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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 11, 1921)
su I LOCAL PERSONAL Mas Tuffs and Alfred Letcher Jr | M. 1. <>|Hlyeke Is spending the day made a trip to the Tuffs sawmill near at Wolf Creek on business. Jo Pardee and Mis» Murtha Wil- Ashland yesterday. Ford Slngletou returned to his ! ” llatnson. who has been visiting at home at Roseburg this luorulng af-l the Pardee home, are guests for a short time at the G M. Katerly home ter a short visit tn the city Ray Calvert, of the firm of Schell at Waldo. Mr. and Mrs J. O. Gibson, former and Calvert, was a business i isttor Granta I’aas residents, arrived here yesterday in Medford by auto from Portland, and will Joe Schmitt is In the city for al - with relatives, couple of day. from Gazelle, attend X'”, ‘ home Is at Bend, and business : Their present ing to mfmiu m A N. Reymers returned to i cjr , *'*!., ° Portland for Buyers Mrs. R. __________ ________ ...! clUb will return home by rmru-U. ni srnvi 1 week. They her home at Roseburg this morning St «Tt »1 _a*l OF WHTHKH* OKKW* visit hero at the H M Webb « “ •' uf ‘ after a i home. lingual Sale Men’» Furnishing»— Mrs. F T. Istdy and Miss Lucy 60 And Shoos- C. E Roy & Co. Lady are here from Myrtle Creek visiting with Mrs I.ady’s sister. Mrs. Jennings Caso INtatponed— G. Stephenson Hearings In the Jennings case, Mrs, O. A, Colby and daughter, which were supposed to have been .Mary, are spending the day in Ash held this tuornlng, have been post land, having driven there this morn polled until next week It la prob- ing. S WEAR-EVER able that the case will bo up Tues- Miss Mildred Steinmetz is visiting day This case Is the one where the here for a day with Miss Jeanette ; Medford stage ran Into a cow on the Cramer, having stopped off here Pacific highway, resulting In the i while returning to her home in Port- death of one person. land, from Berkeley, A picnic will ALUMINUM be given for her in Riverside park tonal Reduction»— this evening. She will leave for the On suits, shoes, hats and furnish north in the morning • Htf .Mr. and Mrs Walter Singleton, of Ings at Peerless Clothing Co. Roseburg, are visiting here with Mr. TRADE MARK and Mrs. J P. Marlin. -Mrs. Single- Gambling .Meat Stop- Gambling by boys and others In ton being a sister of .Mrs. Martin. the city must stop, is the verdict of I They have just returned from a trip Chief of Tollce McLane Mr. Melons to Crescent City and are now plan states that small boys can be seen on ning on a trip to Crater lake In com the streets "shooting craps" and that pany with Mr. and Mrs Martin. Mr. and .Mrs. Earl Webb and Mr. unless they atop, their parent* will be and Mrs C. D. Geer left for their notified and it this does no good, the home at Camas. Wash., this morn votlths themselves will be dealt with ing after visiting here for a couple Another favorite pastime, according of weeks with Mr Webb’s parents. to the chief, is that of using tops for Mr. and Mrs H M. Webb. They gambling. A number have been made a trip to Crater lake, return warned and arrests will probably follow unless the practice Is stopped ing by way of Klamath Falls. W. A. Colby has arrived from Se attle and will make his home In the Salta Made-to Order— Fit and satisfaction guaranteed. city. Mr Colby will be associated «0 with his father in the Buster Brown C. E. Roy A Co. -hoe store, which will open la the city soon. He is a trap drummer and will Save Money— Purchase your new suit and fur take part in musical organisations in nishings now at Peerless Clothing Co. the city. It is also likely that he will organize an orchestra. Damage 1» Covered— New arrivals last night at the Jo The 1500 damage done by the fire sephine were Tom J White. Theo. last night at the Pine Box factory Burkhart. Z. M. Agee. R. F Bueer- was covered by insurance, says 1 A. man, George Lewis and William Robie The factory will be shut dowu Ruth of Portland. Mr. and Mrs W. € for a few days to allow for repairs McRoome. Mr. and Mrs H E. Ful in the boiler room, where the blaze Harry and Leonard Tuttle, I l'er and did the moat damage The big of Miami. Fla.. Mr. and Mrs C. F. Will Ship Two Cars— Halifax of Sacramento. Mr and Mrs. smokestack burned out like a chim , Two carloads of pears are to be H. L. Hall of Santa Rosa. .Mrs J W ney. this being the cause of the fire shipped out this week It was Im Claypool of Santa Rosa. Dr. R E The fire truck had been called earlier possible to get the car out last night, Smith and wife of Sacramento, Mr. to quench a grass fir« which threat due to some deliveries of pears of in and Mrs. H. G. Koller of Seattle. .Mrs. ened the factory and had waited tor ferior quality. The car will go for Chase de St Maurice and family, of further trouble. The mill hose and ward today and another will be sent Colusa. Cal., Nina Harbour of Pough the fire department put the fire out I in short order Helsingfors, Finland. Aug. 11.— out next Saturday. keepsie. N Y.. and F. S Clark of A, P.)—Well-dressed and well-nour Chicago Dance at Savage Cn-ek Hall— ished visitors appearing on the streets Notice to Subscribers— Tourists stopping over night at the Saturday evening. August 13. Subscribers are requested to make Oxford were Mrs. Henry’ Drought and of Petrograd are stopped in the music by Neilsons' orchestra, With streets -by many of the inhabitants payments to the office and not to the Harold Drought of San Antonio. Tex., who look them up and down and ask carrier boys, Boys have no author- H. K. Skinner and R. M. Hotallng of supper 11.57 per couple, war tax 18c, total. 11.75. Extra ladles free, war' them many questions, just as it they ity to collect, When a change of ad- - San Francisco. .Mrs. H. L. Nutting 10c. One-half mile off pavement. had dropped down from another dress is to be made always notify the and daughters of Brookings. Mrs. tax • * I office. planet, according to a Finn who was Annie Sybert and R. H. Sybert of No Salm’m in Hiver— officially permitted to visit Petro San Diego. Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Smith Commercial fishermen are becom- grad to distribute food to scientists Five lire» in Forest— of 'Redlands. L. J. Childs and family with the fishing this and literary men. Five fires have been reported in of McCloud, Cal., Mr and Mrs. in g disgusted summer. Five boats made the trip the Siskiyou forest today. Four were Nagele of Sacramento. Sidney Smith The Finn described the inhabitants to the end of the drift last night and of Petrograd as being like a lot of in the Oak Flat country along the and family ot Portland, William Fer brought back five salmon, all of them lower Illinois river, and were assum-' guson and family of Klamath Falls. "mad mendicants” of an "unnatural l>elng small. One boat made a catch ly hysterical nervouB pitch.” He saw Ing rather large proportions. It is Tylo Head of Klamath Falls, Mr. which brought lesB than a dollar, Kotliarevski, a member of the aca not known how serious they may be. and Hrs. F. Spring and B. Martin of while two boats were unable to get demy. "who came like a beggar, with A crew has been organized In the Il San Francisco. B F. Fisher of Peoria. a single fish. They lay the lack of faltering footsteps, to receive hl* mo linois valley to fight them and it is Ill., and S. A. Stumbaugh of El Paso, salmon to conditions at the mouth, dest share of the supplies.” He was possible that they will be able to con IB. as they claim that salmon are not without a shirt and was clad in rags trol them without further aid. A fifth able to get by. They report many fire was discovered on Howard creek Some of the scientsts he found ill steelheads ascending, however NOW PLAYING with scurvy. Benois, the painter, he in the Galice district. This is throught said, is "dreaming of a piece of choc to be under control. The fires were lamer Prices— olate.” Maxim Gorky and others are all reported by the lookouts. On goods in every line for men at attempting to take care of these i Peerless Clothing Co. Mtf Marriage lAceaae Iwiued — scientists. A marriage license was issued this W. R. C. BwdncMs Meeting— afternoon to Albert Henry Frost and General Logan W. R. C. will hold COMING EVENTS Kate Barbara Herman, both of Selma. their regular business meeting Sat- Sept. 15-17, Thursday, Friday, Sat- A TREMENDOUS urday afternoon. urday—Southern Oregon Indus Placer location blanks at the SENSATION trial Exposition at Grants Pass. Courier office. Stock Certificates— ——————————————— The Courier merchant printing de partment la in position to print stock certificate* for any kind of buslneas Several designs of certificate* are carried In stock and other* may be secured on short notice. eien the children and good sign Independent* comes only to thos* who do. Thrifty folks arrive at success; the improvident seldom do This Is the hank to put aside your savings in We pay you Inter- v<t every six months and take good care of your money be sides. FIRST NATIONAL BANK Beautiful Assortment of Lace and Embroidery Trimmed Presser Scarfs, Tableclothes, etc. We do IlctnslltclUiig I Greatest Tailoring Values The extremely low prices anti high quality materials take you ba<k lo the good old day» before Uic war. Our new ¡‘all linn* »how Heal. Genuine Value». The good» and price» »|teak for themselvea—Isq n* »h««w you. GEO. S. CALHOUN «03 Q SHEET l«M-al dealer nearly seventeen year«. GRANTS I’AHM. OREGON Big Reductions on All Goods Reduced Prices at on WEAREVER ALUMINUM IDrs. Dellle Deas Peerless Clothing Co. eoa* I ji I R ogue River Hardware C o RIVOLI m SERENADERS COLBYS’ Will Furnish the Music for the W. O. W w T Do You Know THAT WK HELL DANCE SATURDAY NITE August 13th, 1921, at the A lira ma of big momenta, big claahea, wn»at ional cli> mum« and tremendous heart ap|H*al WATERMAN FOUNTAIN PENH BEET. SUGAR FACTORY EVERSHARP PENCIIri ADMISSION—Couples. »I.OO« war tax, 10c, total. »11O, Extra Ladle» free, war tax, 10c, total lOc; Spectator», 22c, war tax :1c. total, 25c. CLEMENS 4 Hours Dancing—9:00 Till 1:00 “Made in Heaven” SELLS DRUGS Antedi» See the New Ranges in the Window Come in and eet the prices— You will find them right. Holman’s Furniture Store