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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 12, 1921)
s ai versi ty of Ore Library (Brants P lîûû ♦ Oniln Courier 4HM4MIATED ('REHM (SERVICE GRANTS PAMS, JOHEi’HINK COUNTY, OREGON. vol.. \t . No. X13. -------- ... —r a Arrrwl««! Noar Miilnaporr, llln'Tla, and Held Votier Name of Whitney Salii to Have tXmfe-M'd ... . - ---- FATHER HESLIN ♦ Calgary, Alberta, Aug 12 — ♦ ♦ (A. P ) A man believed to tie ♦ NEW’ DAM ♦ Dr. R. M. Brumfield, wanted in ♦ connection with the alleged ♦ ♦ murder of Itennis Bussell, Rose ♦ ♦ burg, was arrested here. The ♦ ♦ prisoner first gave bis name as ♦ ♦ Norman Whitney, a farm labor ♦ er. but later admitted to i the ♦ Htrrrt. ut City linpre— Fsi<«rid>l) — ♦ chief of pollen •that he waa ♦ Advertising of « 'Uniate I« ♦ Brumfield, lie said he would ♦ Huggrstral ♦ not fight extradition to Ito»#- ♦ ♦ burg. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ < < O1MI i;< I Sluic'd As Associated Justice for the Supreme Court of the Philip pine island» Portland, Aug. IL—(A. P.)—Jus LUNCHEON INVITATION FOR M WOMAN, DYING, MAKES STATE- tice Charles A. Johns has been agreed MENT WHICH «T.EABH UNCER VISITORS IS GIVEN BV MR. | upon for the appointment as associ CARRILLO TAINTY OF KILLING ME« HET Mil OF MTATE CHAMBER ♦ ♦ «♦♦♦♦♦♦♦>♦♦>♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ <>l FRIDAY, AUGI HT 18. 1ÍWI ' ■—'"*------ I Min I III INIHUSIASIIC AIFTO8ILIIIES AddremMl to Woman in the Victoria, B. C., Home of .Murderess i’lUM-t Told of Find and Asked for ate Justice of the supreme court of the Philippines, according to a Wash ington dispatch to the Portland Telegram. The decision was reached at a con- I ference of the president with Secre tary Week and Senator McNary. Wiio Ttiougtit Y. -M. C. A. Secre tary Was H|M»k unc Banki-r Washington. Aug. 12.—(A P.)— Rear Admiral Christian J. Peoples has been detailed to be general ln- I spector of the supply corps for the Over 50 men and women, members (A. I*.) San Francisco, Aug. 12 Spokane. Aug. 12.—(A. P.)—The Pacific coast, naval orders have an- *T consider your Irrigation project of the Portland Ad club, will paua - The police believe that three are purported dying statement of a worn- i i o JnCed. one of the most promising of any in ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ -hrough here tomorrow noon on their Implicated with the Father Heslln an who was reported to have de- j the state." said George Quayle secre ♦ Calgary, Alberta, Aug. 13.— way to ¿.'rater Lake. They will stop murder, one woman and two men. clared that she had shot and killed KI LA CSV VOLCANO WANTED tary of the state Chamber of Com ♦ A. I’.)—nrumfleld waa taken It la hoped that they will be success Reno Hutchinson, the general secre merce this morning. Mr Quayle is ♦ In custody by officers of the .AS NEW NATIONAL PARK at the Savage Rapids dam, where they have been invited to lunch by ful In apprehending the second man I tary of the Y. M. C. A. here in 1906. visiting all of the Irrigation projects ♦ Royal Canadian Mounted police soon. They are still hunting for was said by police today to shed light in Oregon In order to get a working ♦ and Calgary city police at the Hilo, Island of Hawaii. Aug. 13— E. J. Carrillo, who extended the In on the murder myster, which baf-j (A. P.)—Kilauea volcano has been vitation for the Shattuck Construc Dolly Mason. knowledge of the development work ♦ ranch owned by A. C. Vader, A letter wrltteu by Hightower, the fled them for 15 years. being done. He waa accompanied ♦ four miles smith of Mldnapore, brought into the circle of the nation’s tion Company. The party left Port According to the statement made playgrounds and christened as a por land this morning and will be in suspect who Is being detained, was here by 8«<nator Charles Hall, of Coos ♦ Alberta. He Is held for Rose uncalled for, and returned. This i by a resident of Vancouver, B. C., tion of the Hawaii national park.' Roseburg this evening. They will and Curry counties, president of the burg authorities on a charge of was given to the police It contained the woman Is declared to have said This also takes in the great extinct return to Portland by way of Bend. stats chamber, and by J. Albert Mat ♦ murder. Superintendent Carrillo will ex a request for further facts regarding !she shot Hutchinson by mistake for! crater of Haleakala on the Island of son. of Marshfield. ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦■♦♦♦• ♦ ♦ plain the work on the new dam, plana the story the casual visitor Is alleged a banker of Spokane who was former Maul. Mr. Quayle acknowledges that be to have given her, and announced the \ ly head of a bank in Vancouver which fore coming here be did not entertain I HL" OF < HILDIIEN Hilt I’ltO- Lorrls A. Thurston, of Honolulu, being made to hold the visitors as failed, losing her money. finding of the location of the grave. any too good an Idea of the Rogue president of the Volcano Research long as possible. The Chamber of I’.lGANDA IN («ERM.VNY She did not learn of her mistake1 Association of Hawaii, presented the Commerce intended to extend an in valley, but since his trip yesterday, San Francisco. Aug 12—(A. P.t until after leaving the city, and fear- new national park to the government. vitation to the visitors for lunch, but he Is enthusiastic over what ho terms Berlin, Aug. 12.—(A PJ—The Its ’’wonderful possibilities.” "The use of little children for propaganda —Hightower, the first suspect taken I ad to return. The names of the It is expected that automobile they gave way to Mr. Carrillo, who one feature that appeals most strong purposes by the German communist In connection with the killing * of j woman and her intended victim were roads In thia section will now be desired to entertain them. Many ad ly to mo." said Mr Quayle, “la that party leaders Is characterised as a Father Heslln. broke down and sob not made public greatly improved Hope is expressed verse opinions concerning the work here you have the railroad, a hard- candalous and shameless proceed- bed when a delayed telegram in- that a road will be built to the sum will be cleared up for the Portland- Portland. Aug. 12.—(A. P.)—: mit of Mauna Loa, back of Kilauea, I era when they are shown over the surfaced highway and the Rogue ure” by some of the leaders of more nouncing the death of his wife at river in the center. With your cli conservative parties, who have taken Stillwater. Oklahoma, was read to Hutchinson, whose mother and three where another crater, intermittently dam it is thought. It is also possible sisters live here, was widely known active, rises more than 13,000 feet that a few local business men will mate and sunshine, you have one of particular exception to a recent him. ! accompany the party to lunch. A man answering Hightower's des In association circles in Oregon. His. into the clouds. the most Ideal home places tn Ore "demonstration" In which school The following members of the Ad The cription Is alleged to have gone to murder created a sensation. gon tor those people who desire to children participated. club are making the trip: Father Murphy, a Sacramento priest, assassin left no trace and >o motive DIPLOMATS AID SEARCH establish a residence for tùe rett of The children were "ealled out" by Eric Hauser, Julius L. Meier, 1X>B FOREIGN MARKETS th« ir natural lives.” flaming posters and some of them with an Infernal machine which he waa discovered Charles F. Berg, Rupert Hauser, E. Ha Is not in favor of large furmt carried banners protesting against re suggested could be used by the Irish. New York, Aug. 12.— (A. P.) — P. Tebbetts, ¡Mr. and Mrs. C. W. o* 80 acres or more under the pro- ligious Instruction In the schools, Murphy said he was uninterested. Plans for development of profitable English, Mr. and Mrs. F. H. McMa- j <ct, but states that for small farms1 against corporal punishment, and "ALASKA” OFF!« ERS’ TRIAL IH foreign markets for American pro- hon, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Freeman, Mr. of five or 10 acres. It cannot bo sur-' against the government, with special POHTPONED I NTI!. MONDAY ducts will be discussed by leading <*nd Mrs. D- k. Carpenter, H. C. Hodg passed He was taken over the val-j reference to the police. ley and shown cantaloups that fairly' Revolutionary songs were sung, 2BO R«*|>r<VM-n(ativ<*• of America Are manufacturers of the United States kins, Roy Heath, A. W. Cawthorn, San Francisco. Aug. 12.—-(A. P.) at the 12th annual convention of the Ben Hur Lampman, Mr. and Mrs. S. covered the ground with fruit, and al and then a 12-year old boy made a < hc'er.xl by Parisian (>u»<b -The trial of the surviving officers American Manufacturers Export As L. Brown. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Mar- falfa ’hat he wanted to have »hown apeoch criticising the conduct of the of the ill-fated Alaska, on the charge guiles, Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Kempton, to the Ad clubbers when they arrive schools and religious Instruction. Paris. Aug. 12.— (A. P.)—Two, sociation here October 5 and 6. | of negligence, has been postponed un Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Milliman. Mr and Diplomatic and commercial repre tomorrow Superintendent Csriollo hundred and fifty representatives of til Monday. showtd .Mr. Quayle over the rpera- GERMAN ZEPPELIN TURN RD the .American l«egion arrived in'this sentatives from many foreign coun Mrs. W. J. Piepenbrink, Mr. and Mrs. OVER TO ITALIAN GOVT.j tHns at the new dam giving him an city today, and were received with tries will inform the manufacturers George L Rauch, Mr. and Mrs. Ro- insight Into the magnitude of the military honors. They were cheered of the needs abroad for American land Prentiss, H. W. Thompson, Wal- i ter Kenny, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Fields, work end dispelling many IP i ilcr.s Rome, Aug. 12.— (A. P.t—The by thousands who greeted them as products. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Williams, Mr. held by Mr. Quayle, whch had been German Zeppelin "Bodensee." sister-' veterans returning in triumph. and Mrs. Kenneth Hood, of Tacoma; PORTIAS» MARKETS cxnrod by unfavorable common; he ship of the "N’ordstern" ceded to British ri-odiicers i*rotest Import _ R. Z. Farmer, Mr. and Mrs. Frank had hoard by persona not familiar France as a war prise, has arrived Tax as Being I*rohlbit«ve Choice steers .............$6.00 @ 36.50 Nau, Robert E. Smith, J. P. Parker, in Italy after an air voyage from with the conatruction Hogs, prime light..312.50 © 313.00 Devers, ____ Dr. John ~ F. Beau- The j,ood buildings and wide Friedrichshafen direct to Rome, a ____ i A. H. . S ~ ’ . 2. Ixmdon, Aug. 12.—(A. P.)—A let Sheep, best valley.. 46.50 © $7.75 month, A. B. Campbell, Mr. and Mrs. ----------- streets show the onterprt*«i or f*rents distance of 600 miles which she cov-{ter protesting against the proposed' East mountain lambs 36.00 & 36 50 R. W Wood. Lon Cleaveland, of Mo- Pass, raid Mr. Quayle He was fin-. ered In 12 hours, j Vm’r|p*n “»PO« Ux upon motion . jq « Fanns of Rcrlaime«!. Irrigated Prime lambs _______ $5.25 @ 35.75 deeto, Cal.; J. C. English and son. _ m films ,_____ ___ _________ I det- " form of of a a German German tourist. tourist, besoirKleii begoggled, picture as _ "prohibitive and crab:y InilToesed with the city, and form Isxnd <> imwi «I by Govermneai Eggs. Buying price .................... _S7c Mr. and Mrs. A. ¡R. Hunter, L. R. said that the opening of the railroad carrylng the customary German cam- trlmental to the international lnter- Eggs, fancy selects ---------------- 34c Wheeler, Phil Jackson, Mr. and Mrs. to ’.he roost would mean much tn He era and binoculars strapped over his change of ideas of life" appeared In Washington. Aug. 12.—(A. P.) — Butter, extra cubes ___________ 37c W. E Mcllhenny and representatives dev. lop'nenl The slogan, "It's the i shoulders, succeeded in making a a recent Issue of the London Times Butter, prints ......... 42c from Vogan Candy company, Paclfle Climate," Is no Joke In hie op'nlon. cheap trip to Italy alr-wlse. signed by 16 British film producers More than 200 farms on government ti.05 @ 11.13 Telephone and Telegraph company. He advocated the wide use of It to The "Bodensee" before landing at who appended their signatures to the reclaimed lands in the North Platt Wheat Tm-Blue Biscuit company and Chal advertise ■ n< of the mein drawing the hangar at Clamplno, Just outside letter as members of the British Pro and the Shoshone irrigation projects, Portland. Aug. 12.— (A. P.)—Cat mers Motor Car company caras of Southern Oregon. the city, circled around Rome where ducers' Committee of the Incorporat are to be opened to veterans, the for tle, hogs and sheep steadyshrdem Senator Hall, who la now president all the Inhabitants could get a good ed Association of Klnematograph mer on September 9 and the latter changed. Butter, weak; eggs, steady, on September 16. glimpse of the latest Italian prtxe of Manufacturers. of the First NUIonal bank of Klam-! both unchanged. The letter notes that the 30 per • lb Falls, was In Medford takias part war. It Is 400 feet long and Is driv — tn the tennis tournament held be-, en by four motors of 260 horsepower oont ad valorem duty is based upon Bartlett Pears • I each. It has a lifting capacity of 10 the cost of production of similar work twoen Moutftd and Klamath Falls. | New York ....................... .. He «;• >e st the Forum meeting We1 tons and can make 80 miles an hour In the United States, asserting at the Boston, strong............ ...... nesday In Medford and yesterday took The machine was built for commer same time that the cost of the pro-| Chicago .......... .............. Vehicular Tube From Manhattan to part tn a luncheon at Ashland. The) cial purposes and Is equipped to carry ducion is admittedly about five times Dublin, Aug. 12.—(A. P.)—De Va Be Completed by HMM 22 passengers. as heavy there as in England. The trip la being taken In the Intereat of lera's reply to Lloyd George is neith writers say that about 85 per cent of the state chamber. A trip waa made er an acceptance nor a rejection of the films shown on British screens to Crescent City and up the coast to the peace proposals. It raises various New York, Aug. 13.—(A. P.)—, are of American origin. Marshfield, going over the route of questions to which answers are necs- Projects for linking Manhattan with the proponed Roosevelt highway, for New Jersey by a vehicular tunnel and Kornigstuhl Observatory Announces sary. which 8<*nator Hall has been one of The answers may serve to facilitât« a bridge are expected to diminish the l*roxlmity of Speedy Visitor the most ardent boosters, being, in future dealings and are not expected number of persons who reside on the fact, the father of the hill. The Island below Central Park. Heidelberg. Germany, Aug. 12.— to cause a break in the negotiations. gentlemen left this morning for Hose New Jersey and New York are now (A. P.)—The Koenigstuhl observa Ottawa. Aug. 12.—(A. P.)—Can Shipping Board Boat Not I*rofitable burg where they will meet the mem George Kearns spent Thursday at- linked only by ferries, tube trains tory announces that the earth passed ada's wheat crop will exceed last lnvcnlmtmt Says Ik Mini of Trade bers of the Ad club this evening. and one railroad tunnelled beneath through the taif of a comet on the tending to business affairs in Med year's by more than 25,000.000 bu night of August 8. | ford. the Hudson. shels, but most of the other crops Washington, Aug. 12.—(A. P.)— The vehicular tunnel built by pub will show a decrease. It Is estimat The Albuquerque, New Mexico, lic funds of New York and New Jer This is said to account for the ed that the wheat yield will bo 288.- Chamber of Commerce has Informed sey Is expected to be completed by <93,000 bushels, based on the con- Chairman l«aaker of the Shipping 1924. Construction of the approaches dl'ltm- nt August 1st. Board that it is unable to figure out to the tube was begun several months Turn« Building, Billiard Hall nnd "how to make use of a wooden ship ago. It leaves Manhattan Island Men and Women College Students Store Into Tlireo « hurí lies in New Mexico.” downtown, at a point belog Four- Having received the board chair- teenth street. I xm Angeles, Cal., Aug. 12.- .—(A. man's circular letter on wooden ship The proposed bridge, which pri- State College. Pa., Aug. 12.—(A. P.)—The bishop of Nevada has disposal, the chamber apparently de vate Interests are promoting, would; France and Great Britain Decide to P.)—"Jail” is hurting the standards bought a saloon building, a billiard I‘ollie Find Unit of Weapon Which voted much through to the problem cost 1200,000,000. A corporation! Leave Boundary Question Alone of taste and the finer sensibilities of hall, and a store, he reported here May llave Xlilt'd Kennedy and found that only the "Prairie has been organled and Is seeking --------- - many college students, according to recently, Each has been turned into Schooners” of the pioneers and the capital. Paris, Aug. 13.—(A. P.)—France Prof. A. R. Warnocn, dean of men at a church. 1x>s Angeles, Aug. 12.— (A. P.)— later schooners much favored for t: Pennsylvania State College. The bridges’ lower deck would ac and Great Britain have decided to The former saloon waa purchased The discovery of the butt of a double cargoes "made In Milwaukee, Cincin commodate 12 railroad tracks while refer the Upper Silesian question to| "Something of reserve has gone ten miles from Goodaprlnga, moved barreled shotgun, which may be the nati and St. I»uis” had ever been on the upper span there would be the league of nations, The questions out of the personality of our young there and remodelled. The store was wuapon used In the killing of J. Hel successfully navigated In the state. room for 16 vehicular pathways, four involve the drawing of a boundary women and something of nobility has torn down and shipped 158 miles to ton Kennedy, has been announced by trolley lines and two broad prome .line between Poland and Germany. gone out of the attitude of our young Caliente The billiard hall at Beatty the police. C. G. Krah arrived thia morning nades. Supporting towers on either and they theratened yesterday to men toward young women,’ he said in waa remodelled where It stood. The It waa found on the beach at Santa from Portland and will be employed end of the over-water span would be bring a break in the allied council comment on college life since the Mules three .buildings coat '$319.75. on the cave* highway construction taller than the Woolworth building. meetings. war. Further Hrtnll* LANDS FOR VETERANS WILL OPEN COMET’S TAIL COT 8Ï EARTH SHIP NO USE IN NEW MEXICO ob”""1 JAZZ HUfiTIHGTASTESTWDARDS UPPER SILESIA LEFT 10 LEAGUE '-■** •*