Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (July 26, 1921)
Tl WSDAY, JI LY IM. I Mil. GRANT« PAM DAILY CXH'IUKR THE tklucrn W YTCWFI I. KYK I PERSONAL a? LOCAL C. E. Harmon. 9t Wonder, was In Grant» l‘a~> Hhrine Clul»— The Grants Pa.-w Shrine Club will the city today attending to business picnic July SO and 31 at River Banks matters All Shrlners welcome 4 2 Fred U‘ Chapin, of Foots Creek. Farms spent Monday in th« city attending to buslneea Reminder— Mrs Goldie Hull and daughter We pay cash tor chickens at went to Glendale this morning to Burkhalter's Feed Store 39 spend the rest of the week vtoltlng Children's Dreeses and Rompers, HhrlnVTs <0 Picnic— also House l>resaes and Aprons. A Members of the Granta Paas Hhrine beautiful Hue. Kinney A Truax. 3Sj club will hold their annual idcnlc Mrs J. W Krauss, of Kerby, was next {Saturday and Sunday. July 30 srem a »xnrnxi bfseuxt a local visitor yesterday evenlug. and 31. at lUver Banka Farms A sisris OF NOVTHKRN OREGON shopping in the city caiup fire will be the main feature Mrs. Charles M Kayser spent the Saturday evening, while amusements day in the city from Merlin visiting are being planned tor Sunday. F. B friends and shopping Oldtng to In charge of the program Mr and Mrs. A. A Ingalls, ot WU- tor the picnic All Shrlners and their Jerville, were In the city today •t- families are Invited to attend teuding to buaineaa. r Mr and Mrs. George Fox and Mr Sensational Reductions—— and Mrs J F. Wolfersberger left On suits, shoes, hats and furnish- this morning for Crater latke to Ings at Peerless Clothing Co. »Rtf spend several days at the rmtort. Mrs. A. Wlison, of this city. to spending several days In Grants Pass Preab) terian Munday School Picnic— Bethany Presbyterian Sunday visiting with friends and relatives. school annual picnic will be held to --■Roseburg News-Review. Mrs George Erickson returned to morrow afternoon at Riverside park her home at Wolf Creek this morn Cars will call at the courthouse at ing after a short visit here at the 3 o'clock to take those who wish to ride Cars will also make tripe at home of W. L. Chapin Mr and Mrs George Sabin. George 4 aud 5 o'clock Stevens and Misses Marion Sabin and Florence Riddle made a trip to Ker I. <>. <>. F. Member«—— — There will be work in 2nd degree by today to visit the Stevens ranch Wednesday evening, local and visit near there Miss Adeline Stewart to visiting ing candidates. All members re- in the city with Mr. and Mrs Joe 1 quested to be present. George W 38 Wharton and with the George Riddle 1 Swinney. Secy. family. Miss Stewart came down the first of the week from Riddle Greateat Clothing Hale- Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Nichols and Now on at Peerless Clothing CL tf daughter, of'Riddle, spent the night in the city. Mr. Nichol^ being on Much < ement Made— his way to Kerby to attend to bus The big Portland Beaver-Gold Hill iness cement plant at Gold Hill Is working Mr. and .Mr». C. N. White arrived 24 hours a day and la turning out an last night from Phoenix (or a visit Immense amount of road materials, here with Mr White's parents. Mr. says I. T. Sparks, district freight and and Mrs. W. G. White They expect passenger agent, who has just return The WINCHESTER Store to stay here several weeks and Wilk ed from a trip down In Southern Ore visit points ot interest around here. gon Mr. Sparks says the plant has Merchant Printing—Courier office. grown into a big industry and turns Josephine hotel guests last night ’ out a very tine grade ot cement The were Elmer l-ehuben. E. L. Payne movement of the bumper pear crop In « and Ed. Lyons of Bend. Mrs J. B the Vmpqua and Rogue river val Endert and children ot l«>banon, J. leys Is expected to begin next week, S. Kirkwood and Bill Kirkwood of says Mr. Sparks. Every community Los Angeles, Mr. ad Mrs. Rex H along the railroad reports big crops Conant of Oakland. W. W.. Wilburn this year and an increase is being Men's Cool I nderwehr. Musita Night Shirts, Drew» «Shirts ot San Francisco. T A. Jenkins. C. shown In freight shipments, declares Neckwear, Collars. Sol and Helu, at Price» that are Right L. Argues. D. J. Argues and J. C. the agent. Eugene Guard Argues of San Francisco, R. Thomp son of the U. S. S Mississippi, A. D. Acme Cafe— Howell and A. Hadley of Portland. The borne of good eats Is now H. iA. Cook of Reno, and Mrs. J. H. open day and night, lairsen & An Nielson and daughter of Tenopah, drews. 09tf Nev. At the Oxford hotel last night were B. Lx Hunt of Eugene. A. C. Freeman < Md Fellow-» and Ih-to-kali— You are Invited to attend basket and C. W. Roberts ot Portland. Mr and Mrs John Van Dante of Port picnic in Uthla park. Ashland, on land. Mr. and Mrs A. R. Hernon of Friday. July 29th. Come and onjoy San Francisco. Mrs. H. E Abbott a good time. George W. Swinney. 4<> of Salinas. F. L. Marvin ot Gualala. Secy Cal., E Dolan, F. E. Freeman. R Morris Chairs in Leather and Velour J. Dolan. L. W. Goohue of Portland. All You Can Eat— For 25c at the Acme Cats A real Elizabeth Young of Montrose. Colo.. Rockers, Leather, Mahogany, Genuine Reed. Reed G. L. Flint of Roseburg. Owen Wll- working mans' plaoe to eat. Try our All experienced llama of Gallce, C. R. Wilson ot Sa- hot waffles, 20c. Fibre and Oak. Come in and see them—you will An* linas, Herbert Rapp* ot Watsonville. white help. T. Jutrsen and E find the prices right. E. F. Murray of Seattle and Henry drewe. Props. Open day and night tf - Ix Ernstrom of Portland. All Itrlwkatv. and Odd Fellow»— And families are cordially invited Time Is Extended— Due to the increasing number and to attend a picnic dinner to be served the excellent quality of songs now caffetera style at iRiverside park being entered in the Chamber Ot Tuesday. August 2. at 6:20 sharp Commerce song contest, the time Bring well filled baskets and dishes limit has been extended from the for your own use Coffee will t>e 43 first of August to the first of the served by the committee following month. Entries may- be sent to the secretary of the organiza Itaee Will Move— Lieutenant Sam Carter In charge tion. Prizes ranging up to 220 have of the local forest fire patrol has re- been offered ceived official orders to move his men to the Eugene base and he expects to Stock Certificate»— The Courier merchant printing de get the squadron off In a tew days, partment Is In position to print stock probably Wednesday or Thursday certificates for any kind of business Although there will be no planes at Several designs of certificates are the Medford field for the rest of the carried In stock and others may be season, the same tire patrol in South ern Oregon will be carried on, a secured on short notice plane coming down from Eugene every day, and landing at the Med ford field for gas and oil. Two sol diers will remain at Barber field, to G rants P ass .O regon look after gas and oil and the radio station. F. M. Orever. liason officer Wild. ROIK.EILS tor the federal forest service will a* the big hearted also remain.—Medford Tribune. Hwede Sailor in DOMING EVENTS Ix»wev Prices— Aug. 7, Sunday—Josephine County •Gl ILE OF WOMEN’ On goods in every line for men at Association picnic at Laurelhurat registers another re Peerlees clothing Co. 98tf park, Portland. markable character!* Sept. 15-17, Thursday, Friday, Sat-' We have tim bent numlters in zatlon In a picture Haled Alfalfa Hay— urday—Southern Oregon Indus- ' ~l that will k«i> you in If you want first class alfalfa hay trial Exposition at Grants Pass. ecstasy. we can furnish you any quantity from BORN one Itale to 1000 tons at pre-war McLEAN—To Mr. and Mrs. Charles; l“ prices. Josephine Farmers’ Cooper Assorted colors ................... 85c A. McLean, Monday, July 25, a I ative Association. 41 daughter Athletic—a pure gum cap B5< Have Money— Pilot—a pure guin < ap w ilh Typewriting paper—Courier office. Purchase your new suit and fur an under strap________ 75c nishings now at Peerless Clothing Co. That on checks and currency at this bank is your protection, and ours. Every depositor and stockholder benefits by his plans tor safeguarding the funds of this institution Don't you want to do business with a bank that is careful with your money’ THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK Rogue River Hardware Co Shoes for the Family 103 North 6th WOODWARD’S Chairs and Rockers Holman’s Furniture Store Consider the Usefulness $1.00 Specials Smocks, Gowns, Underskirts and a few Hats We <lo Hemstitching Ifirs. Hellie Peas The Most Reasonably Priced HIGH QVALITY LINE IN THE tOINTRY taiixhung Priced U m U) below the «<1 im »I ««•» «rf >e» tento y f<>r the «ame high quality of both workmanship and materials. A style to fit your per sonality «■ well aa your |>erwon—and «I m » your pocketltook. GEO. S. CALHOUN Over sixteen years local dealer 603 G SHEET GILI NTH PANS, OIU0GON Big Reductions on All Goods at Peerless Clothing Co. Three C’s Lumber Company CARRY a complete line of lumber, nil grades, Lath, Shingles, Doors, Windows, Wallboard, etc. WE MAKE all kinds of Cabinet Work, Screen 1 looi-s, Window Screens, Cuplioard Doors, etc. ESTIMATES ON REQUEST GRANTS PAXM. OREGON Fol'NDRY AND WENT G Cane la lltomtom'd— The case against llertl« Saunders, colored, preferred by Mhi Cora Sharp, was dismissed this morning at the hearing held at the court house Mrs. Sharp had Mrs Saun ders arrested on a charge ot assault following differences caused by the tenancy of the Sharp place by the Saunders They had leased the Sharp ranch for a period of five years, the trouble arising over this. Free Picture Show— Wednesday night, S o'clock In basement of courthouse 39 Finn» Are Paid— A fine of 225 was assessed on K. S Good by Justice of the Peacs llol- mun yesterday for hunting without a license, with a 22 caliber special The case against Herbert E. Ament and Earl II Woodley was takeu un der advisement. Judge Holman de alring to find out from the game commission the stand they have taken The young men were charg ed with Jsuntingc without a license, having had arms In their possession while In the woods L. F Nixon an<l J. II. Siiorb were found not guilty of hunting without a license but were found guilty ot fishing without a license and were fined a nominal sum The^irresls were made Satur day by Game Warden George Ban croft Were Married Yewterday— Miss Bertha McCallister wan mar lied yesterdsy afternoon to Robert Scott on the lawn of the Mcg'alllHter home on West B street Only Imme diate relatives of the family were present A wedding luncheon was' A Texas Suggestion. served after the ceremony Rev Another good way to please a young Jos Knotta officiated. mother is to say the baby has her eyes and Its father’s mouth.—Galveston News. G. M. Hklnner INen George M Skinner died this morn ing at 5:15, death being caused by a nervous breakdown and heart fail ure He cam« here about a year ago in an effort to regain his health but it has steadily tailed A cousin, Richard Rotolon, arrived this morn ing from Seattle Word to being awaited from a nephew, Gilbert Skinner, of Seattle, ae to tbe dis posal of the remains. The body will probably be sent to Seattle for burial The leagsr the run the cheaper the rata at the Courier merchant print-' Ing department Grants Pass and Josephine Bank Do You Know Swim Kaps Hotpoint Hughes Electric Ranges The Pioneer Electric Range—and Still Leading In the City of Grants Pass seventy percent of the range installations are Hotpoint Hughes. RIVOLI CLEMENS SELLS DRUGS eu BUYS FOR CASH Every one is shouting Itrahww for New and feed Good» HEE ME ■THE GILDED LILY’ E. W. CHILES with Mar Murray 401 G STREET GOING TONIGHT Big Dance— Richardson's hall, Wednesday, July 27. Tlcksts at the door fl, war tax 10c, total 11.10; extra gentle men, fl, war tax 10c, total fl.10; extra ladles free, war tax Its; specta tors 12«, war tax 2c, total lie. 38 . Why? Ask any Hotpoint housewife. Paul’s Electric Store Phone 47 Grants Pass