Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (July 7, 1921)
Till IMDAY, Jt Li GRANTS i*AMH »Albt T, IDtfl. PAGB —— PHYSICIAN ANI> HI IlGEON DOYLES Successor to E. Eirth & Company Pretty White Wash Waists Very Neatly Trimmed. Sizes up to 46 $1.19 L. O. C1XMENT. M 0, Practica I limitad to dlaaaaea of aya, aar.aoaa and throat. Phone 62; Kaa. 239-J New York Life 8. LUUGHRIDGE. M D. Physician an<) surgeon City or country calls attended day or night Phones, Rea 369, Office. 183; 6th and H E. J. BILLICK, M D. Physician, sur geon, Bchallhorn Blk. Phone 54-J; ' res. 1004 lavwnridge, phone 54-L. 11 " '■ ■' ' ‘ ............ . ■" 1 H I! ■ ■! IS U I W r. RUTHERFORD—Manual the- raputlca. Office over Barnes' Jew elry. Res 259-R; office 217-R. Swimming Suits T. M. STOTT Agent AT the benches everywhere— this season from Waikiki to Narraganeett, there’s greater fun than ever in swimming! Why? Because the logical bathing suit — the Jantzen — has taken its place of leadership in water sports. It fits com fortably, naturally—never binds —never sags—holds its shape after years of service. Grants Pass, Oregon GiiEAT FISH TH ÜEDY a RALPH W. STEARNS, M D. Phy-! alelan and gurgeon, X-Ray equip-, mont. Office In Masonic Temple 2.000,000,000 Killed by Freeze Bldg, phone 21-L. at Prince of Wales Island. Classified Advertising FOR HALM WANTED WOOD FOR SALE Hr »2.25, pine *3. on ground. 4 miles west on up per river road Posts and building poles. Hlvsly A llrickell. General Delivery. BStf WANTED dsaborers to work al Savage Rapids dam, apply to Mr. FOR BALE »7 50 for cord of dry Shattuck Neilson on the work. slab wood out In IZInch la-ngths, lltf Construction Co. 664 North Third Bl;. 0. W Um- brecht. Phons 313-J. 92tf Al BALED HAY (i8 60 per ton Peerless Ranch. Murphy, Ore. J. E. Daniils 94tf WAITRESS WANTED Address No. 90 ACRES- 4 0 acres bottom under 209 care of Courier. 24 paid up water right for sale, *6000". Address No. 302, cars of WANTED—Chickens at Burkhalter's Feed Store. Phone 286-R or Courier 99tf 363. 26 FOR BAIX 14 acres one-half mile from Hugo station. 6 acres under WANTED Four or five room mod cultivation, good 5-room house, | ern house, furnished or unfurnish barn, chick«« coop, brooder house,, ed Call al Acme Cafe. 29 Incubators. K resky brooder, 90 i t'oli KENT hens, good dairy cow. Priced for quick sale at »I860. Part terms If, FOR LEASE OR RENT—Partly fur desired. Must be seen to be ap nished cottage, strawberries and preciated. Wm. C. Moldl. Hugo. largo garden. Would consider sale Oro 27 of furniture. 616 Dimlck St . FOR SALE Two resIdeiic.H and PIANOS TO RENT Have a limited 42% acres tn Jerome Prairie, number of fine pianos tor rent. Ap about six miles southwest of ply early at The Music A Photo Grants Paas. Also fine oil paint House. 2* ings at place and at Oxford hotel Incubators, etc , for sale. Call on TYPEWRITERS TU RENT -Always owner. Mrs. Cora B. Findlay, or on hand Visible Remington type address Route 4, Box 81. Grants writers The Music A Photo House. Paas. Ore. 31 33 W. T. TOMPKIN8, D. 8 T Nervous and chronic diseases. Office, Claus Crew Schmidt Bldg Phons 304-R. Northwestern of 8tsamahip Tells of Sailing for Many Miles Through Dead Herring. »DK ELLEN M. COOK Spinal and Swedish massauer treatment. Ketchikan. Alaska.—Wliat is de Office Golden Rule Building, of fice phone 7; residence 509-R clared by Captain Brunn and officers Hours: 10-12 a m., 1:30-5 p.m.25 of the steamship Northwestern lo I* « the greatest fish tragedy ever eiiacieu to bu muu knowledge occurred ut DENTIBT8 Kiawuk liny, Prince of Wales Island. E. .0 MACY. D. M. D First-class Januury Ml. when at on* stroke more dentistry. 109% 8 6th St. than 2,0UU.UUU.(MM> good sized herring lost their lives. RI. 11, ESTATE The crew eagerly related their re E. T. MCKINSTRY. 903 0 St., phone markable ex|>erience of sailing through miles of the dead fisli. According to 355-R, real estate. Best of soils for those on board, Kluwak Bay was full fruit, bay or general farming. of berriug three days before the North ROY HIGGINS—General real estate. western arrived, when s sudden freeze Office 111 Sooth Sixth. Phone 99. caught the tlsli in the narrow-necked harbor before they could escape to sea. PIANO INSTRUCTION When they were first noticed by George Bradovicb. an employee of the MRS. JAMES M POWERS, Instruc Craig cannery, near Klawak, they liad tor on piano; studio over Barn“«* swarmed into the harbor In such num Jewelry. Phone 265-J. tiers that those on top were forced out of the water. The freeze came MRS CLARA TITTLE FENTON with great suddenness and severity teacher of piano and harmony, and almut six inches of Ice formed Tuesday p m Studio over Smith's on the harbor. Millions of tbe-Uerring Racket Store. 86tf at the entrance could tie seen dumbly fighting to get out to sea before the TAX enclosed waters were frozen. When the Northwestern arrived the SOONER TAXI — Paone Z62-R for tide had receded, and for twenty to Jitney Luke or Cutler Calls an fifty feet on the beech, and several swered anywhere. au>tlins N6tf hundred feet out into the water for a distance of three and one-ha If tulles PHONE 160- -The Bonbonniere for around the harbor lay frozen herring. Taxi. 79tf The officers of the ship snd the can nery foreman made careful measure NURSERY HTVX'K ments and found that the fl*h were NURSERY—Everylhlng ln up to tightly packed for an average depth date nursery stock, alto directions of three feet. “It may sound like a fish story." for plantlng and soll culture. Call said Bradovicb of the <-annery. “but on F. E. Jordan. North lOth Street. the fact Is that the greatest chance G renia Pans. Oregon. 4 3tf In the world for obtaining good, fresh 160 ACRES; 50 A. In cultivation, FOR RENT—Alfalfa. Grain and ditches abd valuable water rights; Block ranches with and without DRAYAGE A NV TRANSFER 25 A. alfalfa. 10 A wheat. 5 A Irrigation, or will sell st bargsln barley, fine garden, plenty of I prices on long time easy payments. THE WORLD MOVES: so do we. frtfit, 2 to 5 hundred thousand ft. Ranches In Jackson snd Josephine Bunch Transfer Co. Office phone saw pins, frame house. 2 barns. county. One ranch under ditch 249; res. phones 265-R. 316-L. % mile to school. 4 miles to P. O, 3 miles from Grants Psss. on river. 24 miles from Grants Pass; good Gold Ray Realty Co., Owners. F. O. ISHAM, drayage. transfer; pi anos. safes, furniture, moved, ship per outrange For sale at »80 Medford. Ore. 06tt ped. packed, stored. Phone 124 Y acre, crop Included. Address No. HOOM and kitchen of OStf DINNING 206 care Courier. ATTORNEY8 Western Hotel for rent. Inquire FOR SA IX Houses at 802. 816 and at the hotel. 24 H D. NORTON, Attorney-at-law 83 2 North Seventh St , wells and NICELY FURNISHED ROOM — with Practices In all Stale and Federal Irrigation, barns Bargains. See bath In cool modern home *4 per Courts First National Bank Bldg 35 Mrs. W. II. Qualf. 8*2 N. 7th. week. Call at 694 N. 3rd St., or \ttorney-at-law. 160 ACRE Wood lot for sale, 6 miles phone 313-J. 26 G. W. OOLVIG. Granta Pass Banking Co. Bldg. out on level road, house, garage, BUILDING CONTRACTOR» E. 8. VAN DYKE. Attorney. Practices out buildings, well, several thou in all courts. First Natinnal Bank sand tiers wood timber. Bargain HARPER A NON—Building contrac Building for quick sale Inquire W. H. Qualf. tors Shop work, furniture crating. eall 832 N. 7th. 36 Shop 510 II St. Rea. phone 142. O 8. BlaANCHARD, Attorney-at-la« FOR SAI j K Modern 8-room house, A. J. GREEN—General contractor. Golden Rule Bldg Phone 270. one acre of ground, fruit, berries, Estimates and plana made. Noth- C. A. n ’ vvix R, Attorney-at-law Ma fine garden. Call at 1119 Hast A Ing too small or too large. Shop I nosi« l >m-'le. Grants Pass. Ore street. 39 92tf 211 8lxlh St Phone 33-J. DOLLED UP FORD for sale 1920 J. ' N A LASK&WSK I — Contractor, GEO. H. DURHAM, Attorney-at-law model, self starter, demountable referee tn bankruptcy. Masonic Builder and Jobber. Phone 246-R. rime, bumper, large steering wheel, Temple Phone 135-J 61tf dash light, clock, shock absorbers JAMES T OHINNOCK. Lawyer MUKKl-LANKOlB and in fyu< condition. Inquire 406 Flrat National Bank Building K street, P. O. Box 643. 23 REPAIR SHOP—.Plumbing, Pipa A. C. HOUGH—Lawyer, Tuffs Bldg work, steam fitting, boiler and PINE WOOD *2.75, large fir, »3.16 Practice In all courts. 505 work and Installing. Order while It’s cheap and dry. Al pump Teal. Grants Paet. 40 South 6th street. Phone 306. G. V. A. C. AHLF, lawyer, practice In state and federal courts, Office 51U A. Bryan. FOR SALE Alfalfa hay, 2nd cut over National Drug Store. ting. In field; one 8-h. p. gasoline BANKERS LIFE COMPANY I>ee engine. Geo. A. Hamilton. 22 Molnea, Iowa. Myron C. Gaston, District Agent. 85 -acre ranch. 55 acres FOR BALE balance timber, CARNER-GAYETTY IRON WORKS In cultivation, barns, and out good house. 2 —General foundry and machine buildings Stock and Implements. b<>N>s. s«Ble.1 Wilk Flue work, mine and mill machinery, j One-half mile from school and chilled saw carriage wheels, live store. H. Hill. Provolt. Ore. 30 rolls, pipe flttinga. Grants Pass. | ynn k sm as Be»*. AI ways R «liable SOLD BY DRUMBTS EVERYWHERE Oregon. 91 if FVIR SALE Second cutting alfalfa. »15 per ton In the field al Rio SOUTHERN HOTE1__ 202 4 8. Sixth laido ranch, 2 miles west of city on street. Hotel lobby, hot and cold river road. Phone Geo. Seebach. water. Phone 14-J. Mrs. E. D. 602-F-13 211 Ysnny, Prop. 28 BAN FRANC18CY) FOR SALE—A dairy ranch, one of VETERINARY SURGEON the best In Rogue river valley. All Not Merely a Hotel, but an stock and Implements go with DR. R. J. BE8TUL, Veterinarian Institution Founded on Theee Residence 838 Washington boule place. Address owner, J. B. Noble. Principles vard, phone 398-R. Box 688. 18tf POPULAR PRICES SERVICE COURTESY WHEAT AND VETCH HAY for sale, A(XXH NTA.NT George Warren Hooper, Mgr. *12 per ton in field at the Dlm- mlck ranch. *3 AUDITING — Systematizing See me about daily or monthly audit ser FOR SALE Wood and coal range, vice. Ivan Livingston, Incorporat THE CALIFORNIA AND OREGON coal oil range, kitchen table, buf ed Accountant. Phone 389. Ad COAST RAILROAD COMPANY fet, dining room table, 6 chairs, 3 dress. Grants Paas, Ore. 70tf Time Cant rugs, library table, 5-plece cream LOST Ivory bed room set. 212 N. 2nd Effective Nov. 24. 191». street. -■t IOST -Young gentlemans Trains will run Mondays. Wednes brown, somewhere In Grants Paas. days and Fridays FOR BALE Champion Hinder. Also: PM Finder please leave at Courier of I-eave Granta Pass.............. 1 a burro. Macklin Ranch, Iceland. PM. fice. * 22 Arrive Waters Creek......... 2 Oregon. 32 I^ave Waters Creek........ 2:30 PM P M FOR BALE Sheppards famous An- i-OST On the Pacific highway north Arrive Granta Pass_____ 4 For information regarding freight of Grants Pass, bumper from conda young cockerels, new blood. I and passenger rates call at ths office Chevrolet car. Finder please leave build up your stock. Reasonable: of ths company, Lundburg building nt Horning's Shack. 24 or telephone 131. prices. Jas. Eads, 306 W I st. 26 CHICHESTER S PILLS Hotel Sutter fish without a stroke of work has been lost. For days a few people tried to put some of the herring sway for the summer, and unfortunately the steamer could take none. The nearest Indians who would have appreciated the fish were 900 miles away. The ship had the greatest dlfllcul ty In navigating out of the harbor at Klawak. as the propeller had to <1o the work of desiccator, and It barely mnde a knot an hour. The captain noted the event on the ship's log so that Ills superiors may know why the vessel will reek of fish lor weeks.” r • JAJWTZBM KNITTINO MILL« Portland. Oregon 1 > ei / i "That same tire down again” Science discover» how unseen "'lump»" in the rubber cause a weakness in ordinary lire» RE.M ATl.'REblow-outs.Mune bruises, sand boils, tread reparation—what's back of all this tire trouble, anyway ? TheTherinoid RubberCompany recently made s discovery of far-reaching importance. They learned that the weaknesa in or dinary tires is dur to the uneven mixing of the pure rubber gum with the necessary strengthening materials. They found that in this mixing process millions of minute “luare form<.d—every "lump" a weak spot that causes the tire rapidly to weaken and "blow out." This discovery the Thermoid scientist made the basis of an P Boycott Started by People in Effort to Check Upward Climb of Living Costs. important contribution to tire making. They perfected Crolide—a rubber compound that reduces "lumpy" formations to a minimum —that eliminates premature tire troubles. Crolide Qim|x>usd is today used exclusively in the manufacture of Thermoid Tires. Either the Cord or Fabric type gives maximum mileage under all road and weal her conditions. You are invited to call and see these new tires for yourself—also the famous Crolide Compound Tabes. SMITH’S GARAGE GRANTS PASS, OREGON McINTYRE for Implements of All Kinds Woman Excel In Send Tests One branch of agru v*t ire In which women are said to excel men Is seed testing and analysis. Many women are employed In this work In various state departments of agriculture. I e BUYING STRIKE IN PORTUGAL Lisbon.—The Portuguese are at tempting to follow the example of tire Americans and force a decline in the excessive prices of food and clothing by refusing to purchase. The people are indignant at the con tinued advance of the cost of the necessities of living, particularly the price of codfish, which Is the chief article of food for the poorer fani- Illes. The city councils of Lisbon and Oporto are attempting to stop the ex- actions of the profiteers by purchaa- Ing large quantities of codfish from Newfoundland and selling it at one- third the price extorted from the pub lic by shopkeepers. The newspajiers exhort the public to refrain from buying rice in order to bring down the price and announce ments have t>een made of several cuts to come in that food. ^1/'/ / // Mowers,Rakes, Binders * CLETRAC TRACTORS Planet Jr. and Standard Garden Tools 402 4 South Sixth Grants Pass, Ore. BETTER DEAD Life is a burden when th« body is racked with pain. Everything worries and the victim becomes despondent and downhearted. To bring back the sunshine take COLD MEDAL CAPSMt F S The national remedy of Holland for over 200 years; it is an anamy of all peins re sulting from kidney, liver and uric acid trouMaa. AU druggists, three eisee. Ueh hr ll>. »»• Cold Medel ew er^v bow ur ] accept nc. imitation Advertising Pays—Advertise with the Ceiirier