Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (July 19, 1921)
GRAMM PASH DAILY COLKIEK 'IT HAD Al . JI LY U*. 1021. ....... . 1 DOYLE’S Successor lo B PAGE THRU — - Firth Just Received by Express New Shipment of Japanese Crepe Dresses and Aprons $4.35 and $4.95 Classified Advertising IXJST 2-bladed pen knife, near Ai nu«! a schoolhouse. Finder please return to No. 218 care of Courier. • 32 KOH EXCHANGE * WILL TRADE 40 acres with water right for late model Ford and *400 Terms on the *400. Call or write 624 West G St 24tf A4XXM NTANT 3 GOOD MILK COWS for sale Peer less ranch. Murphy. J. E. Dan- WANTED—'Laborers to work at! Savage Rapids dam. apply to Mr. Illa. 25tf Shattuck ’ Neilson on the work. OOIM'.H CAR for sale, In good condi 11 tf Construction Co. « tion. Real bargain, price *450.00. Everett Hogue. Grant« Pass Hotel 32 ' FOR SA1JC OR TRADE 120 acres 314 miles east of Eugene. 2 miles WANTED by couple Modern small from Ixiwell; 20 acres first Will furnished or unfurnished house, amette river bottom, in cultivation; north side. Phone 145-R. 35 good new fences and buildings; rnllroad station on ranch a dandy WANT COOK— to cook for 2 or 3 persons in mining camp. Address! poultry and dairy ranch, Will sell P. O. box «98. Grants Pass. Ore 321 for ».’o per acre or trade for gen- ernl merchandise stock, or give WE WANT CHICKENS—tAt Burk-! halter’s. 21c for heavy hens, mar-' terms. Frank E. Blair, Lowell. 50 Ore. ket price for light hens. Phone1 363 or 288-R. 36| WOOD FOR SALE About 10 Hers WANTED Customer» for fresh rich big body fir, dry; 10 tiers dry oak milk, morning delivery nt 10c a chunks; several loads heavy Or quart. A. Alberts, 20 rods above bark. I«et mo supply your winter city limits, north. Rd. 1. 32 wood. pine, flr, oak or laurel; all llrst class wood. Walter Davidson \\ \NTBD—Good freah milk cow, Rd No. 2.' 33 also small pigs. A. Gigler, R<l. 4. 32! FOR SALE—14 acres land adjoining placer mine at Golden, young orch ard, cheap. Address E. E. Ixjban, Wolf Creek, Oregon. 53 REPAIR SHOP—'Plumbing, pipe work, steam fitting, holler and 1920 DODGE in Al condition, price pump work and Installing. 505 reasonable If taken at once. C. E. South 6th street. Phone 306. G. Moran, 965 l-awnrlnge Ave. phone Sit* A. Bryan 348JR. • 33 FOR 8ALE- Too many goats, brush HANKERS LIFE COMPANY Dea Moines, Iowa. Myron C. Gaston, all gode, want to reduce the herd. District Agent. W F. Griffin, Rd. 2. 8* FOR RALE—-Man's Hudson bicycle, CARNER-GAYETTY IRON WORKS —General foundry and machine never been used, motorcycle han work, mine and mil) machinery, dlebars. Call at Dedrlck'a plumb chilled saw carriage wheels, live ing shop. 3^ rolls, pipe fittings. Granta Pass, FOR SALB—180 acres, timber land, Oregon. 91 if located: East half of the south east quarter and the oaat half of SEE THE "SINGER 1>E LUXE" and other styles of "Singer” machines the Northeast quarter of Section at Holman's Furniture Store 20 in Josephlno county, township Headquarters for sewing machine 39. Wm. E. Machin, Station B. repairs, needles, oils etc. Columbus, Ohio. 3* ECAUSE we put the utmost quality into this one brand. Camels are as good as it’s pos sible for skill, money and lifelong knowledge of fine tobaccos to make a cigarette. B AUDITING — Systematising See me •bout dally or monthly audit ser vice. Ivan Livingston. Incorporat-j e<l Accountant. Phone 389, Ad dress. Granta Paaa, Ore 7<>tf Nothing is too good for Camels. And bear this in mind! Everything is done to make Camels the best cigarette it’s possible to buy. Nothing is done simply for show. • Nl IINEKY HTOCK NURSBIlY Everything in up to dato nursery stock, also directions for planting and soil culture. Cal) on F. E. Jordan. North 10th street. Granta Paaa. Oregon, 43tf Take the Camel package for instance. It’s the most perfect packing science can devise to pro tect cigarettes and keep them fresh. Heavy paper —secure foil wrapping—revenue stamp to seal the fold and make the package air-tight. But there’s nothing flashy about it You’ll find no extra wrappers. No frills or furbelows. DRAYAGE ANI> TltANHFEIt — THE WORLD MOVES; ao do we THRHE-ROOM HOUSE and nlcelyj Bunch Transfer Co. OQTlce phone shaded lot at a burguln. turni« iti 349; res. phones 265-R, 316-L. WOOD FOR SALE Fir »3.25. pine ' .!<• Ir.-.l <' E Moran, »65 lawn- F. G ISHAM, drayage, transfer; pi (3, on ground, 4 miles west on up- ridge Ave., Phone 34841. 33 anos, safes, furniture, mo^ed, ship per river road. Posts and building ped. packed stored Phone 124 Y. poles Hively A Brickeil, General FOR HALE Two residences, a sev • Delivery. tf en-room house al 720 East D St., HEAL EHTATE and a five room house at 724 East E. t . M c K instry , bos g st, phone FOR HALE *7 50 for cord of dry 1» St Good location*. Call at 720 355-R. real estate. Beat of aolls for slab wood cut In 12lnch lo-ngtha, East D street after 5 p. m, or fruit, bay or general farming. «84 North Third St. C. W Lam phone 505-R 33 ROY HIGGINS—General real estate brecht. Phono 313-J. *2tf Office 111 South Sixth. Phone 69. FOR HALE CHEAP T'Oli CASH — One No. 2 Fay A Eagan 20-lnch »0 ACRE8- 40 acre» bottom under planer, new set of blade» Inquire paid up water right tor sale. of Geo. Carr, Galice, Ore. 3 g | m RS JAMES M POWERS, Instruc (6000. Addrosn No. 202. car* of tor on piano; studio over Barn««’ Courier >■ r GOOD PIANO for sale cheap, must! Jewelry. Phone 265-J. aell at once. Address No. 216i KO ACRES; 50 A. In cultivation, care Courler. 36 i MRS. CLARA TUTTLE FENTON ditches and valuable water rights; teacher of piano and harmony, 25 A. alfalfa, 10 A. wheat. 5 A l'oli Htl.l !■ : n A Street Tuesday p. m. Studio over Smith'* barley; fine garden, plenty of wlth amali cottage, finti class land.! Racket Store. 86tf : fruit. 2 to 5 hundred thousand ft. good location. Prie*, *2300, saw pine, frame house, 2 barns. »1000 down, ferma. Address No. TAX. mile to school. 4 miles to P. O.,1 217 care of Courler. 36 i SOONER TAXI—Phone 2«2-R for 24 miles from Grants Paaa; good Jitney Luke or Cutler. Calls an Kilt KENT outrange For sal* al *80 per. * swered anywhere, anytime K«tf acre, crop Included Address No FOR LEASE OR RENT Partly fur PHONE 160 The Bonbonniere for’ 305 care Courier. 08tf nlahed cottage, strawberries and Taxi. 7»tf large garden, Would consider sale FOR 8AIJC Houses at 802, Siti and BUILDING CONTRACTORS 616 Dtmlok St.. of furniture 832 North Soient!* St., wells and Irrigation, barns. Bargains. See HARPER A SON—Building contrac Grain and Mr» W. II Qualf. Ml N 7th 35 FOR RENT—Alfalfa. tor» Shop work, furniture crating Stock ranches with and without, Shop 510 H St. Rea phone 102. KO ACRE Wood lot for Bale. <1 ml lea Irrigation, or will sell at bargain __ _ ____________________________ ■ prices on long time easy payments A. J. GREEN—General contractor i out on level road, house, g$rage, Ranches In Jackson and Josephine out buildings, well, aeveral thou Estimates and plana made. county. One ranch under ditch j sand tiers wood limber. Bargain Ina too small or too lame. 3 tulle* from Grants Paaa. on river. for quick sale. Inquire W. 11. Quaif, 311 Sixth St. Phone 33-J. Gold Ray R*alty Co., Owner*. I J. call 832 N. 7th. 35 NALASKOWSK1 — Contractor,! Medford. Ore 06tf I Builder and Jobber. Phone 246-R ! FOR SALE Coxy modern home, 61tf ! one acre of ground, fruit, berries, TOR RENT At 4 03 Rogue River fine garden Call at 1119 ■Mt A avenue, 4-room bouse, well, half PHYSICIAN ANI» SURGEON 39 street. acre garden; *3 25 per month. 32 L. O. CLEMENT. M. D. Practice PINE WOOD |2.75. large fir. »3 15. FOR RENT—80 acres; 40 under cul limited to diseases of ey*. aar.noau; Order while It'» cheap and dry Al and throat. Phone 62; Res. 239-J. I tivation. equipped; good build Teal. Granta Pass. 40 ings. Illinois Valley, two tulles 3 LOUGHRIDOE. M. D. Physician from Holland, Address, John B. FOR SALE Second cutting alfalfa. and surgeon. City or country calls Griffin, Holland, Ore. 35 *15 per ton in the field at Illo attended day or night Phone*. Lado ranch. 2 miles west of city on Rea 38»; Offl,-*. 182; 8th sn<1 H river road. Phone Geo. Seebach. THREE LARGE LIGHT AIRY furn ished housekeeping rooms at *15 I ®- Bl LAUCK, M. D. Physician, sur «O2-EI.1 til’ geon. Schallhorn Blk. Phone 54-J; per month. 215 N. 3d. Phone 249-1 res 1004 I^wnrldge. phone 54-L. FOR SALE Champion Binder. Also R. 351 a burro Macklin Ranch, Iceland. W F RUTHERFORD—Manual the- Oregon 33 WANTED z raputlcs. Office over Barnes' Jew- ' elry. Res 259-R; office 217-R. FOR FRESH MILK and cream call W. O. Andrews. phone 348-L. Morning and evening delivery. 49 Here’s why CAMELS are the quality cigarette Such things do not improve the smoke any more than premiums or coupons. And remember—you must pay their extra cost or get lowered quality. If you want the smoothest, mellowest, mildest cigarette you can imagine—and one entirely free from cigaretty aftertaste, It’s Camels for you. Camel R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO COMPANY, Wmstow-SaUm. N. C. SQUEEZED TO DEATH HUGHES When the body begins to stiffen and movement becomes painful it is usually an indication that the kidneys are out of order. Keep these organs healthy by taking GOLD MEDAL Tbs world's standard remedy for kidney, liver, bladder and uric acid troubles. Famous since 1696. Take regularly and keep in good health. In three siies. all druggists. Guaranteed as represented. Lech fee th. eeme GeM o. .wr Ue RALPH W. STEARNS, M. D. Phy- ead a«.p< ee imirataoe stclan and surgeon. X-Ray equlp- ment. Offlce tn Alasonic Temple NOTICE FOK BIDS 21-L. Bldg., phone . Bids will be received by the under w. T. TOMPKINS, D. S. T? Nervous signed. secretary of the building com and chronic diseases. Office. Claus mittee. until four o'clock on Satur Schmidt Bldg. Phone 304-R. day afternoon. July 23, of the tearing! •DR. ELLEN M 0OOK- -Spinal and down of the old box factory building,! Swedish màssauer treatment. and its re-erection on the county fair i Office Golden Rule Building, of grounds site, according to plans now fice phone hone 7; residence 509-R. in my office at the Josephine County Hours; ; 10-12 a m. 1:30-5 25 court house, The committee reserve» the right to reject any or all bids. DENTISTS Auditorium Building Committee, M. L. Opdvcke, Secretary E. ,C MACY. D. M. D. First-claas dentistry. 10914 8. Sth St Pay Slow But Sure— C. H. Ernst is now glad that he VETERINARI SURGEON served in the Spanish-American war DR. R. J. BESTUL, Veterinarian for thia morning he received a small! Residence 838 Washington boule reminder of his service from the state i vard, phone 398-R. of Missouri. He was in the state militia when the call was made and several weeks elapsed after the militia was called before they were sworn into federal service. He was not paid for this time and this morning a check arrived for (14.05 for "interim services.” It has been Just 23 years since this service was performed. Electric Ranges 1 2 3 4 5 Convenient Economical Conserves Heat Clean Sanitary 6 7 8 9 10 Safe Saves Time Comfortable Absolutely Certain Saves Food There are numerous Hughes Housewives in Grants Pass. Ask them for information. Paul’s Electric Store Phone 47 Grants Pass THE LADY SHOULD DECIDE which flour she wants. We merely request that she give the local flour a trial; then if she Ls not satisfied we wiU re fund her money. When she has derided that “Flower of Clematis" is satis, factor) in every respect she should insist on getting that from her grocer. Made By JOSEPHINE COUNTY FLOUR MILL BUYS FOR CASH New and Vised Goods SEE ME WE CAN FURNISH the most wholesome“betweenmeal food" in supplying you with our fresh-baked bread. And In so do ing we are always alive to our ob ligation to growing youngsters, They need a full wheat bread and we give it to them. Ask yonr Grocer for Bread baked by the GRANTS PASS BAKERY 503 G Strees E. W. CHILES 4Ot Ò STREET THE CALIFORNIA AND OREGON COAST RAILROAD COMPANT Time Card Effective Nor. 24, 1919. Trains will run Monday», Wednes- days and Fridays I «are Grants Pass............... 1 P.M P.M Arrive Waters Creek........... 2 I^eave Water* Creek...........2:30 P.M P.M. *rive Grant* Pass............. 4 For Information regarding freight and passenger rate* call at the • fflce of the company, Lundburg building, or telephone 131. USED CARS Oakland Six, first class shape.... . Foni Bug*................... ....... Chevrolet __ _______ Overland, Baby Four ____ Ford Touring Car....... ...................... Overland Delivery ...... «... *550.00 $250.00 $275.00 $500.00 $200-00 $150.00 C. L HOBART COMPANY Advertising Pays—Advertise with the Courier