Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (July 19, 1921)»*”’ ♦ Stante (lags Dailn Courier AHHOC'IATKI» PKENH HKHVK’K Tl nilAY. JULY 10, 10*21. VOL. XI., No. 0O-2. t I Question of Racial Equality Probable When VieiKloniiieiil of < 1iln«Ve Territory Is Asked Iieparture Not Held as Break of Ne gotiations, May Be Recalled Soon Toklo, July 19/—(A. P) —It Is Belfast, July 19.—(A. P.)—The MAJOR BRl'CE CAMPBELL SAID FORMER HMTCETWCY DANIEtJi return to Belfast of Sir James Craig, ANI» lUMMBVK/T AREI'EN- reported that Japan is likely to sub- TO HAVE RECEIVED CASH the Ulster premier, and the mem- RlllEll BRIBE mil to the proposed far eastern con I bers of his cabinet, from London. ference, the abandonment ot extra-1 ’ ' must not be taken as a rupture of territoriality In China and also to ask j the fixing of Immigration rights to countries like Canada, Australia, New gallon may be recalled to London Zealand and Indp-Chlna, and In gen-1 | next week. oral to raise the queetion of racial ' Former Assistant Secretary Itoow- Esporta Woni»*n Workers to Speed Testimony Favoring Brumfield Iden De Valera is regarded as visionary, Campbell Recently Told House In' equality. »ell States Republicans Fall lo Coming of World Revolution and tifiai ion WUl l ome Later, Of vestigating Committee He Re and Unionists feel that no discussion Give IHtn a ll«'«rtng Botello » l<ni ficer« Pursue Suspect ceived No Money ! will be possible until he modifies his Tokio, July 19. — (A. P.)—Nego- I views regarding the Irish republic. 11« llous have been opened for the ! Washington. July 19 -(A P.) — evacuation of tuberia by the Jap-. Ry H. I». Weyer ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦•♦ ♦ ♦ Washington, July 19.— (A. P.)— ♦ Bend, July 19.—-(A. P.) — 4 (I N. 8 Staff Correspondent) Mrs. Emma C. Bergdoll, of Philadel Fbrmvr Secretary Daniels and for aneoe. Now York. July 19.—(I. N. 8.) — ♦ Officers are pursuing a man In ♦ phia. today told the house committee mer Assistant Secretary Roosevelt, of I investigating the escape of Orover Penetrating for the first time the fog ♦ an automobile suspected of be ♦ the navy, were denounced for the John Dennison, of Medford, spent of conflicting reports and rumors as ing Dr. Brumfield. He Is be ♦ Cleveland Bergdoll, that she gave methods u«s«l In Investigating a war the day In the city visiting friends to the mental attitude of the Russian ♦ lieved to have turned toward ♦ $5,000 to Major Bruce Campbell, an time scandal among enlisted men at and attending to business matter» soviet chieftains—their hopes and ♦ the Deschutes river near Cres ♦ army officer at Governors Island, for disappointments—the International ♦ cent. He was seen near I-aplne ♦ the Newport training station. In a use "among high officials at Wash News Service is able to give exclu ♦ yesterday. ♦ Ivan R. Gates, manager ot the ington" to help obtain his freedom. .majority report of the senate sub sively today the judgment of Leon ♦ Gates-Morris aviation company, is in Mrs. Bergdoll said Campbell first committee today. Trotxky himself as to what ho thinks the city today arranging for a series demanded $100,000, but she refused. At the same time Roosevelt haa been and can be accomplished Roseburg, July 19.— (A. P.)—The; of flights and exhibitions on the local She said Campbell wanted the money, ■ned a statement that the two re- by the doctrines upon which the so circuit court was crowded this morn- aviation field. Captain Emmet Tan- not for himself but for higher-upa. viet republic is founded. publicans constituting the majority ing for the opening of the inquest ner, who gained international fame Campbell recently told the commit of the Investigating committee had in a sjieech before the Internation over the body found under Dr. Brum- by winning the tranacontieta! aerial tee he did not receive one dollar race from New York to San Francis- from the Bergdolls. al communist conference at Moscow, field’s automobile. failed to give him hearings, after An urgent roqurat that Josephine held In the latter part of June, and! Witnesses differed over the ldenti-co and back in 1919, and Jinx Jen- promising to do so | county be represented at the 24th which has not been published, even [ flcat Ion ot the body. . A storekeeper kins, of movie fame, will give the I annual convention of the American partly, on this side ot the Atlantic . told of selling Russell I shoes like’ exhibitions. During the day they ! mining congress and national expoei- the bolshevist war minister, Lenine's I those on the body. Articles found! will give commercial flights and in tion of mlnes and mining equipment righthand man. admitted for the first were identified as those of Russell's.j the evening at 7 o'clock the exhibi Other witnesses were to claim that ! tions will be given. The plane will | haa been received by A. H. Gunnell, time that the bolshevtst's goal is arrive in the morning from Ashland ! who had charge of the exhibition in "not so near at hand as it seemed: the body is that of Brumfield. 1 Portland last spring. The invitation to many of us three or four years I The black sox. overalls, gray hair, ■nd will be here Wednesday and I was sent by John E. Miller, superin ago." He gave what he believed to watch, fountain pen, letters and oth- Thursday. Jenkins does stunts such as hang tendent of the exposition, who had be the reasons therefor, and added er articles found on the body were Washington. July 19.—(A. P.) — I charge of the Portland affair. Mr.. an expression of confidence that the exhibits identified as the property of ing on the running gear with his toes The house today transferred asphalt and walking on the wings of the Salem, July 1».—(A. P.) The Miller bollevea that the Josephine soviets would yet attain their alms Russell, Points .. favoring Brumfield in the plane while it is doing stunts. One from the dutiable to the free list in telephone company haa 50 witnesses county exhibit. If sent to Chicago,, He showed at the same time that ----- ----- - - -- for the rate rehearing. Including ex would make a meet favorable Impree- Moscow has not yet given up ita hope identification which were expected of his favorite tricks is hanging on the Fbrdney tariff bill, thus dispos for a “world revolution." ' to be presented were the ring found the wings by a wire while the plane ing of the last of the five contested ports from the oast. Today's testi ,lon mony Is largely by telephone users , ! on the finger, the shape of the fing- loops the loop. Tanner served in schedules on which separate votes II M. Parks, director ot the Ore-i The text of the speech t as wireless-' . .. • .. >» A A condition A«t A ' I »4 A A AW ♦ F» A „ FI M «VA»M» A < r 1 A France and has seven German planes were permitted. the of the fingernails resisting the Increase Two days arc gon bureau of mining and geology.Lj frora Mogcow to Berlin, was re-! It also voted an increase In the to his credit. The plan used here expected to bo devoted to the techni has Informed Mr Miller that Oregon, celved by the International News Ser- and the contour of the body. duty on citric acid from ten to twelve will be a three-passenger. 100-horse- cal «testimony | as a state may make an exhibit v|ce |n a circuitous route. It is this ; power Martin. It is put out by the cents a pound. Representative Ix>ng- | Alaska will have an exhibit and Mr. gI>eech. presumably, upon which were same company that puts out the Mar worth said California lemon growers IM X TORS INDICE LEPERS | Miller states that Mexico Is prepared bttJMsd tho many recent erroneous) needed this protection. tin bomber. TO VISIT K AI, IH I STATION 1 to make an excellent showing Idaho. cab|„ dispatches to the effect that Mr. Gates is a police aviator of X, i Minnesota. Wisconsin and California lx>nlno and Trotzky had confessed to San Francisco and the machine is one , are planning on sending exhibits. Honolulu. T. H.. July 19.—(A. P.) collapse of their doctrine and system. In reference to Josephine county. While the red war minister’s speech —A corps ot doctors is to be dis- of those used in the aerial patrol in . Mr. Miller says, "I am particularly contains no such admission, it does I patched to the islands of the Ha-1 the bay city. anxious to see Joaephine county's bear unmistakable earmarks of deep waiian group of the board of health exhibit here in competition with the| disappointment, if not partial disil- to induce persons tainted with lepro rest of the world, because I know j lusionment. sy to enter Kalihi leprosy station PACIFIC COAST DELEGATION The Oregon state lime board is an that W ILL TOUR THE FAR EAST It would stand up most favor-! To avoid errors or garbling in here for the successful chaulmoogra nouncing that agricultural lime is ably, Would it be possible to bring I transmission the speech was forward- : oil treatment. available for Immediate shipment. here Shanghai. July 19.—(A. P.) — the exhibit of the five bars of ed to New York In the original form Moving pictures of life in the Ra Washington, July 19.—(A. P.) — The plant at Gold Hill la operating gold that were shown in Portland? and language—German ^ln which it ' lihi station and at the old leper col-i Plans were launched early 1^^. the Diplomatic conversations for the and the board does not expect the That, beyond question, was the best was cabled to Berlin, neatly pasted ony at Kalaupapa on the Island of summer by American organizations treaty with Germany to follow up the price ot limo to exceed $4 50 per ton thing at the show and created the up in strips upon profusely stamped j Melokai, showing the beneficial ef-i and American interests in Shanghai recently adopted peace resolution, which la much leas than the product moat comment and attracted the at blanks of the "Telegraphic des Deut- feet of the refined chaulmoogra spe to entertain the big trade delegation are understood to have been begun can be obtained in most states. To tention of more people than anything from the Pacific Coast that is to visit in Berlin between Loring Dressel, the schen Reiches." which still bear the cific for leprosy, will be shown In get the exact freight rate the local this port in making a tour of the Far American commissioner, and the else in the building. If It were pos Prussian eagle in the top center. all the towns and villages of Hawaii. freight agent should be consulted. East under the auspices ot the San German foreign office. sible to have It here, I would like to Proletarian l*rcsauro Urgtxl The lime may be secured in sacks see It.” Francisco Chamber of Commerce. Ac IXHITIAM) MARKETS Trotsky's speech, which throws an at the prevailing price plus the cost cording to notices received in Shang The convention, which Is to be held of sacks and extra labor, lavas than In the colUaeum from October 17 to illuminating light on the present hai. about 200 business representa GOVERNMENT EXPENDITURES |7 25 car lots may be secured by individ 22, Inclusive, will attract mining temper of the soviet leaders, follows: Choice steers ......... . $6.75 © tives. with members of their families, FOR YEAR SHOW DECREASE "Your conference occurs at a time Hogs, prime light_ $14.00 @ $14.25 will be in the party of travelers. Chi uals or communities, but to secure men from all over the country. It is East mountain lambs $7.00 © $7.50 the best freight rate it Is usually not known yet what action will be which is no longer as clear and well- nese business interests, as well as beet to order by the car. Waahington. July 19.—(A. P.)— taken but mining men in the county defined as was the period Immediate Prime lambs.... ...... „..$6.00 © $6.50 Americans residing in China strongly , In compliance with state laws, a and state are working on the propo ly following the end of the war. Our Eggs, buying price............. 28c © SOc endorse this move to promote closer Government expenditures during the check covering the amount should sition. It would, according to Mr. enemies assert that the proletariat Eggs, fancy selects ___________ Me commercial and social relationship fiscal year just ended dropped off by Butter, extra cubes ........... _.15e| accompany every order. The first Gunnell, give Josephine county a has proved its omnipotence and cap between the western states and the $9,000.000,000 as compared with last Butter, prints ....... .......... ...... _.40e italism its vitality since the last two year. 600 tons will be for sale at $4 f. o. b. great boost to have a creditable Far East. or three years capitalism has not Gold Hill. showing at tho exhibit. Portland. July 19.—(A. P.)—Cat i been destroyed. "The Third Internationale is now tle, steady; hogs. weak; sheep, confronted with the question as to slow; eggs. firm, and butter, steady. whether the immediate future is to be a period of the reconstruction and would be transferred to America. I reestablishment of capitalism or of a Asia and Africa. growing proletarian pressure. This "The diplomats and political agents! quostlon I shall attempt to answer of the bourgeoisie are at work trying! exhaustively before the plenary con- to realize this plan. The Moscow correspondent of the Riga, Latvia, July 19.—(A. P.)— "Our goal in the battle against 1 ference of the communist Interna Madison, WIs., July 19.—(A P.) by screens, blinds, paint, or other ar tionale. world capitalism is not as near at Little groups of Russian-Americans. Riga Rundschau writes as follows —Wisconsin has taken upon Itself ticle so that a clear and unobstructed who were deported or volunteered to "For the present I will only polntj hand as It seemed to us three or four go from America to soviet Russia, about the Russian-Americans Inside the task ot getting rid ot all bars, view ot the interior of said place or years ago. the country: fixtures, screens, stalls and other ac room from the outside may at all out these facts: "The proletariat consists of many are trickling back across the Latvian “The members of the Russian "The war has destroyed millions diverse sections, all different in their frontier from the land of the bolshe coutrements which have gone to times bo had.” communists expelled from America, of Ilves and billions in economic make up a saloon atmosphere. The Thousands of Wisconsin saloons, past and their political education. vik! very frequently, these days, all who with wry faces are selling their order for their extermination la car 1,000 or more In Milwaukee also, value. Capitalism proposes to re Owing to the enormous 'change with the hope of getting back to the last goods and chatties on the Mos establish the shaken equilibrium. ried in a prohibition enforcement bill will bo affected. wrought by the war most of the op United States. cow market places are increasing recently passed by the legislature. Agitation Will Spread to V. S. These emigrants, according to. All must go this month, according pressed and backward elements of every day. The law requires that "no person to edict of the prohibition commis American consular officials, who hear, "We cannot figure out with a pen the proletariat are today the most having a license for the sale of non sioner, who has given the saloon cil whether capitalism will succeed impatient and most revolutionary. their stories and have to tell them | "The soviet government is doing intoxicating beverages to behold for keepers 30 days to comply with the in this plan in the immediate future., while those sections that have long there is not much chance for them to! its utmost to keep these people above consumption upon the premises shall law. He says he Intends to enforce Wo can only say that If the lessons of taken part in the political evolution get back are greatly disappointed) water to giving them even whole factories to run and to manage. But maintain a standing bur or counter ot every feature of It. the war. ot tho Russian revolution are more cautious and more reserved with what they found in the "Prom as these factories are very much run any description at which any such Court battle la to follow as soon and of the semi-revolution in Ger and. Indeed, are displaying a certain ised Land.” drinks or beverages are consumed. as the first arrest is made, proprie many and Austria, If the lessons of degree of conservatism. They tell of starvation and long down, even American spirit and energy Is not sufficiently strong to "No booth, stall, or other enclo- tors of Milwaukee bar-rooms have, the last seven years have made no "It is for this reason that the rides in trains so packed with people num of any klnil In or connected ■add. They reported they would at Impression upon the proletariat, and'feminist movement has such a great that there is scarcely room to breath. set them In operation. with such place or room shall be tack the measures* constitutionality If the proletariat were to bow Its significance for the development of “A little better off are •hoee of Besides those who have succeeded maintained." the law further p ro In the supreme court. Some an head willingly under the old yoke, the revolutionary struggle. The army in getting to Latvia, there are many the immigrants who have managed vldes It orders In additions that nounced they plan In the meantime then the bourgeoisie would succeed of women wage workers has been tre others who have written friends in to take with them from America "the windows and doors ot any such to evade the law by one method of in rehabilitating Its former domina mendously impressed during the war Riga asking for money from Amer their tools or goods produced by place or room shall he unobstructed Indirection or another. their trade. ica. tion. and the weight of Ita agitation and revolution." SAYS COMMUNE IS GROWING CLOTHIN G IS IOEITIfO s=™~ EXHIBIT IS ASKED STATE LIME WILL BE z