Till IIMDAY. <11 LY 7, IMI. GRAN TN I'AlMI DAILY COI RIER PERSONAL LOOIL X. A. Hoffman, of Washington. D Grewtiwt Clothing Hale— Now on at P»«rleaa Clothing. (X< If C., Is at the Josephine for a tew days Flume lumbar at Borland Thomas Lumber Co. Phone 187-J. C4tf Pleads Guilty .to Chargo— A plea of guilty to hunting Judge W I» Bradley la In the city today from Crescent City, attending | without a license waa entered Wed ueaday by A. D. Ogdeu at hi» hearing to legal business. Before you build get figures on in Medford. He was assessed a tine your lumber, shingles, lath, doors of $25 and hl» gun and ammunition He also forfeit­ and windows at Borland Thomas were confiscated «4tf ed hi» right to hunt tor the year Lumber Co. Phone IK7-J. Among the Portland people at the He waa caught by Game Warden Josephine last night were: Mr and Bancroft on upper Evans crent the Fourth. They tember. llejuember the prlstes ' will leave by auto In the morning worth working tor Twelve new I for Portland to spend a few days. ottleer» badges i llesu»Ul<-hiug Special Summer Suit Offer Coat and Trouser» tnilorvwl to your measure from l>e»t quality Ber­ muda cl<*tli tor $17. At starting ot the scaso« thiwr »uniioer suits were «23.1X1. your onl. «lays will m »' s Place be here. nlliotiii Big Reductions on All Goods at Peerless Clothing Co. Shoes for the Family Men’s and Boys’ Bathing Suits, Cotton and all Wool. 75c to $5.00 103 North 6th WOODWARDS Three C’s Lumber Company CARRY a complete line of lumber, all gradee> Lath, Shingles, Doors. Windows, Wallboard, etc. WE MAKE all kinds of Cabinet Work, Screen Doors. Window Screens, Cupboard Doors, etc. ESTIMATES ON REQUEST FOINDRY ANI» WWffO GR 4.NTS PARK, OREGON A New Shipment of Dinnerware Hydro-Toron Tires JohnMm lir«tiuM*> En>ch««h, Whit«« with (¿old Hand. are the product of years of research work of some of the most able engineers and scientists. Holman’s Furniture Store These Tires were not put upon the market until the following guarantee was both feasable and practical. WE CHALLENGE THE TIRE INDUSTRY HYDRO TORON TIRES are GUARAN­ TEED for 10,000 MILES, against BLOW OUT. RIM CUT and STONE BRUISE I TO MAKE A TIRE AT ANY PRICE THAT WILL GIVE AS GREAT MILEAGE AS Are as big as Cord Tires and BETTER than any Cord Tire ! It cannot be done un­ less Toron Faerie and Internal Hydraulic Ex­ pansion are used. Local Representative Wasted in every town in the Valley HYDRO-TORON 30x8 ............................. 10x8 ft ........................ 32x3 ft ................. 81x4 M k I 88x4 84x4 32x4 ft ......................... 33x4 ft ................. 34x4 ft 33x4ft ......................... 33x3 814.30 17.30 21.30 24.30 *2ft.25 20.75 30- IO 37.N5 30.10 1O.3O 42.25 4H.OO The GUARANTEE is the Wise Man’s in­ vestment, and the time to invest is now ! The prices quoted be­ low are F. O. B. Fac­ tory, Pottstown, Penn., or Chicago, Ill. Address K. M. Ladewig Distributor Grants Pass, Oregon Motu«« 1*2 IMorr Hrü» In I tecorMt««d K b