Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 12, 1921)
SAV E PERS2N4L AKb LOCAL I C. H Crsns, the Wolf Creek mln luguM Hair Men’s Turni.Ilinas— SO And Shoes- C E Hoy a- Co Ing man. was In the city today on business Mr and Mrs D. B. Julian arrive»! I*»» «unen« In Fine <'««nilttiost— I this afternoon front Cheyenne. Wyo.,[ Leading to Gold Hill Pavilion 13 dance Saturday night, August tor a visit here with Mr Ths floor is good and the music will W P Bateman bs fins. Come. 54 Stanton Rowell left l«St Olympia, having received won! of I the death of a brother-in-law Mrs I link Toweli 9 m 35x17, special Saturday. 10 Rowell was alread’ In the Washing 53 Kinney & Truax ton city ‘••n“ I Mrs. George Quill left tor Ash- nrxrwvr and this afternoon after a short vis couple Marri««l Yestevstey— S» STÏN IU rniFTHKRN OKBGON Albert Henry Frost and Kate Bar it here with .Mrs. A. Peterson Mrs. Quill will visit In Ashland for several bara Herman, both of Selma, wore Jays before returning to her home at married yesterday at the courthouse by Judge Eclus Pollock. Marshfield. Mrs Philip Twohy la visiting in the city with her parents. Mr. and Mrs «en»ati«»nal IteducUom pn suits, shoes, hats and (urnlah- H. L. AVtlson. Mr. Twohy will arrive • 8tf the first of next month and after a ms* at Peerless Clothing Co. short visit, they will return to their --------- home at Phoenix, Ari«. Bridge to oil RetuUn«!— Matthew Riddle returned this The bridge across Savage creek is morning from Portland where he to be repaired C. B McCullough, spent several days visiting after a state bridge engineer, and Stewart trip thro tgh California, coming back Mitchell of Myrtle Creek, were In the by way of Yellowstone He will city today <m their way to view the spend the next six weeks here at the bridge to see what had to be done home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs ' George Riddle, before returning to. A Pleasant Drive»— Following the banks of Rogue Portland where he will attend uiedl-] river to the Gold Hill Pavilion. Big cal school Toll Thompson, special agent of1 dance Saturday night fine music. 5 4 the Ixjndon and iaincashire fire in- ! suranee company, was in the city to-1 Sat unlay— I Fresh shipment lemons 45c day transacting business with Mrs ' Jennie Moss, local agent. Mr Thomp- dos. at Kinney A- Truax -------- son was first through Grants Pass in; 1885 when he went to Medford to Will Sell lllloluol'il«' At Arlle Heath, who return«*! here re take charge of the Nash hotel that time there was no city north of cently from Corvallis to make his the railroad track. He has been mak home, has accepted a position with ' the W S .Maxwell company and will ing trips here since that ttme. J be connected with that firm. lie Tourists registered over night at) firm, the Oxford were Mr. and Mrs. Child j atarted this morning on his duties as of Montesano. Wash.; J. M McCoy, salesman and McGuire of San Francisco. Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Egleston and family of Suita Made to < »nier— Fit and satisfaction guaranteed Kennett, Cal . Mrs. W. Cover of Red Bluff. Mr. and Mrs. J W. Eversole C E Hoy A Co of Ukiah. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Bet-! nett and Mr and Mrs. P. S. Arthur ;*•»<" Monyy— of Portland. Ge;rgp Ernst of lx>s An-| Purchase your new suit and geles. C C. Trent of Boise. Mr and J nishings now at Peerless Clothing Co Mrs. Catching of Klamath Falls and Mr and Mrs 8. D. Cameron and fam Will Dance Tomorrow — Local dancers will "have another ily of Takilma. Josephine hotel guests last night chance to dance to the music of the were Mr. and Mrs W. W. Hives of Colby "Serenaders" tomorrow night wiNOfomi Detroit. Nellie Hillhouse of Kansas at the old sugar factory site The or City and M. H. Hillhouse of War chestra Is one which was formed here rensburg. Mo , E. B Machbaughten recently, several new musicians har- __ ________ _________ _ _ ___ Dr. and family ______ of Portland, and Mrs Ing come to town. The dancing starts COMING EVENTS Nephew Wax Drowned— R. H Slayden, Mrs. M. J. Cogswell at » «nd will until 1 o'clock Sept. 15-17, Thursday, Friday. Sat Ellsworth Pickell. of Hubbard, who and Miss Allene Nash of Tacoma. urday—Southern Oregon Indus was drowned when the steamer 1 Dodler of Seattle, T. M. Arm Rhubarb— trial Exposition at Grants Pass Alaska went down in the reefs off strong and Z. N. Agee of Portland. 3 pounds for 25c at Kinney A Eureka, was a nephew of .Mark El L R. Cady and wife of Susanville. Truax 53 BORN lis. who owns a large interest of the I Cal.. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Brinkley of AUSTIN—To Mr. and Mrs Charles National Drug store. He was among Portland and R W. Rittenburg of Dunce at Savage < reek llall— Austin, 614 F Street, Thursday, the first four recovered from the Saturday evening. August 13. Eugene August 11, a son. wreckage. music by Neilsons' orchestra With supper |1,57 per couple, war tax 18c. Notice to Subscriber»—— Frost Expert Retain««!— total, $1 75 Extra ladles free, war REVIVES MARRIAGE MART Subscribers are requested to make tax 10c. One-half mile off pavement The orchardists and many other, payments to the office and not to the friends of Floyd Young, the frost ex- ■ France Using Ancient Plan of Marry. carrier boys, Boys have no author- Smoker Is— pert stationed here for several years Ing Off Surplus at Women. ity to collect, When a change of ad- A big smoker Is planned tor next past during the spring frost period.; Hie ancient tnnrrlage market Idea dress in to be made always notify the will hail with much satisfaction the Is being revived in some parts of Thursday night by the local Knights office. news that he has been promoted In France because of the superabundance of Pythias. Installation of officers the U. 9 weather service to become of comely marriageable women unable for the coming term was held last Merchant Printing—Courier office. A the meteorologist in full charge of to And husbands. There scores of night and a feed was held later frost investigating and forecasting on ' would-be-wives line up in the central crate of fresh strawberries furnished market place, each armed with a huge by L. W. Carson west fast as did the the Pacific coast with two men under colored parasol, and kissing la ax cotn- cakes and Ice cream brought In by him. This insures that the Rogue mon ax smiles. River valley will continue to have Frequently during the market a will the other members. The affair next HERE'S his valuable services in the spring.— • Ing swain lx accepted, the usual sign Thursday will be open to all local or OCR NEW Medford Mail Tribune. being that the couple turn their backs visiting members of the order SHOW on the rest of the crowd and continue their kissing behind s sheltering para Ix>w«*r l*ri< «•«— I’atrol to Be Resumi’d— STARTING sol. But often the market falls to On goods in every line for men at Resumption of the government's TODAY bring Immediate results and the ap forest fire airplane patrol by Monday pl leant la rejected by receiving a Peerless Clothing Co. was forecast today by officials of the hearty blow on the shoulders with the (Giocolate or lUcHpIxwrj — forest service when they were inform parasol. Marshmallow Creme special, 45c ed that a carload of government-test Officials Insist that the practice 53 gasoline had been shipped to Oregon, should be extended to all parta of per jar at Kinney & Truax. with the prospect that it would ar France, pointing out that In districts rive at Eugene, the home base, Fri where wives are chosen like vegetables Returns From S«Mv<i<k»— Attorney James Chinnock return day or Saturday The patrol service there are more happy carriages, few er divorces and fewer Illegitimate chil ed yesterday from Seaside, where he was discontinued July 28 because' dren than In any other departments. had been spending several days with gasoline of the government’s require his family. Mr Chinnock says that ment could not be obtained Obser-, SAVE ROBINS’ NEST there are about 15,000 people at the vation for discovery of fires has been I coast resort now and that there is confined since then to the lookouts Board Yielded to Plea of Teachers something doing most of the time on the mountain peaks. and Pupils. The new seawall is described as being Teachers and pupils In the Garfield a great improvement to the beach Many Tourists Fishing— One of the hrtezimi school at Columbus, Ind., iVotested He left his car in Eugene and will re Many tourists are fishing in the recently to the school board when a and most human turn shortly to Tillamook to get Mrs. Rogue now says Warden Bancroft, man employed by the board to cmisdioi you ever saw Chtnnock. trim the trees in all school yards of who returned yesterday from a trip HELEN CHADWK K the city threatened to destroy a neat along the river. They are catching MOLLY MALONE quite a number of fish, a large num on which a robin was sitting. The school board ordered the trimmer to hem ; 41 MIREE ber of them using bait. He states spare the tree. (MRS. TOM MOORE) that his worst troubles are with the Twenty years ago a pair of robins AKE IN THE CAST tourist who will evade the Jaw If pos built a nest in this tree, hatched and sible. He has been out in the moun raised the young. Every spring since THAT WE SELL tains for several days and saw a large robins have come to the same tree. number of deer but did not hear a The next Is placed so that pupils, by «¡ILLETTE, GEM, DI KIIA.M single shot in the four days, which looking from the windows of an up i: izokn he takes as a sign that people are per room, can watch the robins feed AND ALL THE LEADING obeying the hunting laws more close the young. BRANDHOF RAZOR BLADER, ly. He again repeated his warning LATHER BRI HIIEH Borrows Dims From Rescuer. HUNDAY for people to not start hunting before AND 1*01*1 LAR Isan< ,ln< olixoii, a Lynn (Mass.) the season opens on the 20th. Sil AYING PREPA RATIONS TOMMY MEIGHAN in leather dealer. Jumped Into Flax pond and pulled out Eva Lee, twenty-foui Amount of Salt In the Sea. years old. of West Lynn, after she Ocean water contains an average had attempted to end her life. The of 3.77 per cent of salt If all the •wacne completed, the ’ girl, having saltine matter of the sea was put to ehanged her mind about calling off gether It would make a block of salt the struggle, asked her rescuer for a measuring «^OO.Otn cubic miles If “dime'’ with which to purchaae a sand spread out It would cover the United wich. she said. Jacobson flshed Into States to a depth of one mile and a bls pocket and discovered half a do! half. lar. which be gave the young woman. even the children. and good sign, independence conies only to those »ho do. Thrifty the folks arrive at success; improvident seldom do. This is the bank to put aside your We pay you inter- savings in est every six months and take good care of your money be sides FIRST NATIONAL BANK WEAR-EVER Beautiful Assortment of I dice and Embroidery Trimmed Dresser Scarfs, Tableclothes, etc. IPrs. nellie Peas W <’ du ll<Mii»Ut< lung Greatest Tailoring Values Tile Mtremeiy low |>ri»<'a an«l high quality mámetele lake y«m ba«k to th«* gvaal ol«l day« In'toW li*«' war. <»ur new Fall Iteeo show Real. Genuine Valu«*. Tilo g«HHÍ» and prit«'« »peak tor di«ffii»elv«w— IxH it* »how you. GEO. S. CALHOUN «03 G 8RSKT IxM-al tl«xUcr ncnrly •«•»enUs'u years. GRANTS PANS, OREGON ALUMINUM TRADE MARK \ Big Reductions on All Goods Reduced Prices at on Peerless Clothing Co WEAREVER ALUMINUM Rogue River Hardware Co •str Moore Nade in Heaven” Do You Know RIVOLI “The City of CLEMENS SELLS DRUGS t I See the New Ranges in the Window Come in and uet the prices— You will find them right. Holman’s Furniture Store Three C’s Lumber Company CARRY a comulete line of lumber, all grades, Lath, Shingles, boors, Windows, Wallboard, etc. WE XIA KE all kinds of Cabinet Work, Screen Doors, Window Screens, Cupboard Doors, etc. ESTIMATES ON REQUEST FOUNDRY AND WENT « V GRANTS PANH, OREGON Shoes for the Family Ladies' Pumps and Oxfords for Summer Weather 103 North 6th WOODWARD’S 175 Hop Pickers Wanted About August 29th GOOD CAMP GltOI ND, <M>M.MIHHARY AND WATER WAGON. MOVEABIAC TOILET IN FIELD. WILL MOVE I'ARTI IN FREE TO YARDN AND HAOK AT END OF REASON. A. F. KNOX, Yard Phone606-F-ll RESIDENCE, 700 N. FOURTH, l*HONE 2A0-IL ►