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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (July 11, 1921)
♦ '^•ry UWMM'IATED PKKHK HKKVIUE WHOLE NI MBEK MM GHANTN PAHH, JOSEPHINE OOUNTY. OREGON- Stray “Pretty Horsie” I Produces A Swift Kick BATTLESHIPS TO THE PACIFIC ENGAGEMENT IN PACI ÌC COSTLY ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ St Ixmls, July 11. (I N 81 ♦ Never |K>ur out effeminate ca joling io a horse that ha* a look ♦ of virility! That's the advice ♦ of Patrolman James Asher, who ♦ wa* kicked luto sweet oblivlou ♦ by a migratory-minded, blase ♦ faced horse he encountered ♦ while roaming III* "Imai". ♦ "Nice borate; pretty horsie!” ♦ wheedled the copper. ♦ An ambulance arrived short ♦ ly after "Horeie" had pivoted on ♦ bl* forefeet. ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ GBATIFH'ATION E X P It'll SHED <>A EK < ONFEBENI E CALLED ♦ BY HARDING ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦«•♦ ♦ ♦ Cadis, Ohio July 11.—(I N 8* -Walter Scott of Alliance play ed steadily for several days on an organ placed in the corridor of the County Jail by the Salva tion Army. One morning Scott and George Reed, of Byeavllle, were not to bo found An investigation by the prison officials disclosed that the org an had been utilized to deaden tho node created by using a sec tion of a radiator in digging through tho jail wall. ULSTER BOÏCOTT IS DIFFICULTY MALE NURSE OF KABER JOINS OTHER THREE WITNESSES IN ACCUSATIONS SAYS WAS AWAKENED BY CRIES >» Natal Bm»«* Mesi <N h «* i Ir» Ad- equate for Peace Time Defenms Bul Not For Mar I iominion Premier«» Feel That Dis Ireland May Be Granted Dominion Matus Upon Condition Thal Irish cussion Mill Bring International r Republic Be Abandoned Regulation« I ndcrManding A Heg«. Kaber Sabi "Mr*. Kata-r Has Done This”. M'hen Qumtioned Shortly After Attack ,1 Cleveland, July 11.—(A P)—For ixmdon. July 11.—(A P) — Presi-i Ixjndon, July 11.—(A P)—-Ea- B> DAI ll> M. < III IU H mon De Valera will come to Ixmdon i Dublin. July 11. — (A Pi XJutet the fourth time, the state today in dent Harding ’ s message looking to. (1 (N S Staff Correspondent I New York. July 11.— (A Pj—Geor the trial of Mrs. Kaber, for the mur- livre marked the opening of the truce. the calling of an International con Thursday to discus* a basis for a WITH THE ATLANTIC Ft ACET The record of the week end. how- ference on the limitation of arma settlement of tbe Irish problem, with ges Carpentier today signed a con der of her husband, produced wit- July 11 Order* for the transfer ever. Indlcalnd tbal the order had ments. has been received with the ut Lloyd George tract with Tex Rickard to defend his nesses who testified that Kaber de- of Nome of the most powerful fighting not yet reached th» remote district* most pleasure by Great Britain. It appeared that tbe coni «nations world's light heavyweight champion- ■tlared his wife had him rtabbed. F shl|ia of the United States Navy to At Roebeatown. County Cork. Major Lloyd George told the house of com would revolve around the granting < ship in October. His opponent will W Utterback, Kaber'* male nurse, Pacific waters have been followed by G. O'Conor wa* kldnapi>ed last night mons today.addlng that Great Britain of the comlr.ion status to Ireland, be selected later, said he was aroused on the night of renewal of dlscusalon* In th* fleet of and »hot dead. ......... — the murder of Kaber’* crle*, "Ut would do it's utmost to make it a upon the condition that the Sinn Fein the possibilities of a war In tho Pi demand tor the establishment of the <q>en Mr Daix-e Tomorrow — terback, Utterback, cotfae quick, mur success ciflc. The second open air dance of the der!" Lloyd George began by referring Irish Republic be abandoned Other serious questions are in- season will be given tomorrow night , On entering the room, he said he H IRKING to the Anglo-Japanese treaty, which One thing I* certain, that tin- otfl cere of the fleet do not want war, al he said both governments considered volved, including the boycott of Ul- at tbe old sugar factory site A con- found Kaber on the floor, with hl* ster by South Ireland, which has 1 cert will precede tbe dance, starting night clothes covered with blood. though their dally task Is continual Waahlngton, July 11. <A Pl continued In force until denounced __ ______ dance will start . an ,"Who did this?” Utterback asked. preparation for war laiast of al! do' Harding t* ezpectetd to deliver in Both parties, he said, desired that tbe brought serious difficulties to Ulster.) at 8, while tbe the officers of the fleet want n war person a siwcial mes*age to Congre**, agreement be brought Into complete i The'truce in Ireland be»ame effective | hour later, The W. O W band an “ - * ^n with a cap, Mrs. Kaber had orchestra have been practicing up for this done," Kaber was alleged to have at noon today In the Pacific regarding the bonus legislation with harmony with the league of Nation*. I « ’the event, promising real jazz music. replied. It I* general!) agreed among Ihel in a day or two The floor has been put in excellent lamdon, July 11.— (A PI- The FI R SEALINIi COMES BACK I N flout officer* that If the Uuitod State* CAN ADIAN. ALASKAN MATERS condition, to make the dance a most la ever forced to war In the Pacific It Washington. July 11 (A ?)-— deep gratification of the British peo MEASURES AGAINST GAMBLING enjoyable affair. will be the greatest naval war that Tile president plan* to appear before ple over president Harding’s action TAKEN BY CUBAN OFFICBRB Victoria. B € . July 11. — (A P) — will In calling a conference of Great Brit the world ha* ever seen, and It the senate tomorrow and ask a tern-1 Fur sealing has "come back ” and on probably be the longest lairary postponement of the soldierI ain. France. Italy and Japan, for a the west coast of Vancouver Island Havana. July 11.—(A P)—Ener dlscusalon of the limitation of arma- Preparations for active naval war- bonus bill. getic measures against unauthorised ments, and the Pacific problem, is alone this summer it is expected that tare on tbe l*aclfic may seem well ad Indians will capture around twoi gambling throughout Cuba are or expressed by the newspapers. vanced. bill the officers of the fleet dered by Justice Ricardo R. Lands, The American ambassador. Har- thousand fur seals declare that It would take from one to Pelagic sealing in British Columbia of th» supreme court, in a circular vey, conveyed Haidlag'e proposal to three years more tor this nation to and Alaska waters at one time was sent to prosecuting attorneys. He re Lloyd George at Chequers court yes prepare for a naisl attack In th« Far woven round with all the romance of quests that prosecutors employ every terday Hast Naval bases In the Pacific are Dr A M. Knapp, who came to legal means to bring about the sup adventure, wealth, and international Tbe dominion premiers spending now adequate tor peace-time defense southern Oregon a few months ago pression of an evil which, he declared the week end with Lloyd George strife. Then, through greed and in but they are t.F front adequate fur an discriminate methods of slaughter and became interested in the Jose has reached a point in some places joined with him In voicing their ap extensive war programme. It Is gen practised by some of the sealers, the phine county mining district is con involving the operation of games of erally conceded The vast expanse* of- Washington. July 11.—(A Pl — preciation. There was a feeling that Industry declined, the seals all but fident that in the Sucker creek region chance in buildings adjoining courts the Pacific would make the work of Atnund*en'aexi>lorlng*choon-| the discussion* would bring about disappeared and their capture was he and his associates have found the qf justice. * an understanding including virtually establishing bases for fleet operation er Maude, ha* be»ti found in the vein that will develop into one of the i The order will not affect the Casino made illegal. the task of ninny month* of hard le- Arctic « mu by the coasf guard cut the whole field of international rela- Last year, it was estimated, the great producers of the west. Mr. at Marianao. a suburb of Havana, bor, and no officer belie Vei that there ler. Bear, and la now safe at Whalen. ! tlons waters of the west coast of Washing Knapp has followed mining in the which operates under a special con could lie any effective offensive with Liberia, and will be towed to Nome, ton produced 1,200 animals. Offi best camps of the coast states, but is gressional act FRUIT M IRKKTING COW EN- out a complete system of ba*«» said a radio from the Bear. cers in charge of the industry and its now enthusiastic over the strike re TION HELI! IN PORTLAND ", ■' 1 y ■»'— The naval operations of the world control claim that the North Pacific ported. assays from which he obtain PORTLAND MARKETS are closely studied by the officer* of nien of Nippon will never be very suc field, which' once contained as many ed Saturday. The property under Portland. July 11. (A Pl The as 2.500,000 fur seals, will increase development is the Lady Margaret the American Navy, but probably no cessful In their arelal operation* naval operations are u* closely Although frequently cut off from Western Fruit Marketing conference rapidly, it is believed to be probable ground lying just west of the Choice steers ................... »7. © »7.75 watchod a* those of Japan While of-, the advantages of the dally press, tbe opened here today tor a three day that 100.000 animals may be taken Boswell mine Mr. Knapp traced the Hogs, prime light $10.75 © 11.00 fleers of the navy cannot be quoted officer* of the fleet are close students| meeting at which problems of hand each year, the catch to be made up lode through the region, then tun- East mountain lambs..»6.50 © »7.25 for publication, in private conversa of world topics, and they are partlcu-| ling fruit crops are scheduled for dis wholly of surplus males selected with I nelled and cut the vein at a depth of Prime lambs ............... »6.00 © »6.50 tion* they point with some satlsfac- larly close students of the Japanese cussion. State farm bureaus of Ore reference to their economic value, 40 feet, and the ore is now pro- E.-gs. buying price ...........26c @ 28c gon. M'ashlngton. California. Monta and Canada may ultimately receive' nounced a telluride, giving good val Eggs. case counts __ tlon to two division* of the Japanese situation 24c © 25c navy which. It i* said, have not been t Conversations with these men es na, Idaho and Utah are cooperating, in the neighborhood of »500,000 an ues, and with every promise of both Eggs. candled ... ............... 26c © 27c entirely *iicce**fiil. and these are sub tablish the fact that there are none and speakers on the program Include nually from the seal fisheries. permanency and increased minerali Eggs. fancy select* ........ 35c marine and aerial warfare. The Jap In the United States who desire a many experts from the Northwest. zation as depth is gained. The vein Butter, extra cubes 32c © 33c Amalgamation of existing co-opera PiONEER METHODIST PASTOR anese. Il Is stated, have not mastered war on the Pacific less than the naval is 10 to 20 feet in width, and Mr. PASSES \M \1 IN PORTLAND Knapp states that it can be traced the submarine, and In their hand* It officer*, not because they tear any' tive marketing associations and or Portland. July 11.—(A P)—Cattle Portland, July 11.—(A P)—Dr. C. through the country in its well-de irregular, hogs dollar higher, sheep is not the weapon that It was In the force that might operate across tho ganization of additional units will be hand* of the Germans In the air the Pacific, but because they realize it discussed by George A. Mansfield, of E. Cline, a pioneer Methodist minis fined course a few degrees oft a north twenty-five higher, eggs two cents Japenene have not yet found them would be the greatest war burden Medford, president of the Oregon ter and civil war veteran, died today, and south line. higher, butter steady. aged 75 years. selves. and for psychological reason* which this nation ever would have to State Farm Bureau. Associated with Mr. Knapp are It 1* believed by many that the little shoulder. Messrs. Barton. Streets and Breeding Chicago, July 11.— (A P)—Babe of this city and Messrs Page. Dress Ruth soaked his thirty second homer ier, Jerome and Taylor if Medford. NEW GOLD VEIN MAY Bombing Test on a Submarine « • y Washington, July II - < A IP»— Army officers who witnessed the Tho efficient performance of the bat- test were much impressed by the pos tloship Iowa under radio control dur- sibilities of development of the radio control idea for use In future wars. Ing recent aerial bombing tests may It was said to be apparent that radio lead to revolutionary change* in na control might eliminate some loss of val development, officers believe. life in such enterprises as "block Without a soul on board tho Iowa ship" operations as when the British wax maneuvered from tho battleship undertook at Zeebrugge and Ostend Ohio. 5 mile* away, with tho utmost to hottie up German submarines. Tho precision and there wa* not a hitch "block ship" of the future it was in the mechanism In more than two pointed out might sail serenely into hous while tho Iowa was being an enemy harbor without a soul on bombed. board and be sunk to obstruct its It was a scientific triumph. The channel by the electrical explosion of Iowa was a real "Plying Dutchman,'' her magazines. that mythical crew les* ghost of the Already the navy is working out sea*, a* she obeyed the will of Cap plans for shifting control at will from tain F. L. Chadwick on the Ohio, al- a surface vessel like the Ohio to air most hull down on the horlzon. The I craft, either heavier or lighter-than- invisible, magic fingers of the rudloi juir The radio control device on the reached out acron* the sea to whirl I Ohio Is so simple officers say that the Iowa'» steering wheel, operate little difficulty is anticipated In a- the fuel oil and water supply valves dapting it for use on an airplane or and start and «top the ship. a dirigible, AVhen this development So perfectly Aid the control func I* worked out the controlling air tion that the officer on tho Ohio man craft will bo able to work at an altl- euvered the Iowa away from tbe at tilde of 10.000 feet and above, aafo Aerlnl pliotogrnph* showing the foimvr German U-boat U-11T. just before tacking air ford s at tho moment tho from any gunflre from below, and she wn> sent to ilie liottom off Hampton Itonils, by bombs dropped from naval bombs were being released, varying steer the controlled vessel anywhere plnne*. a ml the scene as the second salvo of bombs struck the vessel and tbe surrounding water. the speed of the target vessel at will on the sea within fuel radius The greatest public Inconvenience Rome. July 11.—(A Pl—The re cent "white strike” of the state em was caused by the attitude of the ployes of Italy produced another ser postal employes, including the tele ies of inovations and nominally did graph and telephone staffs. Dismiss not cease to work but all "soldiered al was threatened those who attend on the job” to such an extent that in ed the daily labor meeting but that many cases total abstention from threat only parttally succeeded in re Telephone ser work would not have wrought great storing discipline. vice was practically at a standstill. er damage. The strike besides involving the( Persons would attempt to get the ordinary employes in the state ad centrals for hours and would finally ministration fincluded the post-office give it up in despair. Occasionally, forces, which in Italy comprises both a central operator would answer but the telephone and telegraph. The there was never a guarantee that the employes would present themselves connection wanted would be given. The letter-carriers also participat for work in the morning "soldier” along with their work, getting prac ed in the "white strike”. The street tically nothing done until 11 o’clock, letter boxes became filled too full for There were only when all would leave the various another letter. ministries and offices for a labor emptied when it satisfied the whims of the man assigned for the work. meeting. The whole of the state's adminis The service was completely disorgan tration would then be at a standstill ized. for several hours, whilg In some Primier Glolitti gave orders that all cases it extended for the whole day. adhering to the "white strike” must Resides the mass meetings, there be punished. Accordingly over 10» would be local meeting» held in the were discharged in Rome, 400 inMi various departments, all at tbe ex lan. 140 In Naples end large number* pense of the time of the government, elsewhere.