Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (July 19, 1921)
TIHHDAY, JI'LY I». IMI. (HUM* paar daily ooviukii PAGE FO VH PERSONAL N E Dlckoier. of Eilugetia. was I kune by Moonlight— Saturday night, July 23, at the registered last night at the Joae- 3llf beet sugar factory phlne. R W Putnam was a business vle- «»reetiwt Clothing Sale— itor In the city yesterday and today Now on at Peerless Clothing Ci. tf from Portland Flume lumber at Borland Thomas Working on < '«•ion Mine Work on the Cohen mine near Hol C4U Lumber Co. Phon« 187-J. land Is going ahead In good shape. M Tucker, of Eugene, spent M on - according to Tom Pearce, who re day and today iu the city on bus- turned from there last night. Mr lúeas. Peace states that they are now pre I., I. Carter returned to Medfont paring to drift Into tho main lead. last night after spending several days He has l>«»«n doing engineering work In the city at the mine. K. E. Romig, who has mining In- tvrests near Glendale, spent the day < Nuning ’ Montana Harmony Five, at . in the city on business Standard rolled barley, >1.30 per Waldorf hall Thursday night. sack at the Josephine County Flour lower Privée • Mill. 39 On goods In every line for men at Alonxo Morrison, of Portland, was Peerless Clothing Co 98tf a huslness visitor In tho city yester day, stopping at the Joseph no last Mining Men PI wimm I— night. Joe Stewart and It J Hueton re-j Mr and Mrs Charles Redmond and turned to Seattle this morning after Mr ami Mrs E. O. Bradfont return « trip to the Boswell and Boawell' od last night from a trip to Crater Kfcat Extension mines The gentle- loike. Mr anil Mrs Redmond are men »«‘re greatly pleased with the visiting in the city from Portland properties and are prepared to put Before you build gel figures on their backing behind the East Exten-| your lumber, shingles, lath, « doors sion. They represent Seattle capi- and windows at Borland Thomas tallsts who sent them to «tantino !.umber Co. Phone 187-J. <4tf the properties H. B. Reed returned last night from lx>* Angeles »here ho spent the Moonlight I >»«»>«»— past 10 days Mr. Reed states that At beet sugar factory Saturday ¡ the Elks are having a real time In night, July 23. Good music and ! tho California town Guy Schumate returned thia inorn- good floor. ing from Loa Angeles having apen t Acme Cafe— the |>ast two weeks there. •Mr», The home of good eats Is Shumate was confined to tho hos- open day and night lotrsen & pital hero after an operation for ap draws. pendicitis. while they were on their way to Loa Angeles from Yakima Save M«»ney— Engraved cards—Courier office Purchase your new suit and fur Mr ami Mrs. P. A laird, of lais nishings now at I’eertess Clothing Co Angel««, stopped off here last night for a visit with Mr and Mrs. Alfred Sunday School I'««ni enlion— lajtcher Jr . while on their way 10 Next Sunday. July 21th. there will i Seattle on a trip. Mr Lord Is th« be a Sunday school convention in th«* I I Velle dealer In lais Angeles Oak Grove on the Johns Ranch on S C Jones has arrived from Med the Cow Creek road and Pacific high ford to help out in the local office of way The exercise« are to begin at the California-Oregon Power com 10 a m and will continue until 4 or pany. during the absence of C. L. & p. m . including dinner at noon Clevenger, who with Mrs. Clevenger Coffee, milk and sugar will be fur is spending several weeks on a vaca nished on the ground and a collec tion. tion taken to pay for same Those Mr and Mrs Ira Dick, of San who are preparing the program Francisco. Mr. and Mrs M. D. Hain. promise an interesting day of Long Beach. T F. Ratchford. of San Francisco, and Mr and Mrs W W. White. B«»rtha O. White. Grace P. Maxwell and E C Stolti, of Sac-1 ramento were Californians stopping in the city last evening. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Maxwell re turned last night from Portland where they spent the past few days Mr. Maxwell drove a new Buick back and says that detours are fre- quent In the northern part of the state because of the large amount of road work being done Guests at the Oxford last night in cluded Mr. and Mrs E. W Pollock. E. D Pollock. Barbara Pollock, and Robert and David Pollock, of Seattle. Mr. and Mrs George W. Easton of Plymouth. California. Fred M. Peter- | son of San Francisco. M. Wisecarver of Dunsmuir, and Austin Raymond , of Patricks Creek. Shoes for the Family Men’s and Boys" Bathing Suits Wool and Cotton 75c to $5.00 103 North 6th WOODWARD’S Morris Chairs in Leather and Velour Rockers, Leather. Mahogany. Genuine Reed Reed Fibre and Oak. Come in and see them—you will find the prices right. Holman's Furniture Store For 35c at the Acme Cafe A real working mans' place to eat. Try our hot waffles. 20c. All experienced white help. T. I-arsen and E. An drews. Props Open day and night, tf Three C’s Lumber Company CARRY a complete line of lumber, all grades, Lath, Shingles, Doors, Windows, Wallboard, etc. WE MAKE all kinds of Cabinet Work, Screen Doors, Window Screens, Cupboard Doors, etc. ESTIMATES ON REQUEST Do You Know We Sell GRANTS PASH. OREGON An old man. who appear» to b« somewhere around 70 years of age, is being held In the county Jail await ing an examination to determine his sanity. He wa* put off a Southern Pacific train at Wolf Creek and was then brought to the county home. Yesterday he started raising a rump us there and was brought to the county jail. The inmates of the home were said to be badly frighten ed of the old man’s actions. Re ap pears to be absolutely peaceful In the Jail, where he has the run of the i corridor. y TAI Utili NG l<-< Me show you oar maay romarknble valurw in Hue ».«olona at til«' ruck bottom |>rice for lhe bigioni quality. GEO. S. CALHOUN «03 G 8RHET Over sixteen years local dealer GILI NTH PV4H. «»UMHIN Big Reductions f on All Goods at Peerless Clothing Co. Your Own financial Independence 1 I <le|«’n<ls In large measure on |M-r»l»ient saving» «ml invewuueat. An mt-ount with the Grauls Fa»» A Jo»«-|.liln«- Bank «•liable» you to mwsnupliali the <le»irod result. 4- lnt«-r<wt I'«id on saving» Accounts Grants Pass and Josephine Bank G rants P ass .O regon I •I- A AND Wednesday and Thursday World Famous War Aviator, Chief Pilot JINX JENKINS, Aerial AcrobatThe ln,r'p,t ftre Devil 01 -i ■: “The Witching The man who walks the wing of an airplane while flying—performs acrobatics on the landing gear. etc. THE MAN YOU HAVE SEEN IN THE MOVIES changing from one airplane to another in midair, changing from a racing automobile to an airplane, jumping from an airplane to a speeding express train, leaping into space with a parachute from an airplane at 20.000 foot altitude. The man who dove into San Francisco Bay from an airplane, etc., etc Fancy and Stunt Flying Exhibitions by Capt. Tanner T< »Molllt« »W OLICÏ « own Ufe Dtaablltty Health At-vldewt REl l INCH LIFE INSt RANCE CO. <» PITTSHI RG RIVOLI THEO. P. ( RAMER Jr. Agent *M I« X. 8th M. Just the Right Balance There is certainty of |»erfect lit and correct Mylo In Exhibitions at 7 p. m. Engraved card*—Courier office P SELLS DRUGS rnrs. Hellie Deas We do Hemstitching CAPT. EMMET TANNER <H«I 'Un la Hold— KR9TNT ROTEfTION CLEMENS At Sale Prices July 20 and 21 Auspices GATES MORRIS AVIATION CO.. San Francisco ’. ■ I . There have been but two day* this year when the temperature approach ed 100 degrees, the rest of the time having been comparatively ,x»ol Yes terday the mercury went to 91. which is the warmeet It has been for a number of days. During the past week It has been hovering around the 90 point, the afternoon breexe keeping the atmosphere cool Waists and Blouses GRANTS PASS Ul You Can Rai— Thermovneler Slays Down— High Class Aviation Exhibitions Airplane Rides Chairs and Rockers FOVXDRY AM* WHiT G LOCAL Passenger Carrying All Day Make Reservations Early and Avoid Delay WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY ONLY l«7-R i X