Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (July 7, 1921)
GRANTS PASS 0« COURIER Published IMUy Except Sunday ▲. E. Voorblea, Pub. and Propr ■atared at poet office. Grants Pas«. Ore . a* second-class mall matter ADVERTISING RATES Btoplaa space, per Inch-------------- 36c Local-personal column, per line. ..10c Reader*. p«r line—------------- — ft® I DAILY COURIER By mall or carrier, per year..... 36 00 By mail or carrier, per month .501 WEEKLY COURIER By mall, per year.......................... 32.00 TIIIIINDAV, JULY 7, IIPJI GRANTS r.UM DAILY »GIRIER PAGE TWO lU-ol .sugar Fai l or) Floor ing dance Tuesday Ight, July 12. You lilt have been looking for a right price on Sugar and here it is. Place your order now for delivery out of car, upon arrival, and you buy at lowest possible price. No drayage and no handling expense. We deliver to you upon arrival of car at $6195 Per Sack W. II. C. Meeting Seturtlaj — General- Ixignn W. R. C. will hold a regular bu»ln«s» mooting Saturday afternoon A full attendance 1« de sired. tOuncil Moots Tonight— The city council will meet lu reg ular session tonight No matters of special importance are to come up. however. County court Mee«*— MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED PRESS The county court waa »till In ses The Associated preee is exclusively «■titled to the use for republication sion today, having been unable to e< all new* dispatch«» credited to It complete all the work yesterday. The er all otherwise credited in thia annual monthly bills are being read gaper and also the local new» pub and allowed lished herein AU right* of republication of *p«- ln<l«r»iHHl in Adirondack»— «lal dispatch«» herein »re also re it the time to add a little momentum ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦F ♦ ♦ served ________ ___________ ; O ADDITIONAL LOCAL "There are no automobile» In thia to the ball. There are many new ♦ «♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦F ♦ ♦ country", write» Lawrence Under THURSDAY« JULY 7, 1021 * people who have come here to make wood from latke .Limekiln in the Ad- George Trefren. of Ashland, la irondacks. where ho and Mrs Vnder- ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ their home, who would be glad to visitor tn the city today. ♦ OREGON WEATHER Errol Gilkey stopped off here ye»- wood are ■pending the summer, * have an opportunity to make the ac- ♦ --------- * quaintance of their neighbor». Rtv- terday while on his way from north- "Probably 1 won’t recognise one ♦ Tonight and Friday fair. to visit old when I get back to civilization'', he « « erslde Park was never more beautl- ern California to Salem ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ friends. Mr. Gilkey la on his way continued Mr. I'nderwood's Interest ----- ful than now. nor the waters of the to Jhe capital where he Is employed in car» is due probably to the fact COMMON MEETING GRtH NDS Rogue more enticing. A water car- in the state library. that he was head mechanic In the Iti the past years, the citizens of njTai or picnic would be sure to meet J. D. MacVicar, chief engineer for Maxwell garage, the card being writ John Hampshire, returned to (Smas ten to W S. Maxwell. Grants Pas» have met at least once with unanimous approval Valley yesterday evening to Inspect during the summer in some sort of the work being done there on the! Stiirt-uslst Dane««— a community picnic or gathering, The following article appeared In Coos Bay-Roseburg highway, a part At Riverside Community club These gathering* have served to a recent number of a Roseburg pa- of which is under contract by Mr house. Come and dance in the cool breeze» of the Rogue Admission make people acquainted with their per: "Mr. an Mrs. Lymon L. Spencer Hampshire. 31.10, 25c for extra ladle», Good E L. Fisher, state tax Inspector, neighbors and have brought about a and Wealey Ashworth returned yes- music and good eats. » 34 was in the city today inspecting the coordination of interest and com- terday from a trip to the Jackson local tax recorus at the court house inanity spirit that Is not surpassed county caves They motored as far Mr. Fisher plans to go on tonight to Mias tvage To Return— Word has been received from Miss In any city, Grants Pass did not as Grants Pass and then hiked 12 Medford and will spend several days this . year and -------- miies ----------- to the ---------- caves." The Courier In this part of the state before re Marguerite Sage, who was an In celebrate the Fourth --------------- ---- ---------- structor In the local schools for the has not yet a community affair to would like to inform the writer that turning to Salem. past two years, that she will return get the newcomers acquainted with the "Jackson”’ county caves happen. Save Money— again this year. Miss Sage left this their fellow townsmen. by some geographical mixup, to be Purchase your new suit and fur spring tor her homo at Mooresville. People who do not know each oth in Josephine county. We dislike to nishing» now at Peerless Clothing Co. Indiana, with the Intention of stay ---------- ing there, but apparently the west er can not pull together With Grants correct our contemporary, but geog • has a greater appeal than the middle Almont Human — Pass going ahead as at-present. thia raphy is geography. The Courier machinist has a new west She will teach In the East one. The linotype refuses to do Its school Mis» Frieda Close has also work unless given frequent copious signified her intention of coming here applications of talcum face powder. as instructor in the Junior high, From now on it will be spoken of as where »be will have charge of physi cal education and literature. Ml»» “she" or “her”. • Close graduated from the local high District 21 t'eiebratre— school In 1914 and attended Mon The people of school district 21 in mouth and Reed college the Illinois valley celebrated the 4th from the heat—buy a Bathing Suit and of July with a picnic in the maple Dance at Community Club Houw- grove at the Caldwell bridge. About On the Rogue. Saturday night, Ju- jump in the river. Wool, cotton and ». Everybody welcome 50 residents of the district gathered 24 iy mixed Suits for all the family. to partake of the splendid dinner served by the ladie». I w. o. W. Team and Rand— Are urged to be present at the hall Thursday (tonight) at 7 o'clock (Continued from Pago Ono) »harp, a* important matter» are to be discussed. H. E. Bohall. J. R. last year, as dealers say that fewer 22 cars are being »old. This la Inter Higgenbotham. Don’t Suffer Golden Rule »Store SUT LOVERS ' THAT Fir PERFECT CUTTING The use of the right kind of durable materials—experience arrtl care means certain satis faction for you on your job. Seat or slip covers. Upholstering reairs. Tops, recovered, repairs. Lowest estimates. G.B. BERRY FLOWER OF CLEMATIS is a Fine Family Flour made from select Bluestem wheat grown in your county and milled in your town. You realize the advantages of keeping your dollars at home, hence we are’sure that you will buy a local product in preference to any other if the quality and price are satisfactory. Regarding quality: Use as much of the sack as you want to give it a fair trial, then if you are not satis fied we will refund the full price. Price is $2.25 per sack delivered Call Phone 123 preted as meaning that more people Acme Cafe—— are paying their proportional share The home of good eats la now of the costs. A loadometer for the open day and night, Larsen & An testing of load»' on trucks will ar diti rive in about 10 days, and will be drew». put In use at once to reduce the dam IH-nni» Stoval Visit«—8 age done by overloaded trucks to The well known writer of stories the pavement. The law require» that for boys, Dennis Stoval. accompanied only a certain weight be put on each by his wife and three children, was wheel and the loadometer will be in the city yesterday while on his used to see that this provision Is way south, They plan to go a» far compiled with Fees for trucks will a» Sisson, Mr. Stoval was formerly be based next year on tire widths. a resident of Grants Pass, He la now living in the northern part of the state. Rather« Arc Warned— A notice to warn bathers from at- tempting to swim straight out to the raft In the middle of the river has been put up at the bath house. During the past few days, three men, all good swimmers, have tried to breast »he current, which is much swifter than it appears, and have had to get assistance. The bath house committee states that the respon sibility lies with the swimmer and that no one should attempt to make the swim unless he Is certain be can make It. The best way to get to the diving rafe is to swim down from the Oaks, at the auto camp. Naturalist, Hunter's Sportsman American Sportsman, Campfires. How to dress Salmon Flies, Royal Spain of Today, Four Months Afoot in Spain. Holland. Book of Chicago, Californlacs, Amazing Argentine, and many others. Flower» Ars Dangerous. The odors of many familiar flowers ire poisonous. The old »elf-colored lullps. particularly those of a deep ■ rlniMon hue. have h powerful odor which I» dangerous when Inhaled. '1'hls odor Is of saffron llavor, and af reets many people In a very peculiar uianner. If breathed deeply. It has 'lie effect of producing light headed- ne»», which continues for some time, nuslng the sufferer to do and say all ' tanner of remarkuhle and mysterious ' blngs. Its Influence often lasts for ,n honr or two. and is followed by deep depression. Thermopylae WE C1X El RNISH FORD ONE TON TRI TTC. CHEVY, GOOD REPAIR. REO SEVEN PASSENGER. MAXWELL AT A BARGAIN. FORD DELIVERY JUST OVERHAULED. WEÏ2T. .¿7X AND TRADE. the moat wholesom«»"betweenineal food” In »tspplying you with our fresh-baked bread. And in so do ing we are always alive to our ob ligation to growing youngsters They need a full wheat bread and we give it to them. A»k your Grocer for Bread baked by the C. L HOBART COMPANY GRANTS PASS BAKERY 50« G Htreez llu«»nl lawter 11« I Ivy Howard ls<ster Bailey, »on of \l vin 8 and Olive Huiley. was born In l«»rd»town. Trumbell county. O . August 7. 1900 and died July 4. 1921. He was 20 years. 10 monili» and 27 day* of age at the time of hl» death He vu» raised In the be- lief» of the St. Johns Reformed Church, where his pa reals were members. Ilia early life *•« »pent on s farm and soon after the death of hl» father, In cotqpany with hl* mother, brother» add »l»t«r», moved to Oregon, where he spent seven year», making many friend» Two years were spent In Southern Cali fornia. Nearly a year ago he Was stricken with tuberculosis and grad ually weakened. He was a young man of excellent character and high Ideal», lie 1» survived by hl» mother three brothers and a »Isler 4 ONE ELEVEN Qgcu-cttes To tell you of the care in blending to bacco* for ONE ELEVEN Cigarette* would be high ly interesting But-Just buy a package and w!n<l<>“L J) ŸOdÂteslÿ O j iw— l ia »* ftp Sulejn. July 7 (A PI The tele phone rehearing 1» to start Ih the house of representative» on July Ik ■ Lui ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ AMUSEMENTS ♦ «♦♦♦♦«♦♦♦♦♦♦>♦ ♦ ♦ *» Those who have not seen Imrothy Dalton In "The Idol of the North." which was »cored so decisively at the Rivoli Theatre yesterday, may do so today when It will be »howu for the la»t lime» Il la a powerful drama of the Canadian Northwest and affords Miss Dalton a striking role, ♦ Engraved card» - Courier office. —■ '" ............................... ..... "--------- -- NEW Kit »At GET YOUR LUMBER trom ths Jose phine Lumber Co . at wholesale mill prices. All kind» of planed lumber Our truck delivers any where Phone 138. 107 North 92lf Sixth street FOR SALE Three choice Pure Bred Jersey heifer», St M i * m breeding, and some of the best blood line that can be obtained, will be fresh soon, and one good grade Jersey cow now milking, Also a few Duroc sow» with pig*. Phone «12-F-23 Ed L. Schmldtt & Hon M SEE THE SINGER DE LUXE" and other styles of ''Singer” machines at Holman'» Furniture Store. Headquarters for sewlug machine repairs, needles, oils etc. fffll ill hi u'j XXK4T At Riverside park. July 2nd. a brooch, wish-bone shape, set with a garnet. Finder please notify IBIanche Daws. Wlldervllle, Oregon Reward. TOK 8A1JC -2 lot» 50 by 140 latwnrldg« Ave Filled and grad ed. ready for building Address No 212 Care Courier. 23 )X)H SAUK- Two nice heifers, just fresh. Ho for one and |.'>o for the other, with calves thrown in. 8. Watt». Murphy, Ore Caruso chose the Victrola PARTIES WHO TOOK Oil AIN from cow on West C street are known Return at once to avoid trouble Mrs. 1. V Sackett. . 23 WANTED Five or six shoals of a- bout 75 lbs. weight. Address C. W. Ttreps, Rd. 3, Box 10» 111» records pl-.' ! cn imitations would give you something but it would be something leas than the best. WANTED—Girl wants work board and room In rooming house .or private home, while attending school. Would like to start Im- mediately. Address No. 211 care of Courier office. 27 Because he wanted you to hear him in your nwn home exactly a» he is heard cn the stage at the Metropolitan Opera. Come hear Caruso on the Ffctrof«/ It cost* than imitation«. Scintoli Rowell, Proprietor NEW TODAY'—Cmp supplire, lun< h basket», granite cu | mi anti plate», tamp stove», dairy pail», »ult cnees and traveling bags, refrigerator», oil stoves, I 17-jewel Waltham watch 2O-year case, go cart. Phone 71. ('. Booth. (Continued from Pago One' K.NIGHTS OF PYTHIAS I/>DGE NO. SO JOSEPHINE COUNTY ELOUR MILL OBITUARY I MEKTH TONIGHT Visiting Mem- Invited BUYS fOR CASH New and Used Goods SEE MK E. W. CHILES 401 G STREET What An Electric Range Means in the Home The Housewife has waited for some way to solve the kitchen problems. To eliminate the servant, save time, dirt and unnecessary labor, heat, fumes, objec tions of all kinds and descriptions. The Electric Range not only solves the kitchen problem, but more—it saves the two most vital things in Nation and Home —Food and Fuel. Hughes Electric Ranges can now be pur chased at a remarkably low price and the cost of operation is very small. May we give you detailed information ? Paul’s Electric Store Phone 47 Grants Pass