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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 13, 1921)
♦ ♦ L AHMM IAT»:I» I'liEHH HERVK'E GRANT« I’A h H, JOSEPHINE (X)UNTY, OREGON. VOL XL, No. -XII NATUHDAY, AUGUNT I», 1021 UHOIJ: NIMH ER 3JW4 Beach Searches!—1 indingx Match Otlters in Room of Hightower— Handwriting Similar < 'ominitire Dnidiw to lt<-|H-<il Tax on Ex|i ro — Dtapoumra Will I’ay Ton Dollar Foe Walked From Roseburg to Oakland, Took Train to Port land, Spent Few Hours There, Day in Seattle, Two Days in Vancouver -Obtained Work at Calgary San Francisco, Aug. 13.—(A. P.) REPORTS ACTION OFFICIALLY Washington, Aug. 13.—(A. P.) — RIBBON« ANI» PKIZEH Wil.I. HE —The authorities believe there Is The repeal of the express tax on CONFIRMED BY LETTER AWARDED OWNER« OF WIN- another body hurled in the vicinity every twenty cent value has been de FROM SMUTS NINO IdHPLAYM where Heslin’s remains were found, cided upon by the ways and mean« and are making a thorough search. I committee. The committee also vot Portions ot a tent outfit, fitting oth ed to levy a flat tax of 310 on re-, taller« of soft drinks and a fixed The first clue to be followed In ers found in William Hightower’s Calgary, Alberta, Aug 13.— (A. manufacturer's tax on cereal barer- p )- Beyond admitting hls Identity the care was the one which ultimate-’ room, were unearthed, together with axes at 12 cents per gallon. Instead jand promising to return tojtoseburg ly proved authentic. The officers additional papers and currency be of the 15 per cent on sale prices. I without extradition. Dr. R M. Brum- first darted their search on the theo longing to the priest. PrUoner's Reinase liso Goal—Hinn 1«u Muck M mo I* for Heine and ( i.l Late yesterday the committee vol-' f|0|d> arrested on a ranch 30 miles ry that Dr. Brumfield had gone into! Experts declare that there is a »'ein Circles Pervaded With Feel Ik lo He Aulii—Fair Ituililing ltd to increase the Income tax exemp- fcOu(h of here in connection with the Canada and followed out that trail. startling similarity between High- ing of Optimism U> He Ke My for <»i«m nd j tion for married men from $2.000 ot> death of Dennis Russell, maintains They sere unable to find any trace,! tower's handwriting and that In the , Incomes tielow $.’>,000, retroactive to a stO||d sllenoe however, and turned to the eastern letters demanding ransom. ' January 1, thia year * officers of the Royal Northwest Oregon trail. There is a common1 London, Aug. 13.—(A P.)—Offi The premium list of the coming —————— Mounted police traced him throng belief that Dr. Brumfield did go in WAR TRADE IN DI AMONDS cial confirmation of the reports that 'an order he sent drom Banff to the to eastern Oregon, and upon being county fair and exposition as publish sdllll AN PRINCE REGENT EXPERIENCE« HEAVY SLUMP the British government offered Ire II is SECOND HANI» MI’LENDQIl goaltie express office, asking that the seen by the Shoemakers turned ed In the Courier today, covers the land a dominion status, was given full range ot product« and resources ——— " box he expressed from Myrtle Point north. There has been no trace found Berlin. Aug. 13 —(A. P.)—Trade today In a letter written by Smuta Vienna, Aug 13. — (A. P.)--Alax-* to Mr«. Norman Whitney, of Beattie, district. ot the car south of Crater Lake andj of the Southern Oregon in precious stones has experienced While the amount of the premium under, the prince regent of Serbia, the Gay before the tragedy, be for- it Is quite probable that he went such a slump in the past 12 months to De Valera on August 4. back north. 1« surrounding himself with some of'warded. The box contained woman'« offered la not the chief reason for that many of the jewel dealers are London, Aug. 13.—(A. P.)— making an exhibit at the fair, still 1 the «eoond-hand regal panoply of the wearing apparel and the contents are The Canadian theory had not been facing a serious financial crisis, ac Some newspapers take the view of tho winning of the ribbon Is a dis Hapaburgs A commission from Bel- declared worthless. abandoned, however, and Mrs. Alley,! cording <0 Berlin experts who have tinction. and the educational value Is 1 grade has bought two of the many I The officer« quickly located Brum deputy In the tax department, was been investigating the causes of an the De Valera reply saying that he demanded amnesty for all Irish re In the fact that reasons why this or, stat« carrlaxea stored In th« old Held, who turned deathly pale when busy sending out hundreds of dr-j unusual situation. publicans now imprisoned or Intern that rrtlcle or entry la beet Is clearly royal stables here, one a «e mi-state confronted and had his arms stretch culars to points in Canada. The diamond markets are especial ed, about 6,000, as a condition pre I brought out The obtaining of per vehicle for official calls and the oth-|dd out for handcuffs — ly threatened, for the men and wom cedent to further negotiations. Under the mattress ot hls bed was manent quarters for the holding of er one of the splendid glami und gold en who made much money during the It was also said he asked a mone Mrs. Brumfield when Interviewed the Ur h 1 groat advance step. The coachea used on ceremonial occa- found a letter In hla x bandwriting I war and invested heavily in dia The commission also takes purporting to have come from Rus- In Roseburg by a representative of monds, recently have been selling I tary indemnity lor losses occasioned Inslltd'on can now grow and im- alone pr »v« annually, and should, with the back to Belgrade the complete fur-a«||, describing the latter's ride with the New-Revlew following the report brilliants extensively, while the old by the warfare, estimated at several oxer 1 lec.ce ot the natural setting and niahingr of one of the Maria Ther- Brumfield, tailing of the accident of the capture of her husband, said: families of established wealth, upon million pounds. the variety of Industry and produc-j eea apaitments tn the Hofburg for and Brumfield's death, and how Rus- "I do not believe It is true.” And which the trade once depended, have Dublin, Aug. 13.—(A. P.)—Opti t’on, become an event to be looke i I Installation In the Karageorge pal j m >U changed clothes with tho doctor then in a bewildered tone she con-, ceased to buy. It is said 50 to 60 mism prevails in Sinn Fein circles re tinued: "I have always said that Ji 1 and fled. The letter was unsigned fotwurd to each year. It shoul t at I he*. per cent of those who bought jewels garding the peace proposals. It was will never believe my husband mur tract a large number of visitors to |YI LIX»WNTO«C GLACIEB HEE- I whl|„ ,teadfailtly refual„ dla. dered Dennis Russell, until he tells with war profits in Germany and asserted that negotiations would not the district each September. England have either sold their pur be broken and that Lloyd George’s LINE ANHCMNATION TO MEET CUM hu a || aged cr | me , Brumfield me so with his own lips. He will The fair board haa contracted for chases or offered them for sale with reply to De Valera’s last letter will willingly told the representative of have to tell me himself and then if it the erection of commodious stock not cause a break. White Sulphur Springs, Mont..itlll, port|and Telegram of his move- is so I will say he is Insane. I must in the last few months. sheds on the fair grounds, and the . A uk 13. (A. P.) Proposed affll- menta „ince leaving Roseburg. On admit your message appears to be county tractor and grading equip FIRING OF CANNON AT iallon with the National Park to Ua nlKhl ot July 13 he waUed to authentic.” ment has been busy tor several days CALGARY TOO COSTLY Park highway la one of the subjects!Oakland where he took traln to When Interviewed Mrs. Brumfield retting the grounds ready under the Ito come before the sixth annual con- port|and was in the office of Attorney Dexter super vision of Manager Borland Calgary, Alta, Aug. 13—(A. P.) — Two stock sheds, one for swine and rention of (tea Yellow.ione-Gl.elar, „„ remained there a few hours Rice. As the news it Brumfield's The sounding of a cannon at the cur Bee-Une Highway association which and lh e„ continued to Seattle He capture was related to her. her fore the other for horse« and cattle will .open, hen- August 20. Raising blll^ Rlay0d ln Mtlh an enHre day <o. head furrowed and she glanced anx few hour was suggested by someone be constructed. The plan for the -ecently in the citt hall here, the main fair bnlldlng has been changed | before congress changes of ln< from there to Vancouver. re iously from the reporter to the at originator of the idea feeling that route «nd general highway matters matn | nic ther e two days. torney and then back again as if as a matter of financial expediency New York, Aug. 13.— (A. P.)— Every Vancouver he went to Lake questioning the truthfulness of the such a plan would lend just the right Columbia University students are go and of time limit, and a fair build are slated for discussion I touch If the bewitching bed time ing of 32x90 foot will be made ready community along the highway Is ex Lotttoe for several days, thence to most startling message Her demean-, hour. Unfortunately, military au- ing "on location" and will film a reel . Hunff and Calger. He got work here or was changed but very little, but, for the opening of the fair The '»ecled to send a delegation. I or two of "snow stuff" this winter I from the labor bureau, under the as more details were given her she thoritkx put a damper on the plan large community auditorium plan they submitted cold figures I when tney as 1>art a new course in the .. »..««».. namo of Norman Whitney, two days appeared to be changing her views on showing will have to await a mqre propitious n <«> It would cost the city 325 a mo’?e8’..the the kind <iveB the case. time, though the building that Is be- in • the United States. dky for the bizarre effect. She asked the reporter to please There will be studio work as well Tho military heads were willing to <Continued on Pace Right) return to Roseburg Inilnediately and furnish her with any other news con- (ntrodr. e the evening barrage, "but in the mechanical end of the bus Justice of Oregon Supreme Covri to tell all he knows. corning the capture, and expressed ag they , t.jy have 18-pound guns, the iness, with the production of a pho Fill PltilippinA Vacancy Brumfield spent a sleepless night the hope that later messages would would be paying out about and was given medical attention this prove that the man captured was not |75Oo a year. The city is conslder- toplay written by one of the students. Washington. Aug. 13.—(A. P. )— iiiiuiuiiiR. The mysteries of the newest of the morning. ttr He was w*«» vAumiiriv extremely iivi nervous. ’Uli her husband. Ing something cheaper. Justice Charles W Johns, of the Ore-and hla volce wa„ RcarceIy aud|ble. arts will be laid bare in the course. Will Meet With American C1iru>l<-al I gon supreme court, was formally se- ..^ my llJve to my w)fe a| Those who desire to learn continu and Society for Irle« Exchange PORTIiAND MARKETS lectod to fill the vacancy In the Phil- children, ehlIdr„n. tell thpm w ity writing and how to keep the ac Portland, Aug. 13.—(A. P.) — them „vervthlnx everything will Ipplne supreme court caused by She be all right." was all he would say. Sheriff 8. M. Starmer and Deputy: tion going fast and furious while the New York. Aug. 13.—(A. Pl — resignation of Edam C. Canon. Brumfled readily waived extradition Percy Webb, of Douglas county pass- Choice steers .............$6.00 © $6.50 audience learns the captions by heart American and British chemists will rights today and promptly signed the ed through Portland today tor Cal- Hogs, prime light .$12.50 © $13.00 will be led by the hand through the comparr notes and discuss the latest SANK ATM HEWAN HOPPER gary, to bring back Brumfield. Sheep, best valley—$6.50 © $7.75 mazes of the what and why of the waiver form. dlscov-rles In the chemical world at CAMPAIGN IS MOST THOROUGH ----------------------------------------------------| East mountain lambs $6.00 © $6.50 professional movie world. a four days' joint meeting of the Honolulu, Aug. 13.—(A. P.)—The: Prime lambs ___ —— ...$5.25 © $5.75 PORTLAND LAD HAN CLONE American Chemical Society and the CAI J. TO DROWNING IN SEA ' sum’of $1,437,000 is now available Eggs, Buying price __________ 27c Regina, Sask., Aug. 13.—(A. P.) Brft'sh Society of Chemical Indus —In Its third campaign against for the improvement of Pearl Har Eggs, fancy selects __________ 34c . try In New York beginning Septem grasehoppers. the Saskatchewan de Butter, extra cubes __________ 37c Rockaway, Ore., Aug. 13.—(A. P.) bor naval station here. ber 6 About 4,000 delegates partment of agriculture this year —William Kelley. 6-year-old son of Butter, prints _____ ___________ 42c| expected to attend. mixed its largest poison bait. Though George Kelly, of Portland, fell from Wheat ____________ $1.05 © $1.13 The British delegates, who will1 the grasshopper army was bigger a raft in Searlew lake where he was Pavement b'rom Granta Pass to State first hold Joint meetings with the' than ever, crops were saved from playing alone and was drowning LUIlUllLUIl uLIIILU fl I llnl lUU Portland. Aug. 13.—(A. P.)— Line < '0111 pieced—Schedule Give« Canadian branches of the society at damage except in some of the north *vhen hls plight was observed by D '■ ! Livestock and wheat unchanged. Montreal and Toronto, will be offi ern areas affected. R. Howell, who saved the boy. Ad ('lubbers Partake of Appropriate ■ ------ Roseburg-Myrtle Creek—20 miles. cially welcomed to America at Ni- This is what the department Feast at Site of Dam Bartlett Pears 13 75! Paving in progress Immediately aga'a Falls by Governcr Miller. Be bought to manufacture poison: ■ - ------ - 1 New York_____________ fore coming to New York, the dele $3 75 south ot Roseburg: detours used Bran 3,024 tons, sawdust 100 car Luncheon was served at 1 o'clock i Boston, strong ......--------- gation will visit Duffalo, Syracuse loads. arsenic 361.233 pounds, parts $3.95 when available, traffic is allowed to today to 50 members of the Port- Chicago ----------------------- and Albany and Inspect factories and green 10,100 pounds, molasses 92,- pass at all hours. land Ad club at the Savage Rapids Myrtle Creek-Canyonville — 10 laborutorles In those cities. 360 gallons, salt 695 barrels, and ■Stolen Gold Plate, Ingots anil Jewels dam, the courtesy being extended by miles. Take detour via Riddle, amyl acetate 996 gallons. Still Concealed on Plnaki the Shattuck Construction Company. vhich Is rough and slow. _____________ ’ A delegation from the local Chamber CanyonvillexGalesytUe»—11 mile*. Mrs. Henry Knutzen and sister. . Papeete. Tahiti. A uk . 13.—(A. P.) of Commerce accompanied the Ad Mlis Bcrsle Cooper, of A pule gat’, —Stolen gold plate, ingots and Jew clubbers to the site of the dam, where Commercial Use of American Enib- Good macadam, were Grants Pass visitors today. lem Will Be Fought in Warsaw Galesville-Wolf ('reek 14 mile*. els, believed buried on the South Sea the Portlanders were shown over the Free Gasoline, Tire« anti R.ijMlrs Will Paving under way at both ends; traf- Mr and Mrs F. F. Grov«, of island of Pinakl in the Paumotu works by Superintendent E. J. Carr Ile Refusisi to Employe« Tl.. iepnon creek, are In the e.ty to- grcup, near here, evidently have not rillo, who explained the construction Warsaw. Aug. 13.— (A. p )__ a flc ?as»ed at all hours. Creek—5 Wolf Creek—Grave day resolution ot protest against use of been found, as was reported some of the dam. Mexico City, Aug. 13.—(A. P.) — Paved. advertising miles. the American flag for tlr. e ngo, according to word received Tho luncheon placed before the The Mexican government, by refus Grave Creek—Pleasant Valley— purposes has been adopted by the at Papeete. visitors consisted of: ing free gasoline, tires, repairs and Warsaw chapter of the American Le 8 miles. Over Smith hill, macadam An expedition organized to go to Soups garaxo service to Its employes who gion, department of Poland. Mem now completed. Pinsk; to get the treasure has. after Segregation of Green Pepper nse government automobiles hopes to Pleasant A’alley-Granta Pasa—10 bers took this action after attention sovei al weeks away, returned to Pa Tomato Gravity «ffect a saving of more than $1,000,- Stanfield and McNary Wire Answers peete iirpty handed. While there miles .. Grading completed, being had been called to use ot the flag Entrees 000 annually. Several more hun to Noient Post, Text Withheld made by some Warsaw merchants in macadamized, open at all hours. are reports that the location has Roast Horizontal Arch of Veal dreds of thousands will ibe saved to their display windows to advertise j Grants Pass, through Medford« been established and another expe Hydraulic Ram, Scolloped the government when army officers \ th land, to California Lino—65 Salem. Aug. 13.— (A. P.)—The dition with diving apparatus will re American goods. Vegetables ara forced to purchase their own accusations of Capital Post No. 9 of legion representatives called upon miles. Paved. turn to the island, opinion here is Reinforced Corn on Cob gala uniforms and there will be a the American legion that they re that nothing will come of it. Medford-Crater I-ake Highway- New Potatoes and Pears in Grout Major E. E. Farman, military at- still greater saving when all federal pudiated their pledges to the I-eglon tache, who said the American au- Two routes are being used, one via Tho story ot the buried gold was Dessert employes drawing more than five In voting for a recommittmont of the thoritles here were powerless to Central Point, Bybee Bridge, Trail one of the many of its kind. It was Apple Tee Rail Pie pesos dally suffer a wage reduction veteran's aid bill, were denied by take any action. Members of the and McLeod to Prospect the other said the treasure was stolen half a Peach Concrete Compote of 10 per cent. Stanfield and McNary in telegrams century ago from a Peruvian church, I-eglon now propose to call person i via Eag’e Point, Reese Creek School Hydraucone Ice Cream Under the decree all persons hav a week ago, which were withheld ally upon the merchants and explain Hc.ise, Derby Rood to MoLeod and carried across tho Pacific and hiden Coffer Dam Cheese ing dally Incomes of from five to ten by the Legion. The accommodations at that display ot the American flag is Froaimet on the Island. Some years ago. the Coffee Iced Tea pesos are to be assessed one per The senators declared themselves reports say. an aged sailor, one of The next stop of the club members not permitted In the United States the lake thia year are ample. In ad cent but "all laborers and Journal favorable to soldier legislation, but the original robbers, made known will be at Medford where they will for commercial purposes and make dition to toe lodge. 74 tent house« ists earning two pesos or less are to said that It must be logical, prac the location of the valuables Just spend tonight. They will continue a request that the practice be discon are being erected, one-half of them be exempted from payment.'* tical and timely. being teaqy for use at thia time. tinued. before he died in Sydney, N. S. W. on to Crater Lake tomorrow. PAPERS SAÏ INDEMRin ASKED 1RACI0R WOBKINGON GRADING C. W. JOHNS FORMALLY CHOSEN ™ ... „ CREWS PAVING AT WOLF CREEK ABUSE OF FLAG IS PROTESTED LEGION DENIED