Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (July 12, 1921)
Il ftMDAY, JULY •». "W1 GKANTN r.UkN DAILY IWHIKll Pl V Yol R <«»M- MERCIAI. PAPER PERSONAL LOQflL Mrs. J. Cunningham. of Crescent <IA < '«mtral— Yea, Pm out inore n a mile; I City, spent Monday and Tuesday »la- want that service with a smile itlng lu the city John C. Oering i^ a local visitor today from Coquille, attending to Save Money— business matters. Purchase your new suit and 65 Ym. Mr Motorist, that's the niablngs now at Peerlaaa Clothing Co IT number. C. 1. Taylor and M. Stewart of Chief Melatno Back- Ashland were visitors In the city yea- Chief of Police and Mrs C E Mr- terday and today latno have returned from Portland Arthur Close spent the day lu the where they have been spending th« MTMBl K city visiting relatives, returning to past week during Mr Melaine’s va FEDCRVL Medford this afternoon. cation. The Chief is back on the Job R'ì STEMMI <»F SOUTHERN ORWON Flume lumber at Borland Thomas today, relieving C. J A. Wlble, .Lutuber Co. Phone 187-J. 64tf took his place for the > week. Mrs. J. P Délirasse and daughter, j Effie, are maklug a two weeks’ visit Acme tale— with Mrs De g russe » son. E<1. De- The home of good eats la Grasse of Dryden open day and uight. latrsou * Mr. and Mrs Carman Page re drew«. turned to Aimed» today following a short visit here with Mrs Page's parents. Mr. and Mrs Il W Clarke '..^vsationai BrslucUons— On sulla, ahoea. hats and furnish- Want a new casing or tube? Tell Ings al Peerless Clothing Co 27 Central 65. morn- Rev. Henry Hanson left .... this ...... Ung by automobile tor Corvallis.« here should l»«'»iKnal<’ Music- Persons writing songs tor the l he is to attend a meeting of the Ore- , gon Synod of the Presbyterian Chamber of Commerce should desig nate on the song what music goes church Dr. L. O. Clement will leave tn the with it One of the first contestants morning for Seattle to be In attend forgot to make a note of thia, and ance at the Pacific coast convention it is feared that others may not un of eye. ear. nose and throat special- derstand that not only the words but 1 Ists The meeting is slated for July also the music Is desired The air of any popular song will be acceptable • 14, 13 and 16 to the committee to Judge the songs If you need a service car Just 37 phone 65. Ixtncr Prices A number of Portland people were On gooda In every line for men at registered last night at t*he Jose- Peerless Clothing Co l>hiue. among them being Mrs. G. M. I Blakely and daughters. D. M Allen, NrwMd Taken to Hsylum— J. Praz. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Hughes O. C steward, who was yesterday and A. H Ferguson. adjudged Insane and was committed Before you bulla get figures on to the state asylum. was taken north vour lumber, shingles, lath, doors this morning by an attendant from and windows at Borland Thomas the state hospital. He loosened up stir Lumber Co. Phone 187-J. i> little before ho left and asked for Sam Williams and family have re bls breakfast and also did a little turned from Portland where they other talking, bidding farewell to ■ spent over a week on a vacation trip. his Jail mates. He understood per Mr. Williams states that they found fectly what was addressed to him. the road between Eugene and Salem doing as he wus told in bad shape, because of the great number of detours which were neces i Greatest Clothing Sale— sitated by the road construction Now on al PeerU-ss Clothing Cc tf Among the guests at the Oxford last night were J. W. Douglas of Meet Game Commission— l^ebanon, W H Richard of Cfnein-i A delegation from here went to atti. D. A Ellis and Miss M M Medford last night to attend a meet Ellis of Pasadena. Mr. and Mrs. L i CARRY a complete line of lumber, all grades. E Cadra of Crescent City and .Mr. j ing of the sportsmen of southern Oregon and the state game commis Lath, Shingles. Doors. Windows, Wallboard, etc. and Mrs H B. Davis. of Devore. sion The banquet, which was held California. WE MAKE all kinds of Cabinet Work, Screen at the Medford hotel, was well at Harry Cogshall and family ar- tended by men from all over the Doors. Window Screens, Cupboard Doors, etc. rived today by auto from Seattle and southern part of the state, about 75 ESTIMATES ON REQUEST will spend a week or more here, also being present. Dr. J. C Smith made visiting Mrs. Cogshall's sister. Mrs. , a brief talk concerning conditions FOUNDRY’ AND WEST G GRANTS PASS. OREGON J. Kincaid at Williams. Mr Coggs-| here Other members of the Grants hall was a resident of Grants Pass, Pass delegation were Jesse Johns when a boy, leaving here about 301 ton and Game Warden George Ban ner in the Basket Grocery at Grants years ago. Autoist In Tangle— croft. This morning the commission The City Recorder had a hard tan Pass, will open a groceteria in Ash breakfasted here. leaving for the gle on his hands this morning, when land about July 15th. The groce Baptists Mill Picnic— north where they will make a visit C. H. Cassidy and A. J, Powers of teria idea is something new here, but Members of the Baptist Sunday Grants Paas were brought before him is very much in evidence and popular School will hold their annual picnic to the upper McKenzie river While in southern Oregon, they visited the in Souther« California. The stock Is for driving a Ford bug without a li at Riverside park tomorrow after Butte Falls hatchery. cense. H, appears that the Hobart so arranged that each person waits on noon All friends and members of auto company sold the bug to Jesse himself.—Ashland Tidings. the Sunday-School are Invited to be Ml<l-Suuim«r Ball— Pitcher of Cottage Grove, who traded present. Those not having means of Wednesday, July 13, at Richard a Franklin bug in for >75, borrowing Many < laims Fill'd— getting to park will be met by auto $50 from Cassidy to make the pav- Numerous claims for refund of state mobiles at the church at 3 o’clock in son’s new hall. Dancing from 9 till menj. Hobart then gave Pitcher a taxes on motor fuel oils are being the afternoon and taken over. It is 112. Tickets $1 Including war tax check for $15 to pay for a license, and i filed after the 90-day statutory per asked that all attending the picnic i A larger ball than Murphy has. Nell- Pitcher gave the check and his pur iod, necessitating their rejection, ac bring a cup. knife, fork and spoon son's orchestra for music. chase contract to Cassidy as security cording to Secretary of State Kozer. A picnic supjter will be held at 6. You Tell ’em t'arbnrcgor— for the $50 loaned Pitcher, it is al The law provides for the filing of You’ve got the gas. Phone leged. then drove the machine to Cot claims for refund of the state tax for you’ll get the service tage Grove, and failed to make any fuel oils specifically limits the time Young Boy Hold— Accused of taking a gun from the' more payments. Mr. Hobart sent in which these claims may be filed to barn belonging to George Barrows, | Roiwl Being Becked— Powers, one of his salesmen after 90 days, Kozer points oot, and his The Pacific Highway north the car and It was found badly dam department has no choice but to re Walter Frace is held in the city jail aged. and without a license On the ject all claims filed after the expira- awaiting a hearing before the Juven city is now rocked nearly to the ile court. The lad is but 15, and a limits It will be completed by way back to Grants. Pass, they were tion of that time All dealers in picked up by Officer Wright and ap- fuel oils are supplied with the exemp- letter from his father in Tacoma 20th according to J. G Bromley, of It Is be peered In court this morning In tion blank.s tor the convenience of states that he has been unable to do the highway department anything with him and that he la! ing rocked from the end of Sixth view of the clrcumstanoes. Recorder their patrons Kozer states unable to come down to get his son.[ street to the point on Merlin hill Whipple allowed them to go after It Is probable that if the boy be, where the paving will be commenced taking Powers' check and application All You Can Eat— found guilty that he will be sent to. Three mile« of paving will have to be for a license -«Roseburg-News-Re- For 35c at the Acme Cafe A real the reformatory. completed by winter, by the terms of view working mans’ place to eat. Try our the contract, Ry the end of the hot waffles, 20c. All experienced LAKE OF OIL IS GOAL Hilt month there will be a good macad- To O jmti Groceteria— white help. T. Larsen and E An- I’ROSI’I-X TORS IN ALASKA amlzed road from Portland to the A. O. Knapp, until recently a part- drew». Props. Open day and night, tf Seattle July 12.—(A Pl—Search state line, much paving being In for oil believed to be secluded in cluded In this. Sexton mountain has Par Is Stripped— Uncle Sam’s last frontier along the been macadamized and will be In Two carloads of Washington tour- Artic Coast from Point Barrow to good shape this winter unless more Coming ists were arrested this morning in the Canadian Boundary line at De slides are encountered Tomorrow the auto park on complaint of a man marcation Point, will be undertaken named Purdue from Canyonville, by two exploration -nriles from Cal Merchant Printing—Courier office who asserted that the tourists had ifornia, now at Nome, outfitting for stripped his automobile of every the trip, according to advices here. thing removable. The car caught The existence of a “lake of oil” in fire in the canyon near Canyonville the far north of Alaska was reported and Mr. Purdue went back to get five years ago by a teacher at Point some parts for it When he returned Barrow. Natives later described the he found that everything, even the same lake, telling of oil bubbling TliM springs had been taken. The tour through the tundra In large amounts. i ists had Maxwell automobiles, the While this oil lake, a few miles same make as the stranded car. They east of Point Barrow near the Arctic explained that others were taking , Coast, is said to be the object of the gives the quickest relief for parts and they thought the car had j California prospectors, ft is under- Poison Oak been abandoned No attempt was stood they will investigate the entire Hnnbnrn and made to conceal the parts taken. Arctic slope from Point Harrow to the All Skin Eruptions. They went back to Roseburg with the Canadian line, a distance of nearly Douglas county officer to stand trial. 300 miles. Alaskans who have visit ."Wk latrge bottle LEAVING ed that region said they believed oil TONIGHT Basehall Game Tonight- would be found there Beach coal, Tonight's game in the Twilight broken from ledges Jutting out on Milton Mill» series Is slated to be between the the Arctic chores, have often been SELLS DRUGS Baptists and Presbyterians The ' encountered along the coast, they "THE FAITH 1 game should be close, both teams said. Coal has been mined at Cape HEALER" ta . having about the same percentage Lisbume and at Wainwright, south in wins and losses. east of Point Barrow. through this bank; discount vour notes, accounts payable bills of lading, warehouse re ceipts. etc., here. Use the con veniences of this bank to the utmost; we are ever ready to serve you. "The bank of ser vice to the hastueas man ” FIRST NATIONAL BANK Three C’s Lumber Company TOMMY MEIGHAN “THE EASY ROAD HE H TIM I. NEW Chicken Model Dresses IN CHARMEUSE, CfSTlIN i BEPI AND TRICOTINE n mr$. nein« n«$ Extra Tie Special Just received from the New York Mills, a tine assortment of Fibre Silk Tublar Wash Ties. City Stores charge 50c—our price for quick sale GEO. S. CALHOUN 803 O Hit HET Big Reductions ( on All Goods at Peerless Clothing Co Shoes for the Family JUST RECEIVED SHIPMENT Infants soft sole Strap Slippers and Shoes in white, pink, blue, black and brown, all sizes. 0 to 4. 103 North 6th WOODWARD’S h SERVICE THE KEY NOTE Nertice is th«- key note of the Grants I‘« a « A Jose- libine Bank ntxl it result» In complete harmony of sntlsfiM-tion to Ita «-vatotner». Grants Pass and Josephine Bank P ass . O regon A New Shipment of Dinnerware Johnson Brothers Engl Kb. White with <•«»!«! Band. Nome 12 Piece Hets In Peroratoti English» are. Holman’s Furniture Store Do You Know Gypsy Cream RIVOLI CLEMENS Advertising Pays-Adverlise with the Courier