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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 12, 1921)
FlUDAY. AI GINT 12, lirJL CHIANTI* PAMH »AIM OOU1UEK DKEMMMAKING 1 FEERYDALE I LA DI MB T4IMHIING and dressmak ing; tailored corsets a specialty. Mrs. Carter and mother, Mrs Seay-1 Predila Wilcox, Layton Hotel. 56 bolt, of Merlin, were iu Ferrydale I SEWING of ail kind« done at reason- Wednesday evening. Succiwsor to E Firth Charley Welters and Cap Hinkle i able price« <’ m II on Mr«. J. I« l»aw*, 511 A «trsvt. 56 were over from the Welters sawmill Monday after peaches. DRAYAGE ANI» TRANSFER Dick Every and Henry Herman THE WORLD MOVE«: so do we were visiting al f'ba« Dora's Mon Bunch Transfer Co. Office phone day, returning to their home at Sel ma Tuesday 348; res phone« 171-R. 316-L. A. C. Ford 1« busy harvesting his < nSimrv, Hilkollne, Scrim« in Plain ium I Prbilrd, ( "urtai» F. O ISHAM, drayage, transfer; pi peach crop As peaches are scarce this Net»—W hile mm I i reuní«. anos, safes, furniture, moved, ship year many people are coming from I iH-eiiliful assortment <»f ill« famous ped, packed, stored Phone 134.T. over the country to the orchard. Chas. Knobloch, of Pickett creek, KE A I. I XT ATE was vialtiug at Jim Noble’s near K. T McKINHTRY, «03 G St . phone | Granta Paa« Wednesday. 155-R, real estate. Beet of soils for Mrs. Dlvlna, Mrs. Claud Freeman fruit, bay or general farming and Miss Rose Weeks attended the ; ROY HIGGINS General real estate Bunday school picnic at Merlin Sat Office 111 South Sixth. Phone 58. urday. The neighbors in the 8hsn creek PIANO IVHTRItTlON district had a picnic Tuesday of last I MRS JAMES M POWER«, Instruc week, the women supplying the din tor on plano; studio over Barane' tier and the men cutting the win ter’s wood supply for the school Jewelry. Phone 265-J. house IX»It SALK large family cow, giv Foil HILE Dale and Alma Griffin are visiting ing two gallons now, on dry feed. MICH CLARA TITTI-E FENTON teacher of piano and harmony, at Grants Pass this week, Dale is WOOD FOR SALE Fir 13.00, pine When fresh. 4 Mi gallons. Will take all day Monday. Studio over visiting I j O u I« Everton and Alma with »1.76. on ground, 4 mile« west on good work horse in exchange, last Smith’s Racket Store. 86tf Myrtle Griffin. tappar river rond Posts and build- house on East L St. New barn. 54 A Brlckell, Gen- Ed Weeks and daughter, Vivian, lug polos, lllveiy TAX. FOR KENT 6811 were visitors at Grants Pass Satur eral Delivery SOONER TAXI — Phone 362-R tor day. FOR RENT—Alfalfa. Grain and | Jitney Luke or Cutler. Calls an • R E Stephenson and F. N. Robert FOR 8Al*B *7 50 for cord .of ary Stock ranches with and without i swered anywhere. anytime 86tf son are securing bop pickers at the slab wood cut In 12lnch le-ngtbe. Irrigation, or will sell at bargain PHONE 160 The Bonbonniere for present time to harvest their crop. 664 North Third St C. W I-am prices on long time easy payments Taxi 78tf They expect to commence picking brecht. Phone 312-J 82tf Ranches In Jackson and Josephine about the 24th of the month county. One ranch under ditch BUILDING 4 X)N TRACTOR« 80 ACRES 40 acre« bottom under A goodly number of Ferrydale peo 3 miles from Granta Pass, on river HARPER & SON -Bulldlng contrae- ple are attending the revival meet paid up water right for aale. Gold Ray Realty Co., Owners. *6000. Addreaa No 202, care of tora. Stop work. furnlture cratiog ings held by the Church of God at Medford. Ore. 06tf Courier. 88tf 8liop 510 H 8t. Ras. phone 141. Grants Paas. LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING room fur Maryl Muir and Duma McKinstry 166 ACllEB; 50 A. In cultivation.! A. J. OREEN—General contractor. nished for two. Phone 387-J or walked out from Grants Pass last dltcbea and valuable water rights; I Estimate* and plans made Noth- sail at small house. 710 J St. 4 2tf Thursday morning to the Ford ranch, 36 A. «Haifa, 10 A. wheal. 5 A. I Ing loo small or too large Shop there they were Joined by Mudora barley; fine garden, plenty of MODERN HOl’SE for rent with fur 82tf 211 Sixth St. Phone 33-J. and Katherine Howard and Hortense fruit, 2 to 5 hundred thousand ft niture, or will sell reasonably. J. NALASKOW8K1 — Contractor. Hough from the Dixie ranch, with saw pine, frame house. 2 barns, Call 713 East E St 53 Builder and Jobber. Phone 246-R Mrs. I-ester Ford and Miss Myrtle H mile to school, 4 miles to P. O ,' 61tf Ford had a picnic on the river. APARTMENTS TO RENT at 611 H 24 miles from Grant« Pasx; good G street W. M Wyrick 50lf Miss Velma Everton. Eldon Ever outrange. For «alv al *80 per PHYSICIAN ANI» BURGEON ton and Henry Cole were out from acre, crop Included Address No WANTED L. O. CLEMENT. M D.. Practice Grants Pass Saturday. The boys 20* care Courier. U8lf limited to diseases of eye,« spent the day fishing on the river. WANTED TO RENT—A large irri and throat Phone 62; R m . 238-J. Many Grants Pass people find the rOR 8Al*» -14 acres land adjoining gated ranch suitable for a dairy placer mine at Golden, young orcb- ’ ranch Herbert Whitsett and 8. LOUtUUUDGE, M. D. Physician camping and fishing good on ard. cheap. Address E E Ia»ban, [ Daniel Harding. Grants Pass. Rd and surgeon. City or country calls Hunt Farm, O. Nt Blanchard Wolf Creek, Oregon. 53 4. Box 71. 33tf attended day or night Phones, son. Jack. P. A. DeGenault and R m . 368: Office. 182; 6lb and H I*e»wis. of Grants Pass spent several GAS RANGE with trash burner and WANTED -Fresno teamsters. »3.75 days there recently. heater, nearly new, for sale Cost per day. Ia borers *3.50 per day. E J. BILLICK, M D. Physician, sur over *100, sell for *50. Phone Grade foreman, *5 00 per day THINMPHON < KEEK geon. Schallhorn Blk. Phone 54-J; 343-J. 58 Board charged at *1.25 per day. rea 1004 lawnridge. phone 54-L. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Gray and Miss Palmer and MoBride, Crescent BARGAIN in a late model, dolled-up W F RUTHERFORD—Manual tbe- Olson, niece of Mrs. Gray, were vis City, Cal. State highway under iting old friends on Thompson creek Ford touring car. self starter, new raputlca. Office over Barnes’ Jew construction. 41tf Sunday. Monday and Tuesday of last rubber all around «nd spare. Hass elry. Res. 258-R; office 217-R. week. Mr. and Mrs. Gray were for ler shock absorber» Can be seen WANTED to buy for cash. 6 or 7 RALPH W. STEARNS. M D. Phy- mer residents of Thompeon creek, but at Dollins garage 3511 room house. G. L. Carr. Merlin. alelan and surgeon. X-Ray cqulp- now of Portland. 53 4 214 ACRES, two residences, alio ut ment. Offlce in Masonic Temple F. F. Grove went to Applegate ox six mile* from Grants Pass Oil WANTED 200 hop pickers. Pick Bldg . phone 21-L. Monday of last week. ing begins August 27th. Apply W T. TOMPKINS, D. 8. T. Nervous paintings. Incubators, etc. Call on Walter Miller, of Applegate Christie A Son. R. F. D. 2. phone or address Cora H Findlay, Route and ohronlc diseases Office. Claus camped at the forest reserve station 6O6-F-13. 4 9tf 4. Box 81, Granta Pa»«, Ore 57 looking after the ditch for the Schmidt Bldg Phone 304-R. Thompson creek irrigation associa WAITRESS WANT*», experience tower FOR HALF Windmill and VETERINARY SURGEON tion. not necessary, short hours Rex Owen Also a few cedar posts. Mrs. Fritz Ruch and grandson. Cafe. • 56 DR. R J. BESTUL, Veterinarian 53 Ivins. Rd. 2. Robbie Ruch, of Medford and Miss Residence 838 Washington boule .MIMHLLANEOIH Ruth Williams were visiting Mrs. vard. phone 388-R TWO GOOD BARGAINS— One used Will Jordan on Tuesday of last Oakland Six. one new Oakland Six REPAIR SHOP Steam fitting, pipe ATTORKKYN week. sedan Valley Hardware Co. 45tf work plumbing, boiler and pump Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Ixiftlne, work, Installing 505 South 6th St H D. NORTON, Attorney-at-law OWN YOUR OWN STORE building Practices In all State and Federal Misses Melda, Eva and Tim Loftins Phone 306 G. A. Bryan. and save rent Will sell at a liar Courts First National Bank Bldg returned to their home at Dunsmuir. gain. store occupied by Bert HANKERS LIFE COMPANY D m Cal., a few days ago after a three Barnes adjoining First National Moines, Iowa Myron C. Gaston. O. W. OOLVIG. Attorney-at-law. weeks visit with Mrs. Bingham’s Grants Pass Banking Co. Bldg. mother. Mrs. John Bingham. Bank. Valley Hardware Co. 45tf Dlatrict Agent. E. 8. VAN DYKE, Attorney. Practices Mrs. (Will Jordan and Mrs. Roy FOR SALE 5-|ia»«enger touring CARNEH-.GAYETTY IRON WORKS In all courts. First National Bank Johnston were visiting Mrs. Frits -General foundary and machine car in good condition. 4 new tires, Building Ruch on Wednesday of last week work, mine, mill machinery, chilled electric lights and starter Would O. 8. BLANCHARD. Attorney-at-law Captain Gregory and wife from the saw earring« wheel«, live rolls, make good stage car. Price right Golden Rule Bldg Phone 270. U. S. medical corps of Chicago, and pipe fittings. Grants Paaa. Oregon. At Tetherow’« Garage 53 C. A. COLER. Attorney-at-law. Ma Mrs. G. A Johnston, of Creston, la., were visiting Mr. and Mrs. Roy John LEASE on stock ranch 614 mile* SEE THE "SINGER L»E LUXE’ and sonic i-'iunle, Granta Pass. Ore ston a few days last week. They are from Glendale for salo, long i other styles of "Singer" machines! time; team, farm tools, etc. 32 i at Holman's Furniture Store.' GEO. H. DURHAM. Attorney-at-law touring the west. Headquarters tor sewing machine referee tn bankruptcy. Masonic head of cattle included In lease. Mrs. Groves’ mother, Mrs. M. A. repairs, needles, oils etc. j Temple. Phone 135-J. Inquire A. J. Osteen, 105 Foun Griffin, and Mrs. Ida Wertz, of Grants dry St. JAMES T. OH INNOCK Lawyer Pass. Mrs. IR. A. Boyd, Alwyn. Ber U *T nard and Miss I^lah Boyd, of Al First National Bank Building FOR SALE- One Clarks Jowell 3- I j OST -White Spitz dog. female. 6 turas, Cal., were visiting Mr and Mrs. burner oil glove with oven New months old. Finder please notify A. C. HOl'OH—lawyer. Tuffs Bldg F. F. Grove Monday and Tuesday of wicks. Good as new *17.50. D Practice In all courts. Re- Roy Higgins, «Grants Pass last week. Mrs. Boyd is a sister of J Manuel * Co . 304 So Sixth St 55 V. A. C. AHLF. lawyer, practice In Mrs. Grove. ward. 54 Mr and Mrs. F. F. Grove motored state and federal courta Office LOST My notary seal. 1 will pay over National Drug Store. to Grants Pass last Sunday. FOR SALE Furnished apartment finder to deliver same at my of- Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Elmore and house, always full, newly papered. John K. flee. 60214 G street. Mrs Pauline Elmore were calling on »2500 cash Call 823 J St Terms 50tf Peterson. Mrs. Will Jordan Sunday afternoon Ci 3 RII XI» Mr?. W. Crain went to Medford FOR SALE OR TRADE One pure- last Fg^lav. Owner C. A. FOUND —Bum of money. bred Du roc-J orsoy sow. Frank Kendall went to Eagle Point can have It on Identification. | 5 4 Pruitt, Merlin, Ore last Friday on business 4 23 B st i ' - i 5 1 Ray Briggs and Miss Virginia Plt- Urrgon t Higher Inxhmnon ol COW IN»R SALE Good young cow. tock were visiting at the Will Jordan 1 FOR EXCHANGE 4 years old, gives 3 14 galons of home on Saturday of last week. milk per day, price *«0. A. A WILL TRADE 40 acres wltn water Mr. and Mrs Amos Williams, Mathes, -’el 1 West Rogue River right for late model Ford and 34 00 Omar Roberts and Omar Stout, all Fight School«. Seventy Bepxrtmeats Ave. Phone 31*1-1«. Terms on the $400. Call or write of Grants Pass, were visiting at Will FALL TFRM OPENS SIPT 19. 1921 «24 West G St. 24tf Jordans last Sunday. FOR SALE Cozy modern home. 1 !•»< information write to the Keciatrsr Misses I,eona and Edna Griffin, of acre ground, fruit, berries, fine EXCHANGE for house In town, north Oregon Agricultural College Grants Paas, are visiting their aunt. garden. Cull at 1119 East A St. 7t> side preferred, a 1514-acre fruit CORVALLIS Mrs. F. F. Grove, this week. farm Just outside city limits. Par FOR SALE Five pigs. h I so five big Walter Miller went to Medford crop tially under ditch Good hogs, weight about 150 lbs. each. Sunday afternoon. peaches and apples 300 West C J. E Olson. 1 324 East A St 53 Farmers are all busy getting ready street. > 61 for the threshers which we are hop FOR SALE CHEAP—Fine singing AtXXM NTANT ing will come soon. canaries and young canaries of Misses Gladys and Wilma Kendall same stock. Address Robert Ship AUDITING Systematizing. Daily or Effective Nov. 24, 1818. were visiting Misses I«eona and Edna man. Box 80, care Murphy stage. monthly audit service. Ivan Liv Trains will run Mondays, Wednea- Griffin at Mrs. Grove's on Wednes Granta Pass. • days and Fridays ingston. Incorporated Accountant. Leave Granta Pass. PM day of this week. A FARM bought for *x000 cash for. Phono 888. Address: Grants Pass, Arrive Waters Creek......... 2 1 P.M 70tf Leave Waters Creek......... 2:30 PM sale for »6000. Terms. If Inter | Oregon. Drum Lore. Arrive Grants Paas............4 P.M. ested call at 719 D St T7 To dream of being In a bank Is DENTISTS For Information regarding freight FX»ll HALE 3 beautiful f »lt< h< and passenger rates call at the office good to tradesmen; but be careful not First-class of the company, Lundbnrg building, to be misled by anyone that Is deceit and 3 puffs of brunette hair. Ad E. .C MACY, D. M D ful. dress No. 220 care Courier. 58 j dentistry. 10814 8. «th St. uv telephone 121 DOYLE’S New fall Draperies EDISON MAZDA The Genuine Edison Mazda Lamps can be obtained from Colonial Make Classified Advertising > OAC Paul’s Electric Store F A. Hurlbut Phone 47 “More Light for Less Money” • Grants Pass Consider the Young Girl regretted that the dress I T ing IS of to the be sub-debutante and young er girls in their teens is not so care fully considered as It should be. There is a charm that belongs to young girl hood that has been lost sight of In the last few seasons and obscured by allowing them to be overdressed or dressed beyond their year«. Left un restrained, ft Is natural, with tn«ir own sense of fitne«s undeveloped that they should ape their elders, and tiie re sults are pathetic; they are neither fi-ii nor fowl ; have neither the charm# of young girlhood nor those of young womanhood. Much of the time of the young girl Is spent In clothes suited to her sports —not distinctly sports clothe» hut stur dy things that are both pretty anti practical. Jersey cloth Is un Ideal fab ric for her daily wear, with gingham anti other durable cottons for hot days. Fine wool sweaters, in light weight, am! plaited or plain skirts In wool or cotton, to wear with them, make her an Ideal outfit. The new knitted suits are to be reckoned with and we shall see them come to the fore for fall. Already knitted capes with angora col lars or ca|>es entirely of angora, pro vide the young girl with the most con venient and appropriate of summer »raps. One of these is pictured above and its usefulness will outlast the sum mer. Organdie, dotted swlss and other sheer cottons. In many gay and love ly colors, make dresses that youth de lights In and Is a delight In. It Is something of a task to teach the younger girls restraint tn this matter of dress, hut It Is essential, for a woman 1» easily forgiven for clothes too quiet, but for overdressing she Is mercilessly condemned. Grants Pass and Roseburg Stage DAILY AND SUNDAY leave Grants Pass 1:00 p. m- Leave Roseburg 1 p. m. LEAVE GRANTS PASS 10:00 1:00 4:00 (1:1.3 TECHNOLOGY a. p. p. p. m- in. m. ni. LEAVE MEDFORD N:OO 11:00 1 : (Mt 4:80 a. a. p- p. m. m. m. m. We conned with stave« for Ashland and Jacksonville J r AUTÒ^ TOPS-SLIP COVERS We repair and make every type and style top and slip cov er—and do the work RIGHT- 1« us repair jour present top ami, also, lend real distinct ion to your car with a -mart oat of durable slip covers. Sam ples, price«, ate« gladly sub mitted. G. B. BERRY