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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 12, 1921)
F riday , OCR IURK PAGE TWO GRANTS PASS 01111 Published Dally Except Sunday E Voorhles. Pub and Propr Intere«! at postoffice. Grants Pass. Ore., as second-class mail matter a DAILY OOXTUER By mall or carrier, per year...... »* 00 By mail or carrier, per month . .50 WEEKLY COURIER By mall, per year »- 00 ADVERTISING RATES Display space, per inch ----------- 3-’* local-personal column, per line....10c i ■Readers, per line...... ..... ..... 5c| New Goods THAT ARK WORTH SEEING, INI» WE ENJOY SHOW- ING THEM TO YOU. THE; I MX»NQl ER IBI.E: A NN OPENER. PAGE A SHIW VITAMINE < HOtX»l AVE. KY F.KiasTING FRI IT J 1RS. WHETHER YOl Bl Y OR NOT. WE W ANT YOU Tl» SEE these : GOODS. WK Gt 1RANTKE THUM. The Associated press is exclusively entitled to the use tor republication of all news dispatches credited tn this or all otherwise credited in this paper and also the local news pub lished herein All rights for republication of spe cial dispatches herein are also re OREGON WF.ATHIR ♦ Tonight and Saturday ♦ moderate westerly winds A VISITOR'S IMPRESSION The impressions ot a visitor to the ▼alley can be gained from the re marks made by Georse Quayle, secre tary of the state Chamber of Com merce Mr. Quayle was very enthu siastic over the prospects In the val ley and was especially pleased with the work at the dam. At one time ha was engaged in the installation of heavy machinery. The new types of construction and machinery as ex I plained by Mr. Carrillo proved ot much intreest to him. One thing that made an Impression on him was that the valley will not have to depend upon impounded waters for irrigation purposes. In other projects huge reeervolrs must be constructed to hold back suffi cient water to irrigate the lands be low. Here we depend upon the nat ural flow of the stream which will provide a constant supply of water for the valley Another phase ot the reservoir type is that there is only a certain stated amount ot water for each acre of land. In the local dis trict the supply is never diminished but remains constant. Mr. Quale has just returned from a trip that has covered the various ir rigation projects of the state, and he viewed the Grants Pass district with an eye that could weigh it compara tively, and the comparison was fav orable. Such men are in a position to do the district a wonderful amount of good, for the newcomer will go to his organization for information. INSURANCE DEPENDABLE lines See T M. Stolt. Buick sales- rooms l'bone 530. EARI.Y CRAWiXMlD PEACHES At Van Dorn Place, lower Ferry 5' FOR 9ALE House. Why? Got two, can't live in both. E L. Churchill. 51tf FIGURING ON AGE OF EARTH SENT MESSAGE BY DOG TEAM FRIDAY, Al Gt ST 12. IMI. GET YOUR LUMBER from th» Jose phlnv Lumber Co., at wholesale mill prlcsa. All kinds of planed lumber Our truck delivers any where Phone 188, 107 North Sixth street CARRIER BOYS WANTED Must have wheels Apply Courier of fice 4»tt MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED PRESS served. ai gi ht is. iwi. 1 s Geologists Generally Agree That Fig ures Given In Genealogies of Genesis Are Mythical. Native rt Laoradcr Used Unique Sys tem of Communication Across Vast Froz*n Watt* In the bleak land of ¡.abrader, where the «Inter distances are vast snow •‘pace». Hie mean» of communication betwccii neighbors Is sometime» a mat ter of serious Inconvenience. Their only means of communication Is by dog sledge or on foot. But I once saw an Interesting example of Labrador ean Ingenuity In sending a message, writes Temple .Manning In the Cleve land Plain Dealer. The tuan with whom I had come to spend the night had a brotlker whom he wished me to meet. This brother lived five miles across what appeared to tie an unbroken stretch of snow and Ice. without even a tree tietneen. My host spoke of sending his brother word to come over for a visit, ami I won dered how he was going to do It. 1 was soon enlightened. He took a stout piece of board, wrote his message on it. attached to It a rvi>e. and then called bls dog team to him. Harnessing the leader, he tied the rope to the trace, and then, with a cut of bls long whip, sent the leader dashing away. After him ran all the team barking and yelping at the board that bounded and skidded over the snow In an amazingly short space of time the brother appeared, his sled double- harnessed, with my host's team In the lead. The leader seemed very proud, and I think he knew what had been required of him. and that he had ac complished his mission faithfully. Shakespeare tn "As You Like It" says “the poor world Is almost fl.WM) years old." but geologists began to abandon that idea two generations ago. The Jewish Encyclopedia article. “Chronology." states that the figures given In the genealogies of Genesis— of which there are three distinct ver sions, the Hebrew, the Samaritan and the Greek—are mythical, and the Qatholic Encyclopedia, under the same caption, poluts out that In the year 4000 B. C. great kingdoms were al- ready In existence. The two greatest geologists that this continent has produced—Junies Dwight Dana and Sir John William t»awson. of UcGlll university, Montreal—both of them extremely devout men. after starting out with orthodox views on the subject, made radical changes In the latest editions of their works. Geologists are uow practically agreed that man dates from the late Tertiary or Post-Glacial period, hav ing been contemporaneous with ani mals long since extinct, at a time when the configuration of the earth was very different from wbat It Is at present "Adam” Is the romroiHi Babylonian word meaning "man," and the story of Adam has come down from the Sumer ians. or early Babylonians, through Hebrew channels MADE THIEF BETRAY HIMSELF American Indiana Used Tost That Was Common In Justice Courts of the Middle Ages. i DREW ON HIS IMAGINATION Certain tribe» of Indians, according to Prof. Pillsbury, of the department of psychology at the University of Michigan, bad a curous way of deter mining the guilt or innocence of any member of their tribe accused of theft. “One may observe directly,” says Prof. Pillsbury, “the dryness of the mouth In the instance of fear or grief. Strung emotlnal excitement cheeks the flow of saliva and causes this dry ness, while an Increased flow will be noticed in the various pleasurable mental states. Acting upon the as sumption that the knowledge of guilt would engender a feeling of dread in the mind of the person guilty of the theft, thus stopping the flow of Had Feeling for Daddy. saliva, whereas Innocence would excite Her -Maxine was visiting a friend, no feeling of fear, the Indians gave mother told her to return home at th“ suspected members a quantity of four o'clock, and when the time ar dry rice to place in their mouth, The rived she put away her playthings rice was kept in the mouth for a few and prepared to leave. Her friend minutes and then spewed out. The urged her to play Just a tittle longer, suspect whose rice was still dry was but seriously she replied : “No, iloE adjudged guilty of the theft without iy. I can't play any longer, for If further trial, and punished according my daddy- comes home from work and I'm gone he will cry his blue eyes ly" out.' I Had Him Guessing. I “It Is a question In my mind,” re Agreeable. marked the dentist who had _ got ap Lady of the House—“I don't mind from a warm bed to respond to a cry giving you a meal, but 1 shall require from his baby, “if a fellow makes * return." Hobo—"Well, mum. If I most noise when his teeth are coming, Uke yer cookin’ I’ll return just as often or when they are going”—Yonkers as yer want."—Boston Transcript. Statesman. New Today BIG SHIPMENT BISTER BROWN' HOSE. MEN. WOMEN IND < IIII.DIIEN. BLACK. WHITE UTO BROWN, \ l.ltl LOW PRK "EB. DR. DENTON’S SOFT KNIT SLEEPING ALL AGES I P TO TEN YEARS. NEW Bl TTERIUK QUARTERLY" FOR GARMENTS, YI Tl MN, AND SEPTEMBER I >1.1.1 N E \T< >l Golden Rule »Store e— Auto Tops and Trimming Auto Painting The Autocraft Works. Opposite Round House, GRANTS PASS High Eoclesioeticsl Authority of Cen turies Ago Had Wonderful Idea of Sea Serpent. Rudyard Kipling's conception of a pair of sea serjwr.ts—great white, blind pathetic creatures risen from the primordial ooze—made a corking yarn, but It wasn't a bit more Imagi native than the grisly description penned in all seriousness centuries ago by Olaus Magnus, archbishop of l_'p- sala. The worthy archbishop wrote: 'Their forms are horrible, their beads square, all set with prickly, and they have sharp and long horns about, like a tree rooted up by the root*. They are 10 or 12 cubits long, very black and with huge eyes, the compass whereof is about 8 or 10 cu bits. The eye la red and flery colored which In the dark night appear» to fishermen afar off under waters as a burning Are. having hairs like go»»«- feathers, thick and long, like a beard banging down. The rest of the body, for the greatness of the head, which Is square. Is very small, not being above 14 or 15 cubits long. One of those sea monsters will easily drown many greut ships." Scotland Vindicated, A golfer dropped Into a New York store to buy a driver. "This club Is off balance." he re marked to the clerk, as he Jiggled a nice looking brassle. “That Is a special-order club. !<et me have it. please," said the clerk nervously, piquing the curiosity of the shopper. The manager, an old friend of the golfer happened along Just then. "Bill," asked the customer, "what the deuce 1» the matter with this clul^ Just heft the darn thing. It’s all Aff balance.” Bill looked wise, and he looked all around carefully, then he replied. In a stage whisper: “Pete, that Is the best club In the hag. It holds Just two drinks of hooch. See here, how the handle Is hollowed out.” And Scotland was vindicated.—New York World. The Dog in Scripture. There are few boy lives or rnan Ilves In which a dog has no place, and no other jdomesde Hnlmal has no many characterizations In contradictory literature or in current speech. The Jewish law delclared the <1<>g "unclean," and the most offensive epithet a Jew could use was to declare a man “a dead dog." Moses refused the of fering of the price of a dog In the tabernacle, an early Instance of taint ed money; while Christ In Revelations excludes <logs from heaven In the pa» sage: “For without are «logs, and sorcerers, . . . and murderers, atol idolaters, and whosoever loveth and maketb a He." We recall but one tolerant expression about the dog In Scripture—"for a living dog Is better than a dead lion." This Summer— MRS JAMES M. POWERS. Tnstruc- tor on piano; studio 4 23 B. Ph ne A VICTROLA EVERGREEN BLACKBERRIES — Any amount of them. Come and pick them, 15c a gallon la»e Cow den. Provolt. 58 FOR SALE—Early Crawford can- ning peaches at the ranch, also green string beans. Bring your boxes, don't delay too long as the canning supply is limited J. H. Robinson, near Wlldorville. 54 You gain a kind of pleasure (rum the Victrola that nothing else can give. To enjoy at any moment the actual music ot the fore most artists is possible through the Victrola alone. You may carry this delightful privilege with you in the summer months. We have convenient models for traveling and outdoor use that will make it easy. Call on us today. HALF PRICE—For quick sale will dispose of six-room cottage and three Urge lots garden land in su burbs at one-bait cost—1800. Un incumbered -pleasant location shade trees—tine well, Terms on half to reliable party. See H. H. IltfFS Allyn. WANTEIF- A buyer for raining pro perty. plenty of milling ore and a road to It- Address No. 231 care of Courier The Music and Photo House STANTON ROWELL, Propr Grants Pass, Ora. WANTEIX Experienced waitress the Nlocha. EXPERXENCSD pear packers want ed Apply Oregon Growers Pack ing Corporation Warehouse. Granta Paas. 55 USED FOR SALE—One pack burro and outfit, complete. See A. J Pow ers at C. L. Hobart's. 55 Dodge, HUM Oakland Mi Fortt, fine »hupe Ford, half truck NEW TODAY—Pure »ilk flow* nut- ’25. 30 ium ! 35 |w>und. San itary cot and pad. 10x12 tent- Hix oak chair» good aa new. All leather traveling bags. Stools and cot* for camping. Phone 71. T. C. Iloorti. stum 955tl 9SMI 9400 »»verland Itali» Four I ’hot rule! 11» IH Overland 75 Trailer, two-wheel Sttoo 9'250 9150 940 C L HOBART COMPANY AFGHAN FR1NCESS HERE McINTYRE for Implements of All Kinds Mowers,Rakes, Binders CLETRAC TRACTORS Planet Jr. and Standard Garden Tools 402 4 South Sixth ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ AMUSEMENTS ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦■♦♦♦♦ One of the breeziest and most hu- Prlnceas Fntlmn Sultana, tirsi <-<>u» man comedies that Tom .Moore has in of lite emlr ot Afghanistan, u bo bus ever appeared In. Is a good descrip just arrlved In thè United State* tion of ".Made In Heaven.” the come Note lite uose «luti. It la of Idack dy In which he will be seen at the Jade set In gold, thè stone denoting Rivoli theater for two days, begin the royal caste The prince»» Is nc- ning today. It has been filmed from coropanled by her three sons, who are to enter Cambridge university. Eng William JIurlbut's successful stage land. She Is the owner of the famous comedy and given .Moore the sort of Darayat Nur diamond, the largest and role in which he makes his greatest most valuable uncut gem In the world. appeal. Grants Pass, Or® EKFIM T I« »TEXTION V Health Ai-cidmt rei .I anck life DlaaMllty INSURANCE CO. of i’iTTsni no THEO. P. (RAMER.Jr. Gooeral Agent •2<»tlt N. Oth Ht. 107-R BRITISH KENNEL SHOW REBII/TH IN FEW HALES j MR.HAPPy PARTY London, Aug. 12.—(A. P.) — Dog loving Americans, desirous of pick ing up good strains of breed, were numerous at the Kennel Club's 60th annual show which closed here re cently but scarcely any animals changed bands mainly because Am ericans seomed to prefer the real old English typos such as sheepdogs, col lies, mastiffs and deerhounds, which were curiously In the minority com pared with the Alsatians and other foreign dogs which are the craze ot the moment here. King George competed with a couple of I>abrador dogs which, how ever, .failed to take a prize. The Ixtns- dale cup for the best male dog In the show went to a Pekinese and for the best femalo to a bull bitch. /p u |. J’UST ASK YOU :i TO STOP — AND LOOK OVER- THElR- SHOP! tv Í Mr. Happy Party is merely asking you to gtve us the once over. He says once a purchas er always a patron when It comes to this shop and he ought to know because he's been dealing here a long time Watch for Mr. Ilitppy Party c I TY.Ì ^ market ] f. W>)jpHQKE5g “J IV I PALACE CAFE AND LUNCH ROOM Geo. Bis»lnger, Prop. BUYS FOR CASH New and V mx I Good» HER me : WOOD BIDS WANTED E. W. CHILES Bids will be received until the evening of September 20, 1921, for the delivery of lit tiers of 16 Inch black oak chunk wood and 15 tiers of 16-lnch fir chunk wood, delleverd and piled for measurement In wood house at school house. District No. 26, 2% miles from Grants Pa»« on Crescent City road. Final delivery to be made by October I. The right Is reserved to reject any or all blds. Mall blds to Robert C. Shipman. Clerk, Box 90, care .Murphy stage, Grants Pass, Ore. 57 IO I « STREET Merlin Community Club Corpora tion requests blds on construction of a two story frame building, 40x60 feet dimensions. For plans and spe cifications see D. W. Mitchell, Jr., Merlin, Oregon. The right is reserved to reject any or all blds. Blds to be In by August 20. 1921.