» extraordinary endurance Is .sus tained by abundant evidence. U K. Bush-Brown, who presents the case for the Arab In the Journal of Hervdl ty, offers an explanation of the extra ordinary endurance of animals of this treed based In part oo the fact that the Arab has <»oly live lumbar verte brae (between the ribs and the pelvis) while all other families of horses have »¡X. This difference In structure is lielleve«! to explain why the Arab, though small, can carry great weight. The anomaly lllustrab-s the relation tietween structure and Juuctlon. 1 lot n«nv »ilk blousee *».75 • v.'i. The Music and Photo House STANTON ROWELL, Propr Grants Pass, Ore. 200 Hop Pickers Wanted Fine Crop, Good Camp Grounds, Good Water Commissary New Dance Floor FREE TRANSPORTATION TO YARD AND RETURN AT END OF BEASON—BEGIN Pit KING Al Gt ST 20. PAYING IM«. APPLY AT ONCE River Banks Farms Grants Pass and Roseburg Stage DAILY AND Sl'NDAY leave Granta Pasa 1:00 p. m- Grants Pass- Stage DAILY AND SUNDAY PHONE HA OR I0O le«»e Itoseburg I p. u>. LEAVE GRANTS 1 I ‘AHM 1 <1 : oo a. tn 1 :OO P. n>. 4:00 p. m 8:1A P. in. LKAVK MEDFORD N:O<> ». 11:00 a. m $:OO p- m. 4:9k p. m. Ja« ksoniille TOURIST GROCERY (Aino Cigar» and < 'ontotlon«) HOME OK TIIK MILK SHIMMIE” I Ic A. RI N OU ETTE All styles and sizes i B\RGAIN $7 'Ki young O White leghorn cocks for 32.501 each. 16 White Leghorn hens. $10 a dozen. Geo. P. Cramer. 661 and are »old the »am«- way Requires about 60 days to fill orders GRAIN HAY IN STACK, $10 a ton. K M ledewfg, Box 7 4. Rd 1 67 Golden Rule «Store The Wardrobe Tailors 1OMH flTH STREET—UPOTAUM OlTSt CORNHLL'S t.IMM JBRY RELINING, Call on us today. ’ *«<*«* STUTZ four passenger, dirt cheap, if sold at once. Terms to responsible party. Pohne 282-J. Grants Pass. I Th«*e were bought at a special price CLEANING, PREMINO, ALTERING, You gain a kind of pleasure from the Victrola that nothing else can give. To enjoy at any moment the actual music of the fore most artists is possible through the Victrola alone. You may carry this delightful privilege with you in the summer months. We have convenient models for traveling and outdoor use that will make it easy. ’ Place orders for Duplicate and Triplicate Silk Blouse Special ».». 15 A VICTROLA Arabian Horae Has Less Backbone. WOMAN WANTED to wash dishes Prince Michael Cantncuzene leav at Josephine hotel, also exper Like the Poor and Taxes ing the Russian Orthodox Greek Cath ienced chambermaid. 66 The pile of rocks to be broken WII« olic church of Roxbury. Mass., with his brld», formerly Miss Clarissa Pelham GOOD AS NEW steel range for sale. a very large one, thought the stone- Curtis. She la the daughter of Mr. $40. 812 N. Eighth St. 6« hrenk<‘r as he guz«»! at It disconsolate ly between his bites at a large sand and Mrs. Thomas Pelham Curtis of Nahant. Mass., and Boston. Prine« BHD ROOM FURNITURE and other wich of 4 bread and cheese, recount» articles for sale Call at Van the London Morning Pont. A minister Michael 's the son of Prince Canta- Dyke's barn, 6th and A Sts. 66 came along and gave hln> a cheer? <-uzene. Count Hperanskey. and the former Julia Dent Grant, grand- JUD TAYLOR'S ton truck will haul “Good morning." remarking afterwards daughter of Gen. U. S. Grant that he had a deni of work to get your wood, grain, hay, fruit or through yet. “Aye,” said the eater, anything. 65 “them »tones are like the Ten Coni GIRL desires room and board dur mnndtnentx.” "Why not' Inquired the Baby's Play Pen. Have an open lattice work made, of ing school term. Address Box 41, genial parson. "You can go on break a paling, about 20 inches high, and lu R. F. D. No. 1. 71 ing 'em.” came the reply, “but you an't never get rid of 'em.” to 12 feet long. By using hinges it can be folded up out of the way when Hint for the Grownups not needed. Put a rug on the floor, WISE ABOVE HER EARS Jud Tunkins says children have a clean sheet over the rug, and the learned to be very patient with people wooden wall around It, and the baby who want to tell them stories, when will be safe and happy inside. SAVE $150.00 on brand new Ford, they'd rather play their own games if taken today or Sunday. Smith'» Garage. 1 lot new silk blouse« This Summer— MERCHANT TAILORING BRANCH THE WARDROBE GLEANERS. AMOS F. WILLIAMS, Prop. Constantly in Stock: BARGAIN Ono Chevrolet New top, seat covers and paint, $2751 «■ash. Williams Garage and clery. FOR RAI«E- -Two chairs, rocker, sideboard, bookshelves, commode, couch, three-quarter bed, mattress and springs, sewing machine, kitchen utensils, dishes, refrigera tor. etc. Call at 422 IC street, Presbyterian Manse, on Tuesday, August 30. Henry G. Hanson. 67 160 ACRES, 4 miles out, $10 per acre. Do you know that you can make a good living with a small bunch of sheep even at the low price« if properly cared for? This place will make a good small sh«tep or stock ranch. Terms on part. Jud Taylor, phone 375-Y. 65 Books of Duplicate Remittance Blanks Garage Repair Books Trade Acceptances Legal Blanks Blank Sales Books Little Susan Mitchell, eight years old. photographetl at her home in New York city, has the mind of a child of fourteen, and has passed the Bluet tests for that age, some for sixteen year old», and even one for eighteen. SiiKfln is In every other way p normal and quite attractive little girl, who delights In the things all good little girls do. She also write» wonderful storie«. I i TH H I