g : m today GRANTS PASS DAILY COURIER Beautiful Line of Published Dally Except Sunday A. E. Voorklee, Pub. and Propr. ■ktared at poatoffice, Granta Paas. Ore . aa second-class mail matter Purses and Bags ADVERTISING RATES Btaplay apace, per Inch....................25c Local-personal column, per line ... 10c Readers, per line— DAILY COURIER By mall or carrier, per year...... ,6.00 By mall or carrier, per month- .50 - - ------------ — Ti ixinv, july m, irai GH.ANTM I'U* DAILY «.XMTUKR PAGK TWO ' i WEEKLY COURIER By mall, per year.......................... *3.00 MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED PRESS Ths Associated press la exclusively •■titled to the use for republication •f all news dispatches credited to It or all otherwise credited in th to gaper and also th* local new* pub- Uahed herein. All rights of republication of spe- sial dispatches hereln are also re- GET YOUR LUMBER from the Jose­ phine lAimber Co., at wholesale mill prices. All kinds of planed lumber. Our truck delivers Any­ North where Phone 188, 1U7 92tt Sixth street. Pure FOR SALE Three choice Bred Jersey heifers. St Mawea breedlug, and some of thu lient blood -line that can be obtained, will bo fresh soon, and ¿Be good milking. grade Jersey cow now Also a few Duroc sows with pigs Phone 612-F-23 Ed U Schinidtt 2<; & Son bX»R RENT 8 room modern house on N 5th St. Inquire .Mrs. A. O. Knapp. 3« This Summer- WANTED *Gir! or woman for gen eral housework; good wages Tel­ ephone .Mrs Hen Watts. Provolt RKPORT OF THK CONDITION OF THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF central. 37 SOUTHERN OREGON served at Grants Pass in the State of Oregon, at the close of business on XBW GOODS BP5XTAL On«» 40 n> June 30th, 1931 ti wme J uly ta, hmm . Coltou Mattress *7.0U. Bow Hack Kun<*. You gain a kind of pleasure from the Chairs, 31 <5, Guaranteed 6 It* a Loans and discounts, including redis ­ 1. ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ 609.016 25 Electric Irons *4.50, V Inch Cot­ Victrola that nothing else can give. Io enjoy counts ............................................ ♦ OREGON WH1TH1B ♦ 609,016.25 Total loans ................. —...................... ... ton lloae. Range Stove *68.00; at any moment the actual music of the fore­ ♦ 839.00 3. Overdrafts, unsecured, *83 9.60............. ♦ l-arge Spilt laiundry Baskets *1.40 V. S. Government securities owned: 4. Wednesday fair. Warmer, ex- ♦ most artists is possible through the Victrola ♦ a. W. Chile«. 401 G St. a Deposited to secure circulation ( U. 8. ♦ ♦ copt —- near the coast. SO.000.00 bonds par value) _____________ *! nc. ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦•♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ b All other United States Government \HW TODAY—Cmp «upplicw, lunch 70.740 00 Securities .................... .................. You may carry this delightful privilege THK CAREIJSS TOURIST 130,740.00 basket», granite cupa and platea, Total __________________________ payable within 30 days): will be a» low aa poa«lb|v <<>n»l»t- German cable and radio stations, as* weight about 1550 lbs. peal to the secretary of the treasury I Iron gray gelding, age about 10 well as German private property, be­ of the United States for a loan of A man is as old as his organs; he ing left in the hands of the American *5,000,00. A commission headed by years, weight about 1650 lbs. The same running at large with­ can be as vigorous and healthy at I Coati sued from Page One* receiver general as alien property- Charles Dunbar Burgess King, pres­ custodian. During the war the eco-l ident of Liberia, came to Washing­ in the city limits of Grants Pass in 70 as at 35 if he aids his organs in to seek foreign loans, and It was nomic condition of the black repub-' violation of city ordinance No. 30, performing their functions. K A»k yonr Grocer for Breed ditional policy of the United State« baked by the towards Liberia would suggest favor­ Imported Japanese Crepe and Plain able consideration. The original GRANTS PASS BAKFRY colour on the west coast of Africa Colored Chambry Aprons and Dresses, ERFE4 T AOS G Rtreet »as founded under the auspices of Beautiful Colors and Practical Styles ROT HITION President Monroe, and in 183» the i United States intervened when the OLICY ' little colony entered into a customs Covers dispute with the British colony of Ufe Health Wonderful Showing of Summer Dresses, ‘ SJerre Ix>ona New and Used Gonds Accident IHsal’IBty Organdies, Ginghams, Crepes, etc. Defining the American MEK MK attitude RELIANCE LIFE toward Liberia. Daniel Webster said INSURANCE CO. In 1843: "Without having passed Agent OF PITTSBURG laws for recognition, the United 4OI G KT RE ET THEO. P. ( RAMER. Jr. States takes a deep interest in the General Agent , welfare of the people of Liberia and Grants Pass, Oregon 204 >4 N. flth St. 167-11 is disposed to extend a full degree of Automatic press feeding st ths Courier office countenance and protection.” A VICTROLA The Music and Photo House .Convenience ! Paul’s Electric Store McINTYRE for Implements of All Kinds Mowers,Rakes, Binders CLETRAC TRACTORS Planet Jr. and Standard Garden Tools MAN’S BEST AGE GOLD MEDAL New Today Prices 98c, $1.48 and $3.45 New York Life P T. M. STOTT Golden Rule *Store BUYS FOR CASH E. W. CHILES