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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (July 18, 1921)
t’niierslty of Ore. »•tura O mln Courier Ô vûu I g 4 MM H I ATEI» PltEMN HKItVH'E GRANTN l’AM», JOHKPHINB <X>tMTY, OREGON VOL XI., No. 'J»l. WHOLE NIMBER iMSl MONDAY, JULY IH, IMI. f BOLL CASE Texas Fireman on Train of Murdered Fngineér Suicides FIRE FACED Bï ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦*♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ El I’«»<», Texas, July 18.— ♦ A. P. >—Charles F. Robinson, ♦ fireman ou> the train on which ♦ William Bohland, engineer, was ♦ mysteriously killed July 8 near ♦ Sanderson. Texas, committed ♦ suicide today 0 ♦ ; ♦ ♦ ' » « ♦ ♦ ♦ PIUNONERN IN PEXITENTI tICY IT PITTNBl lUi MAKE TRY FOR I III I I s»M Con« bl« Penned Within Walla Ap iadar in Great Terror of Flan»«*, Held by Arinoti Officer» Pittsburg. July 18. <A. P ) An outbreak of the prisoners ln the Western iHHiltentlary here today was followed by a fire which destroyed ten frame factory buildings within the enclosure City i*ollcein«n and deputy sheriffs with rifles and riot guns reinforced the guards holding the prisoners at bay. while firemen fought the flames A pee|i through one of the gates showed Pittsburg detectives with drawn revolvers facing a great erowd of prisoners In the yard, the men appeared tn great terror from the flumes raging behind then* Many prisoners confined In cells shattered the glass In th« windows anil shrieked for help Persona out side could hear the shrieks and groans of the Imprisoned men Six persona were Injured. Gov- Ornor pproul asked the state police men to guard the prison tonight Tom Gibbons, of Saint Paul is Matched With Carpentier ■ ■ * New York, July 18.—(A. P.) - Tom Gibbons, the Nt. Paul light-heavyweight contender, was today matched to meet Georges Carpentier In October for the world’s light-heavy weight championship ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ TELEPHONE ATTORNEYS DEBATE CUMMIMVONW RIGHT T*> GRANT REHEARING — London, July 18 (A. P l The Irish situation developed into vlrtu-| ally a deadlock between Lloyd George and Sir James Oalg. the Ulster premier, according to reports from responsible quarters. Kir James has been given the opportun ity to go to Belfast to see If anything can be done Is» Valera conferred wl(h Lloyd George today. REFI BLK’AN MAJORITY REPORT ON SIMM CASE WAS MADE PUBLIC TODAY CITIES ASK MARCH I SCAEE Roseburg, July 18 — (A. P l—Af l'rœeedinip* RBI Be Carried on to Eleven Former White Sox and Four ter a careful search, one finger print Say Daniels Vindicated by "Uniform End of Rehearing, When l<eg»dit> Alleged Gamblers Up for lull» Nucten« of O|>erations'* CaD of Dr. Brumfield, missing dentist, Will Be Passed I pon World Series Trial Charges ".Monstrous” was found on an electrical fixture In Salem. July 18.—(A. P.)—The re hearing of the telephone rate ease opened today, with the attorneys representing the numerous munici palities seeking to return to the rate scale effective before March 1st. The telephone company attorneys questioned the public service com- mission's rlght to grant the hearing. Attorney Tomlinson, representing Portland. contended that II had the right. his office. Mrs. Brumfield has requested that Chicago, July 18.—(A. P.)—With the body In the morgue be buried as a Jury selected after two weeks, dur-1 that of her husband. Two friends of Ing which nearly 600 men were ex Ilennla Russell yesterday identified amined, the defense and prosecution the body as that of Russell's because today indulged ln the first “Inning" of the twisted toe nah of the trial of 11 former White Sox players, and the four alleged gamb lers charged with conspiracy to per mit Cincinnati to win the 1919 World Series from Chicago. METHODIST <’Hl IU’H A1I»S Washington, July 18.—(A. P.) — The msjority and minority reports of the senate naval committee which investigated Rear Admiral Sims’ charges against the American naval administration during the war, were published today. The republicans declared that Sec retary Daniels’ policy during ths war was "self-defensive, non-aggres sive and non-helpful,” while the democrats upheld Daniels, saying his policy was vindicated by ths "uniform success of our operations,** and was "deserving of the hearty commendation of this committee and of the American people." The majority report severely scor ed Daniels, ex-President Wilson and Rear Admiral Benson, the former chief of operations. The minority report defended them. The charge of an unnecessary coot of lives and money was declared by the minority report to be "monstrous'* and with- out foundation, and It was said Sima failed to produce evidence to sustain the charges. IMMIGRANTS FROM ITALY Salem, July 18.—(A. P.l—In re convening tor the afternoon session, San Francisco, J $ 18.— (A. P.) Chicago. July 18.—('A. P.)_A I —One of the few cash dividends The Borland-Thomas ¡sawmill, a the public service commission an bureau for assisting immigrants to ever declared by a world's tsir was mile south of the city ou the Pacific nounced that the rehearing would America has been established at announced here recently by the trus highway, was burned to the wound proceed, that the attack on the le Naples. Italy, by the board of foreign tees of the Panama Pacific Interna yesterday in a blaze that swept un gality of the rehearing would be missions of the Methodist Episcopal checked through the mill and lumber, noted as an objection, and that the church, according to advices reaching tional Exposition, which attracted point would be passed upon when About 300,000} thousands from all parts of the world plied In the yards headquarters of the Methodist com j to San Francisco in 1915. feel of pine and fir lumber was) the commission handed down Its or on conservation and advance mittee The dividend, the first and last burned, Although no definite fig-, der at the end of Its present hear here. paid by the exposition company, was urea could be given, It is thought, ing. The bureau is modelled after suc- for 8 per cent on the stock, approx ; that the loss would be somewhere I ceasful Amerlcanization plants on imating $5,500,000. Checks cover Insurance' BRITISH 1’1,1 M U.i lili.I. Mill. around 115,000 with Hlctuii Shovel Hohl- PROHIBIT FEATHER WORTH the Atlantic seaboard, It 'includes ing the dividend will be sent to the amounting to $8000. Associated In night classes in English. American John Hampshire has returned I the company are C. W Borland. Ro stockholders August 1. Ideals of government, etc. from Camas Valley where he spent ! bert Boaland and C. A. Thomas Ixtnilon, July 18. — (A. P.) — Bird The exposition company also gave t It also maintains a staff whose du several days In company with P. lovers have won a victory by tie | the city of Ban Francisco the huge PROINIKED DUTY ON <Kri* 4ML * Mr norland Tdates that he is at a Welch, of the Rogue River Valley final passage of the plumage bill, ties are to carry on correspondence I exposition auditorium here and its loss to determine the cause of the, IS NTRUGK FROM TARIFF BILL Canal Company, of Medford Mr. which prohibits the importation In with friends of prospective Immi organ. The last democratic national fire The watchman had made his Welch purchased one of Mr Hamp to the United Kingdom of the feath grants in the United States in the convention was held in the auditor rounds of the mill and yards al 111 Washington. July 18.—(A. P.)— shire's steam shovels, which has ers of any bird except those of the name of those who request it. cooper ium. The house struck the proposed duty been In use on the Camas Vslley o'clock and a half hour later the) African ostrich and the eider duck. ate with the local consul, and attend Another gift to the city resulting alarm was turned tn by a passerby contract The bill Is mainly designed to pre to all details of removal and the ob from the exposition is an area of four on crude oil from the Fordney tar It is thought that the fire started iff bill today servance of the new American immi vent cruelty in securing the feathers blocks along the Marina, a bay-frost outside the yard and burned In to the of such ornamental birds as ospreys gration laws stretch of the exposition grounds not buildings, The mill had been in and birds of paradise. far inside the Golden Gate. It came operation Saturday, and the fires The prohibition regarding impor X-RAYS NOT l»AN4iER4»lS , from stockholders who declined to had >been allowed to die out that tation extends to dead bodies of TO PERSONS IN NEAR ROOMS I accept their dividend and put the night, the boilers being cold Sunday birds with the plumage on them, but money into the property to give to morning. Mr Borland says that he does not apply to feathers worn by Paris. July 18.—(A. P.)—X-ray the city. It is probable the tract Is positive that the fire did not start travelers or Introduced tn travelers’ laboratories have been found to con will be converted into a marine Inside the building. baggage, provided it can be shown stitute but slight if my danger to park and boulevard The Grants Paas fire department that they are for personal use only. persons In adjacent rooms, A re The Granta Paes sluggers proved responded to the alarm but could Work on the diversion dam at port to the Academy of 1 Medicine : too much for the Bear Creek base make no headway against the blaze WOMAN’S ATHLETIC 4'Ll It IN Savage Rapids to send all the water NOME'S ANNUAL INNI RU E held that modern appliances i and ball players yesterday on the Medford as It had gained too great a start I WON BY WOMAX MUSHER through the bypass at the south end LON ANGELEN IN PROJE« TED conditions generally existing in' before the alarm was sent in. diamond when they pounded out 15 The I of the structure has been started lx» Angeles. Cal., July 18.—(A. X-ray rooms sufficiently protect all runs The stick work of .the local engine »«> connected with the irrl- Nome, Alaska. July 18—(A. P.) and it is expected that the dam will but the operators. nlne was consistent throughout the! gallon ditch and a stream played on P.l—The Woman’s Athletic Club The report was prepared by a —One of Nome’s annual dog races, be completed within four or five game, about 20 hits being made. tlie fire, A few thousand feet of will soon be a rendezvous for women days. This will shut all the water commission after recent reports to the Camoogan Burden Handicap, was Cornell hold the upper valley team lumber was saved in thia manner and of this city. A site haa been pur Mrs off that Is now flowing between the won this year by a woman, the Academy that X-rays were a ser to eight rune, Pernoil relieving him u little was dragged out with horses chased and a half million dollar club i her bypass and pier six and will allow ious menace to people In buildings James J. Kennan, who drove In the eighth Inning. This Is the Only about 20,000 feet could be house. modeled somewhat after the team over the 76-mile snow trail the building of the dam in between was con- housing laboratories. It second straight win from the Bear taken out In time, however. The lx» Angeles Athletic Club, is to be these points. The steam shovel has tended the rays would penetrate course in 11 hours, 32 minutes and Creekers, ths first game here three fire engine gave a pressure of 140 come a reality. The new club will 15 seconds, actual running time. been put on the work and the rock walls with force enough left to weeks ago having resulted In a 3-2 pounds and this had to be sent have a swimming pool, roof garden, Mrs. Kernan was given a handicap and earth is being dumped in rapidly. through nearly 900 feet of hose, The beauty baths, tennis courts, gymna cause serious Injury. This conten of four hours over the several ve The river is now at a height of 1.75 score tion was found by the commission to arena. ' The only games lost this year have one stream proved Ineffectual against sium. auditorium, roped feet and about 2000 second feet of teran "mushers’’ entered. boon those at Yreka early In the sea the burning lumber which had been wrestling mats, punching bags and be ill-founded. Each racing sled carried a burden water is flowing. won. Hines the team hit Its stride in the yards long enough to become other conveniences tor the feminine The pumping machinery has been as a part of the entrance require Mrs. Netble, of Seattle, Mrs. Fred ments. and Mrs. Keenan's team pull moved and by tomorrow night will not a single contest haa been drop thoroughly dried. The flames trav athlete, as well as all the appurten ped. Support haa been fair, the eled rapidly, jumping from pile to ances for a lively club life, and 150 Porter and daughter. Miss Ruth Por ed Mrs. W. C. McGuire as the load. all be placed in the pump house. The »Membership' is ter, of Ashland, are spending the day One other team was driven by anoth big pumpe were taken out the last of management about breaking even on pile and leaving nothing but heaps sleeping rooms. with Mr. and Mrs E. G. Holman. close to 2000. the season. Thero were about as of ashes. er woman, Mrs. Thomas A. Roes, the week. The pouring of the con as many baseball fans at the game It may be possible to salvage some with Mrs. McGuire’s husband as a crete on the south end of the dam yesterday as there were Medford of the machinery, Mr. Borland stat burden. The Ross team finished will start Wednesday. (After the rooters. ed, although It is still too hot to In third, with a three hour handicap. diversion dam is completed the steam The Grants Pasa lineup was as fol- spect the engine thoroughly. The The course was over the trails shovel will be moved to the Fruit lows: Cornell p.. Hansen c., Turner boilers were uninjured and the en from Nome to Council City via Solo dale high line canal back of the lb., Ix>off 2b., Colman as , J. Blev- gine may be In such condition that it schoolhouse mon and return. • Ina 3b., Pernoil If., E. Blevins cf. can be used. The office building and Twohy Riggs, rf. was loft standing. Built for Both Lakes and Canal CAPTORS OF ROY GARDNER AWAIT TUIE —At least tour people are wailing for Uncle Sam to grow five months older and then follow the proverbial example of crusty old bachelor uncles by leaving then» some money, which they hope will be as much ns $5,000. They are the persona who helped capture lltoy Gardner, the mall rob ber. at Roseville, Cal., May 2.1. The claimants are Chief Special Agent l»nnlel O'Connell and Special Agent Barney McShane of the Southern Pacific, W. II. Ixicke of the railroad police force at (Roseville and. ville restaurant proprietor. To make sure that all claimants to the standing reward of "not exceed ing 85,000" to any postal employe except a postoffice Inspector or any other person who brings in a mail robber, may have opportunity to pre sent their case, the government waits six months after his conviction be fore deciding who gets the money. i.\a Gardner pleaded guilty hero in the federal courts on June 1 to rob bing a mail car at Newcastle, the claims will be decided some time af ter Iiecember 1. Honolulu, T. H„ July 18.—(A. P.) to Hawaii, If the sanction is received. —Hawaiian swimmers are planning! Outstanding features of the meet. . „ , . „ champions K _ ___ . „»¡as tentatively 7 arranged, will to challenge swimming of __ be two relay races, one of 600 yards and the rest of the globe to defend their' thp o(her of 1320 yardg ln whlch titles at an international swimming I picked teams of Hawaiian» compete tournament to be held in Honolulu with picked teams from among all next October during ¡the sessions of ’ the visiting swimmers. In 1 addition the Press Congress of the World, ac-| there will be a regular swimming cording to George D. (Dad) Center.! program covering all the » usual dis- president of the Hawaiian Associa tances. tion of the Amateur Athletic Union. | Pitting a team of Haw dlans The national Amateur Athletic' against practically the remainder of Union has been asked to sanction the the world in the relays would appear i to be a large contract for these Steel barge 101. lieti up at n dock in Xew York, was the first grain-laden tournament. vessel to curry u cargo from New York to Ouluth without transference te The 40 or more countries repre- | islands, but the list of possibilities n cimai barge nt ftuffnlo Barges like It are built to weather the lake sforma sented in the Press Congress will be for place« on **■* the " Hawaiian * ** * team but are small enough to pass through the canal. invited to send their beet swimmers presents a strong line-up.