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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (July 26, 1921)
BRANTS PASS DAILY COURIER Published Dally Except Sunday A. E. Voorhlea. Pub. and Propr ■Stared at poatofflce, Granta Pass. Ora., as »econd-clsss mail matter DAILY COURIER ■r mail or carrier, per year----- 36.00 By mail or carrier, per month .50 WEEKLY COURIER ■y mall, per year............................. H 00 ADVERTISING RATES Btaplay space, per Inch................ — 36c Local-personal column. p«r llna....l0c Baaders, per line—.......... — ------ 5c « POULTRY FLOCKS We Have STOCKED SCHILLINGS TE AS ESPE« IAI.LY FOR THE PEOPLE WHO APRIXTATK REAL FIRST Çl ALITA (KX»I»S. * THIS IS THE GUARANTEED MANEY BACK LINE ANI» WE KNOW YOt WILL LIKE IT. OUR STOCK INCH DES, JAPAN. OOLONG, CEYLON A INDIA AND KNG1.1SH BREAKFAST. TRY A SMALL 83c PACK AGE FIRST AND AA E BELIEA I. AOl WILL AI.AA AAS INSIST ON I SING SCIIILI INt.S, TEST EGGS AT LEAST TWICE Mak« Inspection o i Seventh and Four teenth Days for Those Intertil« or With Dead Germ«. MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED PRESS Th« A moc fated press is exclusively •■titled to the use for republication •f all news dispatches credited to it or all otherwise credited in this paper and also the local news pub lished herein. AU rights of republication of «pe stai dispatch«« herein are also re August 6, yachts in three classes, NEW TODAY served. ___________ sloops, schooners and yawls, will GET YOUR LUMBER from th« Jos«-| start from Santa Barbara for a race TUESDAY, JULY 26, 1W21 phine Lumbar Co., at wholesale to Los Angeles harbor. Cups for the mill prices. All kinds of planed ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ latter event will be offered by the lumber. Our truck deliver* any Santa Barbara and Los Angeles ♦ OREGON WRATHBR <8 where. Phone 188, 107 North ♦ Yacht Clubs. Sixth street. 92tt Tonight and Wednesday fair, ♦ ♦ ♦ DRY PINE WOOD 32 75 per tier; ♦ moderate northwest winds. ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 fir, $3. Not less than 2-tler orders at these prices. Houser Bros. GOING TO THE ORIENT TO JOSEPHINE MINING Phone 326-Y. 39 Josephine county has become fa WORK FOR THE Y. W. C. A. mous for her mines and for the va riety of minerals lying in the moun tains. umilili mi iimiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiuii iiiiiiiiiiiii These minerals are awaiting only the development of the Indus-. perity to Southern Oregon. Mines WANTED-Small good condition. cannot be developed without capital, »Prepared by th. United Hist*« iwpart- msnt ot Agriculture > It Is of little profit for a lieu to sit patiently for 21 day« If the eggs over which she fluffs her feathers are in fertile or If the genus in them have dlisl. Neither doe« it pay to run an incubator for three weeks with Its at fondant eaie ami expense, If the eggs tn It are not fertile. All poultry owners who raise «hicks should be thoroughly familiar with the method of testing eggs. All egg. whether it Is fvrtll«' or mil. has a small grayish spot, known as the germinal s|H>t, on the surface of th«' yolk. A» soon as a fertile egg is placed under a hen or In an Incubator the develop ment of th« germ begins. All eggs should I»* tested at least twice during the Incubation |H'ri«al. say poultry sp«- elullsts of the United States Depart ment of Agriculture This Is «lone preferably on the seventh ami four teenth days. Tim Infertll«* egg*, ami SECOND HAND MAJESTIC RANGE in fine condition, One massage E W vibrator. Good as new. 38 Chilee. 401 G St. WANTED- -Experienced Josephine hotel. try. which will bring increased pros waitress. 3 7tf I refrigerator Phone 212-Y. In 39 the distance of the mines from the FOR SALE- Apartment house at 823 J street. Price 34000. Call at same address. 63 railroad, and in many instances from a highway, making the coat so high that they cannot be scratched. more than COW FOR SALE -Fine thorough bred Jersey 4-gallon cow. and thoroughbred calf 5 weeks old. Address Box 6S0. Grants Pass. 3 9 t I j OST—.Fountain pen In First Na tional bank, Schaffer, No. 2, self filling. Return to M. D. Vlnyard. or leave at Courier office. 3» The necessity of indue-. Ing men with money to become in terested in this section is realized. Recently a mineral exhibit was sent to Portland and entered as a feature of the Portland mining con-| Cress. The showing attracted much attention, especially a number WANTED !x>an of 31000 on city residence. Address No. 224 care of Courier. 39 of gold bars, which excited the curios ity of even well known mining men. 3700 takes 21, lots. 50x130, small * house, woodshed, good barn, well and drinking water, last house on east L street, inquire at'same ad dress. S8tf The Josephine exhibit was pronounc-, ed a great success and did much to direct attention to the wonderful mineral resources of this part of the state. Tl KMDAY, JULY INI, 11'21. GRANTS r.UM DAILY «XM RIKR PAGE TWO An exhibit in Chicago is plan ned during the convention there of mining men of the world. An ivlta- tion has been extended to mining men of Josephine to send enough Mias Constance Bull of Kenwood The avenue. Chicago, has Just been ac cepted for service of the Y. AV. C. A. director of the exposition, who saw In Japan. Miss Ball is a graduate of the Portland exhibit, said that the Swarthmore college and has been con local showing was as good as any nected with the “Y” at Philadelphia and at Lowell. Jia«. that can be sent in. This means minerals to make a showing, much, for there will be exhibits from 1*. Asa. Trial. Sunday observance doesn’t worry the great mining centers. If Josephine loafer. It is the “six days thou shall work” t&at gives his orthodoxy a se county can be represented at Chi vere test.—Toledo Blade. cago, it would be a great boost for Mexico, Canada, Alaska and other the Southern Oregon mining indus try. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIANS .ARRANGE TWO REGETTAS • Los Angeles, Cal., July 26.— (A. I P.)—Two regattas in Southern Cali-, fornia waters have been arranged by the Los Angeles Yacht Club, for the, summer season, the first to be held off Long Beach Jtrly 31 when there will be one race for schooners and yawls and another for sloops. On New York Life NEW TODAY—2 full size and 2 »* 40-lb. new cotto* ma»tresse* at 87.73 each. I refrigerator, 1 glass <!”or < upl>oard, I »erven cupboard, I NvlO tent used two week». 1 folding cot. I camp stove... Phone 71. T. C. Booth. TURKISH N ATIONALISTS ARE » »IMPELED TO MOVE »•ABITAI. London, July 26.— (A. P.l—The Turkish nationalists have been com- pelled by recent Greek-advances to move their capital from Angora to Sivas. Athens. July 26.—(A. P.l- The I Greek official agency announces that | the Turkish losses amounted to 75 I per cent of entire fighting strength. T. M. STOTT Agent Grants Pass, Oregon Organdie Dresses A shipment of Organdie dr<-»s«s« rereive.1 yretcrrtey from New York, re|»reaenta thè beat valure we bave ah«»wn Ibis season in this class of merchandbe. Th«*e «Irresre were laiugbt at lean than hair tli<4r regular price |by our buyer while in the New York market. Be sure and see these dreaeeii. Abo twin'd a new shipment of imported Japanese Cre|>e, le-autiful line of colors. THEY tl.W AYS ««»ME BACK EOR MORE That is a rule at this bakery, after once you have tried our bread, cake, pies, rolls and de licious home-made pastry. Wo men who bake at home say that our bakery products can not be excelled. A»k jour Grocer for Bread l.aked by the GRANTS PASS BAKERY 503 G Street We repair and make every type and style top ami slip cov er—And do the work RIGHT- lx-< us repair jour present top and. also, lend real distinct ion to yonr «ar with a smart ret of durable slip covers. Sam ple*, prices, etc, gladly sub mitted. G. B. BERRY OAC Oregoa't Higher institution «f TECHNOLOGY f ight Schools; Seventy Depsrtmcnts FALL TtRM OPENS SEPT 19. 1921 For information write to the Ketittrar Oregon Agricultural College * CORVALLIS Testing Ecg by Use of Metsl Chimney Tester. those with bad gertns, shoubl then be rvmov«*d. White-shell eggs can be tvst«*«l on the fourth or fifth day, whereas the development of eggs hav ing brown shells often run not t«r »«'en by the use of th«' urilinary egg tester until the seventh day. A satisfactory hom«»niade egg tester or Candler can be made with a shoe box or any other box larg<* enough to hold the lamp. Cut a hole a little larger than a 25 eeut piece In th«' «Ide of the box, so that when the lamp Is place«! inside the box the hob' In the sld«' will be opposite the flam«-. Mak«' u hoi«' also In the top of the box h«rg>- enough to prevent the top from cateii Ing tire from the lieut of the lump. When the chimney Is long enough, al low it to extend through the top of the box. This permits the heat to er <-ap«' and avoid* the risk of tire. Spe cial care should always be exercise«! In using kerosene lamps In candling to prevent tire. To prevent further possibility of tire, u wornien box may be use«l in place of a pasteboard one. and. if «lesired, the opening through which the chimney extends may l>e lined with tin or asbestos. Electric or gas lamps may be umsl In n box with n hole In the same way that the kerosene inmp Is use«l. The hole which Is In the side of the te«x should be on the same level us th«* light. The eggs may also be leaded by sunlight or daylight, using a shade or curtain with a bole In it for the light to shine through. Testing with « tester or candley should be done lg a «lark room. Hold each egg with the lurge end up. so that the size of the air c.-ll may be seen, ns well as the condition of the embryo or germ. An Infertile egg when <-un- <lle<l looks perfectly clear, the same as h fresh one; while a fertile egg shows a dark sjw>t known »« the em bryo. with a muss of little blood veins radiating in all direction«. When the germ Is dead, ami the egg has been incubated for at least IK hour«, the blood settles away frotu the embryo toward the edges of the yolk, forming In some cases an Irregular circle of blood, known ns a blood ring. Eggs vnry In this resiwct. some showing •nly n streak of bliswl. All Infertile egg» and those with den«l germs, shoiil<l b«> removed at th«' en«l of the first test. Eggs with dead genus soon decay and give off a him «slor If allowe«! to remain. The inf« r- tile eggs tnnk«' good f«'«'«l for young chicken*. At the second test, on the fourteenth day. the egg« rontnlnnjg strong, living embryos will b<> dark and well fille«' up. showing a dear. «harp. dlstln«'t line between th«’ air cell and the grow ing embryo, while eggs with d«'nd germs will show only partial develop ment and lack this clear, distinct out line. Th«' perils! of Incubation for lien’s eggs Is 21 days, but usually some of the eggs hatch th«' evening of the twen tieth «lay. Sometimes It happens, how- t'ver. that the hatch will run over the twenty first day, «'«peclnlly during com weather. 10 FEATURE BIG CIRCUS Saturday la to be circus day In «¡rants I'ass wh<ui tho fauuius Lew F 4’ulHns dog and pony circus will present Ihnlr show on the lota at the cortu'r of II and Fifth atreeta on Hutiirday, July 30, and aftermxm and evening who»» to be given. "Thia Is tho first dog and pouy circus to pay us a visit In some limo," i the ad van«-«' axent «mid today. "And| It goes without saying that It will be I a welcome attraction " "Children arc always pleuaed to see tho show, and It Is claimed thia! show has more trained dogs, ponlw, goat* and m«tiko»a than any simitari organisation entour." Aerial, rope spinning and novelty act« will bo of fered In «"«injunction with tho animal program. It 1^ announced A big troupe of clowns will "cut up" for tho benefit of young ami old, and make the affair a complete tent show performance San Francisco, July 26 (A. P.l To settle a long standing contro- »ersy as to whether sea lions eat enough salmon to diminish mater ially the f«Kxl supply ot Uallforula, Professor E. C. Sparks of tho «oology department of .Htantonl university has undertaken an Invtwtlxatlon for the commercial fisheries departniont of the California Elsh and (lame Commission Fishermen show' mutilated I su I m on bodies as evldt'iice of their conten- tion that when fish gather In i schools around the mouths ot rivers prepara- t tory to ascending for sjiawulng pur- |> os « m , the sea lions gather aud de vour th«*m In large numbers. Th«* work will bo done mostly in Monterey Bay. If the ln»<'wtlg*tl«>n [«roves that the sea Hons are a men ace to the aaltnon Industry, the cum- mission ho|*es to obtain consent of the government to keep the sea lion population down to a safe total by regulated killing. I-on g Courier ment. runs a specialty merchant printing GENUINE BULL" DURHAM tobacco makes 50 flood cigarettes for z-àx 10c Till Till; «.I IJHIAN.HKN ONLY TEN MINI TIA tl our »lore you can pr«*»«' «<> yourself In t«*n minute« that the <>ull.ran««*ii 1» <«a«y for you Io play »»ell—« mnrvclous In- struiiK'nl—|«»slUve|ji fMMlnnt- Ing, The <oii|x>n I m 'I ow brings you full information. Chock h«r« if you do own any plano or piano. 1,01 [2J playar- Chwk here if you want Infor- Ill'S mation about having a Gulbraiis>*n player action In stalled In your present piano (or player-piano) □ Write your name and address on the margin of this page and mall It to us. The Musk & Phuto House tn the depart- Nlanlon Ito«« ell, I’roprlrtor Dodge Service Phone 17 We have the best equipped shop in Southern Oregon for Dodge work and can save you money on your work. We have in stock Service Batteries to fit any car and a complete stock of Diamond Grid Batteries with a two-year guarantee. FRONT IM»|MJK HPRINGB REAR IMtIM.E HPRINOH .................................... SPARK PLUGS IM»I»GE AMMITTERN < < >NI>I ASERH FRONT WHEEL TIMKEN INNER FRONT WHEEL TIMKEN OUTER ... ................. REAR WHEEL TIMKEN ................................ .............. THERMOID BRAKE LINING SERVIC E BRAKE NO. »I l»RY «ELIA .................................... ....................... CYLINDER HEAD G.tHKKTM DODOH Bl vil’l Ils HAVE THIS URI» E LIST ANI» < <»M- PARE IT WHEN YOI <i«> TO III Y C. A. LINCH McINTYRE for Implements of All Kinds Mowera.R akea, Binders CLETRAC TRACTORS .Planet Jr. and Standard Garden Tools 402 4 South Sixth Granta Pass, Ore. USED CARS Foni Truck, new tli-re ............ Oakland Six, flrat <iaaa aliape .... .................................... -............... f’hevrolet«.—•«... (»»«■rland. Baby Four .............. «»verismi Delivers M I'lo.oti 9SM.M •‘»"A «Mi Water Is Essential. W 1 HA XMh One dozen eggs contain about one pint of water, »’leun. fresh, pure wa ter should be kept constantly before the hens and should be renewed at least once dally, say specialists of the United State« Department of Agricul 1________________________________________________________ _ _________________ ture. C. L. HOBART COMPANY