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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 11, 1921)
t «>* ♦ .CM*' " »HMM l VTED FIIFJ4H HEIIVK ». I (JILANTH l'AHN, JOHEI’HINE COUNTY, OREGON VOL. XI., No. 222. TUI RHDAY. AUGI OT II, 11*21. - T 5,139 CARLOADS OF APPLES IS Dr. (»eoyge T. Harding Marrie* Mis* .Alice Beverone, a Nurse tn the Doctor's Off lie Viglili) Da»hes of Minali ( raft From Atlantic C'oaal Line Bejond the Power of Officers Father Heslin, Missing Since Night ot August 2, Lay In Waahlngton. Aug 11.—(1. N. 8.) i Sand of Salada Beach, 20 Miles South of San Liquor smuggling I* now the reali prohibition problem, No single phase' Francisco -Reward Hunter Under Suspicion of whiskey law enforcement rivalli By W. H. Atkins FROM HTATK 84» Per Cent Crop of Pears l.tpwlcd, Itidian Prune» 78 Per Cent, Southern Appi«-“ Gnin » smuggling It* present danger and' the potential menace it hold* tor en-| Ban Francisco, Aug, 11.— (A. P.» forcement over the United States *re ■The body of Father Patrick E. Hes- recognized. Dry official* are alarmed lln, Colma priest, who disappeared over it. tut they are over no other on the night of August 2 when a angle ot the Volstead law puzzle. .¡stranger called and asked him to ad- for efficient . The cost of upkeep l_. ------ - I, , " minister the sacrament to a dying sea patrol, a* a part of the prohlbl-i relative, was found burled at the bot lion unit of the treasury, would In tom of a sand cliff at Salada Beach, volve probably 3-' noo.Ooo a year at! 20 miles south of San Francisco. the lowest calculation The present) There la a bullet hole through the policy of the budget bureau favor* at heart, and another through the bead. drastic cutting of fund* already al-| William A. Hightower, the discov lowed by congress for dry law work; erer of the grave, who notified the rather than any new proposal In-; police, la being held pending an In volvlng heavier outlay* of public. vestigation. Hightower claims that funds the clue was given him by Dolly Portland. Aug II I».) tlrnat»* of the bureau of market* snd crop estimate*. Indicate a production thia year of 5,139 car load* of com mercial apple*. 8.000 ton* ot |w*arn and 31,610,000 pound* of dried prune«. • lA*t year'« apple crop wa* 3.250 i Smuggler» Grow Hohler car load*, in the Willamette valley I Treasury official* believe that not| Mason, who said she met an Intoxi I more than one out of every 1,000; cated foreigner who made broken the unfavorable condition* during < the blossoming period were blamed smuggler* are caught coming Into the revelations to her and expressed hla for the light apple crop, except in ; United State* The smuggler* are, hatred of the Catholic church. Union and f.anr count!««. which show known to be entering cove* and In-1 Acting on the information. Higb- an Increase let*, with their valuable cargoes, *111 Pear* will yield from 60 to 7 5 per along the coast* Smuggler* are cent of last year's crop, and prune* growing bolder on the Canadian and will also be belo«* normal An in-1 Mexican borders. Smuggling opera-1 cre<t*« in the pmpqua valley apple I lion* on the boundaries and coast* Organizathm Start<xl anil Building crop la Indicated, with i>ear* at 50 : ha'« grown upon an amazing scale, 1» Ordered for Fall per cent and Italian prunes 75 per a* the bootleg Importers have grad-' 1 eent of a normal crop. u*lly become wise to the lack of po The Merlin Community club has The Southern Oregon apple crop I lice opposition been or gau I zed and a building is to will be from 25 to 50 per cent abovej Threv-Mlle-Lhnlt Traffic be erected al once. The structure last year, with pear* at 55 to 60 pet Liquor «hip* have a legal right to, will be two atorle* high, with a store cent of last year's crop. bring liquor stocks close up to the) on the lower floor and a dance floor In Hood River, 10 to 20 per cent three mile limit off American shore*. I on the upper. The capital stock of more apples are expected, ot a better They cannot be «topped or question-! the organization is to be 33000, quality, and pears will produce 50 ed. aa long a* they do not enter It Is expected that the building per cent of last year's crop, 1'matll-j American port*, Large acboners now. will be ready for use by Thanksgiv la report* a fine apple crop, Herrn I»- am being used by bootleg com bina-I ing. ton «uttered front Union promlsc* lions for this purpose, Bootleg pro-1. The building will be 60 by 100 am excellent Wasco show* a shrink moters maintain fleets of the speed-lfeet. the dance floor to be 40 by 55 age. Baker will give an average lest motor boats, built to lran*|>ort) feet, A stage and dressing rooms yield of good quality. Malheur prom- heavy load* These motor boat fleet* win also be provided on the upper lees 200 cars. are darting nightly out from the At-| floor. The lot has been purchased lantlc coast to the position of their and is 50 by 100 feet, being Just op- liquor sources anchored at sea to polite the depot. The store is to be take In loads and race with them in-; rented by 1» W Mitchell Jr. The to unfrequented inlets, there to be community club will hold dances and met by truck caravans to t rann port entertainments in the building regu Nhanglutl Jnternatlon il Homes Rifled the wet stores Inland larly during the winter. By ”< iip Pixtol" Burglars Prohibition officials know these Officer* in the new enterprise are tricks of the bootleg importer*. but.T. W. Barber, president; W. B Lind Shanghai, Aug. 11—(A. Pl- confess themselves powerless. Occa-lsay. vice-president; D. W. Mitchell, Hale of toy pistol* In the Interna slonal detection of a liquor ship la sec ret ary-treasurer; Roas Crow and tional settlement of Shanghai ha* reported by customs or coast guard Frank Thompson, directors been «topped by the police to check authorities. But these detections are armed robberlen by Chinese Isolated and exceptional. They re in Investigating attack* on Chinese veal no reliable safeguard against household* the Shanghai police di*-1 the continued heavy flow of foreign covered that intruder*, unable to pur-! liquors for the American market,' chase arms, had equipped themselves; possibly for many year* to come. Ixstiutrd Wood Will Accept Position with toy piatola manufactured to re of Governor Gemerai •cmble automatic revolver* and had JAPANESE MILITARISTS ARE found them sufficient to terrorize BLAMED FOR TROUBLE Washington, Aug. 11.—(A. P.)— their victim*. Honolulu, T. H. Aug. 11.—(A. It was authoritatively stated that P.)--Foolish poilciee ot Japanese bureaucrat* and militarist* hkve led General Leonard Wood has been to a general misunderstanding of the selected by the president for the gov Japanese people as a whole, accord ernor general of the Philippines and that he will accept. ing to Professor G Muko, prominent (ioirmmi'nt Employes Ender Full educator of Japan. He leads a move Mrs. Harry Newell and two young Pay Would Seek New Positions ment to substitute -Roman letter* for the Japanese idlographs Professor sons of Berkeley, Cal., former reel- Vienna. Aug. 11.—(A. P.)—The Muko wa* hero recently on hl* way dents of Grants Pass, are visiting retrenchment and economy commis home to Japan from the United Mrs. Newell's mother, Mrs. Geo. Bancroft. They will be here another sion of business men appointed by State*. the government some months ago has “We Japanese must change our week or 10 days. submitted Its first report. Its moat attlude toward* the Far Eastern interesting feature Is a plan for de countries," Prof, Muko said. "We creasing the number of government must return Shantung to China and employes. we will do it. 1 hope.” _ It purposes gradually to select men in group* from various departments "YELLOW PERIL" REAL MENACE Discovery of »aghi Foot Block Will and give them full pay for a certain Ilan* Much Roman History period to enable them to find new positions or make themselves sal f- Paris, Aug. 11.—(A. P.)—Dr. A. London, Aug. 11.—(A. P.)—A dis supporting, The government also is F. I-egedre, a French writer on Chi covery which, it Is claimed, will form urged to establish an employment nese and Asiatic subjects gained from one of the fundamental sources for bureau. 25 years of travel and observation in a history of the Roman Empire under the Far East, warns the world In his Augustus has been made recently by latest work that “Asia is at the Ollverlo, an Italian savant in Cyrene, white man's doors. 900,000,000 the ancient Greek colory In Africa, strong." The biggest cloud on the founded In the seventh century. horizon of the future, he says. Is the A Moring Post correspondent, writ American Roy Scouta Number Morr “yellow peril.” ing from Cyrene, says that excava Than Aconta In Rest of World The white race. Dr. Legendre says, tions at Bengasi— the ancient Bere "lost face,” aa the Oriental puts it, nice which stood In the midst of the Now York, Aug. 11.— (A. P.) — when Japan defeated Russia. During Gardens of the Hesperides near the Membership of the Boy Scouts of the great war he writes. Japan mul mouth of the river I-etho—have re America, one of whoso mottoes Is "do tiplied her resources and saved her sulted in the unearthing of a block at least one good deed every day,” strength while Europe lost 20,000,- of marble eight feet long, one face has now reached 529,119. This Is 000 men and today suffers depres of whiqh bears a flawless Groek in said to be larger than the total mem sing, Intellectual, moral and eco scription of over 10(J lines; the trans bership of scouts In the rest of the nomic debility. Great Britain, the lation of a letter from Augustus on world. author holds, errftd In supporting the government and administration The .membership of other countries Japan through her "marriage of rea of justice in Cyrenaica, giving a won affiliated with the International son” with the Pacific Empire, an al derful Insight Into the financial and Scout Bureau at Ijondon is 460,099 liance "now proving so embarras judicial conditions of the country at The British Empire has 324,700. sing. ” that time. INSCRIPTION FOUND 4 Monroe, Mich , Aug. 11.—(A. P.) (.ONTRAt TING FIRM MEMBERS —President Harding's father, Dr. GO OVER THE GROUND OF George T. Harding, 7«, married Miss THE NEW SURVEY Alice Severens, 52, a nurse In the doctor’s office in Marion for many years. tower claims he succeeded in local- ; PKPKW IAT1ON OF BULGARIAN Ing the grave. He pondered three1 Ct RRENCY CACHES ANXIETY days and finally decided to tell Arch- bishop Edward J Hanna, but eneoun- Sofia, Aug. 11.— (A. P.) —Steady I tered a newspaper reporter at the depreciation ot the Bulgarian lev* ia bishop's residence who took him to' causing anxiety in state circles and the police. the government has taken coercive Hanna had offered 35.000 reward pteaaurea to stop all speculation tn for Heslln, dead or alive The arch-t arch exchange Heavy fine* and even jail Work will start Immediately on bishop bad received two letters de-1 sentence* will be imposed on any on the construction of the highway to manding ransom, which he consider-) dealing In exchange without having the caves, is the word brought to the ed hoaxes the payment of some foreign bill in I city by Tom J. White and Joe I^eahy, members of the contracting firm, view. San Francisco, Aug 1!.—(A P.) The Bulgarian leva before the war which was awarded the contract. The —A search of Hightower’s room re was worth about the same as the gentlemen returned last night from vealed a rifle, pieces of blood stain French franc or about five to the i a trip over the route to be taken and ed burlap, and clipping* from local American dollar. During the war were greatly impressed by the scenic papers showing the reward for the the dollar at one time had a purchase attractions along the road. They priest’s return value of 80 or 90 leva* "nd now an have made arrangements to have a Hightower Is a baker, and came. American dollar is worth 125 leva*. * tew men sent out to start in the con- from I^emay, Utah All the big banks have expressed ‘ struction of the camps and to get their desire to collaborate with the* ready tor the crews. BABE Bl TH ONCE .MORE HIT There will be a force of 250 to 300 government in an effort to check the PILL.—MORES FORTY THIRD fall ot the leva but it seem* that no i men at work before the end of next week, says Mr. White. Eight camp« remedy has yet been found. Philadelphia, Aug. 11.—(A. P.)— are to be established along the route Babe Ruth today knocked out his 43 (AMERICAN AND CANADIAN and work trill be carried on simnl- homer. PORT OFFICIALS TO MEET taneously, givlng assurance that the _ work will be completed within the Seattle. Wash. Aug. 11.—(A. P.) time limit set. The date set for the —Port officials and waterway men completion of the work by Mr. White from the United States and Canada is December 1, or the 15th of that ■ ..... will gather here October 11 to 14 tor month at the latest. He declares that Invitation» to the IHsarnuunent Meet the tenth annual convention ot the he is going to give a good road over ing Kent Today by Washington merican Association of Port Author the mountains. All the local labor ities. On adjournment delegates are possible will be used on the work. Washington. Aug. 11.—(A. P.)— invited to attend a tour day meeting The scenic attractions along the The formal invitations to the disar 6f the Pacific Coast Association of new highway will be better than etth- mament and Far Eastern conference Port Authorities at Vancouver. B. C.| er the Rainier National park or the in Washington on November 11, were ) Glacier National park, says Mr. sent today to Britain, France. Italy. OPERATION RESTORES SIGHT White. His firm has road contract* Japan and China. AFTER « YEARS LN DARKNESS in the two parks. Care is to be tak en. he says, not to destroy the trees Puyallup, Wash., Aug. 11.—(A. along the right-of-way, which is to I P.)—When Mrs. Rosalie La Plante I be cleared from 40 to 50 feet wide. ! of Puyallup was able to see for the The road goes through some ot the first time in eight years recently, the best timber in Southern Oregon and Situation Rumored Grave—Dr Va ' first thing she exclaimed was, “Oh, over some rough mountains, where the road will have to cut into the lera** Reply Accn>ted----Kept Dark this kimona is lavender.” Mrs. La Plante's sight was restored mountains. The maximum grade will Ixvndon. Aug. 11.—(A P.)—A when surgeons removed • growth be 6 per cent. She immediately Reuter's dispatch from Paris says from her eyes, that IJoyd George will return to Eng asked that all her clothing be land Friday owing to the Irish sit brought to her so she could see the uation which Is rumored to mean a colors. grave crisis FORMAL CONFERENCE BIOS SENT I I CONCERT IN PARK TOMORROW CAMP LEWIS GUARDSMEN ARE Eight Selections in ITograni to Be STRANGERS TO ARMY BEAN Given by the Woodmen Band P.)—De lain don. Aug. 11.—(A. Valera's reply to the proposals of the British government for an Irish peace have been handed to Austin Cham berlain. government leader, The pa- pers were delivered at noon todav. The tenor of the reply Is withheld, The cabinet will consider the note and may not divulge it for days. • Camp Lewis, Wash., Aug. 11.— (A P.)—Recruits are asking regarding the fate of the army bean, storied piece de resistance of army posts In the past. National guardsmen in Washington, who have been in en campment here this summer report they did not find beans on the menu once. X Poor Showing tn ls*aguc Reason for Deeire to Scrap Players Portland. Ore.. Aug. 11.—(A. P.) —-Hope that the Portland team of the Pacific Coast league, all season in last place, would be sold, was ex-1 pressed here recently by Walter Mc- Credie, manager. McCredle declared that during hi* 26 years in baseball, the Beaver club; thia year was the only team he ever played with or managed that never had a fighting chance. University of Oregon Admits Gretch en llmirns With Verace of IM1.T University of Oregon. Eugene, Aug. 11.— (Special)—Among the students who have presented high averages In their college entrance subjects at the office of the registrar of the Uni versity of Oregon is Gretchen Clem ens, a graduate of the Grants Pass high school She made an average of 90.7 in her high school work. Miss Clemens has been admitted to fresh man standing 1« the university. Scholarship among the applicants for admlaaloh into the freshman class this year are unusually high, accord ing to Carlton E Spencer, registrar. Washington, Aug. 11.—(A. P.)— The McNary agricultural relief bill with all amendments was favorably reported by the house banking com mittee. Early action is urged. The program for the concert to morrow night in Riverside park will consist of numbers not played at pre vious concerts. The W. O. W. band has been practicing regularly and the popularity of the entertainments is evidenced by the large crowds that turn out. The program will be as follows, with a few possible changes; "Salutation,” march. "Darktown Dancin’ School." “Visions.” trio. “Standard Bearer,” march. "Alita," (Wild Flower). “Rocked in the Cradle of ths Deep,” baritone solo, played by J. R. Higgenbotham “Ask the Rose." waits. “Stars and Stripes Forever,” march. Washington. Aug. 11.—(A. P.)— The American valuation principle! for the assessing of tariff duties, in I Dreeses Wear Titles Similar to Those a modified form, was accepted by of Racing Horses the senate finance committee today. New York. Aug. 11.—(A. P.)— Mrs. T. H. Coke, of Downey, Cal., Designating gowns with names as spent Wednesday in the city. bizarre as thoee given race horse« Is the latest trade device of fashion able New York dressmakers PORTLIND MARKETS This was revealed when a large Choice steers ............. 36.00 © |6 50 firm brought suit for 311,306 against Hogs, prime light. 312.50 © 313.00 a wealthy man for raiment purchased .•sheep, best valley....86.50 »3 37.75 by his wife but alleged to be etili un- East mountain lambs 36 00 © 36.50 paid for. "I-ady Fair.” "I'll Say 8he Does." Prime lambs ............. ..35.25 © 35.75 Eggs. Buying price ........................ 27c and “Patches” were the way three Egg*, fancy selects ...... 34c gowns were itemized. A snappy lit- Butter, extra cube« ___ 37c tie dress went down on the list aa Butter, print« ........................ 62c “Country Mouse.” while two street Wheat .......................... 31 05 © 31.13 suits were charged up aa "Bobby** and “Reggie ” By way of paradox, an evening Portland, Aug. 11.—(A. P.)—Cat was christened "Morning tle. steady; hogs, alow; sheep, slow; gown Glory.” all unchanged.