Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (July 19, 1921)
Tt KHDIY. JI LY IM. IM-JI GUANTO P.UM D.ULÌ COURIER TAGE TWO 1 GRANTS PASS DAILV COURIER Published Dally Except Sunday A. K. Voorhlee, Pub. and Propr. ■ntansl at poetoffice, Grant* Pase. Or* a* aecotvd-claae mall matter.' DAILY COURIER By mail or oarrler, per year---- $4 00 ■y mall or carrier, per mouthy bO WEEKLY COURIER Wjaall. per year.................................. 00 j MEM BEK OF ASSOCIATED PRESS TT.e Aaeociated preee la exdualvely ■■titled to the use for republication ef all news dispatches credited to It ar all otherwise credited In thia paper and alao the local news pub- Bnhed herein. AU right* of republication of ape- atal die pate he* herein are alao re serve. •. ____ of timo in transmitting th« eorreet | second* over th« cubic This Io«*, It I* «aid. led to error* In inap-niaking We Claim TO HAY K THE BEST SALTED PI'.ANl TO. THEY IKE. KO Is I I O l\l>OI I KB JI ST KIGHT. THEY’ ARK THE BEST VIRGINIA i'itxi M AND YOE Ml ST TRY A PACK AGE OF OCR SARATOGA CHITS. i l K’I AX THE HOME OE N’VMBKR IS CXVFFK E AND ALL OTHER QVAL1TY GOODS 101 & 105 N. 6th Grants Pass, Ore- II VSDAY. JI LY 19. 1981. ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ment have been arranged by a com extension at O. A. C. and George A. ♦ OREGON WKATHBR ♦ mittee and it is expected that the Mansfield, president of the state ♦ --------- ♦ Tonight and Wednesday, fair; ♦ cooler tonight east portion. ♦ Warmer Wednesday. ♦ Bible school will be out in full force ♦ to enjoy the evening. ♦ ♦ The Riverside Community Club- ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Will give another popular dance at their club house on Pacific Highway ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦■♦■•♦•♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Saturday night, July 23rd. good E ADDITIONAL LOCAL ♦ music, good time. Come. 35 federation, will be the principal speakers. A picnic dinner will be held at uoon. Sensational Reductions— On suits, shoes, hats and furnish ings at Peerless Clothing Co. 98tf ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ Will Honor lull Team— The Christian Bible school will hold a “jollfication” at Riverside P*rk tomorrow evening with their baseball team as honor guests. Sup per will be served at 6:30 from well filled baskets furnished by those in attendance. Stunts for entertain Jackson Farmers to Picnic— Fred Frit* Hurt— Now 69c New Shipment Fancy Voiles received this morning from the East by Express, same qual ity that has been selling all spring at $1.98, now very special at 69c per yard. Golden Rule »Store Washington. July 1» -(A. P.) international Interest In golf, which was at fever heat during th« recent British chumplonshipa on ICugllsh and Scottlfh links, waa renewed to day when several prominent profes sionals entered from Great Britain and all of the leading American "prim” a* well a* a few of our beat amateur player* begin the qualifying round in thi* year'» open champion ship tournament ou the link* of the Columbia Country Club, Chevy Chase, Md. last year thia event was decid ed over the course of the Inverness Club. Toledo. Ohio, and Edward ltay. representing the Oxhey Club of Eng land. waa the winner with a score of 295 for 73 hole*. There were 265 entries last year but this record mark will not be touched so tar a* entrant* go In numbers for the 1931 title a* the field may not exceed 320 player*. Nationally Priced Ths prie** u* th* asm* lo mvtrybudy, «vtrywhtre m th* U S. Thr*e niod*ln h. .Mv iv ,.4.1« *•*» 4« ». *-■ Uw .... «V *.'4. IM*—VMS » MH V 4 CULBRANSEN V-J Player-Piano —■ Merchant »alee book* at Courier office. NEW TODAY Every Telephone is a Long Distance Station Falling rock In the Boswell mine almost proved disastrous to Fred GET YOUR LUMBER from the Jose Fritx, one of the stockholders In the phine Lumber Co., at wholesale property yesterday. Mr. Frit* had mill prices. All kind* of planed gone into the mine and had been lumber Our truck deliver* any warned of the loose rock but thought where. Phone 188. 107 North nothing of it About a ton of rock Sixth street. 92U fell in front of him, some of it striking him and bruising his leg GOOD SUBSTANTIAL BODY for one Tb<- Pacific l?'ng Distance Trleplionc Une» ton Ford truck, crate and stake quite badly. First aid was given and an- tlte voice lilgji»»«)» of the Coast. Every tele* side*, no cab at 'i price. Jud Tay- it was found unnecessary to call a idiotic among Ihn I.IMMMMM» o|M-rnt«vl by The Fia doctor. li fir Ti-le|diune anil T«-l<«Krapli < <>n>|>nn> i*»nl Ila FOR SAIJS—A dairy ranch, one ot volani-, ting c<Hii|MUtl<-a is In |H»lvntlal lonnrotlon Rnptists vs. Christians— the beet lu Rogue river valley. All with every other and ran la- plaaed in actual con The Baptists, heartened at the de stock and implements go with nection when il<*irvd. feat last Friday of the Christian place. Address owner. J. B. Noble. baseball team, tonight plan to dupli Box 688.- 33 Tht» vn«t system of communication I« at the cate the victory and have a chance ill-.|HHial of the business lucn of the t'oaat .Hinten I for second place. The Christians, on HIGH SCHOOL boy wants work on for coni liier, tal um - cuoi for |a'r»onnl « oncrmatlotv- farm or in town Charlea Hillis. | the other hand, are faced with a pic- between far »i-iacratiil friends. 4 .’4 B St ! • I nic in their honor tomorrow night and are determined to bat their way Sil i'l l \GE OX W.M>I> Yc. i had Reach out and get your aliare of buainea» by to great hunks of fried chicken and better engage your winter'* wood the I «on g Distami' way. Reep in touch with reta other picnic essentials. now and avoid the rush which al ti» <-» am! friencta over Ixmg Diatance. You will ways comes in the fall.Grants Pass find the results are gratifying. Highway Work to Start— is about 3 or 4 thousand Ilers The laying of pavement north of short on slab wood because the the city on the Sexton Mountain- Yak fur Pacific lamg Distance. saw mills are not running. You Grants Pass section of the Pacific had better order now for future highway will be started by Septem delivery if you prefer. I have only ber 1, said Mr. Kibbe. a partner of 500 tiers of split wood —no slabs. A. D. Kearns yesterday. The con Jud Taylor. 32 tract for the building of the 10 males FOR SALE Player piano, with of road was recenUy awarded to Mr. piano seat, all the latest word Kearns, a Portland contractor. The roles, nearly new at a bargain, all equipment is being unloaded at Mer for 1300, cost $685, nearly $125' lin. preparatory to work. Two weeks worth of music roles go with will be taken to put up the mixing piano. See Harry S Clapp. 34 | plant and then work will continue FOR SALE—Small house nearly all1 without delay. new, large lot, electric lights, sleeping porches, near high school.. Treat of the Sea-on— Grants Pass and Roseburg Stage Best bargain in town. Price is Waldorf hall Thursday night. 32tf DAILY AND NI NDAY right. With electric range, $825, — licave Grant* Pana 1:00 p. tn- la-ave Roavliurg 1 p. m. without electric range. $750. See Will Elect Officers— Harry S. «'lap? 34 R. A. Ward of Portland, manager LEAVE LEAVE of the Oregon Wool and Mobair asso- YOUNG SADDLE HORSE, gentle, GUANTO I’ANH MEDFORD | ciation arrived in Medford Monday for sale. Inquire Overlook ranch, 10:00 a. in him * a. m. j to attend the election of officers for Merlin, Ore. 37 1:00 p. in. 1 the Southern Oregon district of the 11:00 a. in. DAILY AND HINDAY 4:00 p. in. i association, comprised of Jackson. PAINT NOW, in order to dispone of I :OO p- tn. some paint which I have on hand PHONE H.5 OR KM* 0: in p. m. ! Josephine and Curry counties, to be 4:.VO p. m. and keep a good painter busy, 1 I held in the public library Monday We connect with atagra for Ashland and Jacksonville will give you a close figure on al afternoon. The association now ha* limited amount ot house painting. 1600 members with 200,000 sheep Phone 375-Y. Jud Taylor. 32 signed up which is 60 per cent of the day evening. July 21. There han Western Oregon wool. The local WANTED Experienced construc I »«»n’t Ix-ave Town— Saturday night. July 23rd, but at been a misunderstanding as to the •district now has between 125 and tion warehouse and supply man | 150 members, and 22,000 sheep competent to handle supply ac tend the moonlight dance at the time and place and the county agent , signed up in Jackson county, which count* and general office work sugar beet factory, ^ome Jaxx and asks thaj a large turnout be preeonL 31tf is a rather remarkable record as it Salary $140.00 month without big. allck floor. includes all Jackson county sheep found Apply in own handwriting NEW TODAY that appear on the tax assessment to J. G. Hamilton, Crescent City, Typewriting paper—Courier office Io lb Cotton niattrauee, «lightly rolls.—Medford Mall-Tribune. care Palmer & MoBryde. 37 tiactl, ffUM». Mevernl g<Mxl tinti lot nil WANTED—Woman for general Hocker Creek Meeting Thnixlay— bede anil x|»rlng»i. I*»'» of fruit jar«. WIRELESS EXPERTS REPORT cleaning each week, also Black The evening meeting of the rodent One Ositi rug, ti-nte, mill chimh . nml AUSTRALIAN MAP ERROR Minorca or Ancona pullets, 12 to drive will be held at Spence hull for traveling bags nt lower pricea, or Sydney, N. S. W., July 19.—(A 14 weeks old. Phone 537. 33 tho Sucker creek community Thurs Move«. <-tc. ,Phone 71, T. <’, Booth, | P.)—Australia's exact position on I world maps, originally determined by Captain James Cook, the early explorer, was brought into question recently when wireless authorities, after direct checking by radio with standard time clocks at Lyons. France, said they believed there is an error of perhaps 100 yards on all I maps in Australia's north-south lines. Seafarers who first sketched Aus tralia's position based their calcula tions on the chronometer, the finely- made watch which keeps Greenwich time. Corrections were made from time to time, until final checking by cable was believed to be accurate. lately, however, Sydney wireless men who have been listening to the clock ticks at Lyons say they have j discovered there Is a perceptible loss A large number of Josephine coun ty farmers are planning to attend the annual picnic of the Jackson County Farm Bureau next Saturday in Lithla park at Ashland There will be a program in the morning and In the afternoon Paul V. Maris, director of New Voiles, $ 1.93 Value 4 BETTER INTERN ITION VL GOLF Pl.YY CARRIED IX» AMERICAN I.IXKs The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company Grants Pass- Medford Stage The Wardrobe Cleaners Cleaning, Pressing, Dyeing Altering, Relining, Repairing Master Cleaners and Dyers McINTYRE for Implements of All Kinds New York Life Mowers,Rakes, Binders CLETRAC TRACTORS k Planet Jr. and Standard Garden Tools T. M. STOTT 402 4 South Sixth Grants Pass, Ore. I We Clean Everything That is Possible to Clean Agent 507 E St., Opposite Colonial, Phone 147 Grants Pass, Oregon WE WILL CALL