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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 26, 1921)
AHHtM'IATKD PREHH HER VICK GRANTH I’AHH, JOHKPHINK 4XHT4TY. OKBMM. VOL. XL. No. IMA. SECURE STOCK FICIDIY, AKilHT 30, 1033. WHOLE NUMBER XWS. PEACE BUT IS I \<-w Now York, Aug. 16. I A. Pi Be ] BRITISH PROPOSAI* REJECTED Il AA E BEEN ON AA ATER SINCE! Madison, West Virginia, Aug. 26. VTRI’CK BY TWELVE BULLETS DEMAND H'lt ADDITIONAL REU -( V P I- After General Bandholtz' FIRED BY TWO YOt THS IN curl ties worth 329,000 stolen from III T NEt^/ri.ATIONH ARE SAID FRIDAY. SAYS RABIO FROM MI i iti.o ININ Udt I”' ■!> in Motion noli an<l company of Han Fran commanding the federal troops ready BLACK FOREST TO BE «TILL OPEN THE GORBOVA JOSEPHINE COUNTY AUCTION DURING COUNH EAIR 1< h al Bank* Will Inalai I ariiKT* In kwniirliig Stink, I'«annuiin'a" U> Mular ta luni l'uri hnw cisco by llussell lAfayette Griffen. 21-year old messenger, have been re covered In a hank here and In a d**sk he had rented In an office to start speculation In stocks. The police gave out his confession,; saying he realised about 13.000 on i the rosl of the stolen securities, and spent it for travel and entertain-! ment. to move from Chillicothe. Ohio, had warn«*! the union leaders that troops LLOYDGEORGEWARNSDEVALERA VESSELS SEARCHING FOR Prolongation of Negotiations Maid io Be I > o « ik « touh —I«*' A a I «-ex» • A«L dri'sMW I «all Eirt anu Hlollgtit to Be «ioni«*« IwTe Oft < «»let of Eureka—-Htoum-r Mnnaku Ex- polled to Find Ship Today Good <'nli li Mini«*— from Marmet, a- a prote-t against the West Virginia martial law, con-! tinned, President Keeney, the mine; workers' president for district 17, and Secretary Mooney, hastened here and stopped the men's march. 0F L1UCKII1320 Hotis«! Storm in G<-rnu»ny in 1917 by l*ropo*i“g “ i'eac«- Witliout Annot ation, in R«S< h-tag LEADERS ENTH1 SIASTK OVER Berlin. Aug 26—(A. P.)—Mathiaa Landin. Aug 26.*—(A. P.l--*’Wei Portland, Aug. 26.—(A. P.) — Arrangements urn now under way The two bouts that made thed rift WOMEN’S POLITICAL GUNS Erzberger. a former vice premier and Eleven of the Canadian Importer ’ s lidp. not nought war or d>- we seek last night after salmon report a very ---------- 1 to bring Into th«» Rogue River valley finance minister was murdered to New York. Aug 26.—(A. P.) — | u rarload of registered and high1 good night About 500 pounds were war but if war be made up it« 'is. wej crew, including the second mate, day near Offenburg. Baden Twelve brought back, the fish still selling must defend ourselves and wi shall; loilrd. and the third mate. Watt,; Representative women leaders in po gratin dairy cow« and heifers. I here at 10 cents. The salmon are I do it,” rays Earnonn DeValcr*’« let have been adrift since last Friday, bullet wounds were found in the litical organizations here expressed Through Ilin County agent's office lhel shipped out. said a radio message from Captain gratification today over the achieve body Erzberger was shot down In ter Io Premier IJoyd George. «Inal la being clon«<d a* th«« result of I T' a utter said that the British AVeeterlund of the rteamer Cordova, ments of the women of the United the Black forest by two youths, while government's peace proposals were! who early yeetjrday offer“! assist States during the first year of their walking with Reichstag Deputy IXex. mi active dnmuud on the part of * IMvon-ni Are Asked— Two suits for divorce have been laid before the Dell Elreann, which ane i to the weteri< gged freighter. national enfranchisement. The 19th; Once before, on January 20, 1920, many Josephine county farmers for' Vessels are looking for thy missing amendment to ti»» constitution was; Erzberger was shot by an assassin. filed with the county clerk George; rejected them unanimously, but he is additional female ztoek and good* Barnum asks for a divorce from willing to negotiate on the principle lifeboat. which may be somewhere officially proclaimed August 26, As he was leaving the criminal court building in Berlin after attending a quality. llazetdeel Barnum on the grounds of of government by consent of the off the coast opposite Eureka The 1920. The khipuient la expected to be cruelty and personal Indlfnitles. governed The letter proposes that steamer Manaku is expected to reach All agreed that during the year hearing in a libel suit he had brought women voters everywhere had begun against Dr. Karl Helfferich, the for made in the near future, arrange Maude K. Collard seeks a severance Great Britain and 'reland app«.lnt tte Canadian Importer today. i« .«resentatlves v!tn | lenary powers of the marital bonds from George W slowly but surely to find their place, mer German vice-chancellor he had ments to be closed a> soon ns suffi Collard, alleging cruel and inhuman t-j negotiate detail« on this principle. in the political councils and organize-; two bullets fired at him. His as- cient Mock has been spoken for by treatment tlons of the parties. An .awakened saifant gave his name as Oltwig von fanners The number and kind of* ------------- lxindon, Aug. 26. — (A. P.) — ! political, consciousness among both Hirschfeld. a former cadet oficer. 20 animals deaired will be purchased I AA ’ ork AA III Be ICo*h«*l — Lloyd George replying to De Valera men and women and a new dignity in years old, a student, and son of a for the farmer, who muy make appli Work on the survey of the new British Inventor in Roni«' Prrfiwt« warned him that owing to the "ac political affairs generally were among Berlin bank official. Von Hirsch cation to either bank or the agent's < 'Reaper Fuel for Motor* the things accomplished by women in; feld was arrested and was q up ted as office, as the local banks have agreed highway to Crescent City Is to be tions being taken In certain quarters. saying he considered Erzberger dan rushed so that work on the construc It is dangerous to prolong the nego that short time, they said. to aasiat any responsible farmer in gerous to the empire. The assailant tion of the road can commence next tiations.” He declined to prolong securing animals Rome, Aug. 20.—(A. P. > — fired two shots at Erzberger as the spring A new location party is ty be the exchange of notes, but would be Through the invention of a gas gen-; The plane under development call1 Graes lire Put Out— minister was entering his automobile. started next week, one party already happy to meet De Valera and his col erating mixture composed of alcohol for the appointment of a committee A small grass fire at the corner of. ODe bullet glanced off the minister’s being on the ground With the two leagues again. and a sulphur-carbon combination.; Oak and L strc«ts was put out this watch chain and another entered his of one or three by the dairymen in surveying parties, the survey can lie the cost of operating automobiles and , afternoon by the fire department. A1 sh-older. terested, which comm It lee will visit completed thia winter and have the Dublin. Aug 26.—(A P I—DeVa all internal combustion motors can the territory where the stock Is to stakes laid out for an early start in call was sent in at about 2 o’clock Ernterger roused a storm in Ger lera’s reply to Lloyd George sums up he reduced one-half, according to the ba purchased. making selections the spring and the small truck was sent to the, many in July, 1917, more than a year Southern Ireland's position and must claims of Engineer Seed, who after and purchases according to the needs scene. before the armistice, by procoeing a remain unchanged. De A’alera declar exhaustive experiments under the and finances of the local fartu«*rs Return From Hunt— resolution in the German reichstag ed. addressing the Dail Elreann af auspices of the Italian government The cattle will then ba auctioned off. Al la>tcher Jr., and Max Tuffs re-! ter reading the reply. in favor of a peace without annexa has just completed a report on the if possible on the morning of one of turned yesterday from a trip Into the' tions and for parliamentary reform. The Dall Elreann reelected De Va possibilities of the otew combustion the days of the county fair After flabyfoot country along the Chetco Chancellor Bethmann-Hollweg de- It lera and the cabinet members. The use of the new gas generating ; the auction, sal«*« are computed, the river. Although they did not come clar<*d this formula was unacceptable sanctioned loans of 500.000 pounds mixture pre-supposes the employ-' J. N. Johnston. City, Appointed a* coat of the catth* will be allowed, back loaded down with venison they aad Dr. Halfferieh eubaequaatly blaa In Ireland, and 120.000,000 in Anter- ment of a special kind of carburetor, Attorney for Jo*ej>hine County together with the expenses of the report seeing lots qf bucks, and were ed Erzberger'« peace proposal for the which Signar Sesti has evolved. purchasing committee and all monies not entirely out of luck where hunt-1 moral collapse of the German peo The new fuel has a density great above this amount will be appor Ing was concern«*!. They say that! Salem. Aug. 26.— (A. P.)—The ple. er than that of gasoline in the ratio state bonus commission announced tioned back to the farmers on a per the country they were in is rugged; As a member of the German armis of 925 to 730. It is urged that the the appointments of attorneys to ex centage basis according to the and a wonderful place to spend aj adoption of the fuel will considerably amine the title of real estate which tice delegation he conducted negotia amount of purchase hla will en week or more lessen the importations of foreign the former service men may offer as tions with Marshal Foch and later able each and every farmer an even Many Mrnilwrs on Natation*—Pro gasoline. Practically all the raw ma security for loans. chance to pick th«* animal that ap Ik'inooMrslion 1« .Att«*nd«xl— Appointments headed the mapority socialists in a gram AA ill lie Pr*<M«nt«*l Tonight movement to form a n»» ministry terials necessary Tor the new fuel peals to him. and assures him that he are as follows: Fifteen poultry raisers and fan and sign the peace treaty. His atti can be found in Italy. will not pay for any side bidding. Benton county, J. L. Davis, Cor ciers made the trip to the River The program to be given tonight vallis: Clatsop. Garnet L. Green. As tude throughout the armistice nego As the present low prices of hay Banka Farms yesterday morning to by the W. O. W. band will begin toria; Coos, Ben 8. Fisher, March tiations aroused against him the in and feeds, and the discouraging out attend the poultry culling demonstra promptly at S o'clock In Riverside field; Curry. James V. Johnson, Gold dignation of German military author look for advances In the««« items hold tion there, i’rof. Cosby, of O. A. C., park and will probably last over an Beach; Douglas. Wallace Benson. ities and in June. 1919. it was re little chance for profits to the pro Instructed them In the «roper meth hour. Some of the selections have! Reedsport; Josephine. J. N. Johnston. ported that his residence had been ducers. the plan opens a way for the ods of selection and then allowed been played before but a good share 1 lawgc «nd Small Sp»«e«l Boats Line Granta Pass: Klamath. J. H. Carna fired upon by a Berlin mob A plot farmer to turn hla hay and grain in each person to try his hand In the of them are new. A few changes in River for Regatta Tomorrow han. Klamath Falls; Linn Willard said to have been formed by members to good returns through the dairy culling of the flock. Those In at the program may be found nectwaary L. Marks. Albany; Umatilla. Harold of the officers' corps at Potsdam to cow It is «‘xpocted that an in tendance secured much useful infor as It is impossible to know how many J. Warner. Pendleton; Union, Henry assassinate him was reveal«*! in Sep Detroit. Aug. 26.— (A. P.)—Ap crease tn the number of dairy cows mation. Today Professor Cosby was will be out. many of the band boys L. Hess. La Grande. Nearly all of tember following. proximately 1Q0 water craft of var will make the problem of coopera at Illahee ranch. being on vacations. The best music He was accused of having recom the appointees are ex-«ervlce men. tive marketing an easier one to solve under the circumstances is prom ious types, ranging from the 90-mile mended the use by German troops of an hour hydroplane to the small Welfare W«»rk««r H «re ised. the flame thrower. Later he declar sailing craft capable of around 10 Mrs. Millie R. Trumbell, secretary The program as now planned la: Tourists stopping last night at the ed Germany's U-boat war had failed of the Industrial welfare commission •’Feld-Comet" .march, played bY miles an hour, were moored in the Oxford were Mrs. J. Christensen of Detroit river today ready for the Gold Arcata. C*l.. W. Morris of Maplw and advooated its abandonment. of the state, with headquarters in request. Cup-Harmsworth regatta that begins Creek, Cal., W. G. Brown and flmily Some time prior to the armistice ha Portland, was In the city today at "Simplicity,’’ tone poem. published a book in which he out here tomorrow and continues until tending to the work of the commis "Trfagian," march. of San Francisco. R. S. Beeler of Se Owner* of Josephine County Unen to September 6. Eleven events make up attle. Mrs. H. K. Huntsberger of Los lined a plan for a league of nations. sion. especially in reference to the "The Dives," overture. Inmate Hhipi«iiig FM'illthw the regatta program. Opening day Angeles, Miss Si. t'bree of Sacramen working hours of women employes "Flag of Truce." march. tomorrow will be featured by the The state law provides that no wom "The Rainbow," serenade. to, Arthur D. Hay and family of Stage owners of the principal stage first 30-mile heat in the Fold Cup I-akevlew, Katherine Lynch of Lake an shall be employed for more than "My Uttle Sunshine." one-step lines out of the city have volunteer with six boats definitely an race 48 hours per week and that the min march. view. Mrs. T. A. Hoover and Mr. and ed to transport mineral exhibits to nounced to start and three others Mrs. E. A. McCord of Fresno. E. D. "Abelard and Heloise." the city free of charge from any imum wage for experienced women 5,000 Foot Prak Show* in Year the listed as probably contenders. Sec shall not be less than 360. An ap "Memphis the Majestic," march. Warren of Bly, B. L. Gilpin of St. point In the county, ‘so that they may Weathering of < 'em turi«*« ond and third heats in this event are Ix>uis, F. W. Owen of Peoria, Ill.. prenticeship period of one year Is al '•Stars and Stripes Forever, ” be shown at the county fair.the mid set for August 29 and 30. and the so provided In the law and la divided march. Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Pierce and family dle of next month. J. E Hayes, of Vienna. Aug. 26.—(A. P.)—The one mile trials for the championship Into four quarters with a minimum of Auburn, Cal.. D. T. Stephenson geological freak of a great mountain the Williams stage, W. T. Breen of of North America August 31. wage for ench period. It also p ro CITY OF STRASBOURG ASKS and C. F. Lufkin of Portland. the Crescent City stage and lairry disintegrating so fast that it Is dis ll il«** that no woman shall be em MONUMENT TO FRENCH COOK I.ucas of the |Gallc«*-Almedn stage, cernable day by day—a thing that ployed more than six days in any Paris, Aug. 26.—(A. P.)—A com have shown their Interest In the fair ordinarily takes thousands of years PORTI AND MARKETS week. mittee has been formed at Stras by cooperating with the mineral com —is occurring In the Aussee region. bourg for the erection of a monu mittee, composed of Frank South and LEARNING I’lWX ESSES OF Choice steers ...... 66.00 ® >6.50 The Aussee Handling, rising over ment to the memory of the inventor A. iH. Gunnell. CHILDREN INA ESTIGATED of pate de foies gras (fatted goose Aaaocdatloa Meeting* Ojien Tinner- Hogs.......................... »11.00 @ 311.50 5000 feet, is simply collapsing. Its Prime light hogs ...................... 310.00 great cones and pinnacle« of rock are The exhibits are to be delivered to row in Salt laikc City, I tali livers! with Perigord truffles. His East Mountain lambs..36.00 0 36.75 crashing and tumbling as if under the P. S. Woodln store, where Mr. Paris, Aug. 26. (A. P.)—Wheth name was Close, and he was cook to Woodln will take charge of th«' min er children learn better from writ the Marshal de Contades. Salt Lake City, Utah, Aug. 26.— Eggs, buying price .......................... 6c mined by gnomes, the forests that erals until they can be arranged. If ten texts or oral lectures, is a ques (A. P.)- Stock mon from many parts Eggs, selling price ............. 34c @ 36c clothed the slopes lie flat or move the miner is unable to come In him tion under Investigation in the of the nation are expected to attend Eggs, fancy selects ......................34c slowly and steadily downward piling self. he should tag hla exhibit with schools of Paris. the mid-year meeting of the Ameri Butter, extra cubes ........................ 40c into the valleys and the turf carpet 42c moves with them. all the available data, such as assay A technical committee of the; can National Live Stock Association Butter, prints ........ —............ figures, depth at which it was ob league of mental hygiene has set to One seientitie explanation is ths which opens here today for two days. Wheat .......................... 81.07 @ 31.12 tained and all other information that work In a boys’ school to study the AAi»nta Street Railway to Do R«'|>airs Among the speakers will be Sena Portland. Aug. 26.—(A. P.)—<3at- presence of an abnormal quantity of would Ibe of Interest. The minerals processes of teaching and learning, Expected When Fare* Were Rained tor John B. Kendrick of Wyoming, tle and sheep, steady. Hogs. 25c water in the chalky lime«tone cor« of will either be returned to the own i Pedagogical experts assert that president of the association; Fred H. lower. Eggs demoralized, no de the mountain causing the collapse of ers or be retain«*! aw a permanent some persons’ brains receive deeper great caverns and the slipping of Portland, Aug. 26. —(A. P.)—The Bixby. Long Beach. Cal.. M L. Mc mand. Butter, firm. mineral exhibit at the county fair Impressions by the sense of hearing city of Portland, has asked the pub Clure, Chicago, president of the strata. building as the committee desires to and others by the sense of sight. The lic service commission to require the Stock Growers’ Finance corporation; Bartlrtt i'nu* Mrs. L. B Cochran, of Ix>s An keep a portion of the building as a committee proposes to seek some Portland Railway Light and Power Dr. C. D. Marsh. Washington; A. Chicago, steady, beat stock, 33.20, place for permanent exhibits. They metho«! of education tbit will ;ake company to reduce the car fares or Sykes, IVe Moines, president of the ripe. 32.75. New York weak today. geles. and Mrs. Ben Towbridg«. of request that ns many as possible be i Ivnntege of these facilities and pos to do the repair and construction Com Rclt Meat Producers Associa Boaton steady, better prospects On Medford, were afternoon guests of left In order to make a good show sibly, ilic, try to find cmn way to work expected when the commission tion and Him H. Cowan, attorney of iccount of rain, heavy offerings from Mrs. George l eaks one days this woak. ing. develop the pupil's receptiveneacf California. allowed the Incraaaod faros. the association. NEWADTOGASGENERATORFOUND STATE 80NUS COMM, APPOINTED1 WOODMEN BAND IS HANDICAPEO DETROIT RACING CRAFT READY ORE EXHIBIT SHIPMENTS FREE DISINTEGRATION MOVES HILL LIVESTOCK MEN OF NATION MEET PORTLAND ASKS REÛUCEO FARES