Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 11, 1921)
GRANTS PAHS PA IM (XM KJ EH Till KMDAY, Al III MT II. IW'JI drìyage and transfer DOYLE’S Hui'Cesaor to E Flrth First Showing of New Fall Coats and Dresses Also Fall Coatings in Velour, Bolivia and Tweeds THE WORLD MOVES; so do we Bunch Transfer Co Office phon« 348; res. phones 171'11. 316-L. F G ISHAM, drayage, transfer; pi anos, safes, furniture, moved. ship ped. packed, stored Phone. 124 Y KE A I. ESTATE E. T. MCKINSTRY. «03 Q 81, phone 355-K, real estate Heat of soils for fruit, bay or general fanning. ROY HIGGINS- Cenerai real estate Office 111 South Sixth, Phone «8. *3B& Come in and look them over. Reasonably Priced. Classified Advertising PIAMO IANTICI' í TIOM MRS. JAMES M POWERS, Instruc tor on plano; studio over Barnes' Jawelry Phons 2«5-J. MRS. CLARA TUTTLE FENTON teacher of plano und harmony, all day Monday Studio over Smith's Racket Store. 86tf TAA. OONEK TAXI—Pbone 2«3-R tor Jitney Luke or Cutler. Calie an LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING room fur swered anywhere, anytime kStf nished for two Phone 3 87-J or WOOD FOR HA1JC Hr 82 00. pine) call at email house, 710 J St. 42tf PHONE 160 The Bonbonniere tor 11.75, on ground, 1 miles west on , Taxi 78tf upper river road. Posts and build- ' MODERN HOUSE tor rent with fur niture, or will sell reasonably. Hl II.OI NG <ONTRA<T<HW Ing polea, lllvuly A Brickell, Gen- Call 713 East E St 53 «stf ' eral Delivery. HARPER * SON -Building contrac APARTMENTS TO RENT at 61114 tors. Shop work, furniture crating. FOR BALK- 87 50 tor cord ot ary G Street W M Wyrick 50tf Shop 510 H ft. Rea phone 141. slab wood cut In 12lucb le ngths. Merchant Printing — Courier office A. J. GREEN—General contractor. «64 North Third St C. W. Lam Estimates snd plans msde. Noth- brecht. Pbone 313-J. 92tt WANTED Ing too small or too large. Shop 80 ACRES 4 0 acres bottom under WANTED TO RENT—A large irri 211 Sixth 8t. Phone 38-J. 92tf paid up water right for sale. gated ranch suitable tor a dairy J. NALA8KOWSKI — Contractor. 14000. Address No. 202. care of ranch Herbert Whitsett snd Builder and Jobber. Phone 246-R. Courier. »»ft Daniel Harding. Granta Pass, Rd • It! .... » N I 1 f .. .......... * ............ 4, Box 71. 23tt 160 ACRES; 50 A. In cultivation, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON ditches and valuable water rights; WANTED Fresno teamsters, 13.75 L O. CLEMENT, M D . Practice 25 A. alfalfa, 10 A. wheat, 5 A. per dsy. laborers 83.50 per dsy. limited to diseases of eye, ear.aoe* barley; tine garden, plenty ot Grade foremen. 85.00 par day. and throat. Phone 62; Hee. 239-J. trult, 2 to 5 hundred thousand tt.) Board charged at 81-26 per day. saw pine, frame bouse. 3 barns. Palmer snd MoBrlde, Crescent 8. LOUGHJUDGE, M. D. Physician 14 mile 10 school, 4 miles to P. O., i City. Cal. State highway under and surgeon. City or country calle 24 mils« from Grants Pass: good attended day or night. Phones, construction. 41 tf outrange For sale at 880 per R m 2«8; Office. 182; «th and H. WANTED to buy tor caah. 6 or 7 ajr», crop Included. Address No. room bouse. G L Carr. Merlin. E. J. BIU.ICK, M D. Physician, sur I 205 care Courier. 08tf 52 geon. Schallhorn Blk. Phone 54-J; rOR 8AIJD—14 acres land adjoining ree. 1004 Laiwnrldge, phone 54-L. WANTED 200 hop pickers. Plck- placer mlns at Golden, young orch Appiy W r. RUTHERFORD—Manual the- Ing begins August 27th. ard. cheap. Address E. E. I-oban. Christie A Son, R F D. 2, phone raputics. Office over Barnes’ jew Wolf Creek, Oregon 53 606-F-13. 49tf elry. Res. 258-R; office 217-R. GAB RANGE with trash burner and WA1TREBS WANTED, experience RAUH W. STEARNS. M. D. Phy- heater, nearly new, for sale Cost not uecesaary. abort hours. Rex alelan snd surgeon. X-Ray equlp- over 1100, sell for 850. Pbone Cafe. 5« ment. Offlce tn Masonic Temple 342-J. 58 Bldg. phono 81-L. WANTED to rent, lease or perhaps BARGAIN ln a late modal, dolled-up ■buy— Well located hay and pasture W. T. TOMPKINS. D 8. T. Nervous Ford tourlng car. self starter, new ranch, adapted to running small and ohronlc diseases. Office. Claus mbber all around and spare. Haa»«< bunch of stock in connection, with Schmidt Bldg. Pbone 304-R. Icr shock absorbere. (Jan be seen outrange. Address Box 21, Kerby, VETERINARY SURGEON al Oolllns garage. S5tf Ore 52 DR. R. J. BESTUL, Veterinarian 4 2*4 ACRES, two realdences. about MISCELLANEOUS Residence 838 Washington boule »ix mlle» from Grants Paas. Oll vard, phone 398-R palnting», tncubstors, etc. Call on REPAIR SHOP Steam fitting, pipe work plumbing, boiler and pump or sddrnas Cora B. Findlay. Route ATTORKKYB work, installing. t05 South 6th St. 4. Box 81. Granta Paas. Ore. 57 Phom- 306. G. A. Bryan. H. D. NORTON. Attorney-at-law. FOR «ALE—Windmill and tower. Practices In all State and Fed«ral Owen BAA'KHRS LirE COMPANY -Dea Also a few cedar posts. Courts. First National Bank Bldg 51 Moines. Iowa. Myron C. Gaston, Ivins, Rd. 2. District Agent. G. W. OOLVIG, Attorney-at-law. TWO GOOD BARGAINS—One used ) Grants Pass Banking Co. Bldg. CAiRNEHt-GAYETTY IRON WORKS Oakland Six. one new Oakland Six —General foundary and machine E. 8. VAN DYKE, Attorney Practices sedan Valley Hardware Co. 45tf In all courta First Na«lonsl Bank work, mine, mill machinery, chilled Building aaw carriage wheels, live rolls, OWN YOUR <>WN STOKE building pipe fittings. Grants Pass. Oregon. and save rent. Will sell ata bar-, O. 8. Bl-ANCHA RD, Attorney-at-law. by Bert | gain, store occupied Golden Rule Bldg. Pbone 270. SEE THE "SINGER DE LUXl^ ’ snd Barnes adjoining First National I Bank. Valley Hurdwaro Co. 45tf. other styles of "Singer" machines C. A. S’DLER. Attorney-at-law. Ma at Holman's Furniture Store. sóme i >m?le. Grants Paas. Ore. FOR SALE 5-pusaenger touring Headquarters tor sewing machine rar In good condition. 4 new tires, repair», needles, oils etc. GEO. H. DURHAM. Attorney-at-law electric lights and starter. Would referee In bankruptcy. Masonic LOGT make good stage car. Price right. Temple. Phone 1S5-J. At Tetherow's Garage 53 ix>sr white Spltä dec. remale, « Lawyer months old. Fluder please notify J ames T OHINNOCK. LEASE on stock ranch, 6% miles First National Bank Building. Roy Higgins, Grants Paas. Re- from Glendale for sale, long 55 A. C. HOUGH—Lawyer. Tuffs Bldg ward. time; team, farm tools, etc. 32 Practice In all courts. head of cattle Included in lease. 1X.)ST My notary seni. I will pay finder to deliver same at my of V. A. C. AHLF. lawyer, practice In J. Osteen, 105 Foun- Inquire A. fice, 602*4 G street. John E. 54 state and federal courts. Office dry St. Peterson. 50tf over National Drug Store. FOR SALE -One Clarks Jewell 3- WIM) burner oil stove with oven. New wicks. Good as new. 817.50. D FOUND -Sunt of money. Owner J. Manuel A Co., 304 So. Sixth St. cun have It on Identification. 54 4 23 B street. 54 FOR SALE Furnished apartment FOR EXCHANGE homo*. always full, newly paper««!» 82500 cash Call 823 J St. Terms. WILL TRADE 49 acres with water’ 63 right tor late model Ford and 8400 j Life is a burden when the body Terms on the 8400. Call or write) is racked with pain. Everything FOR SALE OR»TRADE One pure «24 West G St. 24tf worries and the victim becomes bred Du roc-Jersey sow. C. A despondent and downhearted, To 54 EXCHANGE tor house In town, north bring back the sunshine take Pruitt, Merlin. Ore. aide preferred; a l5H-«cre fruit FOR SALB—Klee early Crawford farm just outside city limits. Par peaches. 75c to 81.25 a box at Good crop tially under ditch, Phono Tokay Heights orchard. 300 West C peaches and apply*» 52 250-R. street. * «1 (XMV FOR SVLE Good young cow, Al colNTANT Ths nstional remedy of Holland for over 4 years old. gives 3% galons ot 200 yearn; it is an enemy of all pains re- milk per day, price 860. A. A AUDITING Systematlilng. Dally ori •uMng from kidney, liver and urie acid troubles. All druggists, three sizes. Mathes, 511 Vest llowue River monthly audit servio«. Ivan Liv-| name Cold Modal oa avare boa 5« Ave. Phono 316-L. lngston, Incorporated Accountant. Look for the and ac-apt nc imitation Phone 389. Address: Grants Pass. I FOR SALE -Coxy modern home. 1 Oregon. 70tf acre ground, fruit, berries, fine THE CALIFORNIA AND OREGON garden. Call at 1119 East A St. 76 DRESSMAKING COANT RAILROAD COMPANY Time Card LADIES Tl GORING and dressmak FOR ItENT ing; tailored corsets a specialty. Effective Nov. 24, 1919 FOR RENT Alfalfa, Grain and Pre.llla Wilcox, Layton Hotel. 66 Trains will run Mondays, Wednes Stock ranches with and without days and Fridays Irrigation, or will sell Ytt bargain SEWING of all kinds done at reason Leave Granta Pass.. P.M. able prices. Call on Mrs. J. 1» prices on long time easy payments Arrive Waters Creek.......... 2 P.M Daw». 511 A street. 56 Ideavo Waters Creek.......... 2:30 P.M Ranches In Jackson and Josephine Arrive Grants Pass............. 4 P.M county. One ranch under ditch PENTIN TN For Information regarding freight 3 miles from Grants Pana, on river ’ First-class and passenger rates call at the office Gold Ray Realty Co., Owners. E .0 MACY. D. M. D of the company, Lundhurg building, dentistry. 109 Vi 8. 6th St. Medford. Ore. 06tf or telephone 181 I FOR HILE BETTER DEAD GOLD MEDAL PAG« THR WHY UMPIRES STICK TO FIRST DECISION I» I Reversal Would Mean Loud Pro tests and Delays. Few dames Would Go Beyond First Inning If Arbiters Wore to Pay Heed to Arguments and Proofs Presented by Players, The Genuine Edison Mazda Lamps can be obtained from Entirely too many funs have an Idea that umpires stick to their bad decisions <x>t of sheer bullheaded Those funs are ahnoet Invari- wrohg. vrong. ¿very Every umpire lime und In the season underatands in 1 Hash, after he has decided one way, that ha should have decided another, but If be reversed himself, thus en couraging kicks, protests and delays, lie would lose bls job In short osier. writes T<xu Rice In the Brooklyn Eagle. Very few fan» stop to consider why die rule against umpire« reversing themselves on decisions of fact Is al moat ns unalterable us the laws of the M.-des and Persians. but the rule Is absolutely necessary If any ball game Is to I m * Uuished lu lese time than Is required for ohe of those thr«e-day cricket matches. If umpires were to heed arguments, proofs anil figures mid reverse them selves. they would do nothing but hold court, »nd few bull games would go more than one Inning, ns enough dis puted decisions would ordinarily arise In the first round to keep the limp engaged all the rest of the afternoon. Ixmg and painful experience has taught the powers that be In baseball that It Is better to lay It down as a definite principle that un tun pl re shall stick by bls decision, even when be realises on second thought that he was wrong. than It Is to encourage tbe players In the belief that If they talk long and loudly enough they can persuade him to reverse himself. While cases occasionally arise ln which an umpire would be justified In reversing himself, «u<Si a reversal, based up<»> new evidence, so to speak, would lead to Interminable argu ment» and proffer» of new evidence upon all close plays. Paul’s Electric Store F A. Hurlbut “More Light for Less Money” Phone 47 Grants Pass Low Cost Mileage For the Big Car Every Fisk Tire is a guar antee that you will get mileage at a low cost. Baseball this year, with tbe lively ball, brews s survival of the luckiest. • • • The New York Yankees will seat 86.000 In their new baset-all park, now building. tor satisfaction, safety and economy you buy a “sure thing” when you buy Fisk Tires. 8 Jack Halligan, first baseman of the Boston college team, will be Its cap tain next year. Atlanta has sent Pitcher William Konemann. a young right-hander. to I^iGraiige of the Georgia State for seasoning. see Outfielder Gressett of the Evans ville club In the Three-I league lias been purchased by the Philadelphia Americana • • • IMtclier Mead of the Toledo Ameri can Association team has been pur chased by the Omaha Western lengue baseball club. • • • Phil Rariden, veteran catcher bf the Cincinnati Nationals, has accepted terms to play with the Atlanta South ern association club. The Brooklyn National league club Ims released Pitcher A. I. Bniley out- ight to the New Orleans club of the Southern association. • • • The Columbus American association earn has announced the purchase of ■Utflvlder Eddie Murphy from the < leveland Americans. Fabrics Cords Diamond Squibs Even the best of baseball clubs have off days when they let others tn the league enjoy themselves. • • • Willard E. Hoyt, second baseman. has been elected captain of the 1922 Williams college baseball team. • • • Frank Moreau, who got Ms umpiring knowledge In the Steel league, has been signed by the Western associa tion. • a • Lefty Baumgartner pitched for the Bethlehem Steel team during the war. He has always been the property a< the Phils. EDISON MAZDA You are safe when you buy a known and repu table product at a low price Ì » McINTYRE for Implements of All Kinds Mowers,Rakes, Binders CLETRAC TRACTORS Planet Jr. and Standard Garden Tools Grants Pass and Roseburg Stage DAILY AND SUNDAY Leave Grants Pas» 1:00 P- m- Leave Roseburg 1 P- (¡rants Pass- OAC Oregon’s Higher Institution of TECHNOLOGY Fight Schools, Seventy Uepsnswnts FALL TFRM OPENS SEPT 19. l*»2l For mlormtuon write to the Regwtrar Oregon Agricultural College CORVALLIS SOLD BY DRDMKTS EVERWHLRt Grants Pass, Ore. 402 4 South Sixth Stage DAILY AND Hl NDAY HONE US OR 1(10 LEAVE GRANT«I 10:00 a. in 1 :OO P- ni. 4:00 P- m. 0:15 P- ni. LEAVE MEDFORD 8:00 11:00 1 :OO 4:80 We connect with «taue« for Ashland and Jacksonville