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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 27, 1921)
♦ VHIMM'I VTED EIUMM SERVICE G RAN TH PAwH. JOSEPHINE COUNTY. OREGON- ———-------------------------- — ■ SATURDAY, AI Gl HT 27. Otti WHOLE NI MBER SIMM. ■ " -«»—eweawaw; f CONFESSES FO VI art lai law Doclarad in Malabar vs tloo—Government to lake Action Igainat Ixnulers By-|MVM I« Only ■ n<omj»4clr«l I’ortiou rtf Havage Rapid» Irrigation Dant. Enti in Might Madras, India, Aug. 27.—(A. P.) MRS. WILLIAM K. HTIBBS NOW “With the pouring today of the CH A Iti AS FRENCH ANI» UWMl (MiHT Gl ARD STATIONS ARE WILL TIKE PLACE OF J. G. IMEL The Malabar district of British ADMITS SHE IS MAUDE MOORE, the concrete In piers 6, 7, 3 and 9. ASKED TO PARTROL THE AT EH IBM ND OVER TO THE WHO RFMIGNED POHITION India has been proclaimed a military OF TENNESSEE was best day'a run of the Beason COAST LINE GRAND JI It Y LAST WEEK area. made at the Savage Rapids dam. The concrete was poured to the crest Ixjndon, Aug. 27.—(A. P. ) —-Con- of the dam. bringing the dam as far <lltlone in the disturbed district in as tiie by-pass. The south end of British India have .town grave in the dam was poured lust week, which the official statement. A mob of now leaves the by-pasas as the only 2,000 attacked the police at Tlrur uncompleted portion of the dam. Tluruglit Tliat Men From Canadian and later clashed with the Leinster bond. Were to IK- Forfeited on Sep- JaJix'- Friday the concrete was poured llelrl in Connection Will» Alleged I se teuiber 1—Women Will Be Re lni|s>rter Have ltea< lied Coast But «f Mail» to l»efmu<l in Connec platoon, which dispursed the rioters MUI around the hydro-cone. The fish turned to Knoxvilie \rt- Too Exhausted to Move tion With Frgpih with machine gun fire. ladder has been completed from the power house to the bottom, tbe front Bombay, Aug. 27.—(A. P.)— of the ladder Is waiting u|mn the[ Tacoma, Aug. 27.—(A. P.)—Mrs. Portland, Aug. 27.—(A. P.i—A looting by the riotous natives of The «chimi board at Its meeting power house. Tl>>< machinery has! Chicago. Aug. 27.—(A P.) —An- William R. Stubbs confessed today, search with power boats along the Southern India continues. other »10.000.000 has been added last night elected W .1 Xlidll.T, ot all been installed in th« dam that she is Maude Moore, wanted in Woodburn as city sii|H»rlntendont of The steamshovel has finished the today to the total notes seized by coast for the eleven members of the Ixvndon, Aug. 27.— (A. P.)—Ow Knoxville. Tenn., for jumping her sellooIs for the coming year to Ink« excavation of the south high line federal agents investigating the al crew of the Canadian Importer has been suggested to the coast guard ing to the serious riots in India, the appeal bond after having been con- the place of J. G. Intel who resigned canal In Fruitdale. This now com- stations at r-uresa Eureka ana and roinv Point .vreua Arena Daily Telegraph says that the gov-1 victed of murder. _ ” headed by Chas, | avaiions from that position last week. L. O. plates tbe high line canal for a dis leged "swindle ring Extradition papers are to be asked, __ _____ ______ who L_jby John Z W. Swaken, ¡by Commander Waesche. of the cut-] cut- ernment has decided to take action Hepp was elected principal of th« tance of 14 miles, taking It to a point W. French and high school In place of M. C. Gaston a half mile west of the C * O C. Wodnssday found »9,500.000 in!1" Snohomish, he reported by wire “against prominent personages held!»nd 11 14 Planed to take the womaa responsible for the r~-ent troubles to Knoxville immediately if they are who ulso resigned Ills position Th« railroad crossing in Jerome Prairie notes In a Cleveland aufely deport. less CoBBBn(|er 8ald the in India.” 1 ecb oo I a of the city will <>|>«n Heptem Th« district Is now asking for blds vault and brought »10.000,000 ad- wln(J 4nJ wealher durlng the p„t Mrs. Stubbs was identified by two ber 13, all the teaching position« for th« Ravage lateral. This runs I Knoxville men, her bondsmen, who week have been favorable for the MEANEST MAN IN THE WORLD with th« exception of one In the Jun back from the dam on the south aide dltJonal to Chicago. FOUND BY SOUTHERN AGENT were saved »10,000 which would missing boat to reach the beach It ior high having been tilled. of the river and covers a mile This have been forfeited on September 1. The new su|>erlntendcnt has held part of the district will lie in Jack- Chicago. Aug. 27:—(A. p )__ la probable that the boat landed in Popular Bluff. Mo.. Aug. 26.—(1. She first denied the accusation of her _ __ some desolated point and the men a like position In the Woodbu rn son county. Charles W French and his eight as- I are too exhausted to seek habitation. N. S.) —Somebody else has found the: identity, and later confessed. schools for the past few year«, He u ~I In-! * I soclnt««. who are alleged to be J | The 8nohomlsh is searching just meanest man in the world. W. R. nturned here the last of the week volved In a »50,000,000 swindle ring, outside the coastwise steamer lanes, Brooks, agent of the Missouri Pacific ’ DFX’ISION ON DEBS HANGS, with E. H Van Dyke and Is now busy AWAITING GERMAN PEACE Railroad at Neelyville, who formerly waived examination today betor« the _______ transferring the office from the Reval. Ealhonia, Aug 27.— (A. was opposed to (capital punishment, i courthouse to tbe high school. He )—Th« powera of the "Cheka." or federal commissioner and were bound Washington. Aug. 27.—(A. P.)— exi>«cts hl« wife and three children P over to tbe grand Jury. I ANil NOT Til Al I M W IT baa changed bis mind. extraordinary committee to combat This new meanest man in the I The president is to make no decision to arrive here a« .-»on «« living ac- counter-revolution have recently world cut the screen out of the sta-l regarding amnesty for Debs or the oomt 1» or n found. Mr advices Canton. Aug. 27.—(A. P.)—Zebu- tion window while Brooks was asleep other prisoners convicted under the Hepp 1» «x|>ected to arrive soon from been curtailed, say Moscow Irish Parliament Meets to Consider These lund Davis, a wealthy manufacturer, and crept silently away with the sta wartime laws until the German peace Stu ii ford t ulverally where he ha« from independent sources, Reply to Lloyd George Letter are in some measure corroborated I has been arrested charged with us tion agent’s trousers. The outlaw, of treaty has been ratified. b««<ii attending summer school and course, was welcome to the watch will also bring hla family here Mr by bolshevik newspapers It was the ing the mail to defraud In connection i Banrsley. England. Aug. 27.—(A. and small change contained in the Hepp ha« been in the Woodburn ''Cheka." with its powers of arrest-1 with the operations of Charles W. P.»—Great Britain cannot counten pockets thereof. Ing without warrants, secret condem- French, ot Chicago, Mhoola. uatlona and death sentences, which ance tbe tearing up ot the United Athletic Coach Secured Kingdom, said Lloyd George, refer- DISTRICT ATTORNEY OF’ For coach of athletic«, Juinea. ordered and carried out moat of the' wswenttoai during ths psrtsd ot "rad! HAWAII HAH HIGH AVERAGE E. L. Coburn Part Owner of Property Hainan, of Suffolk, Mont . has been . Sold to Bakersfield Men secured. Mr. Eaman ia said to be terror” In Russia Some of the soviet government of-| ' civil war in Ireland he said. Honolulu. T. H.. Aug. 26.—(A. P.) well qualified for this work and will. Double Bronze tTuss Will Be Given . —The United States district attor The Revenue mine in the Kane’a instruct in mathematics as well The ficlais. considering that the period' by I nlveraity of Vienna Dublin. Aug. 27.—(A. P. >—The ney's office for the district of Hawaii creek district owned by E. L. Co of civil war and counter-revolution! other Instructors for the school« are Irish republican parliament met to can boast the highest batting aver burn of this city, and O. W. Mc High school—4*. O. Ilepp, principal was almost completely ended, favor Vienna. Aug. 27—(A. P.>—A dec and science, lai urn Thomas Gunnell, ed the abolition of the ’’Cheka" al-1 oration to be Issued in honor of those day to consider Lloyd George's reply. age in the attorney-general's depart Clendon of Gold Hill has been sold Kngliah and public «peaking; Ethel together. It is said The controversy, who have assisted the University ot in which he declared that Ireland j ment in obtaining convictions under to N. E. Conklin and A. L. Conkli» F’ Parent, commercial; Glenn 1. betwt-en those desiring to abolish It Vienna will go to Secretary Herbert! cannot be permitted to withdraw the Volstead prohibition enforcement of Bakersfield, Cal., for »30,000. The mine which is better known Wardrip. Industrial; Genevieve L. nnd those considering It still neces-1 Hoover and Professor Franz Boas from the British Empire and refus law. according to a letter reaching Yannke. languages. Jennie Cowan, sarv Is no* understood to have been of Columbia University, New York.' ing to consider any unreasonable de the district attorney from the attor as the famous Rhoten Pocket mine lay in negotiations. ney general recently. is located one mile south of the Gold mathematics; Alice Horning. Indus settled by a compromise The decoration is a double bronze The leaders do not consider that I Despite occasional whispers of Ridge mine and was traced up the trial. 8. Marie Stearns, history; Alice FIRST COMPLETE THIBETAN cross with the enameled inscription the situation has become any more1 widespread violations the district at- hill over 20 years ago by Al Rhotea Lighter. Isttin. English, history, etc.; TEMPLE EX II I HIT ASSEMBLEI» "for merit." delicate. torney has a record of »6 per cent and Jack Butler, who dug a hole 20 James (daman, mathematics and ath- convictions in the prohibition case«. feet deep and between the surface New York. Aug. 27.—(A. P.l—A Intica, Erma l,alrd. history and Eng and the bottom of it extracated over lish. Thibetan temple shrine, complete in CANNERIES OF NORTHWEST »140,000. After securing the gold Junior high school -Anna Blanche every detail has been placed on tem BOOMING—U MBER ON GAIN the miners abandoned the mine and Crane, principal and English; Cora porary exhibition in the American progressed to Grants Pass, Gold Hill A. Smith, history; Minnie E. Vigua, Museum of Natural History and for I H*|MU*Un«*nts to More to Xm Quar I»ra Moines Nevrspajxwfolk Stage San Francisco. Aug. 27.— (A. P.) and Jacksonville, spending freely as science, Frieda Close, physical ed the first time students of Thibetan ters and library Will lie Enlarged Com¡»le<e Tourneys Among Helves —Cann era of fruit and salmon in the they went, staging gay parties In one ucation. penmanship and spelling. culture are enabled to study the in Twelfth Federal Reserve District re- night stands in the wildest spending Mabel II. Bradley, mathematics; Vera fluences of Indian and Chinese cul University of Oregon. Eugene. Des Moines. Ia.. Aug. 27.— (A. P.) port a distinctly stronger demand for episode this section ever knew. Good, literature, art. English, etc. ture ou Thibetan religious art. The Aug. 26.— (Special)—When the Uni —•Newspapermen and printers of Des, their product witbin the last few The mine has not been worked for Flaat school —Nellie H Woodward, shrine has the finest collection of versity of Oregon opens September Moines are indulging tn the annual weeks, and the opening prices of tbe some years but operations are expect principal, 6th; Blanche D Williams, Thibetan religious objects ever as 26 for its 46th year two ot the Printers Golf Tournament. It local principal fruit canners twice have ed to be begun in the near future U. 5th. 6th; Ora L. Berry, 4th, 5th; sembled experts say. schools will be boused in newly com records are complete, it is the only been raised on some varieties of with Mr. Stone of Gold Hill, a min Josephine Gebere. 4th; Eatella Feld- Thibetan carpets, prayer mats, pleted buildings. The school ot bus one of a similar scope In the United fruit, while other lines have been ing engineer, as superintendent. malar, 3d, 4th; Lysle L. Gregory, temple guardians, altar vessels, sac iness administration is already in States. Men of every branch ot the sold out. John Perrin, Saq Fran 3d; Marguerite Sage, 2nd; Alice M. red Images and banners and the Thi possession of tbe new commerce hall fourth estate and of every detail oi cisco. federal reserve agent, declared Fool, 1st betan holy book which recites the which was completed early in the the printing trade are included as In a report made public here today. Riverside school -Rulby Best, prin praises ot IBtlddah are included in summer and the school of music is eligible«. The editor and the print "Generalizations cannot be used cipal, 6th; Echo 8|>orea, 5th, 6th; the exhibit. now being moved into its new build ers devil may cross mas hies in the tn summarizing conditions affecting ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦F ♦ ♦ Margaret Rathbone, 44h. 5th; Sylvia Moat of the collection was looted ing on t|»e south campus. the raw products of the district oth ♦ ROSEBURG TO STATE LIN H course ot play. Wise, 4th; Elsie Neave, 3d; Mar from Thibetan temples by a Chinese The department ot economics, Nomenclature of the print shop er than fruits,” the report said. garet Alexander. 2nd. 3d; Mrs. James exi>edltion which penetrated Thibet which hi closely related to the school lends itself to the naming of these “Marketing is proceeding rapidly ♦ Roseburg-Myrtle Creek—20 FMnvan, 2nd; Mae Webb, 1st. after the British under t^r Francis of business administration, will also flights. The championship flight with some and with others move miles. Paved. The paving from Fourth Ward school —Jiveale A. Younghusband had left Uiasaa. the be housed in the now commerce hall, leads. Then come in order the ment is sluggish. ♦ Roseburg to Dillard is complet Mordoff. IB, 2B. Forbidden City. as will be the department of history. “Make Up," the "Hell Box.” the "Operators In the lumber industry ♦ ed. The rooms on the second floor of “Pt," the “Fire and Fall Back" and of the Pacific northwest, where pro ♦ Myrtle Creek-Canyonville— STATE OF’ YUCATAN SAID duction is about 65 per cent of nor ♦ 10 miles—Take detour via Rid STRONGHOLD OF <X»MMI NISM the university library building left the “Devils" flights. vacant by the removal of the depart-i mal, express hopeful sentiments con dle xahich is rough and slow. Mexico City, Aug. 27.— (A. P.) — ments of history and economics are cerning the Immediate future, basing ♦ CanyonvUle*Galesville — 11 Travelers returning here from the being converted Into a reading room 1zweier of Miner« Halts Advam them upon several factors, among ♦ miles. Good macadam. state of Yucatan describe that region to relieve the congestion which has which are anticipated buying by the ♦ Galesville- Wolf Creek— 14 Army Office* Wltnoo««. Find aa a socialist stronghold with radi been so marked in the main library railroads, increasing export demand ♦ miles. About seven miles south for the past few years Charles, Aug. 27.—(A. P.)—The calism strongly entrenched from the Bandita Make Escape From Rutty, from Australia and the Orient, en ♦ ot Galesville the traffic during governorship down to the most minor larged purchasing power in rural ♦ working hours is being detour vanguard of the miners marching Ariz., and Flee Into Mexico office. KM» MINE REHCl E TEAMS districts as a result of marketing ♦ ed via Glendale to Stage Road from Marmet to Mingo turned back Felipe Carillo, member of the fed to compete for honors crops and the small stocks of lum ♦ Pass. At Stage Road Pass Is at Madison yesterday after Charles Nogales, Ariz, Aug. 27. — (A. P.) eral chamber of deputies whose radi another short detour. F. Keeney, the miner's leader, con The bandits who late yesterday ber believed to be remaining in the calism recently led to attempts to St. Louis, Aug. 27.—(A. P.)—One: shot and killed Postmaster Frank hands of jobbers and in retail yards ♦ Wolf Creek-Grave Creek—5.4 ferred w'th BrlTidier General Band oust him from the lower house. Is hundred mine rescue and first aid throughout the country- ♦ miles. Paved. holtz. arrived here ' the acknowledged leader and in all teams, representing 25 states and Pearson and his wife at Ruby, 35 “Unemployment during .Ttly was Grave Creek-Grants Pi ■18..4 At the same time Handholtz sturt- miles west of Nogales, escaped into probability will be elected governor Canada and .Mexico, will compete for approximately the same in amount as miles. Good macadam. c«l le p»> »ver the line of nu.ic/to Mexico. The victims put up a brave at the elections next fall. honors at the annual Tnterrfational > fight against the attackers, number in June. The ability of farmers to ♦ Grants Pass, through Med •«• fiat ihc “army" had ac‘ lufly «.,» Athough th« radicals ar« divided dispense with much harvest help, First Aid and Mine Rescue Meet here ford, Ashland to California IJne banded. ing seven. Into two groups the regular social September 1, 2 and 3 under the aus which last year they considered es ♦—65 miles. Paved- ist party and the socialist party of pices of the United States bureau of sential, has so reduced the normal ♦ Medford-Crater lake Highway the southeast, of which Carillo Is the mines. In cooperation with mina tnother Good Catch— demand from that quarter that it Two routes are being used, head they are united In the cause operators associations, miners organ Commercial fishermen had anoth has not more than balanced the de- ♦ one via Central Point. Bybee of communism, it Is reported, and izatlons. the national safety council er profitable drift last night, when cline In the number of those employ- Bridge. Trail and McLeod to Paris. Aug. 27. (A. P.l--Mar «iterate aa the “league of resistance." and the Red Cross two boats brought back over 400 ed In lumbering, mining, fishing and ♦ Prospect, the other via Eagle shal Foch assured the American am MAmberahlp cards to this organiza • Under conditions, approximating pounds of salmon. They report that shipbuilding.” ♦ Point, Reese Creek School basaador that he has definitely de tion are printed on flaming red pa as closely as possible those I ♦ House, Derby Road to McLeod found In there are a large number of the fork cided to visit America. He will at lter. Its letter hesds are printed tn tn tn os during disastrous tires and ed tail salmon coming up the river at Mr. and Mrs. E c I vm Pollock left ♦ and Prospect, Advised to use tend the American iaglon convention red and it la said that all official doc explosions, teams will rescue sup the one via Trail. this time. Some of the salmon are this morning for Crater Lak« where ♦B tn Kansas Ctty. uments are written in red Ink. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ posedly Injured miners. running large In size. they will spend a few days WAS IDEÍUFIED Bï BONDSMEN REVENUE MINE BRINGS $30,008 KUUVEHIUHELUVt UEUJKAIIUNfer;- 'X NEW"U"BUILDINGS COMPLETED PRINTERSIII GOIFTOURNAMEHT Clip This Table For Reference MINGO MARCHERS TURNED BACK ♦ ♦ ♦ 4 ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ 4 ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ 4