Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (July 26, 1921)
Tl ENDAY. JlTA !M. iIMil, GKANTN PASS DAILY OOLIUER FAOR THR — - T FOR EXCHANGE DOYLE’S Successor tu E Firtb » Last Call for Bathing Suits WILL TRADE 40 acres wltn water right for late model Ford and »400 Terms on th« »400 Call or write 624 West G St 24if EXUHANGF: for house In town, north side preferred, a 15 % -acre fruit farm Just outside city limits. Par-' tially under ditch. Good crop [ peaches und apple«. 300 West C street. I f Everything for QUALITY^ nothing for show MIXING Women’s and Children’s - Wool and Cotton REDUCED PRICES FINE MILLING A complete amal gamation of free milling ores Is obtained with a Itoaa Ore Mill and Amalgamator. Machine la light, compact and easily moved and in- alallnd. Capacity, 8 tons In 24 Boys’ Knee Pants, 5 to 8 years 50c a pair honrs, requires 6 h. p. gas engine, Being operated successfully on quarts and black sand. We will sell machines on small payment down, balance In gold from opera tions. Also have machines for 50 tons capacity. Write for particu lars and send 100 lbs. of ore for FX>K HAIJC FUll SALE Standing timber on the test. Ross Ore Mill and Amalga site of the Savage Rapids camp mator, 137 Spear St., San Fran WOOD FOR SALE Fir »2.26. pin« which will be submerged by back cisco, Cal. »3, on ground, 4 miles west on up water from the dam. is offered for per river road Posts and building A< 'COI NTANT aale. Must be removed at once, V’les llively & Brlckall. General Apply at office of the Grants Pass AUDITING Systematizing. See me Delivery. lit» Irrigation district In the court- about dally or monthly audit ser vice Ivan Livingston, Incorporat house. W uiuru den, Secretary. FOR 8AJJC »7 50 for cord of dry 40 ed Accountant. Phone slab wood cut in 12lncb le-ngths, dress. Granta Pass. OFe. «44 North Third St C. W. Um H>H KENT brecht. Phone 313-J. 93tf IIEAI, EHTATK FOR RENT Alfalfa. Grain and 90 ACRES 40 acres bottom under Stock ranches with and without E. T. McKlNSTRY, «03 O St., phone paid up water right fur sale. Irrigation, or will sell at bargain 155-R, real estate Best of soils for »6000. Aildro»-, N prices on lung time easy payments fruit, hay or general farming. Courier. 99tf Ranches In Jackson and Josephine county. One ranch under ditch ROY HIGGINS— -General real estate. 160 ACHES; 50 A. In cultivation, Office 111 South Sixth, Phone 09. 3 miles from Grants Pass, on river. ditches and valuable water rights; Gold Rav Realty Co., Owners. 36 A. alfalfa. 10 A. wheat. 5 A PIANO INSTRUCTION Medford. Ore O«tf barley; fine garden, plenty of MRS. JAMES M. POWERS. Instruc fruit. 3 to 5 hundred thousand fl. CRKSODNT CITY now has a gaso tor on piano; studio over Barnes' line launch, seating capacity 25 saw pine, frame bouse, 3 barns, jewelry. Phona 285-J. flsh- people, suitable for deep sea \ lull« to school, 4 miles to P. O., I In- MRS. CLARA TUTTLE FENTON 24 miles from Granta Paas; good' Ing. excursions, and picnics, quire oi E. C. Case, the Bay Bak- teacher of piano and harmony, outrange. For sale at »80 per 38 all day Monday. Studio over acre, crop Included Addreas No.1 ory. Crescent City, Cal, Smith's Racket Store. 205 car« Courier. O«tf TWO NICELY furnished rooms In home cool modern home, with TAX. FOR 8A1JC Cozy modem home, privileges. 664 North Third one acre of ground, fruit, berries, SOONER TAXI —Phone 362-R 38 street, or |»hone 313-J. fine garden Call at 1119 East A Jitney Luke or Cutler. Calls an street. 39 DINING ROOM and kitchen of West swered anywhere, anytime ern hotel for rent. Inqulro at pine : WOOD 12.75, large fir. (3.15. PHONE 160 The Bonbonniere 3» hotel. Order «hile It’s cheap and dry. Al Taxi. Teal. Granta Paas. 40 FOR RENT Two pleasant sleeping rooms. Modern. At 411 D St. 41 FOR SALK Second cutting alfalfa. HARPER Ä SON Building con . » WANTED »16 per ton In tho field at !Uo tors. Shop work, furniture crating. ¡ Lado ranch. 2 miles west of city on WANTED TO RENT—A large Irri Shop 510 H St. Rea. phone 142. river road. Phone Geo. Seebach gated ranch suitable for a dairy 6O2-F-13 211] ranch. Herbert Whitsett and A. J. OREEN—General contractor Estimates and plans made Noth- Daniel Harding, Grants Pass, Rd. FOR FRESH MILK and cream call Ing too small or too large Shop 4. Box 71. 33tf W. O. Andrews, phone 3 4 8-L. 92tf 211 Sixth St Phone 33-J. Morning and evening delivery. 4 9 WANTED Some one to buzz 125| J. NALASKOW8K1 — Contractor. tier of wood. C. W. I^ambrecht, FOR SALK <Nt TRADE -120 acres Builder and Jobber. Phone 246-R 664 North Third street, phone 2*4 miles east of Eugene, 2 miles «ltf 313-J. 38 from I-owell; 20 acres Oral Will MENTIS FH amette river bottom;In cultivation; WOMAN wants light work to do by hour or by day. Mending or plain E. .C MACY, D. M. D. good new fences and buildings; First-clasç sewing taken. Photie 219-R. 38 railroad station on ranch —a dandy dentistry. 109*4 S. 6th St poultry and dairy ranch Will sell WANTED Experienced grading VETERINARY HI ItGEON for »50 per acre or trade for gen foreman tor highway finishing. eral merchandise stock.«or give Wages $5 | mt day, less »1.25 for DR. R J. BESTUL, Veterinarian terms. Frank E. Blair. Ixiwell, board. Write or phone J. E. Ham- Residence 838 Washington boule Ore. 60 lltor, care Palmer & McBride. vard, phone 398-R. 36tf Crescent City, Cal. FOR SALE -14 acres land adjoining HAT’S OUR IDEA in making CAMELS—the Quality Cigarette. T Why, just buy Camels and look at the package! It’s the best packing science has devised to keep cigarettes fresh and full flavored for your taste. Heavy paper outside—secure foil wrapping inside and the revenue stamp over the end to seal the pack age and keep it air-tight. Classified Advertising 1 PHYSICIAN AND BURGEON And note this! There’s nothing flashy about the Camel package. No extra wrappings that do not improve the smoke. Not a cent of needless expense that must come out of the quality of the tobacco. Camels wonderful and exclusive Quality wins on merit alone. Because, men smoke Camels who want the taste and fragrance of the finest tobaccos, expertly blended. Men smoke Camels for Camels smooth, refreshing mildness and their freedom from ciga- retty aftertaste. Camels are made for men who think for them 1 el R. J REYNOLDS TOBACCO COMPANY. Wi«.ton-S.l.m, N. C. The Wardrobe Cleaners Cleaning, Pressing, Dyeing Altering, Relining, Repairing Master Cleaners and Dyers placer nilue at Golden, young orch WANTED- -Small gas engine, is horsepower, and pump. Address L. O. CLEMENT, M D. Practice ard, cheap. Address E K. Lohan, limited to diseases of ey«. «annose No. 223, care Courier. 37 Wolf Creek. Oregon. 63 and throat. Phone 62; Re«. 239-J. PROPERTY at 815 Dimmlck street WANTFID-—We want chickens at Physician Burkhalter's Feed Store. Bring 8 LOUGH RIDGE, M D for sale or trade for farm, stock and surgeon City or country calls them In. We pat cash. Phone or tools Address C. E. Hover. attended day or night Phones. 2S6-R or 363. 39 Glendale, Ore. 38 Res 369. office, 182; 6tb and H. MI.M F.LI.A.NI.OI » GAS RANGE with trash burner and E J. BILLICK, M. D. Physician, sur heater, nearly new, for sale. Cost REPAIR SHOP—Plumbing, pipe geon. Schallhorn Rlk. Phone 54-J; i over »100. sell for »50. Phone work, steam fitting, boiler and res. 1004 Lawnridge, phone 54-L. 342-J. M pump work and Installing. 505 South 6th street. Phone 306. G. W F. RUTHERFORD—Manual the- FOR SALE 3 pack ponies. »15 each, raputlcs. Office over Barnes’ Jew-j A. Bryan. 51t» In corral at end of East J street, elry. Res. 259-R: office 217-R. near old box fsetory. Goo. Bar- HANKERS LIFE COMPANY—Des RALPH W. STEARNS. M. D. Phy- ì 39 Molnos, Iowa. Myron C. Gaston. rows. sician and surgeon, X-Ray equip- District Agent. ment. Offlce in Masonic Temple, WILL SUBDIVIDF: traci of 10 acre» Bldg.. phone 21-L. or more, beat soli In Irrlgatlon CARNER-GAYETTY IRON WORKS —General foundry and machine W. T. TOMPKINS. D. S. T. Nervous! a <n-tri<-i. Prepari? ■'-i ritte* work, mine and mill machinery, In *4i mite of city llmlts. Small and chronic diseases. Office, Claus chilled saw carriage wheel», live pnyment down, halance on easy Schmidt Bldg. Phone 304-R. rolls, pipe fittings. Grants Pass, terni», low Interest rate. Addreas •DR ELLEN M COOK Spinal and Oregon. 91tf No. 219, care gf Courler. 38 Swedish massauer treatment. BARGAIN In a late model, dolled-up SEE THE "SINGER DE LUXE" and Office Golden Rule Building, of S tomach-Kidney a-Heart- Li ver other styles of "Singer" machines Ford touring car, self starter, new fice phone 7; residence 509 R.1 at Holman’s Furniture Store. rubber all around and spare, Hass Hours: 10-12 a. m., 1:30-5 p.m.25 Keep the vital organs healthy by Headquarters for sewing machine regularly taking the world’s stand ler shoe# absorbers Can be seen ATTORNEYS repairs, needles, oils etc. ard remedy for kidney, liver, at Ford Garage. 35tf H. D NORTON, Attorney-at-law bladder and uric acid troubles— FX»R HALE — « head of beef cattle. HEMSTITCHING and Plcoting At tachment. »2.00. Buttonholo At Practices In all State and Federal J. G. Triplett. Inland. Ore. 40 COLD MEDAL tachment, »9.8:5. fits any Sewing Courts. First National Bank Bldg. 42ty ACRES, two residences, about Machine Personal checks 10c ex G. W. OOLV1G, tt:orney-at-law. six miles from Grants Pass, OI) tra. Lights Mall Order House, Box Grants Pass Banking Co. Bldg. paintings. Incubators, etc. Call on 127, Birmingham. Ala. 45 E. 8. VAN DYKE, Attorney Practices CAPSULES ur address Cora B. Findlay. Route LADY has small sum to Invest with Ths National Rstnedy of Holland for In all courts. First National Bank 5 7 4, Box 81, Grants Paes, Ore. centuries and endorsed by Queen Wilhel services. References exchanged. Building mina. At all druggists, three sizes. Also FOR SALE lïxltl lent, cheap. Address No. 221 care Courier. 40 O. S BLANCHARD, Attorney-at-law Leak fee Ike aaiee G eM Medal aw every bee I 38 anti accapt no gas plate 300 West-C St. I Golden Rule Bldg Phone 270. NURSERY STOCK 9 FOR SALE UfTel turbine nnd five- C. A. .-UDLER, Attorney-at-law. Ma THE VALIFXIRNIA AND OREGON inch Byron Jackson pump, now NURSERY—Everything tn up to inile l*'m?le. Grants Pass. Ore. I date nursery Sock, also directions COAST RAILROAD COMPANY Installed, for sale. Grants Pass for planting and soil culture. Call UEO H DURHAM. Attorney-at-law Time Card Irrigation District, Wllford Allen. 1 on F. E. Jordan, North 10th street. referee In bankruptcy. Masonic Secretary. • Grants Paes. Oregon. 43tf Temple. Phone 135-J. Effective Nov. 24. 1919. FOR HALF! One ton Ford truck. Trains will run Mondays, Wednee- drayage : and transfer JAMES T. CHINNOCK. Lawyer. 42 Inquire at the City Hall. days and Fridays First National Bank Building. P.M. l^ave Grants Pass............. 1 THE WORLD MOVES; so do we. DOI Ml Fl i x It for ■ I P.M. Waters Creek........ 2 Bunch Transfer Co. Office phone A. C. HOUGH—Lawyer. Tuffs Bldg. Arrive good tires. Terms to right party, I .eave Waters CrMk........ 3:30 P.M. 849; res. phone« 265-R, 316-L. Practice In kill court«. »500. Sen Jitney Luke. 39 P.M Arrive Grants Pass.......... 4 For Information regarding freight F. O. ISHAM, drayaxe. transfer; pi V. A. C. AHLF, lawyer, practico In and passenger rates call at the office FOR 8AIzE Dalton adding machine, anos, safes, furniture, moved, ship state and federal courte, Office of the company, Lundbnrg building, used only a short time. (Address ped, packed, stored. Phone 124 Y over National Drug 8tore. City, P. O. Box 725. 38 or telephone 131. We Clean Everything That is Possible to Clean f 507 E St., Opposite Colonial, Phone 147 ► * WE WILL CALL WATCH THE BIG 4 It ISN’T KNACK .ALONE: ■ flour FLOUC FB that makes the bread and rolls good. It’s good flour, such as Clematis flour. No other brand Imparts to the bread a taste more appetizing; no other makes lighter or more whole some bread. If you have not yet tried this flour there is a great treat in store for you. Made and Sold By JOSEPHINE COUNTY FLOUR MILL Grants Pass and Roseburg Stage DAILY AND SUNDAY Ijeave Grants Pass 1:00 p. m- Leave Roseburg 1 p. m. Grants Pass- Medford Stage DAILY AND SUNDAY PHONE SB OR 10O LEAVE GRANTS PASS 10:00 1:00 p. m. 4:00 p. m. «:1B p. m. LEAVE MEDFORD S:OO a- tn. 11:00 a. m. 1:00 p- m. 4:30 p. tn. for Ashland and Jxkson ville