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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (July 12, 1921)
GRANTM PANH BAILI LOI 111 EH PAGE THRl FOR KENT DOYLE’S Successor to E TOR IJC.VHE OR RENT—Partly nished cottage, strawberries large gagden. Would consider of furniture. 616 Dimlck Firth Japanese Crepe Dresses anil »5.1*5 Combination »I>!•'». «•nil>r>>l<l**ri-<l >I w >I kh >* New Fall Dresses in ».»tin and iwliellwt«. »111. 15 anti »1M.W5 fur and sale St, TOR RENT Alfalfa. Grain and* Stock ranches with and without Irrigation, or will sell at bargain prices on long time easy payments Ranches In Jackson and Josephine county. One ranch under ditch '■ 3 miles from Grants Pass, on river. Gold Ra.v Realty Co., Owners, Mtslford, Ore. 06tf Here’s why CAMELS are the quality cigarette NICELY FURNISHED ROOM—with bath In cool modern home. >4 per week. Call at 664 N. 3rd St , or phone 313-J. 26 sible for skill, money and lifelong knowledge of line tobaccos to make a cigarette. Nothing is too good for Camels. And bear this in mind! Everything is done to make Camels the best cigarette it’s possible to buy. Nothing is done simply for show. .MODERN IIOCHE for rent In good residence district. Phone 67. 25tf APPOINTANT Classified Advertising AUDITING — Systematizing See me about dally or monthly audit ser vice Ivan IJvlugeton, Incorporat ed Accountant. Phone 389, Ad dress. Granta Paas, Ore 70tf 3 GOOD MIIJ4 (XJW8 for sale less ranch, Murphy. J 1C. WOOD FOR SALE Fir »2 35. pine Nl ItNEItY HTOCK Illa »». on ground, 4 miles west on up up le per river road Posts and building TOIl HALE 6 Plymouth Rock and Nt.'RSDIlY Everything in Rhode Island lied hens and one date nursery stock, also directions poles ¿lively A Brickell. General cockrel. Call at 733 V st., Corner for planting and soli culture Call ~ delivery ” •<•»» sth 30 on F. E. Jordan, North 10th street, Grants Pass, Oregon. 43tf TOR HAJJt »7 50 for cord of dry TOIl HALE 4*11 TRADE -120 acres slab wood out In 121nch le-ngths, 2 ‘4 miles east of Eugene, 2 miles DRAYAGE ANI* TRANSFER 664 North Third 8t C. W lavm-1 from lx»weli; 20 acres first Will brecht. Phons 313-J. 92tf amette river bottomiln cultivation; THE WORLD MOVES; so do we I good new fences and buildings; Bunch Transfer Co. Office phone 90 ACREK 40 acres bottom under railroad station on ranch — a dandy 349; res. phones 265-R, 316-L. paid up water right for sale. poultry and dairy ranch. Will sell »6000 Address No. 203. care of for »50 per acre or trade for gen F O. ISHAM, drayage, transfer; pl- Courier. *9tt anoa, safes. furniture, moved, »hip eral merchandise stock, or give ped. packed, stored Phone 124 Y terms. Frank E. Blair, lx*well, TOR 8AIJC 14 acres one-half mile* Ore 50 from Hugo station 6 acres under cultivation, good 5-roon» house, 1920 MODEL FT*ICI» touring, for sale E. T. MCKINSTRY, 61)3 O St . phone barn, chicken coop, brooder house. Good aa new C'ali at 207 South 355-R, real estate. Best of soils for Incubators. Kresky brooder. 90 5th street. * 30 fruit, hay or general farming hens, good dnlry cow. Priced for quick sale at »I860 Part terms if ROY HIQG INH—General real estate TOR EXCHANGE d« Musi be s«n»u to be al>-1 Office 111 South Sixth, Phone 6» predated Wm (’. Moldt, Hugo, I Wild, TRAI*K 40 acres with water right for late model Ford and 34 00 PIANO INHTRI’CTION Ore -7 Terms on the 3400. Call or write TOR BAUB T wo residence and «114 West <1 St *24tf MRS JAMES M. POWERS. Instruc tor on plano; studio over Barnes' 42M> acres In Jerome Prairie, WANTED jewelry. Phone 265-J. about six miles southwest of | Grants Paas. Also flue oil paint MRS. CLARA TUTTLE FENTON ings at place and at Oxford hotel. teacher of piano and harmony. Incubators, etc . for sale Call on Tuesday p. m Studio over Smith's owner, Mrs. Cora B Findlay, or Racket Store. 86tf address Route 4, Box 81, Grunts WANTED- laborers to work at Paas. Ore. 31 TAA. Savage Rapids dam, apply to Mr. Shattuck Neilson on the work. 16# ACRES. 50 A. in cultivation, SOONER TAXI —Phone 262-R for I ltt Construction Co. ditches and valuable water rights; Jitney Luke or Cutler. Calls an 36 A. alfalfa. 10 A. wheat. 5 A. swered anywhere, anytime 86tf barley; fine garden, plenty of PHONE 160—The Bonbonniere tor fruit, 3 to 5 hundred thousand ft Taxi. *79tf saw pine, frame house, 2 barns. >4 mile to school, 4 miles to P. O , WANTED Four or five room mod PHYSICIAN ANI» NtTU1EON 24 miles from Granta Paas; good ern house, furnished or unfurnish outrange For sale at »80 per ed Call at Acme Cat* 26 L. O. CLEMENT, M D. Practice limited to diseases of eye. ear.nose acre, crop Included Address No. and throat. Phone 62; Res. 239-J. 205 care Courier. 08tf WANTE1F Girl wants work for board and room In rooming house .or private home, while attending 9 LOUGHRIDGE, M D. Physician TOR 8A14C Houses at 802. 818 and and surgeon City or country calls school Would like to start Im 83 2 North Seventh Ht , wells and attended day or night Phonee. mediately. Address No. 211 care See irrigation, barns. Bargain» Res 369. Office. 182: 6th and H of Courier office. 27 35 Mrs. W II. Quaif. 832 N. 7th FOR HALB 160 ACRE Wood lot for sale, 6 miles out on level road, house, garage, out buildings, well, several thou sand tiers wood timber. Bargain for quick sale Inquire W. H Quaif, call 83 3 N. 7lh. 35 FOR SALE Modern 8-room bouse, one acre of ground, fruit, berries, fine garden. Call at 1119 East A street. "39 PINE WOOD »2.75, large fir, »3.15. Order while It's cheap and dry. Al Teal, Orante 1*888. 40 TOR SALE 86-acre ranch, 55 acres balance timber, In cuUivatlon. barns, and out good house. 2 buildings Stock anil Implement One half mile from school and store. C. H. Hill, Provolt, Ore 30 WANTED Teams and teamsters for E. J. BILUCE. M. D. Physician, sur work on state highway at Cres geon. Schallhorn Blk. Phone 54-J; cent City. Cui. »5.50 per day and: rea 1004 laiwnridge. phone 54-L. horse teed furnished. l*ong job . Call Palmer A McBride. Crescent W F RUTHERFORD— Manual the- City. Cal. 21» raputlcs. Office over Barnes' jew elry. Res. 259-R; office 217-R. IX*HT RALPH W. STEARNS, M. D. Phy. IX*ST on range south of town, mul- alelan and surgeon, X-Ray equlp- ey cow. brown with black face.1 ment. Office in Masonic Temple branded ”G dot'' behind right* Bldg.. phone 21-L. front shoulder. Finder notify Joe Russell on Murphy road. 27. W. T. TOMPKIN8, D S. T Nervous and chronic diseases. Office. Claus STR AY KI* Schmidt Bldg Phone 304-R. STRAYED 6 sheep tagged with name "Elkins” came to my ranch *DR ELLEN M. COOK—Spinal and Swedish massauer treatment. July 8. Owner call for same and Office Golden Rule Building, of imy feed and advertising charges. fice phone 7; residence 509-R. C. AV. Dreps, Rd. 4. Box 109. 26 Hours 10-12 a m., 1:30-5 p.m.25 BUILDING (XINTRACTORH i»KNTisrs HARPER A SON—Building contrac tors. Shop work, furniture crating. E. ,C MACY, D. M. D. First-class Shop S10 H St. Res. phone 142. dentistry. 109*4 8. 6th St. TOR SALE Second cutting alfalfa. »15 per ton In the field nt Rio Lado rnneh. 2 miles west of city on river road. Phone Geo. Seebach. A. J. GREEN—Genoral contractor. VETERINARY HURGKON 602-F-13. 211 Estimates and plans made. Noth- Ing too small or too large. Shop DR. R. J. BESTUL, Veterinarian FOR SAI*E— A dairy ranch, one of 211 Sixth St. Phone 33-J. •2tr Residence 83 8 Washington boule the beat In Rogue river valley. All vard. phone 398-R. J. NALA8KOWSKI — Contractor,! stdbk and Implements go with Builder and Jobber. Phone 246-R.1 place. Address owner, J. B. Noble. ATTORNEY» filtf Box 688. 1 Stf H. D. NORTON, Attorney-at-law. .MISCELLANEI *1*4 FOR SALE--Champion Binder. Also Practices in all State and Federal a burro. Macklin Ranch. Iceland. I REPAIR SHOP Plumbing, pipe Courts. First National Bank Bldg Oregon. 321 work, steam fitting, boiler and G. W. OOLVIO, Attorney-at-law. pump work and Installing 505 TOR HALE Hhepparda famous An- Grants Paas Banking Co. Blds, South 6th street. Phone 306 G. conda young cockerels, new blood, E. S VAN DYKE. Attorney Practices A. Bryan 511* build up your stock. Reasonable In all courts First National Rank prices Jas. Eads, 306 W I at. 26 BANKERS LIFE COMPANY^ Dee Building Moines. Iowa. Myron C. Gaston,! FOR SALE Two brand new 30x3 O. 8. BIxANCHARD. Attorney-at-law District Agent. non-skid Urea. Price very reason ('AilN'ER-GAYETTY IRON WORKS Golden Rule Bldg. Phone 270 able (’all at 234 W I St 28 —General foundry and machine C. A. S'OLER, Attorney-at-law. Ma work, mine and mill machinery, TOR SALE - Four »boats, weighing rnale I «mple. Grants Pass. Ore. chilled saw carriage wheels, live about 100 pounds each. C. Schae rolls, pipe fittings. Grants Paas, GBJO H. DURHAM. Attorney-at-law fers. R4 2. 39 referee In bankruptcy. Masonic Oregon. 91tf i TOR FRESH MILK and cream call SOUTHERN HOTEL 202 K 3. Sixth Temple Phone 195-J. W. O. Andrews. phone 3484*. street. Hotel lobby, hot and cold JAMES T. CH INNOCK. Lawyer Morning and evening delivery. 49 water. Phon# 14-J. Mrs. E. D. First National Bank Building Yenny, Prop. 28 i TOR 8AI*E -1 918 Overland Six. A. C. HOUGH—Lawyer. Tuffs Bldg MtE THE "SINGER DE LUXE" end fine condition; It sure Is a bargain. Practice In all courts other styles of ''Singer" machines 1918 Hupmobile. new top, new at Holman's Furniture Store. paint job, spot light; terms; dem V. A. C. AHLF, lawyer, practice tn Headquarters for sewing machine onstration any time you say. Tele state and federal courta Office repairs, needles, oils etc. phone 65, Smith's Garage. 26 I over National Drug Store. Take the Camel package for instance. It’s the most perfect packing science can devise to pro tect cigarettes and keep them fresh. Heavy paper —secure foil wrapping—revenue stamp to seal the fold and make the package air-tight. But there’s nothing flashy about it. You’ll find no extra wrappers. No frills or furbelows. BLIND CIO AMI TT« • Such things do not improve the smoke any moire than premiums or coupons. And remember—you must pay their extra cost or get lowered quality. If you want the smoothest, mellowest, mildest cigarette you can imagine—and one entirely free from cigaretty aftertaste, It’s Camels for you. R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO COMPANY, WiwsUm-Salem. N. C. GOT START IN BUSY CITY Flower of Clematis Move for ths Imfrovement of Horti culture Began In London Over a Century Ago. In Piccadilly. In the center of Lon don, the mother of gardeus came Into exlsieix-e many yeurs ago. according to the Christian Science Monitor. It was at Hatchard's, the well-known bookseller and publisher. In 1MM. that Jotiu Wedgwood gathered bls friends together and unfolded a plan to “foi»- ter and encourage every branch of horticulture" and to "collect every In formation restating the cultivation and treatment of all plants and trees." The founder of the House of Hatch ard. John Hatchard. was lr> sympathy with every project that made for the good and enlightenment of mankind. , It was a suitable place for this society, the mother of many affiliated societies, to begin Ils world w ide operations. The room where the first meeting took place no longer exists, as the building has been rebuilt since that time, but a portrait of John Hatcliard still bangs in the comfortable lounge that forms the shop. The picture shows the In tellectual nature of the man. The windows facing Piccadilly und the wooden scat that In summer time is placed In front of them carries one pack to a time w hen the rush and noise of the London streets was less than at the present time. Then* Is an air of leisure and other-worldness that is very pleasant to those passersby who long to forget the hurrying feet and noisy sounds of crowded thorough fares. The society did not receive Its royal charter till 1809, which set forth that its alm was the Improvement of horti culture, ornamental as well as useful. Well has it carried out Its resolutions. is Flour We Stand Back of You will not be disappointed whatever you use It for, wheth er in bread, pies, cakes, rolls, sauces, etc. It goes far, it gives satisfaction to the housewife. Order a bag to try, either from your grocer or from JOSEPHINE COUNTY FLOUR MILL * USED CARS C L HOBART COMPANY SEATC0V£H5\ THAT FIT First Nunnery Founded in France. 1 ne Oral nunnery In Europe was estunilslied ,u France. St. Marcellina. alsih’- of St. Martin, is credited with bavii.g created me first of these in- stixiii. ns m .WO A D. Some histori an ■■alm tiiat Germany was next In Ila*. h.n S'cordin» to the best author- Itle. t, wn- t uglaud that sanctioned the oi t»l."sic.lent of Europe's second nunnery ’ kw edidce wai, erected at FolkMtoae Sy Edbald, king of Kent, la 330. Placer location Courier office. blanks at the THE CALIFORNIA ANI» ORWG4*N COAOT RAILROAD COMPANY Time Cani ’active Nov. 24, 1919. Trains will run Mondays, Wednee- days and Fridays PM I .ear a Grants Pass...... _...... 1 PM Arrive Waters Creek.........3 I*eave Waters Creek------- 3:30 P M P.M. Arrive Grants Pass........ 4 For Information regarding freight and passenger rates call at the office at the company. Ltindburg building, or telephone 131. »550.00 »250.00 »275.00 »54*0.00 »20000 »150.00 Oakland Nix. tirai class Urapc Foni Bug...................................... < Wevrolet ...................................... Ovcrlami, Baby Four Ford Touring ( tir...................... Ovcrlami DeUvery .................... PERFECT CUTTING The use of the right kind of durable materials—experience and care means certain satis faction for you on your job. Seat or slip covers. Upholstering realrs. Tops, recovered, repairs. Ix*west estimates G.B. BERRY Grants Pass and Roseburg Stage DAILY AND SUNDAY Ioave Granta Pass 1:1*0 p. m Leave Roseburg I p. Grants Pass- Medford Stage DAILY AND BUNDAY PHONE H5 OR 1OO LEAVE GRANTS PAHS 10:00 a. m. 1:00 p. m. 4:00 p. m fl: 15 p. m. LEAVE MEDFORD 9:00 a. m. 11:00 a. m. 1:00 p- m. 4:90 p. m. We connect with stages for 8 ahlatxl and Jacksonville